199 resultados para Biodegradação


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This work aims to analyze data from a Natural Electric Potential landfill type ditch located in Cordeirópolis (SP). The procedure measures initially involved the assembly and installation of an apparatus cables, sensors and drain geophysical measurements and flow rate of biogas in a ditch later filled by solid waste. Biogas is a product of degradation of organic matter in waste by the action of microorganisms in an anaerobic environment. Its features high methane content in the gas potentially usable as fuel in energy generation systems or steam. The study area is characterized by clayey soil composition change from the diabase sill correlated to the event Serra Geral Formation siltstones overlapping Tatuí with groundwater level site around 50m. The cables were installed vertically in parallel with drain gas manifold, which allowed the collection of data by the technique geophysical logging every 15 days over a period of eight months. For data analysis we used four parameters in the study, the closing time of the ditch, natural electric potential, the flow velocity of biogas and rain. With the tabulated data plots were constructed for each collection day showing values in the range of the cable is in contact with waste (200 cm - 400 cm) and range of the cable in contact with the soil (600 cm - 800 cm). Subsequently graphs were generated with the period of eight months to analyze the data tabulated. A statistical correlation data, which show the influence of rainfall on the production of biogas. The results were satisfactory and demonstrated the feasibility of the research method in studies for the feasibility analysis for the capture of biogas energy


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Os efluentes de indústrias, como refinarias e petroquímicas, frequentemente contém elevadas concentrações de substâncias tóxicas, dentre elas, os compostos fenólicos. Estas substâncias, mesmo em pequenas quantidades, afetam as propriedades organolépticas da água, além de que durante o processo de cloração da água potável, podem ser transformadas em clorofenóis e policlorofenóis, pela reação com o cloro, formando substâncias com características carcinogênicas. Neste sentido, o refino do petróleo produz grande variedade de poluentes cujas propriedades modificam-se em função dos processos utilizados. Os fenóis são compostos tóxicos, com características fungicida e desinfetante, sendo tóxico para a maioria dos microrganismos, além de apresentarem ação de carcinogenicidade, mutagenicidade e serem recalcitrantes, acumulam-se nos corpos receptores, gerando danos à saúde e à vida aquática. No entanto, embora o fenol possua ação bactericida, alguns microrganismos adquiriram a habilidade de se adaptar e utilizar este composto como fonte de carbono e energia. O presente trabalho pretendeu selecionar linhagens bacterianas, a partir do efluente de uma refinaria de petróleo, da região de Paulínia – SP, que sejam capazes de utilizar altos teores de fenóis como fonte de carbono e energia para seu crescimento e desenvolvimento, a fim de serem aplicadas nas estações de tratamento de efluentes industriais, com foco nas refinarias de petróleo. Foram isoladas 3 linhagens a partir das amostras enriquecidas do efluente da refinaria e, após os ensaios, constatou-se que 1 linhagem apresentou resistência à concentração de fenol de 1.000 mg.L-1. Os ensaios de biodegradação e crescimento em fenol como única fonte de carbono, demonstraram que estas linhagens são capazes de biodegradar aproximadamente 20% do fenol disponível no meio, no período de 24 horas. A quantificação do fenol residual foi realizada em...


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The present work investigates solid waste temperature behavior in different depths in two cells in the Rio Claro-SP city’s sanitary landfill. One of the cells is in operation with waste disposal beginning about one year ago. The other one is located in an closed area and contain waste disposed from five to seven years before. Measures were also made in an area that have no disposed waste in order to collect reference values. The data were obtained every fifteen days. The temperature results shows higher values in the operating cell, with maximum 38,1 °C in a depth of 4,0 m. In the closed cell the highest values were 36,3 °C in a depth of 8,5 m. The highest temperature values were obtained in the operating cell due to wider substract availability that indicates a more intense biological degradation activity. With three meters depth, the temperature results were 36,6 °C in the operating cell, 33,8 °C in the closed cell and 24,5 °C in the reference area. Therefore the temperature can be used as a biological activity indicator in sanitary landfills, supporting biogas studies


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The research aims to propose grants for development of Municipal Plan for the Management of Organic Solid Waste generated in the municipality of Rio Claro. The research universe was composed of organic waste generators establishments (markets and grocers). From the registry of commercial establishments provided by the municipal government were identified who presented this typology, which totaled 38 establishments. In this universe the interview was conducted in 15 establishments obtained by directed sampling based on the characteristics of size, type and location. The data collected were the amount generated, disposal of waste, waste separation, collection frequency, reasons for the disposal of waste, frequency of purchase of products. From the data obtained in the field, we estimated the total generation of organic waste in this segment for the municipality. Then, the estimated costs for implementation and operation of a composting center, a way to subsidize the implementation of the management plan was carried out. We opted for the aerobic composting process by the simplicity of operation and because it is a technique already known. The average waste generation was established by tracks (size) with: stores up to 4 boxes (classified as small) generate on average 1511 kg / month, 40% of organic waste, the 5-9 boxes (small/midsize) generate on average 4338 kg / month, 35% organic and the 10 to 19 boxes (midsize) generate on average 7647 kg / month with 32% organic. In total establishments generate 105 t/ month of waste, with 35t / month of organics. 94% of establishments are in font segregation of waste into recyclable, organic and waste, indicating that the proposed management of organic waste is amenable to application without many changes in existing routine in stores. Recyclables are sent for recycling through selective collection held by the cooperative, while the organics are destined for the landfill and feed. The results indicate...


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The geophysical methods are widely applied in environmental characterization and monitoring studies. The resistivity method, in particular, has a wide area of applications, being effective in studies of solid waste landfills. The present work propose a geophysical monitoring in the Cordeirópolis city controlled landfill and analyze relationships between variation of electrical resistivity parameter, the residence time of the solid waste in landfill, the rainfall in the region and the organic matter biodegradation processes. The study has no monitoring system to control the products generated in the organic matter decomposition found in waste such as sealing blanket or leachate or gas drains. The results shows that the electrical resistivity parameter was effective in monitoring the landfill contamination plume


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Brazil faces a complex problem in respect to municipal solid waste, having been in recent years an increase of its generation without the country there be adequate for proper disposal thereof. In many states , the percentage of waste destined improperly , ie , in dumps , landfills, send- outs , among others , is greater than that disposed in landfills , which would be the most correct way to be made. It can be argued that this discrepancy is due to the high cost of implementation and operation of the landfill, and the same need large areas with physical characteristics that suit their operations . When there is a provision in properly constructed landfills , municipal solid waste grounded generate gases with high potential energy through biochemical reactions during the anaerobic decomposition of organic material stored . Such gases can be used for power generation within the landfill or other economic means . To estimate the gas generation will be sufficient for such economic compensation , there are mathematical models that make estimating the amount of gas produced . These models calculate the energy capacity and generation , using parameters obtained based on the characteristics of solid waste , climate of the region where they are grounded and grounding time . Such models have been raised and studied so that it was possible to perform simulations that demonstrate the behavior of biogas generation related to the external conditions of the landfill that interfere with biological reactions within. The results show differences between the values obtained , it shows that the preparation of the models found and used in the simulations were allocated amounts for different parameters that determine this difference in the estimate . Therefore, to rule, the models have difficulty understanding this because there is no clarity in the formulation of the equations , and the definition of variables and parameters would require a detailed study to...


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Supermarket plastic bags are produced by high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) resins. In Brazil, are produced annually around 150 plastic bags per capita. Disposed in landfills, the supermarket plastic bags prevent the passage of water by slowing the breakdown of biodegradable materials and hindering compaction of waste, according to their low degradability. This work investigated the biodegradation of PE bags containing additive oxo-biodegradable and bags without additives: buried in soil columns, exposed in a controlled environment and exposed to air. The analysis methods used to assess the changes brought in the bags with respect to microbial action and exposure time were weight loss, thickness measurement, infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and contact angle. The results showed that the use of prodegradant agents such as oxobiodegradable additives in polyethylene bags, buried in soil for 270 days, was not efficient to accelerate the biodegradation by microorganisms. It seems that these additives have been more efficient to degrade the colored pigmentation of printed bags, under the influence of light and heat.


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A produção de lixo pela humanidade é inevitável, porém, o destino dos residuos sólidos e seu acondicionamento inadequado têm trazido graves problemas ambientais. Dentre os resíduos sólidos, os plásticos merecem destaque, pois cresceram significativamente em uso e descarte, totalizando 20% do volume mundial de lixo. Isto decorre de algumas das propriedades destes materiais, como durabilidade, resistência, leveza e baixo custo de produção. Nas grandes cidades brasileiras, 7% do lixo produzido correspondem a produtos de plástico em filme, geralmente usado em aplicações de curta duração, como o polietileno. Este material persiste no ambiente por décadas, sendo, portanto, resistente à degradação. Diversos destinos podem ser tomados pelo resíduo de polietileno descartado, como a deposição em lixões e aterros sanitários, incineração, reciclagem e biodegradação. A biodegradação pode ser definida como a degradação catalisada por atividade biológica, levando, no final do processo, à mineralização e/ou formação de biomassa. Na natureza, a destruição destes materiais se dá, na verdade, por meio da “degradação ambiental”, na qual atuam sinergeticamente a biodegradação, a fotooxidação, a termo-oxidação e a hidrólise. Neste sentido, desde os anos 1970, diferentes formulações foram propostas para otimizar a susceptibilidade do PE à degradação ambiental. Sabe-se que o PE está sujeito a sofrer mudanças quando exposto à luz ultravioleta e/ou ao calor, e que estas modificações podem alterar a resposta dos microrganismos no processo de biodegradação. Desta forma, este estudo analisou as modificações ocasionadas por tratamentos com luz ultravioleta, calor e exposição ao sol, bem como a resposta da microbiota natural do solo a estes tratamentos, através de análises de espectroscopia... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os biossurfactantes apresentam inúmeras vantagens, como baixa toxicidade, biodegradabilidade e alta estabilidade, mas não são amplamente utilizados devido ao custo de produção. A utilização de substratos baratos, linhagens mutantes que associados à otimização das condições de cultivo pode levar a uma redução nos custos, possibilitando assim a substituição dos surfactantes sintéticos pelos biológicos. Uma maneira empregada para maximizar a produção dos biossurfactantes é a limitação de nutrientes. Os esforços empregados nesse sentido são direcionado para as proporções carbono: nitrogênio, entretanto os efeitos dos elementos traços são pouco conhecidos. Devido a esses fatores, o presente trabalho avaliou a importância dos seguintes elementos traços: ferro, zinco, cobalto, cobre, manganês e do sal citrato de sódio dihidratado, nas fermentações realizadas utilizando o mutante de Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI 2A1. Para tanto foram realizadas fermentações em frascos Erlenmeyer, onde se utilizou diferentes concentrações desses elementos. A influência dos mesmos na produção de ramnolipídios foi constatada, uma vez que a produção desse biotensoativo foi aumentada em mais de três vezes alterando apenas a concentração de um único elemento traço (Fe). Os experimentos realizados permitem, também, inferir a respeito das melhores concentrações desses micronutrientes para a produção de ramnolipídios


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Ethanol production has gained great prominence in the investment new renewable energy sources and Brazil is among the leaders of production. However, this activity generates large amounts of waste being the largest volume of the sugar cane bagasse. For this reason looking up ways to use this material as burning for energy production and composition of forage in the diet of ruminants, however there are difficulties to use this production for this last one. This paper proposes a microbiological treatment with Lentinula edodes and Pleurotus ostreatus in order to enable the bagasse in ruminant feed composition in order to be used more noble than their burning. After treatment with the fungus, tests were performed for quantifying crude protein by the method of Kjeldhal. It was verified that the protein content in the pure bagasse was 1.0% after fermentation the protein content was 4.2% with L.edodes and 4.9% with P. ostreatus. To evaluate the protein quality of the product fermented by L. edodes and P. ostreatus was applied microbiological method for growth of Enterococcus zimogenes verifying that after fermentation the protein quality was 76 and 27.4% with L. edodes and P.ostreatus, respectively, compared with casein. The quantification of amino acids showed significant improvement of protein with altered amino acid profile with treatments of fungos. About of DQO and BOD were also found considerable improvement besides considerable drop in toxicity as measured by acute toxicity test with Daphinia similis


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The increase in the oil price and the current trend of using renewable raw materials for the production of chemicals renew the interest in the production of biobutanol that, produced by fermentation of agricultural raw materials, can be used as a component of gasoline and diesel. With the commercialization of new fuels, environmental damages due to spills can occur. Among other techniques, the clean-up of these contaminated areas can be achieved with bioremediation, a technique based on the action of microorganisms, which has the advantage of turning hazardous contaminants into non toxic substances such as CO2, water and biomass. Thus, bearing in mind the use of biobutanol in the near future as a gasoline extender and due to the lack of knowledge of the effects of butanol on the biodegradation of gasoline, this work aimed to assess the aerobic biodegradation of butanol/gasoline blends and butanol/diesel (20% v/v), being the latter compared to the ethanol/gasoline blend and biodiesel/diesel (20% v/v), respectively. Two experimental techniques were employed, namely the respirometric method and the redox indicator 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP) test. In the former, experiments simulating the contamination of natural environments were carried out in biometer flasks, used to measure the microbial CO2 production. The DCPIP test assessed the capability of four inocula to biodegrade the fuel blends. In butanol/gasoline experiments the addition of the alcohols to the gasoline resulted in positive synergic effects on the biodegradation of the fuels in soil and...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)