151 resultados para Bicycles.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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There is a variety of professions working with village chickens in developing countries, including farmers, veterinarians and chicken traders. People from all these occupations were involved in a participatory rural appraisal to investigate husbandry practices and trade of village chickens in Myanmar. Data were collected in two climatically different regions of the country, in the Yangon and in the Mandalay divisions. The breeding and training of fighting cocks was practised only in the Mandalay division, with well-trained birds sold for very high prices. Apart from this, chickens were raised in both regions mainly for small disposable income and were generally sold when money was needed, in particular during religious festivals. Chicken traders on bicycles, often called 'middle men', usually purchase birds from farmers in about 10 villages per day. Several 'middle men' supply birds to wealthier chicken merchants, who sell these birds at larger chicken markets. There is in general limited knowledge among farmers about the prevention of Newcastle disease via vaccination. Commercial indigenous chicken production is practised in Myanmar, but family poultry farming dominates indigenous chicken production in the country.


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During the past three decades, the use of roundabouts has increased throughout the world due to their greater benefits in comparison with intersections controlled by traditional means. Roundabouts are often chosen because they are widely associated with low accident rates, lower construction and operating costs, and reasonable capacities and delay. ^ In the planning and design of roundabouts, special attention should be given to the movement of pedestrians and bicycles. As a result, there are several guidelines for the design of pedestrian and bicycle treatments at roundabouts that increase the safety of both pedestrians and bicyclists at existing and proposed roundabout locations. Different design guidelines have differing criteria for handling pedestrians and bicyclists at roundabout locations. Although all of the investigated guidelines provide better safety (depending on the traffic conditions at a specific location), their effects on the performance of the roundabout have not been examined yet. ^ Existing roundabout analysis software packages provide estimates of capacity and performance characteristics. This includes characteristics such as delay, queue lengths, stop rates, effects of heavy vehicles, crash frequencies, and geometric delays, as well as fuel consumption, pollutant emissions and operating costs for roundabouts. None of these software packages, however, are capable of determining the effects of various pedestrian crossing locations, nor the effect of different bicycle treatments on the performance of roundabouts. ^ The objective of this research is to develop simulation models capable of determining the effect of various pedestrian and bicycle treatments at single-lane roundabouts. To achieve this, four models were developed. The first model simulates a single-lane roundabout without bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The second model simulates a single-lane roundabout with a pedestrian crossing and mixed flow bicyclists. The third model simulates a single-lane roundabout with a combined pedestrian and bicycle crossing, while the fourth model simulates a single-lane roundabout with a pedestrian crossing and a bicycle lane at the outer perimeter of the roundabout for the bicycles. Traffic data was collected at a modern roundabout in Boca Raton, Florida. ^ The results of this effort show that installing a pedestrian crossing on the roundabout approach will have a negative impact on the entry flow, while the downstream approach will benefit from the newly created gaps by pedestrians. Also, it was concluded that a bicycle lane configuration is more beneficial for all users of the roundabout instead of the mixed flow or combined crossing. Installing the pedestrian crossing at one-car length is more beneficial for pedestrians than two- and three-car lengths. Finally, it was concluded that the effect of the pedestrian crossing on the vehicle queues diminishes as the distance between the crossing and the roundabout increases. ^


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Bikeshares promote healthy lifestyles and sustainability among commuters, casual riders, and tourists. However, the central pillar of modern systems, the bike station, cannot be easily integrated into a compact college campus. Fixed stations lack the flexibility to meet the needs of college students who make quick, short-distance trips. Additionally, the necessary cost of implementing and maintaining each station prohibits increasing the number of stations for user convenience. Therefore, the team developed a stationless bikeshare based on a smartlock permanently attached to bicycles in the system. The smartlock system design incorporates several innovative approaches to provide usability, security, and reliability that overcome the limitations of a station centered design. A focus group discussion allowed the team to receive feedback on the early lock, system, and website designs, identify improvements and craft a pleasant user experience. The team designed a unique, two-step lock system that is intuitive to operate while mitigating user error. To ensure security, user access is limited through near field ii communications (NFC) technology connected to a mechatronic release system. The said system relied on a NFC module and a servo working through an Arduino microcontroller coded in the Arduino IDE. To track rentals and maintain the system, each bike is fitted with an XBee module to communicate with a scalable ZigBee mesh network. The network allows for bidirectional, real-time communication with a Meteor.js web application, which enables user and administrator functions through an intuitive user interface available on mobile and desktop. The development of an independent smartlock to replace bike stations is essential to meet the needs of the modern college student. With the goal of creating a bikeshare that better serves college students, Team BIKES has laid the framework for a system that is affordable, easily adaptable, and implementable on any university expressing an interest in bringing a bikeshare to its campus.


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El presente documento es el trabajo de grado) realizado por los autores con el fin de optar al título de magíster en Administración (MBA) de la Universidad EAFIT -- Está fundamentado en un estudio comparativo entre los diferentes conceptos de negocio, metodologías de modelos de negocios, planes de negocios y los diversos métodos de abastecimiento -- Arrojó como resultado que la técnica más adecuada para ser aplicada a las características propias de un prototipo de negocio basado en la oportunidad de mercado identificada en el área metropolitana del valle de Aburrá, como son las bicicletas de los tipos fixies, urbanas y eléctricas, es la ontología de modelo de negocios propuesta por Alexander Osterwalder -- Gracias a esta técnica se identificaron, desde el punto de vista estratégico, los elementos de generación de valor del negocio a partir del análisis de la propuesta de valor, los canales de distribución, las relaciones con los futuros clientes, las asociaciones clave, la segmentación del mercado y la estructura de costos, entre otros; además, se establece la forma óptima de abastecimiento de bicicletas para su comercialización -- Cabe resaltar que dichas bicicletas poseen elementos diferenciadores de estilo, confort y practicidad sobre las demás comercializadas en la ciudad y se han convertido en la última tendencia de dicho tipo de vehículos en las principales ciudades del mundo y han llegado a crear un estilo identificado de ciclistas urbanos -- Lo anterior se alinea con un plan estratégico del Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá que busca incentivar el uso de la bicicleta como medio de transporte alternativo


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The urban mobility has in the bicycle its symbol of the most environmentally sustainable modal of transportation of the planet, title conferred by the United Nations Organization (ONU). Nevertheless, the cities suffer with the traffic jam caused by the automobile fleet growth, what implies in a larger displacement time, injuries to the environment, to financials and to the quality of life. In order to build in a sustainable way the urban mobility, public policies are necessary to encourage the preferential usage, by the society, of the mass transit or the non-motorized type of transportation. Objecting cooperate with the public power and the civil society, this study intents to, through an analysis about the UFPR Extension Program - CICLOVIDA, propose a sustainable urban mobility public policy development, with emphasis in the bicycle´s usage. eferentially, it is discussed concepts such as Society, State and Government as well as public policies, which go in cycles to the State´s and Government´s responsibilities; and are presented the Sustainable Urban Mobility Public Policies (PPMUS) in Brazil. Also, it is debated about the transport by bicycle as an option to the sustainable mobility. Methodologically, the study is of an empiric-social nature, with the application of both qualitative and observational methods, what characterizes as an exploratory level of research, with the researcher´s involvement in the participant form, due to her acting on the Program. Regarding the research lineation, it was used the bibliographic and documental form as well as case study, by means of the nonparametric sampling by accessibility or convenience. Related to the data collection technique, it was used structured interviews with self-applied questionnaires and natural participant observation. Aligned with the research´s objective and matter, the outcome confirmed that the Extension Program CICLOVIDA of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) may effectively contribute in the development of a PPMUS proposal with emphasis in the bicycle usage. Thus, it was built a political proposal with a free form writing, objecting subsidize policies both institutional as public MUS through the bicycle usage and therefore, support the mobility, also contributing to the sustainability and to the public development planning.


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This paper discusses the urban consumer culture in Moscow and Petersburg during the 1880s and 1890s and uses the consumption of bicycles and watches as a lens through which to explore changing perceptions of time and space within the experience of modernity at the end of the nineteenth century. Specifically, I argue that the way in which consumers and merchants constructed a dialogue of meaning around particular objects; the way in which objects are consumed by a culture gives insight into the values, morals, and tenure of that culture. The paper preferences newspaper ads and photographs as the mouthpieces of merchants and consumers respectively as they constructed a dialogue in the language of consumerism, and explores the ways in which both parties sought to assign meaning to objects during the experience of modernity. I am particularly interested in the way consumers perform elements of cultural modernity in photographs and how these instances of performance relate to their negotiation of modernity. The paper takes as its focus large section of the urban Russian population, much of whom can traditionally be called “middle class” but whose diversity has led me to the adoption of the term “consumer community,” and whose makeup is described in detail. The paper contributes to the continuing scholarly discourse on the makeup of the middle class in Russia and the social boundaries of late tsarist society. It speaks to the the developing sensibilities and values of a generation struggling to define itself in a rapidly changing world, to the ways in which conceptualizations of public and private space, as well as feminine and masculine space were redefined, and to the developing visual culture of the Russian consumer society, largely predicated on the display of objects to signify socially desirable traits. Whereas other explorations of consumer culture and advertisements have portrayed the relationship between merchants and consumers as a one-sided monologue in which merchants convince consumers that certain objects have cultural value, I emphasis the dialogue between merchants and consumers, and their mutual negotiation of cultural meaning through objects.


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Bicycling as an active mode of transport can offer great individual and societal benefits. Allocating space for bicycle facilities is the key to promoting cycling as bicyclists perceive better safety and convenience in separate bikeways. In this thesis, a method is proposed for optimizing the selection and scheduling of capacity enhancements in road networks while also optimizing the allocation of road space to bicycle lanes. The goal is to determine what fraction of the available space should be allocated to bicycles, as the network evolves, in order to minimize the present value of the total cost of the system cost. The allocation method is combined with a genetic algorithm to select and schedule road expansion projects under certain budget constraints.


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El objetivo general de esta investigación consiste en sacar a la luz un conjunto de documentos, los documentos de patentes presentadas en España, sobre un tema concreto, la bicicleta y el ciclismo, y durante un periodo determinado, 1826-1929, presentes en la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM), organizando esta documentación para su posterior utilización por la comunidad científica. Para ello se han identificado y sistematizado las patentes referidas a la bicicleta, presentadas entre 1826 y 1929, realizando tablas de frecuencia que permitan extraer datos de su incidencia en la invención en el periodo considerado. Ello ha permitido conocer una serie de datos de los inventores, que, en definitiva son los creadores del desarrollo tecnológico en este campo, extrayendo, ordenando y categorizando la información sobre lugar de origen, tipo de inventor (empresa o particular), sexo, práctica de colaboración y profesión. Finalmente se ha estudiado el tipo de inventos, mostrando los sectores en los que se producen las invenciones, identificando si se han puesto en práctica, y determinando aspectos tales como su carácter de invención incremental, su posible consideración como invento raro y curioso, y su coexistencia con una marca registrada. El trabajo se inicia con la introducción seguida de un apartado en el que se presenta el marco teórico en el que se desarrolla la investigación, en una doble vía: en primer lugar el contexto de los documentos de patente, su relación con la innovación y su utilidad como fuentes de información, y en segundo lugar el marco de la invención en el ciclismo, presentando las fases esenciales de la evolución de la bicicleta (capítulo 2). En el marco metodológico (capítulo 3) se explican fuentes y metodología, presentando a continuación el diseño de la investigación, que se resume como sigue: 1- Determinación del universo de datos, 2- Consulta en el Archivo Histórico de la OEPM, 3- Diseño y creación de la base de datos propia, 4- Consulta de los expedientes y toma de imágenes, 5- Tratamiento y análisis de los datos, 6- Búsqueda de información en fuentes para patentes extranjeras, y 7- Consulta a la base de datos de Marcas de la OEPM. El capítulo 4 está dedicado a la investigación propiamente dicha, estructurado en tres grandes bloques. El primero recoge las cuantificaciones tabuladas del total de patentes y el análisis de determinados aspectos generales como la cronología de la invención y diversas comparaciones con resultados obtenidos en otros trabajos. El segundo bloque está centrado en los estudios de solicitantes de patentes, protagonistas de las invenciones. De ellos se contemplan una serie de datos extraídos de los expedientes, y posteriormente tabulados y cuantificados: su procedencia geográfica, su adscripción como empresas o solicitantes particulares, y sus datos de colaboración, finalizando el bloque con un apartado que dedicamos a la innovación femenina, que consideramos una línea de investigación interés. El tercer bloque, el más amplio de todos, está dedicado a la descripción y análisis de los datos referidos a los propios inventos, puesto que es la aplicación de los inventos lo que marca el desarrollo tecnológico de la máquina bicicleta, y su consiguiente evolución histórica y social. Se estructura asimismo en varias secciones. La primera es la más amplia, donde se muestran y explican los datos que tienen que ver con la adscripción de los inventos a sectores temáticos, es decir, que desarrolla las funciones o componentes de la bicicleta que han sido objeto de invención. Los apartados siguientes muestran datos y consideraciones sobre las patentes puestas en práctica, las invenciones incrementales, los inventos curiosos, y las patentes con posible marca registrada de su nombre. Finalmente, las conclusiones del estudio, el establecimiento de posibles líneas abiertas de investigación, la relación de fuentes consultadas y los anexos cerrarán la exposición de esta tesis. ABSTRACT The main goal of this research thesis is to shed light on a specific documentary record: patents presented in Spain, regarding a specific theme: bicycles and cycling, within a given period: 1826-1929. This record is organized for the ulterior use by the scientific community. In order to carry out this goal, the mentioned patents have been identified and systematized, and analyzed for frequency in order to infer the incidence of its invention in the period under consideration. This has brought to light some information on the inventors which are, after all, the creators in the technological development of that field. Their bibliographical information: origin, type of inventor (company or individual), gender, collaboration behavior and profession. Finally, the type of inventions has been studied, showing the sectors in which inventions are produced, whether these were transferred to practice, and other key information like the incremental nature of their invention, their possible consideration as ‘rare or curious invention’, and their coexistence with a registered trademark. This thesis is organized with an initial introduction, after which a section outlines the theoretical framework for the research along two axes: first the context of the patent documents, their relation with innovation and their usefulness as information sources; second, the invention of cycling and the development phases of bicycles. In the methodological section the sources and methodology are explained and reasoned, followed by the research design: 1-determination of the data universe, 2-consultation at the historical archive of the OEPM (National Patent Office), 3-design and creation of a database, 3-analysis of the files and image catchment, 5-treatment and analysis of data, 6-browsing of source information for foreign patents, and 7-consultation of the trademark information at the OEPM. Chapter 4 is dedicated to research itself, in three main sections. The first one has the quantification of the patent total in tables and the analysis of specific overall chronological aspects of the invention, and some comparisons with the results obtained in other research. The second section is centered on the studies of patent requests and inventors. Some data extracted from the files has been systematized: geographical origin, adscriptions as companies or individuals, and their collaboration data, ending with a sub-section on women’s invention, which we consider an interesting research line. The third section, the biggest one of them all, is dedicated to the description and analysis of the data referred to the inventions themselves, because it is the application of the inventions which constitutes the technological development of the bicycle, and therefore its historical and social evolution. It is also structured in various sub-sections. The first one is the longest one, with information regarding the thematic typology of the inventions: functions and bicycle components which are innovated. The other ensuing subsections study patents which were actually incorporated and used, incremental inventions, curious inventions and patents with possible associated trademarks. Finally, the study conclusions, the establishment of lines of potential further research, the references used, and the annexes which culminate the thesis exposition.


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La necesidad cotidiana de los ciudadanos de desplazarse para realizar diferentes actividades, sea cual fuere su naturaleza, se ha visto afectada en gran medida por los cambios producidos. Las ventajas generadas por la inclusión de la bicicleta como modo de transporte y la proliferación de su uso entre la ciudadanía son innumerables y se extienden tanto en el ámbito de la movilidad urbana como del desarrollo sostenible. En la actualidad, hay multitud de programas para la implantación, fomento o aumento de la participación ciudadana relacionado con la bicicleta en las ciudades. Pero en definitiva, todos y cada uno de estas iniciativas tienen la misma finalidad, crear una malla de vías cicladles eficaz y útil. Capaces de permitir el uso de la bicicleta en vías preferentes con unas garantías de seguridad altas, incorporando la bicicleta en el modelo de intermodalidad del transporte urbano. Con la progresiva implantación del carril bici, muchas personas han empezado a utilizarlas para moverse por la ciudad. Pero todo lo nuevo necesita un periodo de adaptación. Y, la realidad es que la red de viales destinados para estos vehículos está repleta de obstáculos para el ciclista. La actual situación ha llevado a cuestionar qué cantidad de kilómetros de carriles bici son necesarios para abastecer la demanda existente de este modo de transporte y, si las obras ejecutadas y proyectadas son las correctas y suficientes. En este trabajo se presenta una herramienta, basada en un modelo de programación matemática, para el diseño óptimo de una red destinada a los ciclistas. En concreto, el sistema determina una infraestructura para la bicicleta adaptada a las características de la red de carreteras existentes, con base en criterios de teoría de grafos ponderados. Como una aplicación del modelo propuesto, se ofrece el resultado de estos experimentos, obteniéndose un número de conclusiones útiles para la planificación y el diseño de redes de carriles bici desde una perspectiva social. Se realiza una aplicación de la metodología desarrollada para el caso real del municipio de Málaga (España). Por último se produce la validación del modelo de optimización presentado y la repercusión que tiene éste sobre el resultado final y la importancia o el peso del total de variables capaces de condicionar el resultado final de la red ciclista. Se obtiene, por tanto, una herramienta destinada a la mejora de la planificación, diseño y gestión de las diferentes infraestructuras para la bicicleta, con capacidad de interactuar con el modelo de red vial actual y con el resto de los modos de transportes existentes en el entramado urbano de las ciudades.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Gestão Urbanística, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Purpose: An increase in the number of pedelecs on Swedish roads is according to studies soon reality. This creates a need to adapt the bmp-grid (bike-, moped- and pedestrian-grid) to pedelecs for them to experience good security, accessibility and comfort while using it. The guidelines Swedish municipalities follow are VGU(Design of Roads and Streets) and the GCM-manual(Bike-, moped-, and pedestrian-manual) which currently do not take society’s future increase of pedelecs into account. VGU and the GCM-manual are tools that are commonly used during planning and design of roads and streets. The aim of the thesis is to use current advice and recommendations on how to adapt the bmp-grid to the pedelec and with this complete current guidelines for bmp-infrastructure. Method: The document-analysis is made on current federal documents that have an impact on bmp-design. Scetch-suggestions were then developed from the author’s personal improvement suggestions and from advice and recommendations gathered during the document-analysis and the theoretical framework. Findings: It was discovered that if the bmp-grid’s design allow bikes traveling up to 30km/h and has a good standard for bicycles according to VGU, then the infrastructure generally fulfil the needs of the pedelec. Altough there are still areas in VGU that needs complements. This need to be done on the design-guidelines so they can aid the adaption of the infrastructure to the pedelec during the planning- and design process. Necessary steps according to the result is to give clearer notifications on bmp-design, issue guidelines for choosing DTS, motivate minimal widths on roads, categories bikers and pedestrians into separate groups, give out more detailed descriptions of when separation of bikers and pedestrians should be done and also to specify different types of bike-users. When taking needs and claim of the pedelec into consideration the result shows that: adaption of the whole bmp-grid to the pedelec is not possible, to simplify priorities the bmp-grid needs to be divided into different sections, space should be taken from the car-traffic, solutions with mixed-traffic and bike-fields for pedelecs can be used in low-speed areas, larger opportunities to connect towns to increase commuting with bicycles appeared with the pedelec. Implications: After examining current guidelines regarding the design of the bmp-grid and gathering opinions on this from interviews the conclusion is that several areas in VGU needs completion. The following are recommendations on how to take the pedelec into consideration during the design-process:• Connect towns and urban-areas with bmp-grids to make use of pedelecs capacity.• Where there is not enough space for both cars and separated pedelec- and bike lanes the speed for car-traffic can be lowered to 30km/h. This creates opportunities with mixed-traffic or bike-lanes.• The width of existing roads and streets are often greater than what’s described in VGU. They can be made smaller to free space on roads for bicycle-infrastructure.• To prioritize which parts of the bmp-grid that needs design to allow pedelecs the bmp-grid can be divided into main- and local grid. The main grid should be design with consideration to the needs and claim of the pedelecs. Limitations: The limitation of the study lies in that none of the interviews where done with employees in any of the bigger municipalities in Sweden. This gives the study a general application in small- to middle-sized cities but not in bigger cities.Keywords: elcykel, ebike, pedelec, utformning, cykel, infrastruktur, infrastructure, society, planering, utformning, säkerhet, fordonstyp


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Introducción: El transporte activo (TA) puede ser una oportunidad para incrementar los niveles de actividad física diarios de los niños y adolescentes, además de destacarse como una estrategia práctica, accesible y sostenible a largo plazo. Objetivos: El objetivo del presente estudio es doble: Analizar los patrones de desplazamiento activo en bicicleta al y desde el centro educativo, y b) Identificar los factores asociados al uso de la bicicleta como TA; en una muestra de niños y jóvenes pertenecientes a escuelas oficiales de Bogotá, Colombia. Material y métodos: Se trata de un sub-análisis del estudio FUPRECOL en 8060 niños y adolescentes entre los 9-17 años de edad). El modo de desplazamiento del escolar fue determinado a través de la pregunta: “¿Durante los últimos 7 días, usaste bicicleta para ir al colegio/escuela y volver a la casa?. Dicha respuesta se categorizó en activos “Si” (si se desplazan en bicicleta) y pasivos “No” (si se desplazan en vehículo motorizado). Se midieron parámetros antropométricos de peso, talla y perímetro de cintura. El máximo nivel de estudios alcanzados por la madre/padre (no reporta, primaria o secundaria/técnico o tecnólogo/universitario o postgrado) y la composición del hogar (vive con padre/vive con madre/con ambos padres/con abuelos/otros familiares) se auto-reportó por los padres. Las relaciones entre el TA y los factores anteriormente descritos se analizaron mediante regresión logística binaria. Resultados: El 21,9% del total de la muestra reporta usar la bicicleta como medio de transporte y el 7,9% acumula más de 120 minutos al día. Se observó una mayor probabilidad de usar la bicicleta como medio de desplazamiento activo a la escuela en los varones, en los jóvenes entre 9 y 12 años, y en aquellos cuyo padre/madre reportaron mayor grado académico, es decir, “universitario/postgrado”. 3 Conclusión: Los hallazgos del presente estudio sugieren que es necesario promover el TA desde la niñez, poniendo mayor énfasis en el paso a la adolescencia y en las jóvenes, para así aumentar los niveles diarios de AF de estos.


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Este trabajo es para fines institucionales de la Universidad del Rosario. A lo largo del segundo semestre del año 2016 entendimos la importancia de los medios digitales para las empresas, por lo cual el profesor Juan Manuel Méndez nos dio el caso de las bicicletas de Nairo Quintana con el cual teníamos que desarrollar un plan de estrategias digitales acorde con el contexto actual del sector de las bicicletas, en donde se creara y desarrollara la marca de la agencia digital creada por los estudiantes, describir el producto innovador, desarrollar nuestros objetivos en los medios digitales, identificar y definir nuestro mercado objetivo (Target), crear todo un flow de medios con cronogramas, fechas y porcentaje de inversión en cada medio y por ultimo identificar los KPI´s de nuestra campaña propuesta según los objetivos planteados.