972 resultados para Bichat, Xavier, 1771-1802
A amplitude do culto e da iconografia de Francisco Xavier foi praticamente única na época Moderna, como vemos no número de igrejas, confrarias e altares dedicados a ele, além da quantidade e variedade das suas representações artísticas. Na origem deste culto e da respectiva iconografia encontram-se o poder régio português e depois ibérico e ainda o interesse do nobre japonês Ôtomo Yoshihige. Por sua vez, o interesse da Companhia de Jesus na divulgação deste culto e da sua iconografia exprimiu-se a partir da década de 1570 através da literatura e da arte, e ainda através do fomento da devoção do seu corpo e das relíquias corpóreas e de contacto. Na estratégia de constituição do culto de Francisco Xavier, são de referir o papel que lhe foi atribuído enquanto missionário mais emblemático da Época Moderna (Francisco Xavier, “o Apóstolo do Oriente”), as suas supostas capacidades taumatúrgicas e que deram origem a epítetos, como Francisco Xavier, “o Milagre dos Milagres” ou Francisco Xavier, “o Príncipe do Mar”), e ainda o facto desta figura encarnar algumas das virtudes de santidade mais importantes para o Catolicismo pós tridentino, tais como a pureza e o espírito de mortificação.
Several major iron deposits occur in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero (QF), southeastern region of Brazil, where metamorphosed and heterogeneously deformed banded iron formation (BIF) of the Caue Formation, regionally called itabirite, was transformed into high- (Fe >64%) and lowgrade (30%
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The crustaceans activity of move about could alter in function of the environmental conditions. In the present study, this activity of the hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus was studied in dry and submerged areas of the intertidal region of Pescadores Beach in Sao Vicente (SP), Brazil. In both areas 110 animals (86 of dry and 24 of submerged area) were analyzed and C. vittatus show more activity in the submerged area than in the dry one. The low activity of locomotion presented when exposed to the air, can be due by the stress caused in function of the high temperature and desiccation.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o crescimento de machos e fêmeas do ermitão Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802), da região de São Vicente, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram realizadas coletas mensais de maio/2001 a abril/2003, na Praia dos Pescadores em São Vicente. Os 2.501 animais capturados foram identificados, determinados quanto ao sexo e mensurados quanto ao seu comprimento de escudo cefalotorácico (CEC). Para o estudo sazonal do crescimento, a população foi dividida em classes de tamanho de 5mm de (CEC), e analisada pelo método de Bertalanffy, com o auxílio do software Fisat II. Foram obtidos 703 indivíduos machos e 1.798 fêmeas, com média de tamanho de 8.94±1.80 e 6.61±1.13mm, respectivamente. Constatou-se um padrão de crescimento sazonal, com machos atingindo um tamanho assintótico (14.92mm) superior ao das fêmeas (13.85mm), além de iniciarem o processo de crescimento aproximadamente cinco meses antes destas. Desta forma, é provável que este seja um padrão que auxilia na diminuição da disputa intra-específica por conchas, uma vez que os machos atingiram maior tamanho e estariam disponibilizando conchas menores para as fêmeas.
Diet composition of the blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, from the southwestern equatorial Atlantic Ocean was analyzed between October 2004 and November 2005. In the 226 stomachs of fish ranging between 100 and 311 cm lower jaw -fork length (LJFL), 44 items were identified, including 31 fishes and 13 cephalopods. Seventy stomachs were empty (23.6 %). M. nigricans fed preferentially on heavy and muscular scombrid fishes especially upon the skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758), probably to sustain their high metabolism, and on a variety of other items composed mainly by epipelagic species of fish and cephalopods.
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the inclusion of meal of tilapia industrial waster in bullfrog tadpoles' diets (Rana Catesbeina Shaw, 1802). Two hundred fifty tadpoles with initial weight and length of 0,18 +/- 0,05g and 2,50 +/- 0,18 centimeters were used, respectively, they were used and distributed in 25 aquariums of 30 liter each in a complete randomized design with five treatments and five repetitions. The tadpoles were fed four times a day with diets containing 0, 5, 10 and 15% of inclusion of tilapia filleting and another diet with 0% of supplemented tilapia filleting with synthetic methionine, being supplied four times a day at ease. The experiment period was 30 days. The diets with tilapia filleting inclusion and methionine supplementation did not have influence in the final weight and length averages, feed survival and conversion of bullfrog tadpoles. It cam be used until 15% of tilapia filleting inclusion in the bullfrog tadpoles food. The synthetic methionine supplementation in diets for bullfrog tadpoles is not necessary in diets with levels over 0,471/4 of the total methionine.
The behavior of bullfrogs reared in captivity must be well understood to support management practices that use efficient feeding regimes. In general, bullfrogs reared in captivity have normal pigmentation, but to develop an enhanced product, some studies have investigated the introduction of albino individuals in frog farms. The present study characterized the behavior of both pigmented and albino bullfrogs reared in captivity. In an initial experiment, 48 bullfrogs (70.5 ± 25.6 g) housed in small stalls were fed once a day at random times. Frogs were filmed and the images showed that both the pigmented and albino varieties behaved similarly: food intake was more frequent at dawn followed by light periods; moving and resting in dry areas may be associated to feeding events; frogs appeared to anticipate feeding time and to rest in the water more frequently in periods other than feeding time; daylight is the recommended period for feeding both pigmented and albino frogs. In a second experiment, 72 albino bullfrogs were fed at fixed times (10 a.m. or 4 p.m.) in small stalls. An initial weight of 23.8 ± 7.6 g was considered to evaluate frog performance, and after the animals reached 60.0 ± 20.0 g, they were filmed for behavior analyses. Food intake varied as a function of feeding time, and frogs were more likely to eat during the early hours of the day and immediately after receiving fresh food. Frogs fed only in the afternoon changed their behavior. Food supplied twice a day stimulated the albino frogs to eat at different times, but did not increase growth. Although fresh food stimulated feeding behavior, food intake was more frequent at dawn. Food supplied at this time of day should therefore be further investigated. The results did not indicate a more suitable feeding time (10 a.m. or 4 p.m.) for albino bullfrogs, or any advantage in using two feedings per day. The results provide xvi important information about bullfrogs in terms of food supply regime and activity preferences throughout the day. This novel information will contribute to future studies in this area
Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar os efeitos do ambiente sobre a performance de rã-touro (Rana catesbeiana Shaw, 1802), criada em gaiolas de fibra de vidro instaladas no interior de estufas climatizadas. Após um período inicial de 15 dias de adaptação às instalações, à temperatura constante de 25,0ºC, os seguintes tratamentos foram aplicados: temperaturas de 23,0; 26,0; 29,0; 32,0; e 35,0ºC, por 30 dias, para rãs com 100 g PV inicial; 24,5; 26,0; 27,5; 29,0; 30,5; e 32,0ºC, também por 30 dias, para rãs com 20 g PV inicial; e a combinação das temperaturas de 26,0 e 29,0ºC com os fotoperíodos de 8, 12 e 16 h de luz a cada 24 horas, para rãs com 100 g PV inicial. Derivando-se as equações de regressão que explicam os efeitos de temperatura sobre o desempenho das rãs, estimaram-se melhores ganhos de peso à temperatura de 27,6e30,1ºC, para rãs com 100 e 20 g PV inicial, respectivamente, com melhor crescimento a 28,2ºC, para as rãs de 100 g PV inicial, e a 29,7ºC, para as rãs de 20 g PV inicial. A temperatura interagiu com fotoperíodo nos seus efeitos sobre ganho de peso e crescimento corporal, peso e rendimento de carcaça, consumo de alimentos e conversão alimentar.