853 resultados para Biblia. a.T. Job-teología
A Batch Processing Machine (BPM) is one which processes a number of jobs simultaneously as a batch with common beginning and ending times. Also, a BPM, once started cannot be interrupted in between (Pre-emption not allowed). This research is motivated by a BPM in steel casting industry. There are three main stages in any steel casting industry viz., pre-casting stage, casting stage and post-casting stage. A quick overview of the entire process, is shown in Figure 1. There are two BPMs : (1) Melting furnace in the pre-casting stage and (2) Heat Treatment Furnace (HTF) in the post casting stage of steel casting manufacturing process. This study focuses on scheduling the latter, namely HTF. Heat-treatment operation is one of the most important stages of steel casting industries. It determines the final properties that enable components to perform under demanding service conditions such as large mechanical load, high temperature and anti-corrosive processing. In general, different types of castings have to undergo more than one type of heat-treatment operations, where the total heat-treatment processing times change. To have a better control, castings are primarily classified into a number of job-families based on the alloy type such as low-alloy castings and high alloy castings. For technical reasons such as type of alloy, temperature level and the expected combination of heat-treatment operations, the castings from different families can not be processed together in the same batch.
The present work concerns with the static scheduling of jobs to parallel identical batch processors with incompatible job families for minimizing the total weighted tardiness. This scheduling problem is applicable in burn-in operations and wafer fabrication in semiconductor manufacturing. We decompose the problem into two stages: batch formation and batch scheduling, as in the literature. The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based algorithm called ATC-BACO algorithm is developed in which ACO is used to solve the batch scheduling problems. Our computational experimentation shows that the proposed ATC-BACO algorithm performs better than the available best traditional dispatching rule called ATC-BATC rule.
We consider the problem of matching people to jobs, where each person ranks a subset of jobs in an order of preference, possibly involving ties. There are several notions of optimality about how to best match each person to a job; in particular, popularity is a natural and appealing notion of optimality. However, popular matchings do not always provide an answer to the problem of determining an optimal matching since there are simple instances that do not adroit popular matchings. This motivates the following extension of the popular rnatchings problem:Given a graph G; = (A boolean OR J, E) where A is the set of people and J is the set of jobs, and a list < c(1), c(vertical bar J vertical bar)) denoting upper bounds on the capacities of each job, does there exist (x(1), ... , x(vertical bar J vertical bar)) such that setting the capacity of i-th, job to x(i) where 1 <= x(i) <= c(i), for each i, enables the resulting graph to admit a popular matching. In this paper we show that the above problem is NP-hard. We show that the problem is NP-hard even when each c is 1 or 2.
A model comprising several servers, each equipped with its own queue and with possibly different service speeds, is considered. Each server receives a dedicated arrival stream of jobs; there is also a stream of generic jobs that arrive to a job scheduler and can be individually allocated to any of the servers. It is shown that if the arrival streams are all Poisson and all jobs have the same exponentially distributed service requirements, the probabilistic splitting of the generic stream that minimizes the average job response time is such that it balances the server idle times in a weighted least-squares sense, where the weighting coefficients are related to the service speeds of the servers. The corresponding result holds for nonexponentially distributed service times if the service speeds are all equal. This result is used to develop adaptive quasi-static algorithms for allocating jobs in the generic arrival stream when the load parameters are unknown. The algorithms utilize server idle-time measurements which are sent periodically to the central job scheduler. A model is developed for these measurements, and the result mentioned is used to cast the problem into one of finding a projection of the root of an affine function, when only noisy values of the function can be observed
The purpose of this study was to examine whether trust in supervisor and trust in senior management enhance employees' job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and whether trust mediates the relationship between perceived justice and these outcomes. Trust in supervisor was expected to mediate the effects of distributive justice and interactional justice, and trust in senior management was expected to mediate the effects of procedural justice. Theoretical background of the study is based on the framework for trust in leadership developed by Dirks and Ferrin (2002). According to the framework, perceived fairness of leaders' actions helps employees to draw inferences about the basis of the relationship and about leaders' characters. This allows trust formation. Reciprocation of care and concern in the relationship and confidence in leaders' characters are likely to enhance employees' job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This study was conducted with cross-sectional data (A/ = 960) of employees from social and health care sector. Hypotheses were studied using correlation analysis and several hierarchical regression analyses. Significances of the mediations were assessed using the Sobel test. Results partially supported the hypotheses. Trust in leadership was positively related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Trust in senior management mediated the relationship between procedural justice and the outcomes. Some support was also found for the mediating effect of trust in supervisor in the relationship between distributive justice and organizational commitment. Due to high correlation between trust in supervisor anil interactional justice, it wasn't possible to study the mediating e fleet of trust in supervisor in the relationship between interactional justice and the outcomes. Against expectations, results indicated that trust in senior management had a mediating effect in the relationship between distributive justice and organizational commitment, and in the relationship between interactional justice and organizational commitment. Results also indicated that trust in supervisor had a mediating effect in the relationship between procedural justice and organizational commitment.
We consider the problem of minimizing the total completion time on a single batch processing machine. The set of jobs to be scheduled can be partitioned into a number of families, where all jobs in the same family have the same processing time. The machine can process at most B jobs simultaneously as a batch, and the processing time of a batch is equal to the processing time of the longest job in the batch. We analyze that properties of an optimal schedule and develop a dynamic programming algorithm of polynomial time complexity when the number of job families is fixed. The research is motivated by the problem of scheduling burn-in ovens in the semiconductor industry
Minimizing total weighted tardiness on heterogeneous batch processors with incompatible job families
In this paper, we address a scheduling problem for minimizing total weighted tardiness. The background for the paper is derived from the automobile gear manufacturing process. We consider the bottleneck operation of heat treatment stage of gear manufacturing. Real-life scenarios like unequal release times, incompatible job families, nonidentical job sizes, heterogeneous batch processors, and allowance for job splitting have been considered. We have developed a mathematical model which takes into account dynamic starting conditions. The problem considered in this study is NP-hard in nature, and hence heuristic algorithms have been proposed to address it. For real-life large-size problems, the performance of the proposed heuristic algorithms is evaluated using the method of estimated optimal solution available in literature. Extensive computational analyses reveal that the proposed heuristic algorithms are capable of consistently obtaining near-optimal statistically estimated solutions in very reasonable computational time.
Introducción: Las motivaciones personales de este trabajo se podrían expresar así: Los fieles –y especialmente los sacerdotes y consagrados– cada día celebramos la obra de la salvación del mundo, realizada por “nuestro Salvador, Jesucristo”. Sobre todo en la sagrada Eucaristía, en la Liturgia de las horas y en otros actos litúrgicos nos encontramos con fórmulas –de la misma Biblia y de la tradición eclesial– que nos hablan de Cristo como Salvador divino, único y definitivo, en todos los misterios de su vida, pero muy particularmente en su misterio pascual. En esos misterios de Cristo se realizó “de una vez para siempre” el acontecimiento esencial del divino designio de salvación. Así rezamos, así lo celebramos en comunidad y así lo predicamos ante el mundo, porque así lo ha celebrado y vivido la Iglesia a través de los milenios. ¿Cómo no plantearse la cuestión de la coherencia, unidad real, convencida y convincente, entre lo que celebramos y lo que vivimos? Se hace evidente que la celebración sincera y digna de estos misterios nos exige “transfigurar” nuestra existencia concreta, revestirnos de nuestro Señor Jesucristo (cf. Rm 13, 14), compartir vivamente su camino pascual y dar, así, testimonio creíble de su misterio personal y de su obra redentora universal. Pero, al mismo tiempo, surge la necesidad de la armonía entre la razón y la fe. Es decir, no puedo contentarme con celebrar unos ritos que tal vez producen una fuerte emotividad religiosa y que ayudan a “sentirse bien”… pero que estarían vacíos de verdad. Lo que celebramos y rezamos responde a una realidad supremamente inteligible. La vida de fe, la oración y la celebración litúrgica, y toda la existencia cristiana, responden a un fundamento real, de máxima densidad ontológica y teológica. Es lógico, entonces, que busquemos alcanzar una más profunda inteligencia de la fe, para hallar nuevas luces que iluminen el encuentro de la razón con la verdad de Dios. La teología nace de la fe. La fe provoca a nuestra razón a investigar con entusiasmo la verdad revelada y creída, celebrada y vivida plenamente por los fieles (y los santos son los plenamente fieles). La teología –si es autntica– no podrá llevarnos al vaciamiento de las fórmulas y de los ritos litúrgicos, ni podrá arrastrarnos al mundo de la ficción y de la doblez. Este trabajo nace, entonces, como la misma teología, del vivo interés por comprender más profundamente el misterio de nuestra salvación en Cristo y, simultáneamente, por alcanzar una síntesis más coherente y armoniosa entre lo que creemos y vivimos como católicos y lo que razonamos con rigor crítico como estudiosos de la Palabra, en la Iglesia...
La Comunión de vida con Dios en la Iglesia (Capítulos V, VII y VIII) / Rafael A. Tello -- La Jerarquía: una potestad al servicio de la Iglesia (Capítulo III) / Carmelo J. Giaquinta -- El Laicado en la Iglesia (capítulo IV) / Pedro Geltman -- La vida religiosa en la Constitución “Lumen Gentium” (Capítulo VI) / Domingo Basso -- Crónica de la Facultad (enero-marzo 1966) -- Bibliografía
Resumen: El descubrimiento de la verdadera naturaleza evolutiva y mutable de este universo en que vivimos ha dado origen a la moderna cosmología científica, que con sus modelos del nacimiento y evolución del cosmos plantea estimulantes cuestiones teológicas como la relación entre creación e inicio del universo, la acción divina en el mundo o la teleología y finalidad última de la Creación.
Nota del Director. Nuestra brújula segura -- La crisis de los cuarenta / María Josefina Llach -- Hacia una nueva imaginación. Sobre el laicado y las mujeres en la Iglesia / Virginia R. Azcuy -- Logros y tareas a 40 años de la promulgación de la Constitución Dogmática sobre la Divina Revelación / Claudia Mendoza -- La Constitución Pastoral Gaudium et Spes como “acontecimiento”. Un ingreso desde las “redes” / Marcelo González -- De una cultura ritual a una cultura secular. Críticas a la reforma litúrgica conciliar / Osvaldo Santagada -- El misterio de la Iglesia, pueblo de Dios en comunión / José Carlos Caamaño -- El movimiento ecuménico a 40 años del Concilio Vaticano II / Jorge A. Scampini -- Una articulación del binomio Iglesia universal/ Iglesia particular-local / Antonio Fidalgo -- Nuestra facultad de teología en perspectiva histórica: desde su origen (1915) y hacia su centenario (2015) / Carlos M. Galli -- En torno al misterio de Dios. El pensamiento de Ricardo Ferrara / Carlos A. Castro -- Notas Bibliográficas -- Instrucciones para los colaboradores
La Virgen María en el Nuevo Testamento. Aspectos del Evangelio de san Lucas / Luis Heriberto Rivas -- El lugar de María en el discurso cristológico de san Anselmo de Canterbury / Eduardo Briancesco -- Notas sobre el II Concilio Provincial de Lima (1582-1583). Segunda parte: El laicado español / Armando Pedro Ferreccio -- Resonancias marianas en los catecismos hispanoamericanos del siglo XVI / Juan Guillermo Durán -- Culto divino y normas litúrgicas en el III Concilio Provincial de Lima (1582-1583) / Fernando María Bargalló -- El fresco de Daniel en la fosa de los leones en la “capella greca” / Eugenio Guasta -- San Benito y la teología de la vida religiosa / Eduardo Ghiotto -- Encuentro de teología mariana: Documento final -- Notas bibliográficas -- Libros recibidos