969 resultados para Beta(3)-adrenoceptors
Obesity and related chronic diseases represent a tremendous public health burden among Mexican Americans, a young and rapidly-expanding population. This study investigated the impact of variation within eight candidate obesity genes, which include leptin (LEP), leptin receptor (LEPR), neuropeptide Y (NPY), NPYY1 receptor (NPYY1), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), GLP-1 receptor (GLP1R), beta-3 adrenergic receptor (β3AR), and uncoupling protein (UCP1), on variation in human obesity status and/or quantitative traits related to obesity in Mexican Americans from Starr County, Texas. The Trp64Arg polymorphism within β3AR was typed in 820 random individuals and 240 pedigrees (N = 2,044). The Arg allele frequency was significantly greater in obese versus non-obese individuals (0.20 versus 0. 15, respectively). In addition, within the random sample, the Arg allele was associated with significantly greater body weight (p = 0.031) and body mass index (BMI, p = 0.008) than the Trp allele. In the family sample, the Trp64Arg locus was also linked to percent fat (p = 0.045) but not to body weight or BMI. No linkage between obesity, diabetes, hypertension, or gallbladder disease and the Trp64Arg mutation was observed in families using affected sib pair linkage analysis or the transmission disequilibrium test. Microsatellite markers proximate to the remaining seven genes were typed in 302 individuals from 59 families. Sib pair linkage analysis provided evidence for linkage between obesity and NPY within affected sibling pairs (p = 0.042; n = 170 pairs). NPY was also linked to weight (p = 0.020), abdominal circumference (p = 0.031), hip circumference (p = 0.012), DBP (p ≤ 0.005), and a composite measure of body mass/fat (p ≤ 0.048) in all sibling pairs (n = 545 pairs). Additionally, LEP was linked to waist/hip ratio (p ≤ 0.009), total cholesterol (p ≤ 0.030), and HDL cholesterol (p ≤ 0.026), and LEPR was linked to fasting blood glucose (p ≤ 0.018) and DBP (p ≤ 0.003). Subsequent to the linkage analyses, the NPY gene was sequenced and eight variant sites identified. Two variant sites (-880I/D and 69I/D) were typed in a random sample of 914 individuals. The 880I/D variant was significantly associated with waist/hip ratio (p = 0.035) in the entire sample (N = 914) and with BMI (p = 0. 031), abdominal circumference (p = 0.044), and waist/hip ratio (p = 0.041) in a non-obese subsample (BW < 30 kg/m2, n = 594). The 69I/D variant was a rare mutation observed in only one pedigree and was not associated with obesity or body size/mass within this pedigree. Results of this study indicate that variation at or near β3AR, LEP, LEPR, and NPY may exert effects which increase obesity susceptibility and influence obesity-related measures in this population. ^
Ephrin-B/EphB family proteins are implicated in bidirectional signaling and were initially defined through the function of their ectodomain sequences in activating EphB receptor tyrosine kinases. Ephrin-B1-3 are transmembrane proteins sharing highly conserved C-terminal cytoplasmic sequences. Here we use a soluble EphB1 ectodomain fusion protein (EphB1/Fc) to demonstrate that ephrin-B1 transduces signals that regulate cell attachment and migration. EphB1/Fc induced endothelial ephrin-B1 tyrosine phosphorylation, migration and integrin-mediated (alpha(v)beta(3) and alpha(5)beta(1)) attachment and promoted neovascularization, in vivo, in a mouse corneal micropocket assay. Activation of ephrin-B1 by EphB1/Fc induced phosphorylation of p46 JNK but not ERK-1/2 or p38 MAPkinases. By contrast, mutant ephrin-B1s bearing either a cytoplasmic deletion (ephrin-B1DeltaCy) or a deletion of four C-terminal amino acids (ephrin-B1DeltaPDZbd) fail to activate p46 JNK. Transient expression of intact ephin-B1 conferred EphB1/Fc migration responses on CHO cells, whereas the ephrin-B1DeltaCy and ephrin-B1DeltaPDZbd mutants were inactive. Thus ephrin-B1 transduces 'outside-in' signals through C-terminal protein interactions that affect integrin-mediated attachment and migration.
To examine the hypothesis that surface P-selectin-positive (degranulated) platelets are rapidly cleared from the circulation, we developed novel methods for tracking of platelets and measurement of platelet function in vivo. Washed platelets prepared from nonhuman primates (baboons) were labeled with PKH2 (a lipophilic fluorescent dye), thrombin-activated, washed, and reinfused into the same baboons. Three-color whole blood flow cytometry was used to simultaneously (i) identify platelets with a mAb directed against glycoprotein (GP)IIb-IIIa (integrin alpha 11b beta 3), (ii) distinguish infused platelets by their PKH2 fluorescence, and (iii) analyze platelet function with mAbs. Two hours after infusion of autologous thrombin-activated platelets (P-selectin-positive, PKH2-labeled), 95 +/- 1% (mean +/- SEM, n = 5) of the circulating PKH2-labeled platelets had become P-selectin-negative. Compared with platelets not activated with thrombin preinfusion, the recovery of these circulating PKH2-labeled, P-selectin-negative platelets was similar 24 h after infusion and only slightly less 48 h after infusion. The loss of platelet surface P-selectin was fully accounted for by a 67.1 +/- 16.7 ng/ml increase in the plasma concentration of soluble P-selectin. The circulating PKH2-labeled, P-selectin-negative platelets were still able to function in vivo, as determined by their (i) participation in platelet aggregates emerging from a bleeding time wound, (ii) binding to Dacron in an arteriovenous shunt, (iii) binding of mAb PAC1 (directed against the fibrinogen binding site on GPIIb-IIIa), and (iv) generation of procoagulant platelet-derived microparticles. In summary, (i) circulating degranulated platelets rapidly lose surface P-selectin to the plasma pool, but continue to circulate and function; and (ii) we have developed novel three-color whole blood flow cytometric methods for tracking of platelets and measurement of platelet function in vivo.
NK1.1+ T [natural killer (NK) T] cells express an invariant T cell antigen receptor alpha chain (TCR alpha) encoded by V alpha 14 and J alpha 281 segments in association with a limited number of V betas, predominantly V beta 8.2. Expression of the invariant V alpha 14/J alpha 281, but not V alpha 1, TCR in transgenic mice lacking endogenous TCR alpha expression blocks the development of conventional T alpha beta cells and leads to the preferential development of V alpha 14 NK T cells, suggesting a prerequisite role of invariant V alpha 14 TCR in NK T cell development. In V beta 8.2 but not B beta 3 transgenic mice, two NK T cells with different CD3 epsilon expressions, CD3 epsilon(dim) and CD3 epsilon(high), can be identified. CD3 epsilon(high) NK T cells express surface V alpha 14/V beta 8 TCR, indicating a mature cell type, whereas CD3 epsilon(dim) NK T cells express V beta 8 without V alpha 14 TCR and no significant CD3 epsilon expression (CD3 epsilon(dim)) on the cell surface. However, the latter are positive for recombination activating gene (RAG-1 and RAG-2) mRNA, which are only expressed in the precursor or immature T cell lineage, and also possess CD3 epsilon mRNA in their cytoplasm, suggesting that CD3 epsilon(dim) NK T cells are the precursor of V alpha 14 NK T cells.
Extracellular human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Tat protein promotes growth of spindle cells derived from AIDS-associated Kaposi sarcoma (AIDS-KS), an angioproliferative disease very frequent in HIV-1-infected individuals. Normal vascular cells, progenitors of AIDS-KS cells, proliferate in response to Tat after exposure to inflammatory cytokines, whose levels are augmented in HIV-1-infected individuals and in KS lesions. Here we show that Tat also promotes AIDS-KS and normal vascular cells to migrate and to degrade the basement membrane and stimulates endothelial cell morphogenesis on a matrix substrate. These effects are obtained at picomolar concentrations of exogenous Tat and are promoted by the treatment of the cells with the same inflammatory cytokines stimulating expression of the receptors for Tat, the integrins alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha v beta 3. Thus, under specific circumstances, Tat has angiogenic properties. As Tat and its receptors are present in AIDS-KS lesions, these data may explain some of the mechanisms by which Tat can induce angiogenesis and cooperate in the development of AIDS-KS.
The reduced progesterone metabolite tetrahydroprogesterone (3 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-20-one; 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP) is a positive modulator of the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor. Experiments performed in vitro with hypothalamic fragments have previously shown that GABA could modulate the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Using GT1-1 immortalized GnRH neurons, we investigated the role of GABAA receptor ligands, including 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP, on the release of GnRH. We first characterized the GABAA receptors expressed by these neurons. [3H]Muscimol, but not [3H]flunitrazepam, bound with high affinity to GT1-1 cell membranes (Kd = 10.9 +/- 0.3 nM; Bmax = 979 +/- 12 fmol/mg of protein), and [3H]muscimol binding was enhanced by 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP. mRNAs encoding the alpha 1 and beta 3 subunits of the GABAA receptor were detected by the reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. In agreement with binding data, the benzodiazepine-binding gamma subunit mRNA was absent. GnRH release studies showed a dose-related stimulating action of muscimol. 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP not only modulated muscimol-induced secretion but also stimulated GnRH release when administered alone. Bicuculline and picrotoxin blocked the effects of 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP and muscimol. Finally, we observed that GT1-1 neurons convert progesterone to 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP. We propose that progesterone may increase the release of GnRH by a membrane mechanism, via its reduced metabolite 3 alpha,5 alpha-THP acting at the GABAA receptor.
Introdução: A identificação de variantes genéticas que predispõem a maior susceptibilidade à dependência à nicotina pode ser importante para a prevenção e o tratamento do tabagismo. No contexto de medicina personalizada, os principais objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar se polimorfismos nos genes CHRNA2, CHRNA3, CHRNA5 e CHRNB3 estão associados com o nível de dependência em indivíduos fumantes e com o resultado do tratamento antitabágico. Métodos: Estudo de coorte com 1049 pacientes fumantes que receberam tratamento farmacológico (vareniclina, vareniclina e bupropiona, bupropiona e/ou terapia de reposição nicotínica). O sucesso na cessação tabágica foi considerado para os pacientes que completaram 6 meses de abstinência contínua. O teste de Fagerström para a dependência à nicotina (FTND) e o escore de consumo situacional Issa foram utilizados para avaliar a dependência à nicotina. A escala de conforto PAF foi utilizada para avaliar o conforto do paciente durante o tratamento. Os polimorfismos CHRNA2 rs2472553, CHRNA3 rs1051730, CHRNA5 rs16969968, CHRNA5 rs2036527 e CHRNB3 rs6474413 foram genotipados pela análise da curva de melting. Resultados: As mulheres portadoras dos genótipos GA e AA para os polimorfismos CHRNA5 rs16969968 e rs2036527 obtiveram maior taxa de sucesso no tratamento antitabagismo: 44,0% e 56,3% (rs16969968), 41,5% e 56,5% (rs2036527), respectivamente; em comparação com as mulheres portadoras do genótipo GG: 35,7% (rs16969968) e 34,8% (rs2036527), (P=0,03; n=389; P=0,01; n=391). Os genótipos GA ou AA para os rs16969968 e rs2036527 foram associados com maior OR para o sucesso em mulheres (OR=1,63; IC 95%=1,04-2,54; P=0,03 e OR=1,59; IC 95%=1,02-2,48; P=0,04; respectivamente), em um modelo multivariado. Não foi encontrada associação dos polimorfismos no gene CHRNA5 com o escore de FTND. Para os polimorfismos CHRNA2 rs2472553, CHRNA3 rs1051730 e CHRNB3 rs6474413 não foram encontradas associações significativas com os fenótipos estudados. Conclusão: Os polimorfismos rs16969968 e rs2036527 no gene CHRNA5 foram associados com maior taxa de sucesso no tratamento antitabagismo em mulheres. Estes resultados podem contribuir com avanços na terapêutica baseada em medicina personalizada
Auxiliary subunit regulation of high-voltage activated calcium channels expressed in mammalian cells
The effects of auxiliary calcium channel subunits on the expression and functional properties of high-voltage activated (HVA) calcium channels have been studied extensively in the Xenopus oocyte expression system, but are less completely characterized in a mammalian cellular environment. Here, we provide the first systematic analysis of the effects of calcium channel beta and alpha(2)-delta subunits on expression levels and biophysical properties of three different types (Ca(v)1.2, Ca(v)2.1 and Ca(v)2.3) of HVA calcium channels expressed in tsA-201 cells. Our data show that Ca(v)1.2 and Ca(v)2.3 channels yield significant barium current in the absence of any auxiliary subunits. Although calcium channel beta subunits were in principle capable of increasing whole cell conductance, this effect was dependent on the type of calcium channel alpha(1) subunit, and beta(3) subunits altogether failed to enhance current amplitude irrespective of channel subtype. Moreover, the alpha(2)-delta subunit alone is capable of increasing current amplitude of each channel type examined, and at least for members of the Ca(v)2 channel family, appears to act synergistically with beta subunits. In general agreement with previous studies, channel activation and inactivation gating was regulated both by beta and by alpha(2)-delta subunits. However, whereas pronounced regulation of inactivation characteristics was seen with the majority of the auxiliary subunits, effects on voltage dependence of activation were only small (< 5 mV). Overall, through a systematic approach, we have elucidated a previously underestimated role of the alpha(2)-delta(1) subunit with regard to current enhancement and kinetics. Moreover, the effects of each auxiliary subunit on whole cell conductance and channel gating appear to be specifically tailored to subsets of calcium channel subtypes.
The expression and function of nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs) in rat coronary microvascular endothelial cells (CMECs) were examined using RT-PCR and whole cell patch-clamp recording methods. RT-PCR revealed expression of mRNA encoding for the subunits alpha(2), alpha(3), alpha(4), alpha(5), alpha(7), beta(2), and beta(4) but not beta(3). Focal application of ACh evoked an inward current in isolated CMECs voltage clamped at negative membrane potentials. The current-voltage relationship of the ACh-induced current exhibited marked inward rectification and a reversal potential (E-rev) close to 0 mV. The cholinergic agonists nicotine, epibatidine, and cytisine activated membrane currents similar to those evoked by ACh. The nicotine-induced current was abolished by the neuronal nAChR antagonist mecamylamine. The direction and magnitude of the shift in E-rev of nicotine-induced current as a function of extracellular Na+ concentration indicate that the nAChR channel is cation selective and follows that predicted by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation assuming K+/Na+ permeability ratio of 1.11. In fura-2-loaded CMECs, application of ACh, but not of nicotine, elicited a transient increase in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration. Taken together, these results demonstrate that neuronal nAChR activation by cholinergic agonists evokes an inward current in CMECs carried primarily by Na+, which may contribute to the plasma nicotine-induced changes in microvascular permeability and reactivity induced by elevations in plasma nicotine.
Cachexia is a wasting syndrome often associated with malignancy, characterised by alterations in host metabolism and significant catabolism of host adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. The MAC16 murine adenocarcinoma is profoundly cachexigenic, inducing host weight-loss at relatively small tumour burden without the induction of anorexia. A 4DkDa factor capable of inducing lipolysis in vitro via an activation of adenylate cyclase (AC) has been isolated from the MAC16 tumour, and the urine of cachectic cancer patients, using a series of ion exchange and gel exclusion chromatography procedures. This lipid-mobilising factor (LMF) has been demonstrated to stimulate lipolysis in adipocytes dose-dependently via a signal transduction pathway involving, possibly, β3-adrenoceptors. Oral administration of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) attenuated the progression of cachexia, but not the production of LMF, in MAC16 tumour-bearing mice, and was significantly incorporated into plasma phospholipids, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. EPA supplemented cancer patients also demonstrated significantly increased plasma EPA concentrations. Decreased plasma membrane AC activity in response to LMF was observed in adipocytes isolated from mice receiving EPA. Incubation in vitro of adipocytes, or plasma membranes, with PUFAs significantly altered membrane fatty acid composition and attenuated the induction of both lipolysis, and AC activity, by LMF. The inhibitory actions of EPA, but not docosahexaenoic acid, are probably the consequence of an interaction with guanine nucleotide binding proteins (G-proteins). Progression of the cachectic state induced an up-regulation of adipocyte membrane expression of stimulatory G-proteins, allied with a concomitant down-regulation of inhibitory G-proteins, thus facilitating the catabolic actions of LMF, implying some tumour-mediated effect. A reversal of such alterations was observed upon oral administration of EPA, suggesting that the primary mechanism of action of this fatty acid is an inhibition of the end organ effects of LMF.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
The pathogenesis of osteoarthritis is mediated in part by inflammatory cytokines including interleukin-1 (IL-1), which promote degradation of articular cartilage and prevent human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) chondrogenesis. We combined gene therapy and functional tissue engineering to develop engineered cartilage with immunomodulatory properties that allow chondrogenesis in the presence of pathologic levels of IL-1 by inducing overexpression of IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) in hMSCs via scaffold-mediated lentiviral gene delivery. A doxycycline-inducible vector was used to transduce hMSCs in monolayer or within 3D woven PCL scaffolds to enable tunable IL-1Ra production. In the presence of IL-1, IL-1Ra-expressing engineered cartilage produced cartilage-specific extracellular matrix, while resisting IL-1-induced upregulation of matrix metalloproteinases and maintaining mechanical properties similar to native articular cartilage. The ability of functional engineered cartilage to deliver tunable anti-inflammatory cytokines to the joint may enhance the long-term success of therapies for cartilage injuries or osteoarthritis.
Following this, we modified this anti-inflammatory engineered cartilage to incorporate rabbit MSCs and evaluated this therapeutic strategy in a pilot study in vivo in rabbit osteochondral defects. Rabbits were fed a custom doxycycline diet to induce gene expression in engineered cartilage implanted in the joint. Serum and synovial fluid were collected and the levels of doxycycline and inflammatory mediators were measured. Rabbits were euthanized 3 weeks following surgery and tissues were harvested for analysis. We found that doxycycline levels in serum and synovial fluid were too low to induce strong overexpression of hIL-1Ra in the joint and hIL-1Ra was undetectable in synovial fluid via ELISA. Although hIL-1Ra expression in the first few days local to the site of injury may have had a beneficial effect, overall a higher doxycycline dose and more readily transduced cell population would improve application of this therapy.
In addition to the 3D woven PCL scaffold, cartilage-derived matrix scaffolds have recently emerged as a promising option for cartilage tissue engineering. Spatially-defined, biomaterial-mediated lentiviral gene delivery of tunable and inducible morphogenetic transgenes may enable guided differentiation of hMSCs into both cartilage and bone within CDM scaffolds, enhancing the ability of the CDM scaffold to provide chondrogenic cues to hMSCs. In addition to controlled production of anti-inflammatory proteins within the joint, in situ production of chondro- and osteo-inductive factors within tissue-engineered cartilage, bone, or osteochondral tissue may be highly advantageous as it could eliminate the need for extensive in vitro differentiation involving supplementation of culture media with exogenous growth factors. To this end, we have utilized controlled overexpression of transforming growth factor-beta 3 (TGF-β3), bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) or a combination of both factors, to induce chondrogenesis, osteogenesis, or both, within CDM hemispheres. We found that TGF-β3 overexpression led to robust chondrogenesis in vitro and BMP-2 overexpression led to mineralization but not accumulation of type I collagen. We also showed the development of a single osteochondral construct by combining tissues overexpressing BMP-2 (hemisphere insert) and TGF-β3 (hollow hemisphere shell) and culturing them together in the same media. Chondrogenic ECM was localized in the TGF-β3-expressing portion and osteogenic ECM was localized in the BMP-2-expressing region. Tissue also formed in the interface between the two pieces, integrating them into a single construct.
Since CDM scaffolds can be enzymatically degraded just like native cartilage, we hypothesized that IL-1 may have an even larger influence on CDM than PCL tissue-engineered constructs. Additionally, anti-inflammatory engineered cartilage implanted in vivo will likely affect cartilage and the underlying bone. There is some evidence that osteogenesis may be enhanced by IL-1 treatment rather than inhibited. To investigate the effects of an inflammatory environment on osteogenesis and chondrogenesis within CDM hemispheres, we evaluated the ability of IL-1Ra-expressing or control constructs to undergo chondrogenesis and osteogenesis in the prescence of IL-1. We found that IL-1 prevented chondrogenesis in CDM hemispheres but did not did not produce discernable effects on osteogenesis in CDM hemispheres. IL-1Ra-expressing CDM hemispheres produced robust cartilage-like ECM and did not upregulate inflammatory mediators during chondrogenic culture in the presence of IL-1.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
In vitro studies have shown that stimulation of alpha1-adrenoceptors (ARs) directly induces proliferation, hypertrophy, and migration of arterial smooth muscle cells and adventitial fibroblasts. In vivo studies confirmed these findings and showed that catecholamine trophic activity becomes excessive after experimental balloon injury and contributes to neointimal growth, adventitial thickening, and lumen loss. However, past studies have been limited by selectivity of pharmacological agents. The aim of this study, in which mice devoid of norepinephrine and epinephrine synthesis [dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH-/-)] or deficient in alpha1-AR subtypes expressed in murine carotid (alpha1B-AR-/- and alpha1D-AR-/-) were used, was to test the hypothesis that catecholamines contribute to wall hypertrophy after injury. At 3 wk after injury of wild-type mice, lumen area and carotid circumference increased significantly, and hypertrophy of media and adventitia was in excess of that needed to restore circumferential wall stress to normal. In DBH-/- and alpha1B-AR-/- mice, increases in lumen area, circumference, and hypertrophy of the media and adventitia were reduced by 50-91%, resulting in restoration of wall tension to nearly normal (DBH-/-) or normal (alpha1B-AR-/-). In contrast, in alpha1D-AR-/- mice, increases in lumen area, circumference, and wall hypertrophy were unaffected and wall thickening remained in excess of that required to return tension to normal. When examined 5 days after injury, proliferation and leukocyte infiltration were inhibited in DBH-/- mice. These studies suggest that the trophic effects of catecholamines are mediated primarily by alpha1B-ARs in mouse carotid and contribute to hypertrophic growth after vascular injury.