182 resultados para Bentonite.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Nos monumentos históricos de Belém as alvenarias estruturais, juntamente com os alicerces e pilares, são responsáveis pelo sustento da edificação (VASCONCELLOS, 1979). Estas alvenarias são constituídas de pedras e tijolos maciços assentados com argamassa de cal e podem apresentar diversas patologias dentre as quais se destacam a eflorescência salina e a ação da umidade. Estes dois agentes ocasionam destacamento de camadas, pulverização de argamassa, surgimento de fendas e aparência esbranquiçada nas alvenarias (HENRIQUES, 1994; CHAROLA, 2000). A pesquisa tem como principal objetivo a identificação, caracterização e amenização da eflorescência salina, por meio do estudo de caso da alvenaria do transepto direito da Igreja de Santo Alexandre, situada no centro histórico de Belém-PA. Para isto foram utilizadas técnicas laboratoriais com o intuito de entender as condicionantes favoráveis ao processo de eflorescência salina, os danos provocados aos materiais, os tipos de sais mais atuantes e quais materiais são eficientes para dessalinização. Primeiramente foi realizado o mapeamento da alvenaria e o mapeamento de danos para verificar a situação atual e as áreas mais degradadas. Posteriormente foi realizada a caracterização física, química e mineralógica: 1) caracterização física por meio de análise granulométrica por difração a laser, análise de traço e análise do teor de umidade da alvenaria, 2) caracterização química por meio de teste qualitativo e quantitativo de sais e 3) caracterização mineralógica por Difração de Raios-X. A Difração de Raios-X também foi utilizada para avaliar a eficácia de quatro tipos de argamassas de dessalinização que continham argilas (Bentonita e Caulim) e areia em diferentes relações. Ao final do trabalho verificou-se que as técnicas sugeridas para caracterização e mapeamento da alvenaria se mostraram eficientes e auxiliaram no diagnóstico correto da problemática existente. Além disso, chegou-se a conclusão de quais argamassas são mais recomendadas para dessalinização de alvenarias degradadas por eflorescência salina.


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No município de Formosa da Serra Negra, sul do Maranhão, às margens da rodovia MA006, encontram-se afloramentos de basaltos intemperizados da Formação Mosquito, apresentando textura bastante argilosa e potencial de ser um material bentonítico. Neste trabalho, esse material que vem sendo considerado uma nova ocorrência de bentonita no Brasil e, batizado de Formosa, foi caracterizado por difração de raios X, fluorescência de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, espectroscopia Mössbauer e capacidade de troca catiônica, em amostra total e após separação granulométrica, e ainda, comparada com duas das principais bentonitas brasileiras, Chocolate e Bofe. Apesar das variações químicas e mineralógicas encontradas, muito comuns nesse tipo de argila, as semelhanças observadas convencem o promissor uso da argila Formosa como bentonita, uma vez que o ponto principal da caracterização está na presença dominante de montmorillonita e baixa concentração de outras fases minerais, mostrando que esse material apresenta mineralogia importante do ponto de vista tecnológico.


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Bentonitas são argilas que tem como seu principal constituinte argilominerais do grupo da esmectita, predominantemente montmorillonita. De acordo com o cátion predominante no espaço intercamada da esmectita, a bentonita pode ser classificada como sódica, cálcica ou magnesiana. Essas argilas possuem vasta aplicação industrial, como fluidos de perfuração, pelotização, moldes de fundição, dentre outros. Para algumas aplicações mais específicas e que agregam maior valor ao produto final, como na síntese de nanocompósitos polímero/argila, faz-se necessário à intercalação de íons orgânicos na intercamada do argilomineral. No Brasil, a produção industrial de argilas organofílicas é pequena e voltada para os mercados de tintas, graxas e resinas de poliéster. Empresas do setor de bentonitas, que ainda não estão produzindo esse tipo de material, vêm mostrando crescente interesse nesta aplicação. Dentro desse contexto, este trabalho buscou avaliar o potencial da Bentonita Formosa, uma Mg-bentonita recentemente descrita e relativamente abundante no nordeste do Brasil, na produção de argilas organofílicas e sua aplicação em síntese de nanocompósitos polímero/argila. Para isso, foram realizadas sínteses variando a concentração dos íons surfactantes hexadeciltrimetilamônio (HDTMA+) e dodeciltrimetilamônio (DTMA+) em 0,7, 1,0 e 1,5 vezes o valor de CEC, com tempo de reação de 12 horas e variação de temperatura de 25 ºC e 80 ºC. A Mg-Bentonita in natura e ativada com carbonato de sódio foi utilizada como material de partida. Tanto o material de partida como as argilas organofílicas obtidas foram caracterizadas por DRX, DTA/TG e IV. As argilas que apresentaram melhores resultados de intercalação foram utilizadas nas proporções de 1%, 3% e 10% para a síntese de nanocompósitos poli(metacrilato de metila) (PMMA)/argila. As análises de DRX confirmaram a intercalação dos íons orgânicos no espaço intercamada da Mg-esmectita com e sem ativação. Com os resultados de IV foi possível observar que a razão de confôrmeros gauche/trans diminui com o aumento do espaçamento basal. Os resultados de DTA/TG confirmaram a estabilidade térmica das argilas organofílicas à temperatura máxima de 200 °C, o que possibilita a utilização desse material em síntese de nanocompósitos polímero/argila obtidos por processo de fusão. A análise de DRX confirmou a intercalação do PMMA no espaço intercamada da Mg-esmectita em todos os nanocompósitos produzidos. Com as análises de DSC foi possível observar o aumento da temperatura de transição vítrea para todos os nanocompósitos, quando comparados com PMMA puro. Com isso, é possível concluir que a Mg-Bentonita pode ser intercalada com íons alquilamônio, sem a necessidade prévia de ativação sódica, formando argilas organofílicas, assim como sua utilização em síntese de nanocompósitos. Essa possibilidade de utilização da Mg-bentonita in natura pode representar uma importante diferença em termos de custos de processo, na comparação com as bentonitas cálcicas existentes no Brasil, ou mesmo as importadas, que precisam ser ativadas durante o beneficiamento. Finalmente, acredita-se que a pesquisa deve avançar com a avaliação das propriedades mecânicas dos nanocompósitos produzidos neste trabalho, visando as diferentes possibilidades de aplicações desses materiais.


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A cidade de Belém do Pará contém um espaço que abriga inúmeros monumentos pétreos históricos, os quais configuram e marcam a identidade da sociedade belenense do século XIX. Esse espaço é o Cemitério da Soledade, que se configura como um museu a céu aberto. Além do intemperismo, que faz com que as pedras estejam constantemente sendo alteradas, o Soledade sofre com saques e vandalismos ao longo de seus mais de 150 anos de existência e a presença de patologias nos revestimentos pétreos de túmulos e mausoléus do primeiro cemitério público de Belém, fere a qualidade e a integridade do material, interferindo de forma negativa na leitura da imagem do espaço, o qual é tombado como Patrimônio Nacional Paisagístico desde1964, pelo IPHAN. A partir disso, e considerando a importância da conservação e restauração de edifícios e monumentos antigos para a preservação da memória de um povo, a pesquisa buscou avaliar as deteriorações de origem intempérica e antrópica nas diferentes pedras utilizadas nos túmulos e mausoléus do Cemitério Nossa Senhora da Soledade, por meio do conhecimento das características das rochas usadas, do seu estado de alteração e das causas e mecanismos de deterioração visando gerar subsídios para a sua conservação e restauração. O diagnóstico do estado de conservação, por meio de mapeamento de danos confirmou o nível avançado das manifestações patológicas nas superfícies das pedras, que internamente também apresentam falta de coesão e descontinuidades, conforme resultados do ultrassom. A partir das análises e investigações tecnológicas foi possível caracterizar o granito, o lioz e o mármore e determinar agentes e mecanismos de deterioração como a ação química, as altas temperaturas e a ação microbiológica. Para contribuir com ações de conservação futuras, foram realizados testes de procedimentos restaurativos, com polimento e aplicação de emplastro de bentonita, que se mostraram eficientes na limpeza dos monumentos. Com os dados obtidos com esse estudo, busca-se a oposição ao caráter atual de abandono do Cemitério da Soledade, promovendo a importância de mantê-lo conservado para as gerações futuras.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A montmorillonite from Wyoming-USA was used to prepare an organo-clay complex, named 2-thiazoline-2-thiol-hexadecyltrimethylammonium-clay (TZT-HDTA-clay), for the purpose of the selective adsorption of the heavy metals ions and possible use as a chemically modified carbon paste electrode (CMCPE). Adsorption isotherms of Hg 2+, Pb 2+, Cd 2+, Cu 2+, and Zn 2+ from aqueous solutions as a function of the pH were studied at 298 K. Conditions for quantitative retention and elution were established for each metal by batch and column methods. The organo-clay complex was very selective to Hg(II) in aqueous solution in which other metals and ions were also present. The accumulation voltammetry of Hg(II) was studied at a carbon paste electrode chemically modified with this material. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to the pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, cleaning solution, possible interferences and other variables. A carbon paste electrode modified by TZT-HDTA-clay showed two peaks: one cathodic peak at about 0.0 V and an anodic peak at 0.25 V, scanning the potential from -0.2 to 0.8 V (0.05 M KNO 3 vs. Ag/AgCl). The anodic peak at 0.25 V presents excellent selectivity for Hg(II) ions in the presence of foreign ions. The detection limit was estimated as 0.1 μg L -1. The precision of determination was satisfactory for the respective concentration level. 2005 © The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.


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Die Elemente Uran und Plutonium besitzen seit Entdeckung der Kernspaltung und der technischen Nutzung der Kernenergie eine globale Bedeutung. So trägt Pu hauptsächlich zur Radiotoxizität von abgebrannten Brennelementen bei und erfordert im Falle einer Endlagerung in einer tiefen geologischen Formation einen sicheren Verschluss für bis zu einer Million Jahre. Das Wissen über die vorliegenden chemischen Spezies ist dabei entscheidend für das Verständnis der chemisch-physikalischen Wechselwirkungen im jeweiligen geochemischen System, insbesondere mit dem Wirtsgestein (hier Ton) und den allgegenwärtigen Huminstoffen (hier Fulvinsäure). Längerfristig sind so Vorhersagen über einen Transport des hochradioaktiven Abfalls nach Auslaugung und Austritt aus einem Endlager bis in die Biosphäre möglich. Gerade der Ultraspurenbereich, im Fernfeld eines Endlagers zu erwarten, ist dabei von besonderem Interesse. Darüber hinaus machen nuklearforensische Untersuchungen – in Hinblick auf illegal benutztes Nuklearmaterial, Schmuggel oder Nuklearterrorismus – zur Bestimmung der Herkunft, des Alters oder der Radiotoxizität isotopenselektive Nachweismethoden im Ultraspurenbereich notwendig. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden hierfür die Resonanzionisationsmassenspektrometrie (RIMS) zur isotopenselektiven Spuren- und Ultraspurenanalyse von U und Pu sowie die Kapillarelektrophorese (CE) gekoppelt an die induktiv gekoppelte Plasma (ICP)-Massenspektrometrie (CE-ICP-MS) zur Speziation von Pu eingesetzt. Für den isotopenselektiven Nachweis von Ultraspurenmengen von Uran mittels RIMS wurden vorbereitende Studien durchgeführt und mehrere zweifach resonante Anregungsleitern mit nicht-resonanter Ionisation untersucht. Eine Effizienz von ca. 10^-10 bei einer Nachweisgrenze von 10^12 Atomen U-238 konnte erzielt werden. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Radiochemie, TU München, wurde mittels RIMS die Isotopenzusammensetzung von Plutonium, abgetrennt aus einem panzerbrechenden Urangeschoss aus dem Kosovokonflikt, bestimmt und dieses als Waffenplutonium mit einem Gehalt von 15 pg Pu-239/g Uran identifiziert. Rückschlüsse über Herkunft und Alter des Plutoniums konnten daraus gewonnen werden. Für Studien zur Umweltüberwachung von Plutonium in Rheinland-Pfalz wurden Grund-, Oberflächen- und Klärwasserproben mittels RIMS untersucht. Oberhalb der Nachweisgrenze von ca. 10^7 Atomen Pu-239/500 mL konnte kein signifikanter Gehalt bestimmt werden. Zusätzlich wurden Klärschlammproben untersucht, wobei in einer Probe 5,1*10^7 Atome Pu-239/g gemessen wurde, was auf eine Anreicherung von Pu im Klärschlamm aus großen Wasservolumina hindeuten könnte. Speziationsuntersuchungen von Plutonium in Kontakt mit Fulvinsäure und dem Tonmineral Kaolinit wurden in Hinblick auf die Wechselwirkungen im Umfeld eines nuklearen Endlagers durchgeführt. Die Redoxkinetik von Pu(VI) in Kontakt mit Gorleben-Fulvinsäure zeigt eine mit steigendem pH zunehmend schnellere und vollständige Reduktion und ein vergleichbares Verhalten zur Huminsäure. Für ein Plutoniumgemisch aus allen vier umweltrelevanten Oxidationsstufen in Kontakt mit Gorleben-Fulvinsäure konnte nach ca. 1 Monat Kontaktzeit eine fasst vollständige Reduktion zum tri- und tetravalenten Pu beobachtet werden. Sorptionsuntersuchungen der stabilsten Oxidationsstufe, Pu(IV), in Kontakt mit Kaolinit bei pH = 0 bis 13 im Konzentrationsbereich 10^-7 bis 10^-9 mol/L verdeutlichen das ausgeprägte Sorptionsverhalten von Pu(IV) (ca. 60% bis 90% Sorption) im umweltrelevanten pH-Bereich bei einem Einsetzen der Sorption bei pH = 0 bis 2. Im Rahmen des "Colloid and Radionuclide Retardation" (CRR) Experiments im Felslabor Grimsel, Schweizer Alpen, wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung, Karlsruhe, die kolloidgetragene Migration von Pu(IV) in einem Grundwasserstrom durch Scherzonen im Granitgestein unter umweltrelevanten Bedingungen untersucht. Bei Zugabe von im Grundwasser stabilen Bentonitkolloiden – Bentonit wird als ein geeignetes Verschlussmaterial für nukleare Abfälle erforscht – konnte ein erhöhter Transport des Pu(IV) beobachtet werden, der durch Sorption des Pu an die mobilen Kolloide hervorgerufen wird. Zur Speziation von Plutonium im Ultraspurenbereich wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit an der Entwicklung der Kopplung der CE mit der sehr sensitiven RIMS gearbeitet. Das Prinzip der offline-Kopplung basiert auf dem Sammeln der zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten am Ende der Kapillare eluierten Oxidationsstufen in einzelnen Fraktionen. Aus jeder Fraktion wird ein eigenes Filament hergestellt und mit RIMS auf seinen Plutoniumgehalt untersucht. Eine erste Validierung der Methode konnte durch Bestimmung der Oxidationsstufenzusammensetzung eines bekannten Gemischs erfolgreich für einen Gehalt von ca. 6*10^9 Atome Pu-239 durchgeführt werden. Dies stellt einen möglichen Zugang zu dem erwarteten Konzentrationsbereich im Fernfeld eines Endlagers dar.


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Wein ist eine komplexe Lösung bestehend aus verschiedensten Komponenten wie Alkohol, Polyphenolen, Polysacchariden, Sulfiten und auch Proteinen. Auch wenn Proteine nur in geringen Mengen im Wein enthalten sind, beeinflussen sie die Qualität maßgeblich. Hier ist zum einen deren potentielle Unverträglichkeit bis hin zur Allergie zu nennen, und zum anderen der Einfluss der Weinproteine auf die Trübung. Im Rahmen einer epidemiologischen Studie der Arbeitsgruppe Fronk/Decker wurde festgestellt, dass es in der Weinregion Mainz ein starkes Interesse gibt die Ursache einer Weinunverträglichkeit zu untersuchen. Für weiterführende Untersuchungen wurde im Rahmen meiner Arbeit das Lipid Transfer Protein (LTP), welches als einziges Allergen der Traube bekannt ist, aus Trauben und Wein in hohem Reinheitsgrad isoliert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass dessen Struktur bei der Weinherstellung nicht maßgeblich verändert wurde. In einer klinischen Studie mit 29 Probanden wurde die potentielle Allergenität von Weinproteinen, im Besonderen des LTPs untersucht. Allerdings konnte bei den untersuchten Probanden keine echte IgE-Antikörper-vermittelte Allergie auf das LTP nachgewiesen werden. Daher wird die Ursache der beschriebenen Unverträglichkeiten bei anderen Weininhaltsstoffen oder auch auf pollenassoziierten Kreuzreaktionen vermutet. Bei der Entstehung einer Weintrübung sind zahlreiche Inhaltstoffe beteiligt. Die Rolle der Proteine ist in diesem Zusammenhang noch nicht abschließend geklärt. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Komplexität der Proteinzusammensetzung in Abhängigkeit von Lage, Jahrgang, Rebsorte sowie Behandlungsmaßnahmen gezeigt. Hinsichtlich der Stabilisierung und Trübungsrelevanz der Weinproteine konnte mittels biochemischer, bioinformatischer und biophysikalischer Methoden gezeigt werden, dass nur ein Teil der im Wein enthaltenen Thaumatin-ähnlichen Proteine und Chitinasen an der Trubbildung beteiligt sind. Die Invertase hingegen denaturiert erst ab einer Temperatur von ca. 83 °C und aggregiert in der Trübung. Somit führt dieses Protein bei Wärmetests zu Bentonitbedarfsermittlung in diesem Temperaturbereich zu einer Überschätzung. Die Versuche zur temperaturabhängigen Aggregation von Proteinen zeigen, wie wichtig die Berücksichtigung der Umgebungsfaktoren bei der Trubbildung ist. So konnten unterschiedliche Wechselwirkungen im Puffer- und realen Weinsystem von potentiell trübungsstabilisierenden Polysacchariden mit den Weinproteinen detektiert werden. Für das Arabinogalactan beispielsweise wurde in den Versuchen im Weinsystem eine destabilisierende Wirkung gefunden, während es bei den Versuchen im Puffersystem eine positive Wirkung auf die Stabilisierung der Probe zeigte. Es zeigte sich, dass die verschiedenen Weininhaltsstoffe in einer komplexen Wechselwirkung zueinander stehen und somit eine molekulare Interpretation erschweren.


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Treatment plants that operate either thermophilic or mesophilic anaerobic digesters with centrifugal dewatering processes have consistently observed densities of fecal coliform and Escherichia coli, both indicator bacteria, that decrease during digestion but then increase after dewatering and storage. The increases have been characterized as two separate phenomena to explain this observation: 1) “Sudden Increase,” or SI, which is defined as the increase that occurs immediately after dewatering and 2) “regrowth,” which is defined as an increase during storage of cake samples over a period of hours or days. The SI observation appears to be more prevalent with biosolids that are generated with thermophilic processes and dewatered by centrifugation. Both thermophilic and mesophilic digesters with centrifuge dewatering processes have observed the regrowth phenomena. This research hypothesizes that the SI phenomenon is due to the presence of viable nonculturable (VNC) bacteria that are reactivated during dewatering. In other words, the bacteria were always present but were not enumerated by standard culturing methods (SCM). Analysis of the E. coli density in thermally treated solids by SCMs and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) indicated that E. coli densities are often underestimated by SCM. When analyzed with qPCR, the E. coli density after digestion can be 4-5 orders of magnitude greater than the non-detect levels identified by SCMs, which supports the non-culturable hypothesis. The VNC state describes a condition where bacteria are alive but unable to sustain the metabolic process needed for cellular division. Supplements added to culturing media were investigated to determine if the resuscitation of VNC bacteria could be enhanced. The autoinducer molecules Nhexanoyl- L-Homoserine lactone (C6-HSL), 3-oxo-N-octanoyl-L-Homoserine lactone (3-oxo- C8-HSL), and norepinephrine were unable to induce the resuscitation of VNC E. coli. Additional sampling was performed to determine if autoinducer molecules, peroxides, or other as of yet unknown inhibitory agents and toxins could be removed from biosolids during SCM. Culture media supplemented with the peroxide degrading compounds catalase, α-ketoglutaric acid, and sodium pyruvate was unable to resuscitate non-culturable E. coli. The additions of bentonite and exponential growth phase E. coli cell-free supernatant to culturing media were also unable to increase the culturability of E. coli. To remove inhibitory agents and toxins, a cell washing technique was employed prior to performing SCM; however, this cell washing technique may have increased cellular stresses that inhibited resuscitation since cell densities decreased. A novel laboratory-scale dewatering process was also investigated to determine if the SI and regrowth phenomena observed in full-scale centrifugal dewatering could be mimicked in the laboratory using a lab shearing device. Fecal coliform and E. coli densities in laboratory prepared cake samples were observed to be an order of magnitude higher than full-scale dewatered cakes. Additionally, the laboratory-scale dewatering process was able to resuscitate fecal coliforms and E. coli in stored sludge such that the density increased by 4-5 orders of magnitude from nondetect values. Lastly, the addition of aluminum sulfate during centrifuge dewatering at a full-scale utility produced an increased regrowth of fecal coliforms and E. coli that was sustained for 5 days.


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Deep geological storage of radioactive waste foresees cementitious materials as reinforcement of tunnels and as backfill. Bentonite is proposed to enclose spent fuel drums, and as drift seals. The emplacement of cementitious material next to clay material generates an enormous chemical gradient in pore water composition that drives diffusive solute transport. Laboratory studies and reactive transport modeling predict significant mineral alteration at and near interfaces, mainly resulting in a decrease of porosity in bentonite. The goal of this project is to characterize and quantify the cement/bentonite skin effects spatially and temporally in laboratory experiments. A newly developed mobile X-ray transparent core infiltration device was used, which allows performing X-ray computed tomography (CT) periodically without interrupting a running experiment. A pre-saturated cylindrical MX-80 bentonite sample (1920 kg/m3 average wet density) is subjected to a confining pressure as a constant total pressure boundary condition. The infiltration of a hyperalkaline (pH 13.4), artificial OPC (ordinary Portland cement) pore water into the bentonite plug alters the mineral assemblage over time as an advancing reaction front. The related changes in X-ray attenuation values are related to changes in phase densities, porosity and local bulk density and are tracked over time periodically by non-destructive CT scans.


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Designs for deep geological respositories of nuclear waste include bentonite as a hydraulic and chemisorption buffer material to protect the biosphere from leakage of radionuclides. Bentonite is chosen because it is a cheap, naturally occurring material with the required properties. It consists essentially of montmorillonite, a swelling clay mineral. Upon contact with groundwater such clays can seal the repository by incorporating water in the interlayers of their crystalline structure. The intercalated water exhibits significantly different properties to bulk water in the surrounding interparticle pores, such as lower diffusion coefficients (González Sánchez et. al. 2008). This doctoral thesis presents water distribution and diffusion behavior on various time and space scales in montmorillonite. Experimental results are presented for Na- and Cs-montmorillonite samples with a range of bulk dry densities (0.8 to 1.7 g/cm3). The experimental methods employed were neutron scattering (backscattering, diffraction, time-of-flight), adsorption measurements (water, nitrogen) and tracer-through diffusion. For the tracer experiments the samples were fully saturated via the liquid phase under volume-constrained conditions. In contrast, for the neutron scattering experiments, the samples were hydrated via the vapor phase and subsequently compacted, leaving a significant fraction of interparticle pores unfilled with water. Owing to these differences in saturation, the water contents of the samples for neutron scattering were characterized by gravimetry whereas those for the tracer experiments were obtained from the bulk dry density. The amount of surface water in interlayer pores could be successfully discriminated from the amount of bulk-like water in interparticle pores in Na- and Csmontmorillonite using neutron spectroscopy. For the first time in the literature, the distribution of water between these two pore environments was deciphered as a function of gravimetric water content. The amount was compared to a geometrical estimation of the amount of interlayer and interparticle water determined by neutron diffraction and adsorption measurements. The relative abundances of the 1 to 4 molecular water layers in the interlayer were determined from the area ratios of the (001)-diffraction peaks. Depending on the characterization method, different fractions of surface water and interlayer water were obtained. Only surface and interlayer water exists in amontmorillonite with water contents up to 0.18 g/g according to spectroscopic measurements and up to 0.32 g/g according to geometrical estimations, respectively. At higher water contents, bulk-like and interparticle water also exists. The amounts increase monotonically, but not linearly, from zero to 0.33 g/g for bulk-like water and to 0.43 g/g for interparticle water. It was found that water most likely redistributes between the surface and interlayer sites during the spectroscopic measurements and therefore the reported fraction is relevant only below about -10 ºC (Anderson, 1967). The redistribution effect can explain the discrepancy in fractions between the methods. In a novel approach the fractions of water in different pore environments were treated as a fixed parameter to derive local diffusion coefficients for water from quasielastic neutron scattering data, in particular for samples with high water contents. Local diffusion coefficients were obtained for the 1 to 4 molecular water layers in the interlayer of 0.5·10–9, 0.9·10–9, 1.5·10–9 and 1.4·10–9 m²/s, respectively, taking account of the different water fractions (molecular water layer, bulk-like water). The diffusive transport of 22Na and HTO through Na-montmorillonite was measured on the laboratory experimental scale (i.e. cm, days) by tracer through-diffusion experiments. We confirmed that diffusion of HTO is independent of the ionic strength of the external solution in contact with the clay sample but dependent on the bulk dry density. In contrast, the diffusion of 22Na was found to depend on both the ionic strength of the pore solution and on the bulk dry density. The ratio of the pore and surface diffusion could be experimentally determined for 22Na from the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on the ionic strength. Activation energies were derived from the temperaturedependent diffusion coefficients via the Arrhenius relation. In samples with high bulk dry density the activation energies are slightly higher than those of bulk water whereas in low density samples they are lower. The activation energies as a function of ionic strengths of the pore solutions are similar for 22Na and HTO. The facts that (i) the slope of the logarithmic effective diffusion coefficients as a function of the logarithmic ionic strength is less than unity for low bulk dry densities and (ii) two water populations can be observed for high gravimetric water contents (low bulk dry densities) support the interlayer and interparticle porosity model proposed by Glaus et al. (2007), Bourg et al. (2006, 2007) and Gimmi and Kosakowski (2011).


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Correlation of mineral associations from sediment recovered on the northwestern Australian continental margin document the juvenile-to-mature evolution of a segment of the Indian Ocean. Lower Cretaceous sediments contain sandy-to-silty radiolarian claystone that consists of highly smectitic mixed-layered illite/smectite (I/S) in addition to minor amounts of diagenetic pyrite, barite, and rhodochrosite. These immature, poorly sorted sediments were derived from nearby continental margin sources. Discrete bentonite layers and abundant smectite are the alteration products of volcanic material deposited during early basin formation. Abundant quartz-replaced radiolarian tests suggest high surface-water productivity, and calcareous fossils indicate water depths were above the calcite compensation depth (CCD) in the juvenile Indian Ocean. The increase in pelagic carbonate from the mid- to Late Cretaceous signals the transition to mature, open-ocean conditions. Similar to other slowly deposited contemporaneous deep-sea sediments, mid- to Upper Cretaceous sediments of the northwestern margin of Australia contain palygorskite. This palygorskite is associated with calcareous sediment across the ooze-to-chalk transition, detrital mixed-layered I/S, and zeolite minerals in places. This palygorskite occurs above the transformation from opal-A to opal-CT. The underlying opal-CT sediment contains abundant smectite and zeolite minerals. Calcareous sediment dominates the Cenozoic, except at abyssal sites that were not inundated by calcareous turbidites. Paleocene and Eocene sediments contain abundant smectite and zeolite minerals derived from the alteration of volcanic material. Palygorskite was found to be associated with sepiolite and dolomite in Miocene sediments from Site 765 in the Argo Basin. Pliocene and Quaternary sediments contain detrital kaolinite and mixed-layered I/S, abundant opal-A radiolarian tests, and minor amounts of pyrite


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Se demuestra que las tierras activadas presentan condiciones favorables para la estabilización del vino, mediante la eliminación de las proteínas y reducción del tenor en Fe del vino. A su vez posee una marcada acción decolorante. Comparado con la bentonita, su eficacia sobre la reducción del tenor de "Fe" es mayor, y menor el volumen de borras; en cambio, su poder de eliminación de las proteínas es mas pobre