999 resultados para Becker, Waldemar


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Rezension von: Martin Fischer / Matthias Becker / Georg Spöttl (Hrsg.). Kompetenzdiagnostik in der beruflichen Bildung, Probleme und Perspektiven, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2011 (236 S.; ISBN 978-3-631-61660-4)


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Meeting participants: Rosário dos Santos, Porto, Portugal


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Erratum to: A high-flux BEC source for mobile atom interferometers in: New Journal of Physics 17 (2015) 065001


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Quantum sensors based on coherent matter-waves are precise measurement devices whose ultimate accuracy is achieved with Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in extended free fall. This is ideally realized in microgravity environments such as drop towers, ballistic rockets and space platforms. However, the transition from lab-based BEC machines to robust and mobile sources with comparable performance is a challenging endeavor. Here we report on the realization of a miniaturized setup, generating a flux of 4x10(5) quantum degenerate Rb-87 atoms every 1.6 s. Ensembles of 1 x 10(5) atoms can be produced at a 1 Hz rate. This is achieved by loading a cold atomic beam directly into a multi-layer atom chip that is designed for efficient transfer from laser-cooled to magnetically trapped clouds. The attained flux of degenerate atoms is on par with current lab-based BEC experiments while offering significantly higher repetition rates. Additionally, the flux is approaching those of current interferometers employing Raman-type velocity selection of laser-cooled atoms. The compact and robust design allows for mobile operation in a variety of demanding environments and paves the way for transportable high-precision quantum sensors.


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We formulate the Becker-Döring equations for cluster growth in the presence of a time-dependent source of monomer input. In the case of size-independent aggregation and ragmentation rate coefficients we find similarity solutions which are approached in the large time limit. The form of the solutions depends on the rate of monomer input and whether fragmentation is present in the model; four distinct types of solution are found.


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This paper is concerned with an analysis of the Becker-Döring equations which lie at the heart of a number of descriptions of non-equilibrium phase transitions and related complex dynamical processes. The Becker-Döring theory describes growth and fragmentation in terms of stepwise addition or removal of single particles to or from clusters of similar particles and has been applied to a wide range of problems of physicochemical and biological interest within recent years. Here we consider the case where the aggregation and fragmentation rates depend exponentially on cluster size. These choices of rate coefficients at least qualitatively correspond to physically realistic molecular clustering scenarios such as occur in, for example, simulations of simple fluids. New similarity solutions for the constant monomer Becker-Döring system are identified, and shown to be generic in the case of aggregation and fragmentation rates that depend exponentially on cluster size.


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We investigate the Becker-Döring model of nucleation with three generalisations; an input of monomer, an input of inhibitor and finally, we allow the monomers to form two morphologies of cluster. We assume size-independent aggregation and fragmentation rates. Initially we consider the problem of constant monomer input and determine the steady-state solution approached in the large-time limit, and the manner in which it is approached. Secondly, in addition to a constant input of monomer we allow a constant input of inhibitor, which prevents clusters growing any larger and this removes them from the kinetics of the process; the inhibitor is consumed in the action of poisoning a cluster. We determine a critical ratio of poison to monomer input below which the cluster concentrations tend to a non-zero steady-state solution and the poison concentration tends to a finite value. Above the critical input ratio, the concentrations of all cluster sizes tend to zero and the poison concentration grows without limit. In both cases the solution in the large-time limit is determined. Finally we consider a model where monomers form two morphologies, but the inhibitor only acts on one morphology. Four cases are identified, depending on the relative poison to monomer input rates and the relative thermodynamic stability. In each case we determine the final cluster distribution and poison concentration. We find that poisoning the less stable cluster type can have a significant impact on the structure of the more stable cluster distribution; a counter-intuitive result. All results are shown to agree with numerical simulation.


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Resumo O que se pretende com este trabalho é refletir sobre a criação de um pensamento geopolítico no Brasil, com ênfase especial em Bertha Koiffmann Becker e analisar as “trajetórias” de seu pensamento.AbstractWhat we propose in this paper is to reflect on the creation of a geopolitical thinking in Brazil, with special emphasis on Bertha Koiffmann Becker and analyze the “trajectories” of his thought.


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Este estudo trata da comunicação face a face nas organizações sob diferentes abordagens teóricas. Considera a perspectiva da simultaneidade dos meios, já que as empresas utilizam diversos canais para dialogar com seus públicos de interesse. Leva em conta o fenômeno da midiatização, que reestrutura o modo como as pessoas se relacionam na sociedade contemporânea. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é sistematizar papeis potencialmente exercidos pela interação face a face e conhecer algumas circunstâncias que envolvem sua prática nas organizações. Por se tratar de uma tese teórica, a pesquisa bibliográfica se apresenta como um dos principais procedimentos metodológicos; análises de casos empíricos e um estudo de caso desenvolvido na Embrapa Pantanal constituem situações ilustrativas. Conclui-se que a comunicação face a face nas empresas ocorre de forma simultânea e combinada a outros canais de comunicação, porém, ela proporciona resultados práticos e filosóficos ainda pouco explorados. É rara a utilização estratégica de contatos presenciais como mecanismo para estabelecer relacionamentos, conhecer as reações alheias e ajustar a comunicação, aliar o discurso corporativo às práticas empresariais e avaliar o contexto onde se desenvolvem as interações, o que pode ser decisivo para a comunicação organizacional.


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Hippocampal sclerosis (HS) is considered the most frequent neuropathological finding in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). Hippocampal specimens of pharmacoresistant MTLE patients that underwent epilepsy surgery for seizure control reveal the characteristic pattern of segmental neuronal cell loss and concomitant astrogliosis. However, classification issues of hippocampal lesion patterns have been a matter of intense debate. International consensus classification has only recently provided significant progress for comparisons of neurosurgical and clinic-pathological series between different centers. The respective four-tiered classification system of the International League Against Epilepsy subdivides HS into three types and includes a term of gliosis only, no-HS. Future studies will be necessary to investigate whether each of these subtypes of HS may be related to different etiological factors or with postoperative memory and seizure outcome. Molecular studies have provided potential deeper insights into the pathogenesis of HS and MTLE on the basis of epilepsy-surgical hippocampal specimens and corresponding animal models. These include channelopathies, activation of NMDA receptors, and other conditions related to Ca(2+) influx into neurons, the imbalance of Ca(2+)-binding proteins, acquired channelopathies that increase neuronal excitability, paraneoplastic and non-paraneoplastic inflammatory events, and epigenetic regulation promoting or facilitating hippocampal epileptogenesis. Genetic predisposition for HS is clearly suggested by the high incidence of family history in patients with HS, and by familial MTLE with HS. So far, it is clear that HS is multifactorial and there is no individual pathogenic factor either necessary or sufficient to generate this intriguing histopathological condition. The obvious variety of pathogenetic combinations underlying HS may explain the multitude of clinical presentations, different responses to clinical and surgical treatment. We believe that the stratification of neuropathological patterns can help to characterize specific clinic-pathological entities and predict the postsurgical seizure control in an improved fashion.


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Hydrophilic and lipophilic extracts of ten cultivars of Highbush and Rabbiteye Brazilian blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L. and Vacciniumashei Reade, respectively) that are used for commercial production were analysed for antioxidant activity by the FRAP, ORAC, ABTS and β-carotene-linoleate methods. Results were correlated to the amounts of carotenoids, total phenolics and anthocyanins. Brazilian blueberries had relatively high concentration of total phenolics (1,622-3,457 mg gallic acid equivalents per 100 g DW) and total anthocyanins (140-318 mg cyanidin-3-glucoside equivalents per 100 g DW), as well as being a good source of carotenoids. There was a higher positive correlation between the amounts of these compounds and the antioxidant activity of hydrophilic compared to lipophilic extracts. There were also significant differences in the level of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activities between different cultivars, production location and year of cultivation.


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The 'dilution effect' (DE) hypothesis predicts that diverse host communities will show reduced disease. The underlying causes of pathogen dilution are complex, because they involve non-additive (driven by host interactions and differential habitat use) and additive (controlled by host species composition) mechanisms. Here, we used measures of complementarity and selection traditionally employed in the field of biodiversity-ecosystem function (BEF) to quantify the net effect of host diversity on disease dynamics of the amphibian-killing fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Complementarity occurs when average infection load in diverse host assemblages departs from that of each component species in uniform populations. Selection measures the disproportionate impact of a particular species in diverse assemblages compared with its performance in uniform populations, and therefore has strong additive and non-additive properties. We experimentally infected tropical amphibian species of varying life histories, in single- and multi-host treatments, and measured individual Bd infection loads. Host diversity reduced Bd infection in amphibians through a mechanism analogous to complementarity (sensu BEF), potentially by reducing shared habitat use and transmission among hosts. Additionally, the selection component indicated that one particular terrestrial species showed reduced infection loads in diverse assemblages at the expense of neighbouring aquatic hosts becoming heavily infected. By partitioning components of diversity, our findings underscore the importance of additive and non-additive mechanisms underlying the DE.


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To describe the clinical history of a child with aggressive behavior and recurring death-theme speech, and report the experience of the team of authors, who proposed an alternative to medication through the establishment of a protection network and the inter-sector implementation of the circle of security concept. A 5-year-old child has a violent and aggressive behavior at the day-care. The child was diagnosed by the healthcare center with depressive disorder and behavioral disorder, and was medicated with sertraline and risperidone. Side effects were observed, and the medications were discontinued. Despite several actions, such as talks, teamwork, psychological and psychiatric follow-up, the child's behavior remained unchanged. A unique therapeutic project was developed by Universidade Estadual de Campinas' Medical School students in order to establish a connection between the entities responsible for the child's care (daycare center, healthcare center, and family). Thus, the team was able to develop a basic care protection network. The implementation of the inter-sector circle of security, as well as the communication and cooperation among the teams, produced very favorable results in this case. This initiative was shown to be a feasible and effective alternative to the use of medication for this child.