994 resultados para BP-102


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The protonation constants of 4-methylbenzylidenepyruvate (4Me-BP) and 4-isopropylbenzylidenepyruvate (4IP-BP) as well as the stability constants of their binary 1:1 complexes with Cu(II), La(III), Pr(III), Sm(III), Eu(III), Yb(III), Sc(III) and Th(IV) have been determined spectrophotometrically in aqueous solution at 25°C and ionic strength 0.500 M, maintained with sodium perchlorate. For all metal ions considered, the stability changes move in the same direction as the pKa of the ligands. Linear free energy relationships, as applied to oxygen donor substances, suggest the -COCOO- moiety as the metal binding site of the ligands. The results are discussed mainly taking into account that benzylidenepyruvates, besides the α-keto canonical form, may display other forms in aqueous solution with changing pH and the possible occurrence of extra intra-ligand charge polarization, induced by metal ions.


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Contiene resúmenes bibliográficos de documentos sobre población y temas relacionados que se producen en América Latina y el Caribe, publicados entre 1983-1986.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar a investigação molecular da infecção pelos Poliomavírus JC e BK em pacientes com Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) terminal, transplantados e em indivíduos sem DRC. Foram testadas 295 amostras de urina, que após a extração de DNA, foram submetidas à amplificação de um fragmento de 173 pb do gene do antígeno-T de Polyomavirus por meio da PCR seguida pela análise de RFLP, utilizando a endonuclease de restrição BamHI, na qual foi detectado 17,6% (52/295) de infecção por Polyomavirus, sendo 3,9% (4/102) nos pacientes com DRC, 30,5% (18/59) nos pacientes transplantados e 22,4% (30/134) nos assintomáticos. A prevalência da infecção pelo BKV foi de 88,9% (16/18) nos transplantados e de 10,0% (3/30) nos assintomáticos, não sendo detectada a infecção pelo BKV em pacientes com DRC. A prevalência de infecção pelo JCV foi de 3,9% (4/102) nos pacientes com DRC, de 11,1% (2/16) no transplantados e de 90,0% (27/30) nos assintomáticos. O risco de infecção por BKV foi determinada ser 72 vezes maior em pacientes transplantados do que em assintomáticos. A baixa frequência de infecção encontrada entre os pacientes com DRC pode estar relacionada ao fato de que esses pacientes apresentam uma elevada taxa de excreção de uréia na urina, assim como, baixo volume e densidade urinária, podem ser outros dois fatores contribuintes para a ausência de amplificação por estarem associados à baixa carga viral presente. De acordo com estes resultados, sugere-se que a investigação da infecção por Polyomavirus deve ser realizada, rotineiramente, nos pacientes pré e póstransplante, assim como nos doadores de órgãos, uma vez que a infecção por BKV tem sido associada com rejeição de enxerto em transplante de rins.


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The Boulware Family Papers consist of photocopies of a plantation journal (302 pages) kept by Thomas McCullough Boulware I (1829-1889) and a genealogy of the Boulware family written by James Richmond Boulware II of Lakeland, Florida, in 1948. The journal concerns the Blackstocks Plantation in Chester County, South Carolina and subjects include the planting of crops and farming of land; family events, such as deaths, births and marriages; family travel and vacations; church affairs, including the local temperance league; land sales; free black and northerners in Chester County after the Civil War.


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The relationship between energy reserves of the penaeid shrimp Penaeus vannamei and Baculovirus penaei, or BP, were investigated in a series of experiments using mysis stage or early postlarval shrimp. Pre-exposure and post-exposure levels of protein and triacylgycerol (TAG) were determined. The effect of pre-exposure protein and TAG levels on susceptibility to BP infections was also investigated by starving a group of shrimp immediately prior to BP exposure. There was no consistent relationship between either pre-exposure or post-exposure protein levels and the percent of shrimp developing patent BP infections. There was, however, a significant positive correlation between TAG levels immediately prior to viral exposure and prevalence of infection 72 h later. Experimental reduction of TAG reserves prior to BP exposure delayed the development of a patent infection. In some, but not all, experiments there was a significant reduction in TAG levels of infected compared with uninfected shrimp 72 h post-exposure. The effect of patent BP infections on host TAG levels was subordinate to fluctuations in TAG content associated with the ontogeny of the hepatopancreas. Results of this study support histological observations that shrimp lipid levels can be altered by baculovirus infections. Furthermore, high levels of energy reserves in the form of TAG are associated with increased susceptibility to BP infection in larval and postlarval shrimp.


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Strains of Lysobacter enzymogenes, a bacterial species with biocontrol activity, have been detected via 16S rDNA sequences in soil in different parts of the world. In most instances, however, their occurrence could not be confirmed by isolation, presumably because the species occurred in low numbers relative to faster-growing species of Bacillus or Pseudomonas. In this study, we developed DNA-based detection and enrichment culturing methods for Lysobacter spp. and L. enzymogenes specifically. In the DNA-based method, a region of 16S rDNA conserved among Lysobacter spp. (L4: GAG CCG ACG TCG GAT TAG CTA GTT), was used as the forward primer in PCR amplification. When L4 and universal bacterial primer 1525R were used to amplify DNA from various bacterial species, an 1100-bp product was found in Lysobacter spp. exclusively. The enrichment culturing method involved culturing soils for 3 days in a chitin-containing broth amended with antibiotics. Bacterial strains in the enrichment culture were isolated on yeast-cell agar and then identified by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. A strain of L. enzymogenes added to soils was detected at populations as low as 102 and 104 CFU/g soil by PCR amplification and enrichment culturing, respectively. In a survey of 58 soil samples, Lysobacter was detected in 41 samples by PCR and enrichment culture, out of which 6 yielded strains of Lysobacter spp. by enrichment culture. Among isolated strains, all were identified to be L. enzymogenes, with the exception of a strain of L. antibioticus. Although neither method alone is completely effective at detecting L. enzymogenes, they are complementary when used together and may provide new information on the spatial distribution of the species in soil.


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Aims: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are used in diabetic kidney disease to reduce systemic/intra-glomerular pressure. The objective of this study was to investigate whether reducing blood pressure (BP) could modulate renal glucose transporter expression, and urinary markers of diabetic nephropathy in diabetic hypertensive rats treated with ramipril or amlodipine. Main methods: Diabetes was induced in spontaneously-hypertensive rats (~210 g) by streptozotocin (50 mg/kg). Thirty days later, animals received ramipril 15 μg/kg/day (R, n =10), or amlodipine 10 mg/kg/day (A, n= 8,) or water (C, n = 10) by gavage. After 30-day treatment, body weight, glycaemia, urinary albumin and TGF-β1 (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and BP (tail-cuff pressure method) were evaluated. Kidneys were removed for evaluation of renal cortex glucose transporters (Western blotting) and renal tissue ACE activity (fluorometric assay). Key findings: After treatments, body weight (p = 0.77) and glycaemia (p = 0.22) were similar among the groups. Systolic BP was similarly reduced (p < 0.001) in A and R vs. C (172.4 ± 3.2; 186.7 ± 3.7 and 202.2 ± 4.3 mm Hg; respectively). ACE activity (C: 0.903 ± 0.086; A: 0.654 ± 0.025, and R: 0.389 ± 0.057 mU/mg), albuminuria (C: 264.8 ± 15.4; A: 140.8 ± 13.5 and R: 102.8 ± 6.7 mg/24 h), and renal cortex GLUT1 content (C: 46.81 ± 4.54; A: 40.30 ± 5.39 and R: 26.89 ± 0.79 AU) decreased only in R (p < 0.001, p < 0.05 and p < 0.001; respectively). Significance:We concluded that the blockade of the renin–angiotensin systemwith ramipril reduced earlymarkers of diabetic nephropathy, a phenomenon that cannot be specifically related to decreased BP levels.