931 resultados para BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY


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This study focuses on the relationship between CO2 production and the ultimate hatchability of the incubation. A total amount of 43316 eggs of red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) were supervised during five actual incubations: three in 2012 and two in 2013. The CO2 concentration inside the incubator was monitored over a 20-day period, showing sigmoidal growth from ambient level (428 ppm) up to 1700 ppm in the incubation with the highest hatchability. Two sigmoid growth models (logistic and Gompertz) were used to describe the CO2 production by the eggs, with the result that the logistic model was a slightly better fit (r2=0.976 compared to r2=0.9746 for Gompertz). A coefficient of determination of 0.997 between the final CO2 estimation (ppm) using the logistic model and hatchability (%) was found.


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Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) immobilized on non-tissue culture plastic promotes adhesion and spreading of bovine and human endothelial cells that are inhibited by anti-FGF-2 antibody. Heat-inactivated FGF-2 retains its cell-adhesive activity despite its incapacity to bind to tyrosine-kinase FGF receptors or to cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Recombinant glutathione-S-transferase-FGF-2 chimeras and synthetic FGF-2 fragments identify two cell-adhesive domains in FGF-2 corresponding to amino acid sequences 38–61 and 82–101. Both regions are distinct from the FGF-receptor-binding domain of FGF-2 and contain a DGR sequence that is the inverse of the RGD cell-recognition sequence. Calcium deprivation, RGD-containing eptapeptides, soluble vitronectin (VN), but not fibronectin (FN), inhibit cell adhesion to FGF-2. Conversely, soluble FGF-2 prevents cell adhesion to VN but not FN, thus implicating VN receptor in the cell-adhesive activity of FGF-2. Accordingly, monoclonal and polyclonal anti-αvβ3 antibodies prevent cell adhesion to FGF-2. Also, purified human αvβ3 binds to immobilized FGF-2 in a cation-dependent manner, and this interaction is competed by soluble VN but not by soluble FN. Finally, anti-αvβ3 monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specifically inhibit mitogenesis and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) up-regulation induced by free FGF-2 in endothelial cells adherent to tissue culture plastic. These data demonstrate that FGF-2 interacts with αvβ3 integrin and that this interaction mediates the capacity of the angiogenic growth factor to induce cell adhesion, mitogenesis, and uPA up-regulation in endothelial cells.


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It is a goal of cancer chemotherapy to achieve the selective killing of tumor cells while minimizing toxicity to normal tissues. We describe the design of selective toxins forming DNA adducts that attract the estrogen receptor (ER), a transcription factor that is overexpressed in many human breast and ovarian tumors. The compounds consist of 4-(3-aminopropyl)-N,N-(2-chloroethyl)-aniline linked to 2-(4′-hydroxyphenyl)-3-methyl-5-hydroxy-indole. The former moiety is a DNA damaging nitrogen mustard and the latter is a ligand for the ER. The connection between these groups was refined to permit DNA adducts formed by the mustard portion of the molecule to present the ligand domain so that it was able to interact efficiently with the ER. By using 16-mers containing specific DNA adducts, it was determined that monoadducts and putative intrastrand crosslinks were preferred targets for the ER over interstrand crosslinks. A series of structurally related 2-phenylindole mustards was prepared, some of which were selectively toxic to the ER-positive breast cancer cell line MCF-7, as compared with the ER(−) negative line MDA-MB231. The ability both to bind to DNA and to interact significantly with the ER were essential to achieve selective lethality toward ER(+) cells. Compounds forming DNA adducts without the ability to bind receptor showed similar toxicities in the two cell lines. Several models could explain the selective toxicity of the mustard–phenylindole compounds toward ER(+) cells. The favored model suggests that a mustard–DNA adduct is shielded by the ER from DNA repair enzymes and hence cells possessing an abundance of the ER selectively retain the adduct and are killed.


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Cloning and sequencing of the upstream region of the gene of the CC chemokine HCC-1 led to the discovery of an adjacent gene coding for a CC chemokine that was named “HCC-2.” The two genes are separated by 12-kbp and reside in a head-to-tail orientation on chromosome 17. At variance with the genes for HCC-1 and other human CC chemokines, which have a three-exon-two-intron structure, the HCC-2 gene consists of four exons and three introns. Expression of HCC-2 and HCC-1 as studied by Northern analysis revealed, in addition to the regular, monocistronic mRNAs, a common, bicistronic transcript. In contrast to HCC-1, which is expressed constitutively in numerous human tissues, HCC-2 is expressed only in the gut and the liver. HCC-2 shares significant sequence homology with CKβ8 and the murine chemokines C10, CCF18/MRP-2, and macrophage inflammatory protein 1γ, which all contain six instead of four conserved cysteines. The two additional cysteines of HCC-2 form a third disulfide bond, which anchors the COOH-terminal domain to the core of the molecule. Highly purified recombinant HCC-2 was tested on neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes and was found to exhibit marked functional similarities to macrophage inflammatory protein 1α. It is a potent chemoattractant and inducer of enzyme release in monocytes and a moderately active attractant for eosinophils. Desensitization studies indicate that HCC-2 acts mainly via CC chemokine receptor CCR1.


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IL-18 can be considered a proinflammatory cytokine mediating disease as well as an immunostimulatory cytokine that is important for host defense against infection and cancer. The high-affinity, constitutively expressed, and circulating IL-18 binding protein (IL-18BP), which competes with cell surface receptors for IL-18 and neutralizes IL-18 activity, may act as a natural antiinflammatory as well as immunosuppressive molecule. In the present studies, the IL-18 precursor caspase-1 cleavage site was changed to a factor Xa site, and, after expression in Escherichia coli, mature IL-18 was generated by factor Xa cleavage. Mature IL-18 generated by factor Xa cleavage was fully active. Single point mutations in the mature IL-18 peptide were made, and the biological activities of the wild-type (WT) IL-18 were compared with those of the mutants. Mutants E42A and K89A exhibited 2-fold increased activity compared with WT IL-18. A double mutant, E42A plus K89A, exhibited 4-fold greater activity. Unexpectedly, IL-18BP failed to neutralize the double mutant E42A plus K89A compared with WT IL-18. The K89A mutant was intermediate in being neutralized by IL-18BP, whereas neutralization of the E42A mutant was comparable to that in the WT IL-18. The identification of E42 and K89 in the mature IL-18 peptide is consistent with previous modeling studies of IL-18 binding to IL-18BP and explains the unusually high affinity of IL-18BP for IL-18.


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Using a group of structurally related cytofectins, the effects of different vehicle constituents and mixing techniques on the physical properties and biological activity of lipoplexes were systematically examined. Physical properties were examined using a combination of dye accessibility assays, centrifugation, gel electrophoresis and dynamic light scattering. Biological activity was examined using in vitro transfection. Lipoplexes were formulated using two injection vehicles commonly used for in vivo delivery (PBS pH 7.2 and 0.9% saline), and a sodium phosphate vehicle previously shown to enhance the biological activity of naked pDNA and lipoplex formulations. Phosphate was found to be unique in its effect on lipoplexes. Specifically, the accessible pDNA in lipoplexes formulated with cytofectins containing a γ-amine substitution in the headgroup was dependent on alkyl side chain length and sodium phosphate concentration, but the same effects were not observed when using cytofectins containing a β-OH headgroup substitution. The physicochemical features of the phosphate anion, which give rise to this effect in γ-amine cytofectins, were deduced using a series of phosphate analogs. The effects of the formulation vehicle on transfection were found to be cell type-dependent; however, of the formulation variables examined, the liposome/pDNA mixing method had the greatest effect on transgene expression in vitro. Thus, though predictive physical structure relationships involving the vehicle and cytofectin components of the lipoplex were uncovered, they did not extrapolate to trends in biological activity.


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The biological activity of reducing-end-modified oligogalacturonides was quantified in four tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) tissue culture bioassays. The derivatives used were oligogalacturonides with the C-1 of their reducing end (a) covalently linked to a biotin hydrazide, (b) covalently linked to tyramine, (c) chemically reduced to a primary alcohol, or (d) enzymatically oxidized to a carboxylic acid. These derivatives were tested for their ability to (a) alter morphogenesis of N. tabacum cv Samsun thin cell-layer explants, (b) elicit extracellular alkalinization by suspension-cultured cv Samsun cells, (c) elicit extracellular alkalinization by suspension-cultured N. tabacum cv Xanthi cells, and (d) elicit H2O2 accumulation in the cv Xanthi cells. In all four bioassays, each of the derivatives had reduced biological activity compared with the corresponding underivatized oligogalacturonides, demonstrating that the reducing end is a key element for the recognition of oligogalacturonides in these systems. However, the degree of reduction in biological activity depends on the tissue culture system used and on the nature of the specific reducing-end modification. These results suggest that oligogalacturonides are perceived differently in each tissue culture system.


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Insertion of introns into cloned cDNA of two isolates of the plant potyvirus pea seedborne mosaic virus facilitated plasmid amplification in Escherichia coli. Multiple stop codons in the inserted introns interrupted the open reading frame of the virus cDNA, thereby terminating undesired translation of virus proteins in E. coli. Plasmids containing the full-length virus sequences, placed under control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and the nopaline synthase termination signal, were stable and easy to amplify in E. coli if one or more introns were inserted into the virus sequence. These plasmids were infectious when inoculated mechanically onto Pisum sativum leaves. Examination of the cDNA-derived viruses confirmed that intron splicing of in vivo transcribed pre-mRNA had occurred as predicted, reestablishing the virus genome sequences. Symptom development and virus accumulation of the cDNA derived viruses and parental viruses were identical. It is proposed that intron insertion can be used to facilitate manipulation and amplification of cloned DNA fragments that are unstable in, or toxic to, E. coli. When transcribed in vivo in eukaryotic cells, the introns will be eliminated from the sequence and will not interfere with further analysis of protein expression or virus infection.


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In the present study, two low generation triazine-based dendrimers, G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer and G1.5(OH)8 dendrimer, were synthesized and their cytotoxicity were tested by using the NIH 3T3 and the A2780 cell lines. In the synthesis process of the G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer, cyanuric chloride (CAC) which has high reactivity chlorine atom was connected to the terminal of triethylene glycol (TEG) via nucleophilic substitution by controlling temperature. The prepared G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer was purified by silica gel column chromatography. Then the four chlorine atoms in the G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer were substituted by diethanolamine (DEA) to give dendrimer with the hydroxyl terminal group G1.5(OH)8. The starting materials, CAC, G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer and G1.5(OH)8 dendrimer were analyzed by one-dimensional NMR, FTIR and MS techniques. The two dendrimers, G1.0(Cl)4 and G1.5(OH)8, showed perfect stability in the air environment at room temperature. However, G1.0(Cl)4 is not soluble in water while the G1.5(OH)8 dendrimer is a water soluble compound. Furthermore, cell biological evaluation at the studied concentrations showed that the CAC, as well as the prepared G1.0(Cl)4 and G1.5(OH)8 dendrimers, have no cytotoxicity towards the NIH 3T3 and A2780 cell lines.


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Includes "References."