158 resultados para Aulacoseira coroniformis


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O entendimento da comunidade fitoplanctônica em sistemas instáveis, como por exemplo reservatórios, necessita conhecimento de escalas de variabilidade. Com base nisso, um estudo sobre a heterogeneidade espacial e variabilidade temporal de dois reservatórios com diferentes graus de trofia, no Estado de São Paulo foi realizado em 20 estações no reservatório de Salto Grande e em 19 no reservatório do Lobo, em 3 dias consecutivos, em quatro períodos: outubro de 1999, janeiro, abril e junho e julho de 2000. Para tanto foram determinadas as concentrações de nutrientes totais e dissolvidos, material em suspensão, carbono inorgânico, clorofila a, biomassa, densidade, composição e produtividade primária da comunidade fitoplanctônica e os perfis de oxigênio dissolvido, temperatura, pH e condutividade. Os dois reservatórios tiveram estruturas espaciais semelhantes com a formação de três zonas distintas. A zona de rio, misturada, com menor penetração de luz e maior concentração de nutrientes, a zona de transição, e a zona lacustre, mais estratificada, com maior penetração de luz e menor concentração de nutrientes. Apesar dessa compartimentalização a heterogeneidade espacial no reservatório de Salto Grande foi maior que no reservatório do Lobo, sobretudo em função do gradiente longitudinal de nutrientes e luz. A variabilidade diária (3 dias) nos dois reservatórios não foi significativa na determinação da comunidade fitoplanctônica. A escala de variabilidade sazonal, nos dois reservatórios, foi determinada, principalmente pela variação nos padrões de estratificação e mistura sendo, assim, determinante na composição da comunidade fitoplanctônica. Essa influência foi mais evidente no reservatório do Lobo. A variação temporal e heterogeneidade espacial das mais abundantes espécies e grupos taxonômicos da comunidade fitoplanctônica, (Microcystis aeruginosa, Anabaena crassa e Anabaena circinalis em Salto Grande e Aphanocapsa delicatissima, Coelastrum reticulatum e Aulacoseira granulata no Lobo) nos dois reservatórios foram determinados pelos complexos processos de estratificação e mistura e da disponibilidade de luz. Os resultados obtidos são importantes para o entendimento da variabilidade ambiental de reservatórios tropicais e no planejamento de amostragens que visem o gerenciamento desses sistemas.


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The diatom flora from two sediment cores recovered from the upper 27 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in the oceanic frontal area off Sanriku, northeast Japan, during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 186 were analyzed. Diatom abundance seems to be in interglacial stages and suggests a south-north shifting of the frontal area. Diatom temperature values are less reliable because frequency of the warm-water species is smaller. Site 1151 was in a warm climate at ~50 ka, as were Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 579 and 580 in the western North Pacific Ocean. A mixed diatom assemblage in the upper 3 mbsf at Site 1150 is evidence that the Tsugaru Warm Current flowed into the studied area through the Tsugaru Strait.


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Sites 1251 (44°34.213'N, 125°4.440'W; 1211 m water depth) and 1252 (44°35.167'N, 125°5.569'W; 1039 m water depth) were drilled on the eastern flank of the southern summit of Hydrate Ridge off Oregon in the northeast Pacific Ocean, where well-stratified sediments were deposited at a rapid rate. Unconformities and debris flow layers of middle Pleistocene age were found at both sites. Their ages are of great importance in constructing the geohistory of Hydrate Ridge. Detailed diatom biostratigraphy of the middle to late Pleistocene of Sites 1251 and 1252 was carried out for this purpose.


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The Lena Delta in Northern Siberia is one of the largest river deltas in the world. During peak discharge, after the ice melt in spring, it delivers between 60-8000 m**3/s of water and sediment into the Arctic Ocean. The Lena Delta and the Laptev Sea coast also constitute a continuous permafrost region. Ongoing climate change, which is particularly pronounced in the Arctic, is leading to increased rates of permafrost thaw. This has already profoundly altered the discharge rates of the Lena River. But the chemistry of the river waters which are discharged into the coastal Laptev Sea have also been hypothesized to undergo considerable compositional changes, e.g. by increasing concentrations of inorganic nutrients such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and methane. These physical and chemical changes will also affect the composition of the phytoplankton communities. However, before potential consequences of climate change for coastal arctic phytoplankton communities can be judged, the inherent status of the diversity and food web interactions within the delta have to be established. In 2010, as part of the AWI Lena Delta programme, the phyto- and microzooplankton community in three river channels of the delta (Trofimov, Bykov and Olenek) as well as four coastal transects were investigated to capture the typical river phytoplankton communities and the transitional zone of brackish/marine conditions. Most CTD profiles from 23 coastal stations showed very strong stratification. The only exception to this was a small, shallow and mixed area running from the outflow of Bykov channel in a northerly direction parallel to the shore. Of the five stations in this area, three had a salinity of close to zero. Two further stations had salinities of around 2 and 5 throughout the water column. In the remaining transects, on the other hand, salinities varied between 5 and 30 with depth. Phytoplankton counts from the outflow from the Lena were dominated by diatoms (Aulacoseira species) cyanobacteria (Aphanizomenon, Pseudanabaena) and chlorophytes. In contrast, in the stratified stations the plankton was mostly dominated by dinoflagellates, ciliates and nanoflagellates, with only an insignificant diatom component from the genera Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira (brackish as opposed to freshwater species). Ciliate abundance was significantly coupled with the abundance of total flagellates. A pronounced partitioning in the phytoplankton community was also discernible with depth, with a different community composition and abundance above and below the thermocline in the stratified sites. This work is a first analysis of the phytoplankton community structure in the region where Lena River discharge enters the Laptev Sea.


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Two sediment cores of 70 and 252 cm length were recovered from Hjort Sø, a small lake on Store Koldewey, Northeast Greenland, and studied with a multidisciplinary approach in order to reconstruct the local environmental history and to test the relevance of proxies for paleoenvironmental information. The basal sediments from the longer core are dominated by clastic matter, which was likely deposited during deglaciation of the lake basin. These clastic sediments are overlain by gyttja, which is also present throughout the shorter core. AMS radiocarbon dating was conducted on plant macrofossils of 11 samples from the gyttja in both cores. A reliable chronology was established for both cores, which dated the onset of organic accumulation at 9,500 cal. year BP. The Holocene temperature development, with an early to mid Holocene thermal maximum, is best reflected in the grain-size composition. Nutrient availability was apparently low during the early Holocene and led to low productivity in the lake and its vicinity. From ca. 7,000 cal. year BP, productivity in the lake increased significantly, probably induced by external nutrient input from goose excrements. From this time, micro- and macrofossil remains reflect relatively well the climate history of East Greenland, with a cooling during the middle Holocene, the medieval warming, and the Little Ice Age. The amount of organic matter in the sequence seems to be more affected by lake ice cover or by nutrient supply from the catchment than by temperature changes. The record from Hjort Sø thus reveals the difficulties in interpreting sedimentary records from high arctic regions.