996 resultados para Auditory Perceptual Disorders
Despite several decades of research, neither clinicians nor academics can agree on a single definition of central auditory processing (CAP) or central auditory processing disorder (CAPD). This article considers why this is the case, and comments on the resulting implications for CAP assessment and CAPD rehabilitation in the clinic.
Objective: Laryngeal and tongue function was assessed in 28 patients to evaluate the presence, nature, and resolution of superior recurrent laryngeal and hypoglossal nerve damage resulting from standard open primary carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Methods. The laryngeal and tongue function in 28 patients who underwent CEA were examined prospectively with various physiologic (Aerophone II, laryngograph, tongue transducer), acoustic (Multi-Dimensional Voice Program), and perceptual speech assessments. Measures were obtained from all participants preoperatively, and at 2 weeks and at 3 months postoperatively. Results. The perceptual speech assessment indicated that the vocal quality of roughness was significantly more apparent at the 2-week postoperative assessment than preoperatively. However, by the 3-month postoperative assessment these values had returned to near preoperative levels, with no significant difference detected between preoperative and 3-month postoperative levels or between 2-week and 3-month postoperative levels. Both the instrumental assessments of laryngeal function and the acoustic assessment of vocal quality failed to identify any significant difference on any measure across the three assessment periods. Similarly, no significant impairment in tongue strength, endurance, or rate of repetitive tongue movements was detected at instrumental assessment of tongue function. Conclusions: No permanent changes to vocal or tongue function occurred in this group of participants after primary CEA. The lack of any significant long-term laryngeal or tongue dysfunction in this group suggests that the standard open CEA procedure is not associated with high rates of superior recurrent and hypoglossal nerve dysfunction, as previously believed.
The McGurk effect, in which auditory [ba] dubbed onto [go] lip movements is perceived as da or tha, was employed in a real-time task to investigate auditory-visual speech perception in prelingual infants. Experiments 1A and 1B established the validity of real-time dubbing for producing the effect. In Experiment 2, 4(1)/(2)-month-olds were tested in a habituation-test paradigm, in which 2 an auditory-visual stimulus was presented contingent upon visual fixation of a live face. The experimental group was habituated to a McGurk stimulus (auditory [ba] visual [ga]), and the control group to matching auditory-visual [ba]. Each group was then presented with three auditory-only test trials, [ba], [da], and [deltaa] (as in then). Visual-fixation durations in test trials showed that the experimental group treated the emergent percept in the McGurk effect, [da] or [deltaa], as familiar (even though they had not heard these sounds previously) and [ba] as novel. For control group infants [da] and [deltaa] were no more familiar than [ba]. These results are consistent with infants'perception of the McGurk effect, and support the conclusion that prelinguistic infants integrate auditory and visual speech information. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Objective: To examine the relationship between the auditory brain-stem response (ABR) and its reconstructed waveforms following discrete wavelet transformation (DWT), and to comment on the resulting implications for ABR DWT time-frequency analysis. Methods: ABR waveforms were recorded from 120 normal hearing subjects at 90, 70, 50, 30, 10 and 0 dBnHL, decomposed using a 6 level discrete wavelet transformation (DWT), and reconstructed at individual wavelet scales (frequency ranges) A6, D6, D5 and D4. These waveforms were then compared for general correlations, and for patterns of change due to stimulus level, and subject age, gender and test ear. Results: The reconstructed ABR DWT waveforms showed 3 primary components: a large-amplitude waveform in the low-frequency A6 scale (0-266.6 Hz) with its single peak corresponding in latency with ABR waves III and V; a mid-amplitude waveform in the mid-frequency D6 scale (266.6-533.3 Hz) with its first 5 waves corresponding in latency to ABR waves 1, 111, V, VI and VII; and a small-amplitude, multiple-peaked waveform in the high-frequency D5 scale (533.3-1066.6 Hz) with its first 7 waves corresponding in latency to ABR waves 1, 11, 111, IV, V, VI and VII. Comparisons between ABR waves 1, 111 and V and their corresponding reconstructed ABR DWT waves showed strong correlations and similar, reliable, and statistically robust changes due to stimulus level and subject age, gender and test ear groupings. Limiting these findings, however, was the unexplained absence of a small number (2%, or 117/6720) of reconstructed ABR DWT waves, despite their corresponding ABR waves being present. Conclusions: Reconstructed ABR DWT waveforms can be used as valid time-frequency representations of the normal ABR, but with some limitations. In particular, the unexplained absence of a small number of reconstructed ABR DWT waves in some subjects, probably resulting from 'shift invariance' inherent to the DWT process, needs to be addressed. Significance: This is the first report of the relationship between the ABR and its reconstructed ABR DWT waveforms in a large normative sample. (C) 2004 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Binocular rivalry occurs when different images are presented simultaneously to corresponding points within the left and right eyes. Under these conditions, the observer's perception will alternate between the two perceptual alternatives. Motivated by the reported link between the rate of perceptual alternations, symptoms of psychosis and an incidental observation that the rhythmicity of perceptual alternations during binocular rivalry was greatly increased 10 h after the consumption of LSD, this study aimed to investigate the pharmacology underlying binocular rivalry and to explore the connection between the timing of perceptual switching and psychosis. Psilocybin (4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, PY) was chosen for the study because, like LSD, it is known to act as an agonist at serotonin (5-HT)(1A) and 5-HT2A receptors and to produce an altered state sometimes marked by psychosis-like symptoms. A total of 12 healthy human volunteers were tested under placebo, low-dose ( 115 mg/kg) and high-dose ( 250 mg/kg) PY conditions. In line with predictions, under both low- and high-dose conditions, the results show that at 90 min postadministration ( the peak of drug action), rate and rhythmicity of perceptual alternations were significantly reduced from placebo levels. Following the 90 min testing period, the perceptual switch rate successively increased, with some individuals showing increases well beyond pretest levels at the final testing, 360 min postadministration. However, as some subjects had still not returned to pretest levels by this time, the mean phase duration at 360 min was not found to differ significantly from placebo. Reflecting the drug-induced changes in rivalry phase durations, subjects showed clear changes in psychological state as indexed by the 5D-ASC ( altered states of consciousness) rating scales. This study suggests the involvement of serotonergic pathways in binocular rivalry and supports the previously proposed role of a brainstem oscillator in perceptual rivalry alternations and symptoms of psychosis.
Objective: To use the over-complete discrete wavelet transform (OCDWT) to further examine the dual structure of auditory brainstem response (ABR) in the dog. Methods: ABR waveforms recorded from 20 adult dogs at supra-threshold (90 and 70 dBnHL) and threshold (0-15 dBSL) levels were decomposed using a six level OCDWT and reconstructed at individual scales (frequency ranges) A6 (0-391 Hz), D6 (391-781 Hz), and D5 (781-1563 Hz). Results: At supra-threshold stimulus levels, the A6 scale (0-391 Hz) showed a large amplitude waveform with its prominent wave corresponding in latency with ABR waves II/III; the D6 scale (391-781 Hz) showed a small amplitude waveform with its first four waves corresponding in latency to ABR waves I, II/III, V, and VI; and the D5 scale (781-1563 Hz) showed a large amplitude, multiple peaked waveform with its first six waves corresponding in latency to ABR waves I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. At threshold stimulus levels (0-15 dBSL), the A6 scale (0-391 Hz) continued to show a relatively large amplitude waveform, but both the D6 and D5 scales (391781 and 781-1563 Hz, respectively) now showed relatively small amplitude waveforms. Conclusions: A dual structure exists within the ABR of the dog, but its relative structure changes with stimulus level. Significance: The ABR in the dog differs from that in the human both in the relative contributions made by its different frequency components, and the way these components change with stimulus level. (c) 2006 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: This pilot study explored the feasibility and effectiveness of an Internet-based telerehabilitation application for the assessment of motor speech disorders in adults with acquired neurological impairment. Method: Using a counterbalanced, repeated measures research design, 2 speech-language pathologists assessed 19 speakers with dysarthria on a battery of perceptual assessments. The assessments included a 19-item version of the Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment (FDA; P. Enderby, 1983), the Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech (K. M. Yorkston & D. R. Beukelman, 1981), perceptual analysis of a speech sample, and an overall rating of severity of the dysarthria. One assessment was conducted in the traditional face-to-face manner, whereas the other assessment was conducted using an online, custom-built telerehabilitation application. This application enabled real-time videoconferencing at 128 kb/s and the transfer of store-and-forward audio and video data between the speaker and speech-language pathologist sites. The assessment methods were compared using the J.M.Bland and D.G.Altman (1986, 1999) limits-of-agreement method and percentage level of agreement between the 2 methods. Results: Measurements of severity of dysarthria, percentage intelligibility in sentences, and most perceptual ratings made in the telerehabilitation environment were found to fall within the clinically acceptable criteria. However, several ratings on the FDA were not comparable between the environments, and explanations for these results were explored. Conclusions: The online assessment of motor speech disorders using an Internet-based telerehabilitation system is feasible. This study suggests that with additional refinement of the technology and assessment protocols, reliable assessment of motor speech disorders over the Internet is possible. Future research methods are outlined.
We have used a telerehabilitation system (eREHAB) to remotely assess acquired language disorders via the Internet. The system was used to establish a 128 kbit/s videoconference between two sites and allowed a remote language assessment to be conducted using the standardized Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE). The system had the capacity to display text and images, and could play pre-recorded instructions to the participant via various built-in tools. A touch screen allowed tasks involving picture identification to be completed easily. Eighteen participants with a diagnosis of an acquired language disorder were simultaneously assessed using the eREHAB system, and in the traditional face-to-face manner by two speech pathologists. There was very high agreement between the two assessors, with weighted kappa scores of 0.8–1.0 for 88% of the sub-tests of the BDAE. There was also high agreement (80–100%) and high kappa scores (0.67–0.90) between assessors on the six rating scales relating to language characteristics. The agreement between the two assessors for the diagnosis of the type of aphasia was 83%. Limitations of the system related mainly to problems inherent in IP videoconferencing. The inability to maintain the preferred speed of 128 kbit/s for the duration of the videoconference and the resultant increase in video and audio breakup and latency affected the clinician’s ability to administer the BDAE with the same ease and accuracy as in face-to-face administration. These difficulties were exacerbated when participants presented with a moderate to severe language disorder, auditory comprehension deficits or significant hearing loss. Despite these limitations, a valid assessment of language disorder was found to be feasible via this telerehabilitation application.
Onset asynchrony is an important cue for segregating sound mixtures. A harmonic of a vowel that begins before the other components contributes less to vowel quality. This asynchrony effect can be partly reversed by accompanying the leading portion of the harmonic with an octave-higher captor tone. The original interpretation was that the captor and leading portion formed a perceptual group, but it has recently been shown that the captor effect depends on neither a common onset time nor harmonic relations with the leading portion. Instead, it has been proposed that the captor effect depends on wideband inhibition in the central auditory system. Physiological evidence suggests that such inhibition occurs both within and across ears. Experiment 1 compared the efficacy of a pure-tone captor presented in the same or opposite ear to the vowel and leading harmonic. Contralateral presentation was at least as effective as ipsilateral presentation. Experiment 2 used multicomponent captors in a more comprehensive evaluation of harmonic influences on captor efficacy. Three captors with different fundamental frequencies were used, one of which formed a consecutive harmonic series with the leading harmonic. All captors were equally effective, irrespective of the harmonic relationship. These findings support and refine the inhibitory account. © 2007 Acoustical Society of America.