991 resultados para Attention Focus


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Renal cell apoptosis is important not only in normal physiological conditions of the kidney but also in pathological processes. In normal renal development, it removes unwanted, damaged or harmful cells, and in the healthy adult kidney, it maintains cellular homeostasis by regulating the balance between cell proliferation and cell loss. The apoptotic process has now been described in the pathogenesis and prognosis of certain renal diseases with both beneficial and detrimental roles. It causes deletion of cells intrinsic to the kidney after, for example, toxic, ischaemic, immune or radiation damage, and this loss can be destructive and can cause significant reduction of renal function. In contrast, it can control and limit inflammatory processes in both the acute and chronic phases of renal disease. Information on the positive and negative outcomes of renal cell apoptosis, plus the thousands of publications on more general aspects of apoptosis mechanisms, have now presented real opportunities for the development of therapies that selectively delete or protect certain renal cell populations. This review will discuss some of the more general aspects of renal cell apoptosis and then concentrate on the detrimental or beneficial roles of apoptosis in the initiation, progression or resolution of selected, mainly tubulointerstitial, renal diseases.


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This paper reports the findings of an exploratory qualitative study examining parish awareness of the need to include individuals with disability in genuine and meaningful ways. Based on the interviews of over thirty persons, including people with disability, parents, parish workers, volunteers and human service workers within church agencies in the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia, the authors devised a process for including individuals in parishes. This process, known as a Disability Focus Group, was then implemented in one parish as a pilot study. The outcomes of the pilot are discussed.


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Objective: To assess understanding of, and actual and potential roles in management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among GPs. Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey of Queensland GPs selected randomly from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners directory of members was carried out. Main outcome measures were knowledge levels of ADHD, current management practices, referral patterns and self-perceived information and training needs. Results: Three hundred and ninety-nine GPs returned a completed questionnaire (response rate 76%). Roles identified by GPs were: the provisional diagnosis of ADHD and referral to specialist services for confirmation of the diagnosis and initiation of management; assistance with monitoring progress once a management plan was in place; education of the child and their family regarding the disorder; and liaison with the school where necessary. Perceived barriers to increased involvement of GPs were: time and resource constraints of general practice; concerns regarding abuse and addiction liability of prescription stimulants; complex diagnostic issues associated with childhood behavioural problems; and lack of training and education regarding ADHD. Conclusions: General practitioners identify a role for themselves in ADHD care that is largely supportive in nature and involves close liaison with specialist services.


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Fifteen years ago it was proposed that the conversion of kangaroos from a pest to an economically valuable resource would allow graziers to reduce the numbers of domestic stock and thereby lower total grazing pressure. Since then, little progress towards this goal has been achieved. This is believed to be due mainly to the low prices obtained for kangaroo products. A survey of graziers in south-west Queensland was carried out to discover their opinions on kangaroos as a potential economic resource. Questions on the harvesting of feral goats were also included in the survey because of the contrast this industry provides to kangaroo harvesting in terms of grazier involvement. The results of the survey are discussed in relation to resource ownership rights; kangaroo product prices and marketing; and competition within the kangaroo harvesting industry. They show that while low kangaroo product prices do act as a disincentive to graziers, other administrative, legal and institutional factors are also important impediments to their entry to the industry. It is concluded that until the focus of attention widens to include consideration of these as well as just market factors, little progress will be made towards integrating graziers into the kangaroo harvesting industry.


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Over the last several decades, a shift in thinking has brought to the fore the power of language as more than simply a method of expression. Indeed, language is a constituent part of social practices and social identity. For teachers, both pre-service and in-service, teaching roles are often represented through surface and generative metaphors, the latter of which are tacit. In order to study the way in which language, and in particular metaphor, influences thinking about teaching roles, the authors of this article combined their data to examine the metaphoric discourse of both pre-service and in-service teachers. Contextualizing two separate studies in their respective teacher education programs, this article highlights the obstacle of unexposed generative metaphors and the value of ongoing professional development. In addition, it emphasizes the importance of deconstructing traditional dichotomies as central to teacher education reform.


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The authors investigated the extent to which the joint-attention behaviors of gaze following, social referencing, and object-directed imitation were related to each other and to infants vocabulary development in a sample of 60 infants between the ages of 8 and 14 months. Joint-attention skills and vocabulary development were assessed in a laboratory setting. Split-half reliability analyses on the joint-attention measures indicated that the tasks reliably assessed infants' capabilities. In the main analysis, no significant correlations were found among the joint-attention behaviors except for a significant relationship between gaze following and the number of names in infants' productive vocabularies. The overall pattern of results did not replicate results of previous studies (e.g., M. Carpenter, K. Nagell, & M. Tomasello, 1998) that found relationships between various emerging joint-attention behaviors.


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Arguably the most complex conical functions are seated in human cognition, the how and why of which have been debated for centuries by theologians, philosophers and scientists alike. In his best-selling book, An Astonishing Hypothesis: A Scientific Search for the Soul, Francis Crick refined the view that these qualities are determined solely by cortical cells and circuitry. Put simply, cognition is nothing more, or less, than a biological function. Accepting this to be the case, it should be possible to identify the mechanisms that subserve cognitive processing. Since the pioneering studies of Lorent de No and Hebb, and the more recent studies of Fuster, Miller and Goldman-Rakic, to mention but a few, much attention has been focused on the role of persistent neural activity in cognitive processes. Application of modern technologies and modelling techniques has led to new hypotheses about the mechanisms of persistent activity. Here I focus on how regional variations in the pyramidal cell phenotype may determine the complexity of cortical circuitry and, in turn, influence neural activity. Data obtained from thousands of individually injected pyramidal cells in sensory, motor, association and executive cortex reveal marked differences in the numbers of putative excitatory inputs received by these cells. Pyramidal cells in prefrontal cortex have, on average, up to 23 times more dendritic spines than those in the primary visual area. I propose that without these specializations in the structure of pyramidal cells, and the circuits they form, human cognitive processing would not have evolved to its present state. I also present data from both New World and Old World monkeys that show varying degrees of complexity in the pyramidal cell phenotype in their prefrontal cortices, suggesting that cortical circuitry and, thus, cognitive styles are evolving independently in different species.


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O artigo analisa a problem??tica da moderniza????o do Estado vista como um processo de constitui????o de cidadania e de otimiza????o dos recursos p??blicos. Os autores focalizam, por um lado, o atendimento aos usu??rios, a qualidade dos servi??os e a transpar??ncia. Por outro lado, a incorpora????o de t??cnicas de gest??o avan??adas ?? considerada indispens??vel para o aumento da efic??cia e da efici??ncia no setor p??blico. Os principais problemas discutidos no artigo incluem: racionalidade do setor p??blico racionalidade das empresas privadas; incentivos e motiva????o dos servidores p??blicos; rigidez dos procedimentos administrativos; margem de decis??o dos gestores; sistemas de acesso a informa????o; import??ncia da gest??o de pessoal e da valoriza????o do trabalho no setor p??blico; papel dos gerentes na moderniza????o das institui????es p??blicas; cargos de carreira, cargos de confian??a; mecanismos de recrutamento e reten????o e sistemas de capacita????o dos servidores p??blicos. Os autores concluem que, devido ??s inova????es constantes em mat??ria de ger??ncia p??blica, n??o existe hoje um perfil gerencial definitivo como resposta ??s necessidades do Estado. Pelo contr??rio, o que se observa ?? uma crescente complexidade da gest??o p??blica que continuar?? oscilando entre a pol??tica e a tecnocracia, entre a maior flexibilidade e as exig??ncias de controle, entre a ado????o das t??cnicas de gest??o e a recupera????o da tradi????o administrativa e a cultura da fun????o p??blica.


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O artigo desenvolve um estudo comparado qualitativo acerca das Pol??ticas de Transfer??ncia Condicionada de Renda na Am??rica Latina. Esta modalidade de pol??tica, considerada a mais nova gera????o das pol??ticas sociais, compartilha tr??s componentes b??sicos: transfer??ncia monet??ria direta ao cidad??o ou fam??lia; foco nos segmentos mais pobres e a cobran??a de condicionalidades. Na ??ltima d??cada, seus impactos sobre a melhoria das condi????es de vida da popula????o t??m chamado a aten????o de governos, organismos multilaterais e do meio acad??mico. Todavia, a literatura tem focado predominantemente na an??lise dos seus impactos e menos nos fatores relativos ?? operacionaliza????o desses programas. Por isso, o objetivo principal do artigo ?? descrever as estruturas de funcionamento dessas pol??ticas, haja vista sua influ??ncia sobre os seus resultados. Para fins de compara????o s??o selecionados os programas dos governos do Brasil, M??xico, Chile e Col??mbia, uma vez que s??o as experi??ncias mais consolidadas da regi??o. O trabalho conclui que embora os modelos de implementa????o sejam bastante diversificados, todos compactuam com a percep????o multidimensional da pobreza e, portanto, seu enfrentamento demanda a????es de car??ter intersetorial. Ademais, os bons resultados na focaliza????o desses programas s??o consequ??ncia da prioriza????o de estrat??gias de descentraliza????o que potencializam a coordena????o e coopera????o nas a????es governamentais.


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A teoria dos atos de fala, de John Austin, apresenta a linguagem a partir de uma perspectiva pragmática, ou seja, quando os signos têm um compromisso com a produção de realidades, de mundo e de sujeitos. A linguagem possui – nessa perspectiva – força de criação. Em sintonia com os estudos da pragmática da linguagem, defenderemos a ideia que uma classificação não é mera descrição neutra acerca dos fatos, e Ian Hacking será a ponte entre a linguagem (enquanto fonte de produção de mundo) e as classificações (como produtoras de sujeitos). Para esse autor, as classificações tanto transformam quanto são transformadas. Elas, de diversas formas, interagem entre si, com os sujeitos, com as instituições, com os saberes, enfim, com tudo aquilo a que faz referência. A partir de uma revisão, análise e composição bibliográfica, o trabalho se dedicará a produzir um elo entre a problemática da linguagem-ato, tal como postulada por John Austin, e o caráter produtor de realidade das classificações. Dentre as classificações, daremos importância particular ao diagnóstico (enquanto uma espécie de estudo de caso na teoria dos enunciados) e seus efeitos pragmáticos, a partir dos elementos que lhe dão força de eficácia e existência em nosso mundo contemporâneo, tendo em vista o aumento do número e da proliferação de categorias nosológicas no corpo social. Trataremos, em particular, as classificações da medicina psiquiátrica. Abordaremos, por um lado, as condições que contribuem na emergência e na potência de um diagnóstico e, por outro, seus efeitos. Dentre os efeitos que daremos importância, encontramos a formação de novos sujeitos e modos de vida. Sendo assim, tanto as condições de eficácia de um enunciado quanto seus efeitos são estendidos à noção de diagnóstico enquanto uma classificação numa condição sociohistórica particular.