874 resultados para Atm


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The maintenance of genome stability is essential to prevent loss of genetic information and the development of diseases such as cancer. One of the most common forms of damage to the genetic code is the oxidation of DNA by reactive oxygen species (ROS), of which 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-guanine (8-oxoG) is the most frequent modification. Previous studies have established that human single-stranded DNA-binding protein 1 (hSSB1) is essential for the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks by the process of homologous recombination. Here we show that hSSB1 is also required following oxidative damage. Cells lacking hSSB1 are sensitive to oxidizing agents, have deficient ATM and p53 activation and cannot effectively repair 8-oxoGs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that hSSB1 forms a complex with the human oxo-guanine glycosylase 1 (hOGG1) and is important for hOGG1 localization to the damaged chromatin. In vitro, hSSB1 binds directly to DNA containing 8-oxoguanines and enhances hOGG1 activity. These results underpin the crucial role hSSB1 plays as a guardian of the genome.


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The phase-interconversions between the spinel-, brownmillerite-, defect rocksalt and perovskite-type structures have been investigated by way of (i) introducing deficiency in A-sites in CaxMn2-xO3 (0.05 <= x <= 1) i.e., by varying Ca/Mn ratio from 0.025 to 1 and (ii) nonstoichiometric CaMnO3-delta (CMO) with 0.02 <= delta <= 1. The temperature dependence of resistivity (rho-T) have been investigated on nonstoichiometric CaMnO3-delta (undoped) as well as the CMO substituted with donor impurities such as La3+, Y3+, Bi3+ or acceptor such as Na1+ ion at the Ca-site. The rho-T characteristics of nonstoichiometric CaMnO3-delta is strongly influenced by oxygen deficiency, which controls the concentration of Mn3+ ions and, in turn, affects the resistivity, rho. The results indicated that the substitution of aliovalent impurities at Ca-site in CaMnO3 has similar effects as of CaMnO3-delta ( undoped) annealed in atmospheres of varying partial pressures whereby electron or hole concentration can be altered, yet the doped samples can be processed in air or atmospheres of higher P-O2. The charge transport mechanisms of nonstoichiometric CaMnO3-delta as against the donor or acceptor doped CaMnO3 (sintered in air, P-O2 similar to 0.2 atm) have been predicted. The rho (T) curves of both donor doped CaMnO3 as well as non-stoichiometric CaMnO3-delta, is predictable by the small polaron hopping (SPH) model, which changes to the variable range hopping (VRH) at low temperatures whereas the acceptor doped CaMnO3 exhibited an activated semiconducting hopping ( ASH) throughout the measured range of temperature (10-500 K).


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Auto-ignition temperature of polystyrene, poly(vinyl chloride) and carboxy terminated polybutadiene has been measured at various oxygen pressures (1-28 atm) in a high pressure differential thermal analysis assembly at a heating rate of 10°C/min. The exothermic peak appears between 250-350°C in polystyrene and poly(vinyl chloride) and between 150-200°C for carboxy terminated polybutadiene. Ignition appears to be controlled by in situ forma tion and degradation of polymeric peroxides. Inverse dependence of ignition temperature on oxygen pressure is explained by the rate equation which con siders that ignition of a particular sample, of a fixed geometry, occurs when gasification rate reaches a unique critical value.


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Phase diagrams for Nd2O3-H2O-CO2 and Gd2O3-H2O-CO2 systems at 1500 atm are given along with the results of selected runs in La, Sm and Eu systems. The stable phases in systems of La and Nd, are Ln(OH)CO3-B, Ln2O2CO3-II and LnOOH, in addition to the Ln(OH)3 phase at extremely low partial pressures of CO2 in the system. The systems become more and more complex with decreasing ionic radi and the number of stable carbonate phases increases. Ln2(CO3)3 · 3H2O orthorhombic (tengerate-like phase) is stable from Sm to Gd in addition to the other phases. The Gd(OH)CO3-A (ancylite-like phase) is hydrothermally stable at XCO2 greater-or-equal, slanted 0.5 while its hexagonal polymorph, Gd(OH)CO3-B is stable at low partial pressures of CO2 in the system.


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The often discussed role of surface hydroxylation of TiO2 particles as an essential characterestics for their photocatalytic activity can be verified by preparing TiO2 powders by hydrothermal method since hydroxylated surface layers will be better retained on these particles formed in superheated water. Thus, fine powders of TiO2 (rutile) with high degree of crystallinity are formed from titanium oxychloride in the mixed solvent of water and 2-propanol at 160–230°C and 20–120 atm. The anatase phase is produced from the same medium when sulfate ion impurity is present, with Image . TiO2 powders are washed free of anions and 2-propanol by ultrafiltration and are Pt mounted by a photochemical method. Aqueous suspensions of both forms of TiO2 neither as such nor after Pt-loading, do not produce H2 on band gap illumination whereas, H2 is generated in presence of hole scavengers such as EDTA, TEOA, sulfite or hypophosphite. The effects of hole scavenger concentration, Pt : TiO2 ratio, particulate suspension density and the nature of hole scavengers on H2 production are presented. Platinised rutile powders are equally active as anatase in sacrificial systems.


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1. 1. An increase in the oxidation of succinate by hepatic mitochondria in rats exposed to hypoxia (O2-N2; 1:9, v/v) or hypobaria (0.5 atm) was observed which appears to be due to modification of the activity of the rate-limiting succinate dehydrogenase [succinate: (acceptor) oxidoreductase, EC].


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We tested the effect of near-future CO2 levels (a parts per thousand 490, 570, 700, and 960 mu atm CO2) on the olfactory responses and activity levels of juvenile coral trout, Plectropomus leopardus, a piscivorous reef fish that is also one of the most important fisheries species on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Juvenile coral trout reared for 4 weeks at 570 mu atm CO2 exhibited similar sensory responses and behaviors to juveniles reared at 490 mu atm CO2 (control). In contrast, juveniles reared at 700 and 960 mu atm CO2 exhibited dramatically altered sensory function and behaviors. At these higher CO2 concentrations, juveniles became attracted to the odor of potential predators, as has been observed in other reef fishes. They were more active, spent less time in shelter, ventured further from shelter, and were bolder than fish reared at 490 or 570 mu atm CO2. These results demonstrate that behavioral impairment of coral trout is unlikely if pCO(2) remains below 600 mu atm; however, at higher levels, there are significant impacts on juvenile performance that are likely to affect survival and energy budgets, with consequences for predator-prey interactions and commercial fisheries.


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Ethanol oxidation in the vapor phase was studied in an isothermal flow reactor using thorium molybdate catalyst in the temperature range 220–280 °C. Under these conditions the catalyst was highly selective to acetaldehyde formation. The rate data were well represented by a steady state two-stage redox model given by the equation: View the MathML source The parameters of the above model were estimated by linear and nonlinear least squares methods. In the case of nonlinear estimation the sum of the squares of residuals decreased. The activation energies and preexponential factors for the reduction and oxidation steps of the model, estimated by nonlinear least squares technique are: 9.47 kcal/mole, 9.31 g mole/ (sec) (g cat) (atm) and 9.85 kcal/mole, 0.17 g mole/(sec) (g cat) (atm)0.5, respectively. Oxidations of ethanol and methanol over thorium molybdate catalyst were compared under similar conditions.


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Crickets have two tympanal membranes on the tibiae of each foreleg. Among several field cricket species of the genus Gryllus (Gryllinae), the posterior tympanal membrane (PTM) is significantly larger than the anterior membrane (ATM). Laser Doppler vibrometric measurements have shown that the smaller ATM does not respond as much as the PTM to sound. Hence the PTM has been suggested to be the principal tympanal acoustic input to the auditory organ. In tree crickets (Oecanthinae), the ATM is slightly larger than the PTM. Both membranes are structurally complex, presenting a series of transverse folds on their surface, which are more pronounced on the ATM than on the PTM. The mechanical response of both membranes to acoustic stimulation was investigated using microscanning laser Doppler vibrometry. Only a small portion of the membrane surface deflects in response to sound. Both membranes exhibit similar frequency responses, and move out of phase with each other, producing compressions and rarefactions of the tracheal volume backing the tympanum. Therefore, unlike field crickets, tree crickets may have four instead of two functional tympanal membranes. This is interesting in the context of the outstanding question of the role of spiracular inputs in the auditory system of tree crickets.


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In this article, a new flame extinction model based on the k/epsilon turbulence time scale concept is proposed to predict the flame liftoff heights over a wide range of coflow temperature and O-2 mass fraction of the coflow. The flame is assumed to be quenched, when the fluid time scale is less than the chemical time scale ( Da < 1). The chemical time scale is derived as a function of temperature, oxidizer mass fraction, fuel dilution, velocity of the jet and fuel type. The present extinction model has been tested for a variety of conditions: ( a) ambient coflow conditions ( 1 atm and 300 K) for propane, methane and hydrogen jet flames, ( b) highly preheated coflow, and ( c) high temperature and low oxidizer concentration coflow. Predicted flame liftoff heights of jet diffusion and partially premixed flames are in excellent agreement with the experimental data for all the simulated conditions and fuels. It is observed that flame stabilization occurs at a point near the stoichiometric mixture fraction surface, where the local flow velocity is equal to the local flame propagation speed. The present method is used to determine the chemical time scale for the conditions existing in the mild/ flameless combustion burners investigated by the authors earlier. This model has successfully predicted the initial premixing of the fuel with combustion products before the combustion reaction initiates. It has been inferred from these numerical simulations that fuel injection is followed by intense premixing with hot combustion products in the primary zone and combustion reaction follows further downstream. Reaction rate contours suggest that reaction takes place over a large volume and the magnitude of the combustion reaction is lower compared to the conventional combustion mode. The appearance of attached flames in the mild combustion burners at low thermal inputs is also predicted, which is due to lower average jet velocity and larger residence times in the near injection zone.


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A new equation for predicting the thermal conductivities of organic liquids using dimension-less analysis is given. The equation (Equation Presented) correlates 51 different liquids tested within 11% average error and 17% standard deviation. A comparison of the proposed equation with the available correlations and its application to some industrially important liquids show that this equation can be safely used to calculate the thermal conductivities at 20°C. and 1 atm. pressure for organic liquids of known molecular weight. Cp and ΔHv - the only two parameters for which experimental values must be known for making use of this equation - can be calculated using other well known correlations. The proposed equation is not applicable to inorganic liquids.


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The objective of this paper is to investigate and model the characteristics of the prevailing volatility smiles and surfaces on the DAX- and ESX-index options markets. Continuing on the trend of Implied Volatility Functions, the Standardized Log-Moneyness model is introduced and fitted to historical data. The model replaces the constant volatility parameter of the Black & Scholes pricing model with a matrix of volatilities with respect to moneyness and maturity and is tested out-of-sample. Considering the dynamics, the results show support for the hypotheses put forward in this study, implying that the smile increases in magnitude when maturity and ATM volatility decreases and that there is a negative/positive correlation between a change in the underlying asset/time to maturity and implied ATM volatility. Further, the Standardized Log-Moneyness model indicates an improvement to pricing accuracy compared to previous Implied Volatility Function models, however indicating that the parameters of the models are to be re-estimated continuously for the models to fully capture the changing dynamics of the volatility smiles.


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The phase diagram of the Ni-W-O system at 1200 K was established by metallographic and X-ray identification of the phases present after equilibration at controlled oxygen potentials. The oxygen partial pressures over the samples were fixed by metered streams of CO+CO2 gas mixtures. There was only one ternary oxide, nickel tungstate (NiWO4), in the Ni-W-O system at a total pressure of 1 atm, and this compound decomposed to a mixture of Ni+WO2.72 on lowering the oxygen potential. The Gibbs' free energy of formation of NiWO4 was determined from the measurement of the e.m.f. of the solid oxide galvanic cell, Pt, Ni+NiWO4+WO2.72/CaO-ZrO2/Ni+NiO, Pt and thermodynamic properties of tungsten and nickel oxides available in the literature. For the reaction, NiO(s)+WO3(s)rarrNiWO4(s) DeltaG°=–10500–0.708 T (±250) cal mol–1.


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Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent cancer types in men. The development of prostate tumors is known to require androgen exposure, and several pathways governing cell growth are deregulated in prostate tumorigenesis. Recent genetic studies have revealed that complex gene fusions and copy - number alterations are frequent in prostate cancer, a unique feature among solid tumors. These chromosomal aberrations are though to arise as a consequence of faulty repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSB). Most repair mechanisms have been studied in detail in cancer cell lines, but how DNA damage is detected and repaired in normal differentiated human cells has not been widely addressed. The events leading to the gene fusions in prostate cancer are under rigorous studies, as they not only shed light on the basic pathobiologic mechanisms but may also produce molecular targets for prostate cancer treatment and prevention. Prostate and seminal vesicles are part of the male reproductive system. They share similar structure and function but differ dramatically in their cancer incidence. Approximately fifty primary seminal vesicle carcinomas have been reported worldwide. Surprisingly, only little is known on why seminal vesicles are resistant to neoplastic changes. As both tissues are androgen dependent, it is a mystery that androgen signaling would only lead to tumors in prostate tissue. In this work, we set up novel ex vivo human tissue culture models of prostate and seminal vesicles, and used them to study how DNA damage is recognized in normal epithelium. One of the major DNA - damage inducible pathways, mediated by the ATM kinase, was robustly activated in all main cell types of both tissues. Interestingly, we discovered that secretory epithelial cells had less histone variant H2A.X and after DNA damage lower levels of H2AX were phosphorylated on serine 139 (γH2AX) than in basal or stromal cells. γH2AX has been considered essential for efficient DSB repair, but as there were no significant differences in the γH2AX levels between the two tissues, it seems more likely that the role of γH2AX is less important in postmitotic cells. We also gained insight into the regulation of p53, an important transcription factor that protects genomic integrity via multiple mechanisms, in human tissues. DSBs did not lead to a pronounced activation of p53, but treatments causing transcriptional stress, on the other hand, were able to launch a notable p53 response in both tissue types. In general, ex vivo culturing of human tissues provided unique means to study differentiated cells in their relevant tissue context, and is suited for testing novel therapeutic drugs before clinical trials. In order to study how prostate and seminal vesicle epithelial cells are able to activate DNA damage induced cell cycle checkpoints, we used primary cultures of prostate and seminal vesicle epithelial cells. To our knowledge, we are the first to report isolation of human primary seminal vesicle cells. Surprisingly, human prostate epithelial cells did not activate cell cycle checkpoints after DSBs in part due to low levels of Wee1A, a kinase regulating CDK activity, while primary seminal vesicle epithelial cells possessed proficient cell cycle checkpoints and expressed high levels of Wee1A. Similarly, seminal vesicle cells showed a distinct activation of the p53 - pathway after DSBs that did not occur in prostate epithelial cells. This indicates that p53 protein function is under different control mechanisms in the two cell types, which together with proficient cell cycle checkpoints may be crucial in protecting seminal vesicles from endogenous and exogenous DNA damaging factors and, as a consequence, from carcinogenesis. These data indicate that two very similar organs of male reproductive system do not respond to DNA damage similarly. The differentiated, non - replicating cells of both tissues were able to recognize DSBs, but under proliferation human prostate epithelial cells had deficient activation of the DNA damage response. This suggests that prostate epithelium is most vulnerable to accumulating genomic aberrations under conditions where it needs to proliferate, for example after inflammatory cellular damage.