973 resultados para Art -- Catalonia -- Girona (Province) -- 20th century
There is a growing literature which documents the importance of early life environment for outcomes across the life cycle. Research, including studies based on Irish data, demonstrates that those who experience better childhood conditions go on to be wealthier and healthier adults. Therefore, inequalities at birth and in childhood shape inequality in wellbeing in later life, and the historical evolution of the mortality and morbidity of children born in Ireland is important for understanding the current status of the Irish population. In this paper, I describe these patterns by reviewing the existing literature on infant health in Ireland over the course of the 20th century. Up to the 1950s, infant mortality in Ireland (both North and South) was substantially higher than in other developed countries, with a large penalty for those born in urban areas. The subsequent reduction in this penalty, and the sustained decline in infant death rates, occurred later than would be expected from the experience in other contexts. Using records from the Rotunda Lying-in Hospital in Dublin, I discuss sources of disparities in stillbirth in the early 1900s. Despite impressive improvements in death rates since that time, a comparison with those born at the end of the century reveals that Irish children continue to be born unequal. Evidence from studies which track people across the life course, for example research on the returns to birthweight, suggests that the economic cost of this early life inequality is substantial.
Identifying 20th-century periodic coastal surge variation is strategic for the 21st-century coastal surge estimates, as surge periodicities may amplify/reduce future MSL enhanced surge forecasts. Extreme coastal surge data from Belfast Harbour (UK) tide gauges are available for 1901–2010 and provide the potential for decadal-plus periodic coastal surge analysis. Annual extreme surge-elevation distributions (sampled every 10-min) are analysed using PCA and cluster analysis to decompose variation within- and between-years to assess similarity of years in terms of Surge Climate Types, and to establish significance of any transitions in Type occurrence over time using non-parametric Markov analysis. Annual extreme surge variation is shown to be periodically organised across the 20th century. Extreme surge magnitude and distribution show a number of significant cyclonic induced multi-annual (2, 3, 5 & 6 years) cycles, as well as dominant multi-decadal (15–25 years) cycles of variation superimposed on an 80 year fluctuation in atmospheric–oceanic variation across the North Atlantic (relative to NAO/AMO interaction). The top 30 extreme surge events show some relationship with NAO per se, given that 80% are associated with westerly dominant atmospheric flows (+ NAO), but there are 20% of the events associated with blocking air massess (− NAO). Although 20% of the top 30 ranked positive surges occurred within the last twenty years, there is no unequivocal evidence of recent acceleration in extreme surge magnitude related to other than the scale of natural periodic variation.
The nineteenth-century Romantic era saw the development and expansion of many vocal and instrumental forms that had originated in the Classical era. In particular, the German lied and French mélodie matured as art forms, and they found a kind of equilibrium between piano and vocal lines. Similarly, the nineteenth-century piano quartet came into its own as a form of true chamber music in which all instruments participated equally in the texture. Composers such as Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, and Gabriel Fauré offer particularly successful examples of both art song and piano quartets that represent these genres at their highest level of artistic complexity. Their works have become the cornerstones of the modern collaborative pianist’s repertoire. My dissertation explored both the art songs and the piano quartets of these three composers and studied the different skills needed by a pianist performing both types of works. This project included the following art song cycles: Robert Schumann’s Dichterliebe, Gabriel Fauré’s Poème d’un Jour, and Johannes Brahms’ Zigeunerlieder. I also performed Schumann’s Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 47, Fauré’s Piano Quartet in C minor, Op. 15, and Brahms’ Piano Quartet in G minor, Op. 25. My collaborators included: Zachariah Matteson, violin and viola; Kristin Bakkegard, violin; Molly Jones, cello; Geoffrey Manyin, cello; Karl Mitze, viola; Emily Riggs, soprano, and Matthew Hill, tenor. This repertoire was presented over the course of three recitals on February 13, 2015, December 11, 2015, March 25, 2016 at the University of Maryland’s Gildenhorn Recital Hall. These recitals can be found in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).
In the last decade of the 19th and first decades of the 20th century there was a movement of capital and engineers from the central and northern Europe to the countries of southern Europe and other continents. Large companies sought to obtain concessions and establish branches in Portugal, favouring the circulation of technical knowledge and transfer of technology for Portuguese industry. Among the various examples of the representatives of foreign companies in Portugal we find Jayme da Costa Ltd. established in 1916 in Lisbon, which was a branch of the Swedish company ASEA, as well as STAAL, ATLAS DIESEL (Sweden), Landis & GYR (Switzerland), Electro Helios, etc.. Another example is EFACEC a company founded in 1948 in Porto, that was a partnership between the Portuguese company CUF – Companhia União Fabril, and ACEC – Ateliers de Constructions Électriques de Charleroi and a small entreprise Electro-Moderna Ldª. This enterprise started the industrial production of electric motors and transformers, and later on acquired a substantial share of the national production of electrical equipment. Using Estatística das Instalações Elétricas em Portugal (Statistics on Electrical Installations in Portugal) from 1928 until 1950 we can identify the foreign enterprises acting in the Portuguese market: Siemens, B.B.C, ASEA, Oerlikon, etc. We can also establish a relationship between the development of the electric network and the growth of production and consumption of electricity in the principal urban centres. Finally we see how foreign firms were a stimulus to the creation of national enterprises, especially those of small scale, in Portugal.
El Pla d’Espais d’Interès Natural (PEIN) és una figura de planificació contemplada per la Llei 12/1985 d’espais naturals del Parlament de Catalunya. Cal assenyalar que el 1989 ja es va produir una primera exposició pública, en el transcurs de la qual el pla va patir fortes pressions, sobretot provinents d’associacions lligades al món rural, ja que són les més afectades per l’aprovació del pla, fet que va provocar el desenvolupament d’una nova versió presentada el setembre de 1992
Article sobre les últimes eleccions del franquisme a la província de Girona
A partir del Cens Agrari de 1982, aquest article analitza el lloc que ocupa la dona pagesa dins les explotacions agràries familiars de la província de Girona. L'article vol posar de manifest el pes de la norma 'cultural' en la marginació professional de la dona pagesa, així com l' important paper que la dona juga en el treball agrícola i, en especial, en les explotacions mes dinámiques del camp gironí
Arreu hi ha paisatges que presenten característiques molt singulars, i que destaquen bé per la presència d’elements naturals amb un alt valor de conservació, bé per la configuració del mosaic paisatgístic que ha resultat d’una activitat humana. També hi ha paisatges que sobresurten perquè estan sotmesos a dinàmiques de transformació territorial molt intenses. Tots aquests paisatges necessiten polítiques de gestió especials, orientades tant a la conservació dels seus trets específics més valuosos com a una ordenació paisatgística que corregeixi els efectes perversos de les dinàmiques accelerades de transformació territorial
L'ampliació del cementiri municipal de Sant Julià de Ramis va comportar la realització de diverses obres a la muntanya de Sant Julià on es van localitzar diversos indicis que permetien deduir la presència de restes del poblat ibèric de Sant Julià en l'àrea afectada per les obres. Aquests indicis consistien en la presència de diversos blocs de calcària i algun de sorrenca que pressuposaven l'existència d'un gran mur i d'un estrat d'uns 40 cm. de centenars de fragments de ceràmica superposats uns als altres que semblaven pertànyer a un abocador
Article que té com a objectiu l' elaboració d'un estudi sobre els valors dels joves de les comarques gironines
L’estudi pretén establir si el turista de negocis es pot considerar un segment de mercat diferenciat del turista d’oci, ara que els vols de baix cost augmenten. Per això s’analitza una mostra de turistes estrangers en vols de baix cost a l’aeroport de Girona al 2005. Els resultats apunten a unes característiques diferencials en la demanada del turista de negocis, com són la durada de l’estança,i el tipus d’allotjament, però no s’aprecien diferències en la valoració del preu i de l’hora del vol, ni en la tipologia del bitllet
L’objectiu principal és realitzar un acurat Pla de Màrqueting del Santuari dels Àngels. S’estudiarà l’empresa i els productes que ofereix, i la competència i el mercat en general. La finalitat és definir els diferents productes que ofereix el Santuari per tal de poder segmentar el públic objectiu al qual es dirigeixen i, així, poder establir eines de comunicació específiques per a cadascun d’ells que permetin que el Santuari es situï en una posició competitiva en el mercat
La premsa gironina a les memòries de Joan Vinyas i Comas
Tapinoma pygmaeum is an ant known from seven localities. Five of them are in theprovince of Girona (Spain). The apparent rarity and skewed distribution of this species isprobably an artifact due to the confussion, in field samplings, with a similar speciesPlagiolepis pygmaea