984 resultados para Architecture--Environomental aspects
To investigate changes in the three-dimensional microfilament architecture of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) during the process of phenotypic modulation, rabbit aortic SMCs cultured under different conditions and at different time points were either labelled with fluorescein-conjugated probes to cytoskeletal and contractile proteins for observation by confocal laser scanning microscopy, or extracted with Triton X-100 for scanning electron microscopy. Densely seeded SMCs in primary culture, which maintain a contractile phenotype, display prominent linear myofilament bundles (stress fibres) that are present throughout the cytoplasm with alpha-actin filaments predominant in the central part and beta-actin filaments in the periphery of the cell. Intermediate filaments form a meshed network interconnecting the stress fibres and linking directly to the nucleus. Moderately and sparsely seeded SMCs, which modulate toward the synthetic phenotype during the first 5 days of culture, undergo a gradual redistribution of intermediate filaments from the perinuclear region toward the peripheral cytoplasm and a partial disassembly of stress fibres in the central part of the upper cortex of the cytoplasm, with an obvious decrease in alpha-actin and myosin staining. These changes are reversed in moderately seeded SMCs by day 8 of culture when they have reached confluence. The results reveal two changes in microfilament architecture in SMCs as they undergo a change in phenotype: the redistribution of intermediate filaments probably due to an increase in synthetic organelles in the perinuclear area, and the partial disassembly of stress fibres which may reflect a degradation of contractile components.
Plant architecture has been neglected in most studies of biomass allocation in crops. To help redress this situation for grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), we used a 3D digitiser to measure the dimensions and orientations of vegetative and reproductive structures and derived thermal time-based functions for architectural changes during morphogenesis. Our plants, which were grown in a greenhouse, controlled environment cabinets and the field, covered a large, three-fold, size range when mature. This allowed us to detect some general architectural relationships and to fit morphogenetic functions common across the size range we observed. For example, the relationship between the lengths of successive fully-expanded leaves within a plant was nearly constant for all plants. The lengths of existing leaf blades were accurate predictors of the lengths of up to six subsequently-formed blades in our plants. Similar constant relationships were detected for internode lengths in the panicle and for heights above ground of the collars of successive leaves, even though these traits varied a lot between growth conditions. We suggest that such architectural relationships may be used to link the effect of previous growth conditions to future growth potential, and in that way to predict future partitioning. Our results provide the basis for a preliminary model of sorghum morphogenesis which could eventually become useful in conjunction with crop models by allowing resource acquisition to be related to changes in plant architecture during development. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Confocal scanning laser microscopic observations were made on live chloroplasts in intact cells and on mechanically isolated, intact chloroplasts. Chlorophyll fluorescence was imaged to observe thylakoid membrane architecture. C-3 plant species studied included Spinacia oleracea L., Spathiphyllum sp. Schott, cv. 'Mauna Loa', and Pisum sativum L. C-4 plants were also investigated: Saccharum officinarum L., Sorghum bicolor L. Moench, Zea mays L. and Panicum miliaceum L. Some Spinacia chloroplasts were treated with 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) to enhance or sodium dithionite (SD) to reduce the photosystem II fluorescence signal. Confocal microscopy images of C-3 chloroplasts differed from electron microscopy pictures because they showed discrete spots of bright fluorescence with black regions between them. There was no evidence of fluorescence from stroma thylakoids. The thylakoid membrane system at times appeared to be string-like, with brightly fluorescing grana lined up like beads. C-4 bundle sheath chloroplasts were imaged from three different types of C-4 plants. Saccharum and Sorghum bundle sheath chloroplasts showed homogeneous fluorescence and were much dimmer than mesophyll chloroplasts. Zea had rudimentary grana, and dim, homogeneous intergrana fluorescence was visualised. Panicum contained thylakoids similar in appearance and string-like arrangement to mesophyll chloroplasts. Isolated Pisum chloroplasts, treated with a drop of 5 mM MgCl2 showed a thylakoid membrane system which appeared to be unravelling. Spongy mesophyll chloroplasts of Spinacia treated with 5 mM sodium dithionite showed a granal thylakoid system with distinct regions of no fluorescence. A time-series experiment provided evidence of dynamic membrane rearrangements over a period of half an hour.
The thalassinidean shrimp Trypea australiensis (the yabby) commonly occurs on intertidal sandflats and subtidal regions of sheltered embayments and estuaries along the east coast of Australia and is harvested commercially and recreationally for use as bait by anglers. The potential for counts of burrow openings to provide a reliable indirect estimate of the abundance of yabbies was examined on intertidal sandflats on North Stradbroke Island (Queensland, Australia). The relationship between the number of burrow openings and the abundance of yabbies was generally poor and also varied significantly through time, casting doubt on previous estimates of abundance for this species based on unvalidated hole counts. Spatial and temporal variation in population density, the size at maturity and the reproductive period of the yabby were also assessed. Except for an initial peak in abundance as a result of recruitment, the density of yabbies was constant throughout the study but considerably less than that estimated from a previous study in the same area. Ovigerous females were recorded at 3 mm carapace length (CL) which is smaller than previously recorded for this species and thalassinideans in general. Small ovigerous females were found throughout the study, including the summer months, which is unusual for thalassinideans in the intertidal zone. It was hypothesised that in the intertidal zone, small female yabbies may be able to balance the metabolic demands of reproduction and respiration at higher temperatures than can larger females allowing them to reproduce in the warmer months.
Most regional programs focus on the supply side of regions, emphasizing the attraction conditions offered, such as infrastructure, labor skills, tax incentives, etc. This study analyzes one aspect of the demand side, that is, how investment decisions of private firms are made by asking the question: ""Do corporations decide the same way on investments in different parts of the territory?"" The paper analyzes the investments of 373 large Brazilian firms during 1996-2004. Based on the investment decisions of these firms, the role of sales, cash-flow, external financing, and working capital is investigated through regression analysis. The regional influence is captured by explanatory variables representing regional and firm characteristics, and by interaction dummies between the region and the main investment determinants. The results indicate significant differences across regions in the importance of investment determinants. This information is important for regional development policy, because different mechanisms should be used in different regions to foster private investments.
This paper offers some preliminary steps in the marriage of some of the theoretical foundations of new economic geography with spatial computable general equilibrium models. Modelling the spatial economy of Colombia using the traditional assumptions of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models makes little sense when one territorial unit, Bogota, accounts for over one quarter of GDP and where transportation costs are high and accessibility low compared to European or North American standards. Hence, handling market imperfections becomes imperative as does the need to address internal spatial issues from the perspective of Colombia`s increasing involvement with external markets. The paper builds on the Centro de Estudios de Economia Regional (CEER) model, a spatial CGE model of the Colombian economy; non-constant returns and non-iceberg transportation costs are introduced and some simulation exercises carried out. The results confirm the asymmetric impacts that trade liberalization has on a spatial economy in which one region, Bogota, is able to more fully exploit scale economies vis--vis the rest of Colombia. The analysis also reveals the importance of different hypotheses on factor mobility and the role of price effects to better understand the consequences of trade opening in a developing economy.
Perianth development is specifically disrupted in mutants of the PETAL LOSS (PTL) gene, particularly petal initiation and orientation. We have cloned PTL and show that it encodes a plant-specific trihelix transcription factor, one of a family previously known only as regulators of light-controlled genes. PTL transcripts were detected in the early-developing flower, in four zones between the initiating sepals and in their developing margins. Strong misexpression of PTL in a range of tissues universally results in inhibition of growth, indicating that its normal role is to suppress growth between initiating sepals, ensuring that they remain separate. Consistent with this, sepals are sometimes fused in ptl single mutants, but much more frequently in double mutants with either of the organ boundary genes cup-shaped cotyledon1 or 2. Expression of PTL within the newly arising sepals is apparently prevented by the PINOID auxin-response gene. Surprisingly, PTL expression could not be detected in petals during the early stages of their development, so petal defects associated with PTL loss of function may be indirect, perhaps involving disruption to signalling processes caused by overgrowth in the region. PTL-driven reporter gene expression was also detected at later stages in the margins of expanding sepals, petals and stamens, and in the leaf margins; thus, PTL may redundantly dampen lateral outgrowth of these organs, helping define their final shape.
INTRODUCTION The management of nonpalpable testicular masses is a challenging task, and coexisting infertility can further complicate the treatment decisions. We present our technique for microsurgical organ-sparing resection of incidental nonpalpable testicular nodules combined with microdissection for testicular sperm extraction and tissue cryopreservation in azoospermic patients. TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS Five infertile patients with azoospermia presented with nonpalpable hypoechoic testicular masses that were detected by Ultrasonography and underwent organ-sparing surgery. The testis was delivered through an inguinal incision, and the blood circulation was interrupted with a vascular clamp placed on the spermatic cord. Sludged ice was used to prevent warm ischemia, and a temperature probe was used to control the temperature at 12 degrees-15 degrees C. Real-time reflex ultrasonography was used to locate the tumor, and a stereotaxic hook-shaped needle was inserted under ultrasound guidance. The needle was placed adjacent to the tumor to guide the microsurgical resection. The tunica albuginea was incised over the tumor, which was dissected and removed, along with the adjoining parenchymal tissue. Frozen section studies were performed and, if malignancy was confirmed, biopsies of the tumor cavity margins and remaining parenchyma were obtained to ensure the absence of residual tumor. Microdissection was performed for excision of selected enlarged tubules that were processed and cryopreserved. CONCLUSIONS We present a technique for microsurgical organ-sparing resection of testicular tumor and sperm extraction that can be used in selected infertile patients with azoospermia in whom incidental masses have been diagnosed by ultrasonography. This conservative approach should be especially considered for patients with a solitary testis or bilateral tumors. UROLOGY 73: 887-892, 2009. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc.
Background Molluscum contagiosum (MC) is a Molluscipox virus infection of keratinocytes with hyperplasia and intracytoplasmic inclusions-the molluscum bodies (MBs). Few papers address cytokeratins (K) profile in MC, mainly focusing terminal keratinization process. Methods Forty-one MC lesions were subjected to immunohistochemical technique to verify K1, K10, K14, K16, involucrin, filaggrin, E-cadherin and p63 expression. MC immunolabeling pattern was compared to adjacent normal appearing epidermis (ANAE). Results In MC and ANAE, K1/K10 were expressed in suprabasal layers, K14 was expressed in basal and suprabasal layers and K16 was expressed through all spinous layer. Involucrin and filaggrin were observed in granular, spinous and in basal layer of ANAE and MC. E-cadherin was present up to the first layers of MC while ANAE exhibited E-cadherin labeling at basal and spinous layers. Basal and spinous layers keratinocytes nuclei, in both MC and ANAE, express p63. Conclusion Infection by Molluscipox virus alters keratinocyte differentiation status. The presence of K14 and p63 in spinous layer, as well as early expression of involucrin and filaggrin, associated to a hyperproliferative state disclosed by K16 expression, may be a result of disruption in keratinocytes maturation process. The changes observed at ANAE may represent early events in keratinization disturbance. Callegaro CF, Sotto MN. Molluscum contagiosum: immunomorphological aspects of keratinocytes markers of differentiation and adhesion.
Purpose: To evaluate biochemical and morphological effects on rats submitted to three different doses of the association zidovudine and ritonavir administered throughout pregnancy. Methods: Forty pregnant EPM-1 Wistar rats weighing about 200 g were randomly divided into the control group (Ctr = drug vehicle control, n = 10) and three experimental ones which were treated with an oral solution of zidovudine/ritonavir (Exp1 = 10/20 mg/kg bw, n = 10; Exp2 = 30/60 mg/kg bw, n = 10; Exp3 = 90/180 mg/kg bw, n = 10) from `day 0` up to the 20th day of pregnancy. At term (20th day) the rats were anesthetized. Blood and fetal and maternal organ samples (livers and kidneys) were taken for morphological and biochemical analyses. Results: Upon histological examinations fetal livers and kidneys appeared normal. In contrast the maternal samples revealed structural alterations. Maternal kidneys of the three experimental groups exhibited progressive and dose-dependent histological alterations; liver alterations were detected only in Exp3. Blood levels of AST and ALT were not significantly different from the control group but urea and creatinine levels were lower in groups Exp3 and Exp1. Conclusions: The administration of zidovudine plus ritonavir throughout rat pregnancy can cause morphological as well as functional changes in maternal kidneys.