391 resultados para Aquifers.
Nitrate contamination of groundwater arises from anthropogenic activities, such as, fertilizer and animal manure applications and infiltration of wastewater/leachates. During migration of wastewater and leachates, the vadose zone (zone residing above the groundwater table), is considered to facilitate microbial denitrification. Particle voids in vadose zone are deficient in dissolved oxygen as the voids are partially filled by water and the remainder by air. Discontinuities in liquid phase would also restrict oxygen diffusion and therefore facilitate denitrification in the vadose/unsaturated soil zone. The degree of saturation of soil specimen (S (r)) quantifies the relative volume of voids filled with air and water. Unsaturated specimens have S (r) values ranging between 0 and 100 %. Earlier studies from naturally occurring nitrate losses in groundwater aquifers in Mulbagal town, Kolar District, Karnataka, showed that the sub-surface soils composed of residually derived sandy soil; hence, natural sand was chosen in the laboratory denitrification experiments. With a view to understand the role of vadose zone in denitrification process, experiments are performed with unsaturated sand specimens (S (r) = 73-90 %) whose pore water was spiked with nitrate and ethanol solutions. Experimental results revealed 73 % S (r) specimen facilitates nitrate reduction to 45 mg/L in relatively short durations of 5.5-7.5 h using the available natural organic matter (0.41 % on mass basis of sand); consequently, ethanol addition did not impact rate of denitrification. However, at higher S (r) values of 81 and 90 %, extraneous ethanol addition (C/N = 0.5-3) was needed to accelerate the denitrification rates.
Nearly 50% of India's population depends on variants of pit-toilet systems for human waste disposal. Nitrate contamination of groundwater by pit-toilet leachate is a major environmental concern in the country as it sources a major proportion (50-80%) of potable water from aquifers. Therefore, minimizing nitrate contamination of groundwater due to leachate infiltration from pit-toilet systems is essential. Batch and column experiments demonstrated the capability of bentonite-enhanced sand (BES) specimens to reduce nitrate concentrations in synthetic solutions (initial NO3-N concentration = 22.7 mg/L, C/N = 3) by about 85-90% in 10 to 24 hour by a heterotrophic denitrification process. Based on the laboratory results, it is recommended that use of a BES-permeable reactive barrier layer at the base of pit-toilets will facilitate heterotrophic denitrification and mitigate nitrate contamination of the underlying aquifer.
Upward leakage of saline water from an artesian aquifer below 1,500 feet has caused an increase in chloride concentration in the lower Hawthorn aquifer from less than 1,000 mg/1 (milligrams per liter) to values ranging from about 1,300 to 15,000 mg/1. Similarly the higher temperatures of the intruding water has caused an increase in water temperatures in the aquifer from 82"F to values ranging from 83 to 93"F. The intruding water moves upward either through the open bore hole of deep wells or test holes, or along a fault or fracture system, which has been identified in the area. From these points of entry into the lower Hawthorn aquifer, the saline water spreads laterally toward the south and southeast, but is generally confined to components of the fault system. The saline water moves upward from the lower Hawthorn aquifer into the upper Hawthorn aquifer through the open bore hole of wells, which connect the aquifers. This movement has resulted in an increase in chloride from less than 200 mg/1 in the unaffected parts of the upper Hawthorn aquifer to values commonly ranging from about 300 to more than 3,000 mg/1 in parts of the aquifer affected by upward leakage. The upper Hawthorn aquifer is the principal source of ground-water supply for public water-supply systems in western Lee County. Similar effects have been noted in the water-table aquifer, where chloride increased from less than 100 to concentrations ranging from about 500 to more than 5,000 mg/1. This was caused by the downward infiltration of water discharged at land surface from wells tapping the lower Hawthorn aquifer. The spread of saline water throughout most of the McGregor Isles area is continuing as of 1971. (40 page document)
In recent years, difficulties encountered in obtaining ground-water supplies with acceptable chemical characteristics in the Myakka River basin area led to the implementation of a test drilling program. Under this program, well drilling and data collection were executed in such a manner that all water-producing zones of the local aquifers, together with the quality and quantity of the water available, were effectively identified. A step-drilling method was utilized which allowed the collection of formation cuttings, water samples, and water-level data, from isolated zones in the well as drilling proceeded. The step drilling procedure is described. The driller's logs, geophysical logs, and chemical quality of water tables are presented.(Document has 66 pages.)
In the area of this investigation a partial inventory was made of the estimated 2,000 existing wells to obtain information on location, depth, and yield of representative wells. Also, data were obtained on the quality of water from the various aquifers, and on the fluctuation of water levels in certain wells in the Floridan aquifer. The hydraulic characteristics of the Floridan aquifer at several sites were determined by means of pumping tests. (PDF has 80 pages.)
The Biscayne Aquifer is the principal source of water for the heavily populated area in the vicinity of West Palm Beach and Miami. The publication of this data is timely and will assist in the intelligent development of the water resources of the area.The report recognizes two major aquifers as the source of ground water in Collier County. The lower aquifer is highly mineralized, but contains usable water, and the more shallow aquifer is the source of large supplies, which are utilized by municipalities and domestic users. Adequate supplies of fresh water are present in the Naples area and by proper planning, these can be developed in an orderly manner and salt water encroachment can be prevented. (PDF has 99 pages)
Research has proven that Shoreline Erosion is caused by excess water contained within the shore face. This Research presents an opportunity to control erosion by managing the near shore water table. Our Research on Bogue Banks North Carolina suggests that our buildings and other impervious surfaces collect and concentrate water from storm rain runoff into the surface water table and within the critical beach front water exit point. Presently our Potable Fresh Water is supplied from deep wells located beneath an impervious layer of Marl. After our use, the Waste water is drained into the Surface Aquifer, the combined waste and storm rain water raises the Surface Aquifer water table and produces Erosion. The Deep Aquifers presently supplying our Potable Water have an unknown recharge rate, with increasing reports of Salt Water intrusion. We believe our Vital Fresh water supply system should be modified to supply Reverse Osmosis treatment plants from shallow wells. This will lower the Surface Water Table. These Shallow wells, either horizontal or vertical, might be located within the beach front, adjacent to high erosion risk properties. Beach Drains and Reverse Osmosis Water systems are new and proven technologies. By combining these technologies we can reduce or reverse Shore Erosion, ensure a safe Potable Water supply, reduce requirements for periodic beach nourishment, reduce taxes and protect our property well into the Future. (PDF contains 5 pages)
The investigations described in this report were carried out to fulfill three distinct but interrelated objectives. In 1973 the Thames Conservancy were making plans for a second stage of their groundwater scheme which would take water from the chalk aquifers in the valley of the Kennet and they wanted basic information on the ecological state of this river and its upper tributaries. Little appeared to be known about limestone streams and a preliminary study of one of the streams in this area was desirable as a basis for planning more detailed studies if these were needed later. At a progress meeting held in March 1976 the problems and opportunities presented by the developing drought conditions were considered. It was concluded that the ecological effects of the exceptionally low natural flows should be studied and that it would be important to assess the ecological impact of the groundwater scheme if it was brought into operation that year. This could only be done on the Lambourn and the Winterbourne and it was decided that considerable effort should be diverted there for this purpose and that the field observations should be extended to cover any recovery period after the end of the drought. To make this possible it was agreed that the studies of invertebrates and detritus on the Kennet should be reduced considerably and that the proposed study of the limestone stream should be abandoned. The revised objectives were as follows: A detailed ecological study of several sites on the Kennet and its tributaries above Kintbury, extending over at least two years and involving observations on wate r weeds , invertebrates, fish, detritus and the trophic relationships within the river community. Quantitativ e and qualitative sampling of water weeds and invertebrates during one year at a number of sites on several chalk streams to determine whether the patterns and relationships found in the Lambourn are also found at the other sites. Observations on the Lambourn at Bagnor were to continue for most of the period to look for long-term fluctuations and to enable these sites to act as controls with which the other sites could be compared. Further detailed studies on the Lambourn and the Winterbourne to assess the impact of low flows, trial pumping and the operation of the groundwater scheme.
Este trabalho objetiva analisar diversos aspectos do Direito Internacional Público em matéria de recursos hídricos de água doce superficiais e subterrâneos. Geração de energia, abastecimento, pesca, navegação, lazer, agricultura e indústria, são múltiplos os usos que os seres humanos fazem da água doce, mas antes disso a água é essencial para manutenção de todo e qualquer tipo de vida na Terra. São complexas e passíveis de várias análises as relações entre os Estados e as relações que se concretizam no interior dos Estados com objetivo de utilizar, controlar e preservar as fontes de água doce, a que se pretende fazer é uma análise jurídica, inserida no contexto político de expansão do capitalismo liberal. Pretende-se identificar e analisar normas jurídicas produzidas no âmbito internacional multilateral, considerando a sua forma, conteúdo e possíveis efeitos: na resolução de conflitos entre os Estados pelo controle e utilização da água doce, no estabelecimento de parâmetros para solução da crise ambiental e na superação dos problemas de acesso à água. Na primeira parte do trabalho, são identificadas as normas de Direito Internacional Público atinentes à matéria, descrevendo-se, primeiramente, a evolução histórica do Direito Internacional Fluvial até os estudos da doutrina de Direito Internacional e a Convenção de Nova York de 1997. O capítulo segundo objetiva apresentar o tema da água doce no contexto de surgimento do Direito Internacional do Meio Ambiente, de realização de conferências e criação de fóruns internacionais para a questão da água e do desenvolvimento de um direito humano à água. O capítulo terceiro propõe-se a ingressar na incipiente questão da regulamentação dos usos das águas subterrâneas, analisando os trabalhos da Comissão de Direito Internacional da Organização das Nações Unidas que culminaram com a adoção de uma Resolução sobre o Direito dos Aquíferos Transfronteiriços por parte da Assembleia Geral daquela organização. A segunda parte do trabalho objetiva analisar a aplicação das regras e princípios ensaiados nos textos de Direito Internacional aos casos concretos, confrontando-as com as soluções propostas em casos paradigmáticos de conflitos pela água, como o caso Gabcikovo-Nagymaros e o caso das Papeleras, envolvendo Argentina e Uruguai, ambos julgados pela Corte Internacional de Justiça. Na segunda parte do trabalho, também é analisado o caso do aquífero Guarani, um sistema de aquíferos interligados que se estende sob os subsolos de Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai, que em agosto de 2010 foi objeto de um tratado internacional assinado no âmbito do Mercosul. Por fim, a pesquisa objetiva desenvolver ideias e explicações para a existência (ou não) e a efetividade (ou a falta dela) das normas de Direito Internacional sobre recursos hídricos, considerando o conceito de soberania estatal que ora é o bode expiatório para a falta de assinaturas nos tratados ou de votos em declarações, ora é o próprio fundamento para a adoção de compromissos por parte dos Estados. Conclui-se tentando responder as seguintes questões: Existe Direito Internacional da água doce? São as normas de Direito Internacional efetivas? Para que servem essas normas de Direito Internacional, além da afirmação de sua própria existência como metas a serem atingidas?
As técnicas de injeção de traçadores têm sido amplamente utilizadas na investigação de escoamentos em meios porosos, principalmente em problemas envolvendo a simulação numérica de escoamentos miscíveis em reservatórios de petróleo e o transporte de contaminantes em aquíferos. Reservatórios subterrâneos são em geral heterogêneos e podem apresentar variações significativas das suas propriedades em várias escalas de comprimento. Estas variações espaciais são incorporadas às equações que governam o escoamento no interior do meio poroso por meio de campos aleatórios. Estes campos podem prover uma descrição das heterogeneidades da formação subterrânea nos casos onde o conhecimento geológico não fornece o detalhamento necessário para a predição determinística do escoamento através do meio poroso. Nesta tese é empregado um modelo lognormal para o campo de permeabilidades a fim de reproduzir-se a distribuição de permeabilidades do meio real, e a geração numérica destes campos aleatórios é feita pelo método da Soma Sucessiva de Campos Gaussianos Independentes (SSCGI). O objetivo principal deste trabalho é o estudo da quantificação de incertezas para o problema inverso do transporte de um traçador em um meio poroso heterogêneo empregando uma abordagem Bayesiana para a atualização dos campos de permeabilidades, baseada na medição dos valores da concentração espacial do traçador em tempos específicos. Um método do tipo Markov Chain Monte Carlo a dois estágios é utilizado na amostragem da distribuição de probabilidade a posteriori e a cadeia de Markov é construída a partir da reconstrução aleatória dos campos de permeabilidades. Na resolução do problema de pressão-velocidade que governa o escoamento empregase um método do tipo Elementos Finitos Mistos adequado para o cálculo acurado dos fluxos em campos de permeabilidades heterogêneos e uma abordagem Lagrangiana, o método Forward Integral Tracking (FIT), é utilizada na simulação numérica do problema do transporte do traçador. Resultados numéricos são obtidos e apresentados para um conjunto de realizações amostrais dos campos de permeabilidades.
This is the Investigation of rising nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the Eden Valley, Cumbria report produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. This report focuses on groundwater nitrate concentrations in the Eden Valley. Most boreholes in the Eden Valley had nitrate concentrations less than 20 mg/l but a significant number had higher concentrations, some exceeding the EC maximum admissible concentration for drinking water of 50 mg/l. The main objectives of this report were to investigate the causes of rising nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifers of the Eden Valley area and provide sufficient understanding of the groundwater and surface water flow system, including the sources of the nitrate contamination and the processes controlling nitrate movement, so that possible management options for reversing this trend can be considered.
There has been a growing concern about the use of fossil fuels and its adverse effects on the atmospheric greenhouse and ecological environment. A reduction in the release rate of CO2 into the atmosphere poses a major challenge to the land ecology of China. The most promising way of achieving CO2 reduction is to dispose of CO2 in deep saline aquifers. Deep aquifers have a large potential for CO2 sequestration in geological medium in terms of volume and duration. Through the numerical simulation of multiphase flow in a porous media, the transformation and motion of CO2 in saline aquifers has been implemented under various temperature and hydrostatic pressure conditions, which plays an important role to the assessment of the reliability and safety of CO2 geological storage. As expected, the calculated results can provide meaningful and scientific information for management purposes. The key problem to the numerical simulation of multiphase flow in a porous media is to accurately capture the mass interface and to deal with the geological heterogeneity. In this study, the updated CE/SE (Space and time conservation element and solution element) method has been proposed, and the Hybrid Particle Level Set method (HPLS) has extended for multiphase flows in porous medium, which can accurately trace the transformation of the mass interface. The benchmark problems have been applied to evaluate and validate the proposed method. In this study, the reliability of CO2 storage in saline aquifers in Daqingzi oil field in Sunlong basin has been discussed. The simulation code developed in this study takes into account the state for CO2 covering the triple point temperature and pressure to the supercritical region. The geological heterogeneity has been implemented, using the well known geostatistical model (GSLIB) on the base of the hard data. The 2D and 3D model have been set up to simulate the CO2 multiphase flow in the porous saline aquifer, applying the CE/SE method and the HPLS method .The main contents and results are summarized as followings. (1) The 2D CE/SE method with first and second –order accuracy has been extended to simulate the multiphase flow in porous medium, which takes into account the contribution of source and sink in the momentum equation. The 3D CE/SE method with the first accuracy has been deduced. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed CE/SE method have been investigated, using the benchmark problems. (2) The hybrid particle level set method has been made appropriate and extended for capturing the mass interface of multiphase flows in porous media, and the numerical method for level set function calculated has been formulated. (3) The closed equations for multiphase flow in porous medium has been developed, adept to both the Darcy flow and non-Darcy flow, getting over the limitation of Reynolds number to the calculation. It is found that Darcy number has a decisive influence on pressure as well as velocity given the Darcy number. (4) The new Euler scheme for numerical simulations of multiphase flows in porous medium has been proposed, which is efficient and can accurately capture the mass interface. The artificial compressibility method has been used to couple the velocities and pressure. It is found that the Darcy number has determinant effects on the numerical convergence and stability. In terms of the different Darcy numbers, the coefficient of artificial compressibility and the time step have been obtained. (5) The time scale of the critical instability for critical CO2 in the saline aquifer has been found, which is comparable with that of completely CO2 dissolved saline aquifer. (6) The concept model for CO2 multiphase flows in the saline aquifer has been configured, based on the temperature, pressure, porosity as well as permeability of the field site .Numerical simulation of CO2 hydrodynamic trapping in saline aquifers has been performed, applying the proposed CE/SE method. The state for CO2 has been employed to take into account realistic reservoir conditions for CO2 geological sequestration. The geological heterogeneity has been sufficiently treated , using the geostatistical model. (7) It is found that the Rayleigh-Taylor instability phenomenon, which is associated with the penetration of saline fluid into CO2 fluid in the direction of gravity, has been observed in CO2 multiphase flows in the saline aquifer. Development of a mushroom-type spike is a strong indication of the formation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability due to the developed short wavelength perturbations present along the interface and parallel to the bulk flow. Additional key findings: the geological heterogeneity can distort the flow convection. The ascending of CO2 can induce the persistent flow cycling effects. The results show that boundary conditions of the field site have determinant effects on the transformation and motion of CO2 in saline aquifers. It is confirmed that the proposed method and numerical model has the reliability to simulate the process of the hydrodynamic trapping, which is the controlling mechanism for the initial period of CO2 storage at time scale of 100 years.
The technique of energy extraction using groundwater source heat pumps, as a sustainable way of low-grade thermal energy utilization, has widely been used since mid-1990's. Based on the basic theories of groundwater flow and heat transfer and by employing two analytic models, the relationship of the thermal breakthrough time for a production well with the effect factors involved is analyzed and the impact of heat transfer by means of conduction and convection, under different groundwater velocity conditions, on geo-temperature field is discussed.A mathematical model, coupling the equations for groundwater flow with those for heat transfer, was developed. The impact of energy mining using a single well system of supplying and returning water on geo-temperature field under different hydrogeological conditions, well structures, withdraw-and-reinjection rates, and natural groundwater flow velocities was quantitatively simulated using the finite difference simulator HST3D. Theoretical analyses of the simulated results were also made. The simulated results of the single well system indicate that neither the permeability nor the porosity of a homogeneous aquifer has significant effect on the temperature of the production segment provided that the production and injection capability of each well in the aquifers involved can meet the designed value. If there exists a lower permeable interlayer, compared with the main aquifer, between the production and injection segments, the temperature changes of the production segment will decrease. The thicker the interlayer and the lower the interlayer permeability, the longer the thermal breakthrough time of the production segment and the smaller the temperature changes of the production segment. According to the above modeling, it can also be found that with the increase of the aquifer thickness, the distance between the production and injection screens, and/or the regional groundwater flow velocity, and/or the decrease of the production-and-reinjection rate, the temperature changes of the production segment decline. For an aquifer of a constant thickness, continuously increase the screen lengths of production and injection segments may lead to the decrease of the distance between the production and injection screens, and the temperature changes of the production segment will increase, consequently.According to the simulation results of the single well system, the parameters, that can cause significant influence on heat transfer as well as geo-temperature field, were chosen for doublet system simulation. It is indicated that the temperature changes of the pumping well will decrease as the aquifer thickness, the distance between the well pair and/or the screen lengths of the doublet increase. In the case of a low permeable interlayer embedding in the main aquifer, if the screens of the pumping and the injection wells are installed respectively below and above the interlayer, the temperature changes of the pumping well will be smaller than that without the interlay. The lower the permeability of the interlayer, the smaller the temperature changes. The simulation results also indicate that the lower the pumping-and-reinjection rate, the greater the temperature changes of the pumping well. It can also be found that if the producer and the injector are chosen reasonably, the temperature changes of the pumping well will decline as the regional groundwater flow velocity increases. Compared with the case that the groundwater flow direction is perpendicular to the well pair, if the regional flow is directed from the pumping well to the injection well, the temperature changes of the pumping well is relatively smaller.Based on the above simulation study, a case history was conducted using the data from an operating system in Beijing. By means of the conceptual model and the mathematical model, a 3-D simulation model was developed and the hydrogeological parameters and the thermal properties were calibrated. The calibrated model was used to predict the evolution of the geo-temperature field for the next five years. The simulation results indicate that the calibrated model can represent the hydrogeological conditions and the nature of the aquifers. It can also be found that the temperature fronts in high permeable aquifers move very fast and the radiuses of temperature influence are large. Comparatively, the temperature changes in clay layers are smaller and there is an obvious lag of the temperature changes. According to the current energy mining load, the temperature of the pumping wells will increase by 0.7°C at the end of the next five years. The above case study may provide reliable base for the scientific management of the operating system studied.
Through an examination of global climate change models combined with hydrological data on deteriorating water quality in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), we elucidate the ways in which the MENA countries are vulnerable to climate-induced impacts on water resources. Adaptive governance strategies, however, remain a low priority for political leaderships in the MENA region. To date, most MENA governments have concentrated the bulk of their resources on large-scale supply side projects such as desalination, dam construction, inter-basin water transfers, tapping fossil groundwater aquifers, and importing virtual water. Because managing water demand, improving the efficiency of water use, and promoting conservation will be key ingredients in responding to climate-induced impacts on the water sector, we analyze the political, economic, and institutional drivers that have shaped governance responses. While the scholarly literature emphasizes the importance of social capital to adaptive governance, we find that many political leaders and water experts in the MENA rarely engage societal actors in considering water risks. We conclude that the key capacities for adaptive governance to water scarcity in MENA are underdeveloped. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Directional drilling and hydraulic-fracturing technologies are dramatically increasing natural-gas extraction. In aquifers overlying the Marcellus and Utica shale formations of northeastern Pennsylvania and upstate New York, we document systematic evidence for methane contamination of drinking water associated with shale-gas extraction. In active gas-extraction areas (one or more gas wells within 1 km), average and maximum methane concentrations in drinking-water wells increased with proximity to the nearest gas well and were 19.2 and 64 mg CH(4) L(-1) (n = 26), a potential explosion hazard; in contrast, dissolved methane samples in neighboring nonextraction sites (no gas wells within 1 km) within similar geologic formations and hydrogeologic regimes averaged only 1.1 mg L(-1) (P < 0.05; n = 34). Average δ(13)C-CH(4) values of dissolved methane in shallow groundwater were significantly less negative for active than for nonactive sites (-37 ± 7‰ and -54 ± 11‰, respectively; P < 0.0001). These δ(13)C-CH(4) data, coupled with the ratios of methane-to-higher-chain hydrocarbons, and δ(2)H-CH(4) values, are consistent with deeper thermogenic methane sources such as the Marcellus and Utica shales at the active sites and matched gas geochemistry from gas wells nearby. In contrast, lower-concentration samples from shallow groundwater at nonactive sites had isotopic signatures reflecting a more biogenic or mixed biogenic/thermogenic methane source. We found no evidence for contamination of drinking-water samples with deep saline brines or fracturing fluids. We conclude that greater stewardship, data, and-possibly-regulation are needed to ensure the sustainable future of shale-gas extraction and to improve public confidence in its use.