994 resultados para Aquatic biology


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This annotated bibliography is intended to give as reasonably complete a review of the existing literature as possible, and to offer some practical guidance in the selection and operation of sediment traps in future monitoring programmes.


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Organic contaminants are readily bioaccumulated by aquatic organisms. Exposure to and toxic effects of contaminants can be measured in terms of the biochemical responses of the organisms (i.e. molecular biomarkers). The hepatic biotransformation enzyme cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) in vertebrates is specifically induced by organic contaminants such as aromatic hydrocarbons, PCBs and dioxins, and is involved in chemical carcinogenesis via catalysis of the covalent binding of organic contaminants to DNA (DNA-adducts). Hepatic CYP1A induction has been used extensively and successfully as a biomarker of organic contaminant exposure in fish. Fewer but equally encouraging studies in fish have used hepatic bulky, hydrophobic DNA-adducts as biomarkers of organic contaminant damage. Much less is known of the situation in marine invertebrates, but a CYPlA-like enzyme with limited inducibility and some potential for biomarker application is indicated. Stimulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production is another potential mechanism of organic contaminant-mediated DNA and other damage in aquatic organisms. A combination of antioxidant (enzymes, scavengers) and pro-oxidant (oxidised DNA bases, lipid peroxidation) measurements may have potential as a biomarker of organic contaminant exposure (particularly those chemicals which do not induce CYP1A) and/or oxidative stress, but more studies are required. Both CYP1A- and ROS-mediated toxicity are indicated to result in higher order deleterious effects, including cancer and other aspects of animal fitness.


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English: For nearly a century, fisheries scientists have studied marine fish stocks in an effort to understand how the abundances of fish populations are determined. During the early lives of marine fishes, survival is variable, and the numbers of individuals surviving to transitional stages or recruitment are difficult to predict. The egg, larval, and juvenile stages of marine fishes are characterized by high rates of mortality and growth. Most marine fishes, particularly pelagic species, are highly fecund, produce small eggs and larvae, and feed and grow in complex aquatic ecosystems. The identification of environmental or biological factors that are most important in controlling survival during the early life stages of marine fishes is a potentially powerful tool in stock assessment. Because vital rates (mortality and growth) during the early life stages of marine fishes are high and variable, small changes in those rates can have profound effects on the properties of survivors and recruitment potential (Houde 1989). Understanding and predicting the factors that most strongly influence pre-recruit survival are key goals of fisheries research programs. Spanish: Desde hace casi un siglo, los científicos pesqueros han estudiado las poblaciones de peces marinos en un intento por entender cómo se determina la abundancia de las mismas. Durante la vida temprana de los peces marinos, la supervivencia es variable, y el número de individuos que sobrevive hasta las etapas transicionales o el reclutamiento es difícil de predecir. Las etapas de huevo, larval, y juvenil de los peces marinos son caracterizadas por tasas altas de mortalidad y crecimiento. La mayoría de los peces marinos, particularmente las especies pelágicas, son muy fecundos, producen huevos y larvas pequeños, y se alimentan y crecen en ecosistemas acuáticos complejos. La identificación los factores ambientales o biológicos más importantes en el control de la supervivencia durante las etapas tempranas de vida de los peces marinos es una herramienta potencialmente potente en la evaluación de las poblaciones. Ya que las tasas vitales (mortalidad y crecimiento) durante las etapas tempranas de vida de los peces marinos son altas y variables, cambios pequeños en esas tasas pueden ejercer efectos importantes sobre las propiedades de los supervivientes y el potencial de reclutamiento (Houde 1989). Comprender y predecir los factores que más afectan la supervivencia antes del reclutamiento son objetivos clave de los programas de investigación pesquera.


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The daily consumption rates and preference of juvenile Tilapia rendalli for some macrophytes, Ceratophyllum demersum, Lagarosiphon major, Najas pectinatas and Valisneria aethiopica were determined. Fish were offered single macrophyte diets to determine daily consumption and a mixture of the 4 macrophytes in equal quantities to determine selection. Consumption rates were 821.50 mg, 829.05 mg, 940.00 mg and 2293.53 mg per fish per day, respectively. The differences in consumption rates were significant. Preference was shown for V.aethiopica, whilst C.demersum was least selected. Fish fed on single species lost weight whereas those fed on a variety of macrophytes gained in weight.


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This paper embodies details and method of operation of a mechanical device developed for eradication of submerged aquatic weeds. The economics of operation is also discussed.


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Aquatic insects are relatively common at artificial lights and are often taken in light traps operated for catching other insects. They are however seldom recorded. These records are however of importance in understanding their distribution and abundance. Aquatic Coleoptera and Hemiptera are of importance in fisheries because some of them are predators on small fish whilst others serve as food for fishes of all sizes. Some like the Corixidae are of special interest because they can utilize the bottom ooze which is abundant especially in small habitats. Fernando (1961a) gave a comprehensive bibliography of records at light. In the present paper a number of records are given from various parts of Asia, where in the past records were very few. They are based on collections made by the author and also on material in the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. Amongst specimens sent for study by the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, were a few specimens which had been recorded at light.


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The survey covered by this report was undertaken between 6 th and 9th October 2009 as a follow-up on the during construction surveys of the Bujagali Hydropwer Project (BHPP). In addition to two pre-construction baseline surveys in April 2000 and April 2006, four monitoring surveys have so far been undertaken i.e. in September 2007, April 2008, April 2009 and the present one, in October 2009. The 2009 biannual monitoring surveys were conducted at an upstream and a downstream transect of the BHPP with emphasis on the following aspects: 1. water quality determinants 2. biology and ecology of fishes and food webs 3. fish stock and fish catch including economic aspects of catch and 4. sanitation/vector studies (bilharzias and river blindness)


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The result reported were from a monitoring survey no.8 undertaken between 6th and 10th April 2011 during construction period of the Bujagali Hydropwer Project (BHPP). Two pre-construction, baseline surveys in April 2000 and April 2006 were conducted and so far,durin construction phase of the project, seven monitoring surveys have been undertaken i.e. in September 2007, April 2008, April 2009,October 2009, April 2010, September 2010 and the present one, in April 2011. Since 2009 biannual monitoring surveys have been conducted at an upstream and a downstream transect of the BHPP with emphasis on the following aspects: Water quality determinants Biology and ecology of fishes and food webs Fish stock and fish catch including economic aspects of catch and Sanitation/vector studies (bilharzias and river blindness)


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This report concerns the aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera collected in Sri Lanka by Prof. Starmühlner and Prof. Costa during November and December 1970. A surprising number of new species have been found in the Starmühlner-Costa material, even in groups for which comprehensive revisions exist. Seven new species are described here.


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Bioassays were carried out to consider the relative effect of barley and rice straw extracts on the growth of 12 problematic freshwater algae. The laboratory results demonstrated that growth of Microcystis aeruginosa; Aphanizomenon flos–aquae, Anabaena flos–aquae, Synura petersenii, and Dinobryon sertularia were all inhibited, whereas Oscillatoria tenuis, Asterionella formosa, Spirogyra sp., and Hydrodictyon reticulatum grown were stimulated by the barley straw extract. No significant effect was also found on the growth of Chlorella kessleri, Scenedesmus subspicatus, and Navicula pelliculosa.


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The reproductive biology of Catla catla (Hamilton-Buchanan) in the Udawalawe reservoir was studied from June 2007 to December 2008. Samples of eggs from Indian major carp C. catla were collected from fish landed in the reservoir and analysed in the laboratory to assess the reproductive characteristics. C. catla. Cirrhinus mrigala, exotic Cichlids and Labeo rohita accounted for 62.2%, 21.0%, 12% and 1.0% respectively of the total landings in the Udawalawe reservoir during the study period. Gonads of C. catla were collected in the field and examined in the laboratory to determine the stage of maturity and fecundity. Data on fish length and gonad weight were collected to estimate the gonado-somatic indices (OSI). Landed catches were also examined in the field to determine the sex ratio of C. catla in the catch and was found to be 1:5.6 male to female. Results of fecundity estimates revealed that C. catla females in the Udawalwe reservoir were fully mature in June and October of the year. From the monthly variation of OSI, two recruitment pulses per year were evident. The length of the body at first maturity in female C. catla in the Udawalwe reservoir was estimated to be 74.2 cm.


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A great part of Uganda is endowed with water bodies in the forms of rivers and open water lakes. These bodies are never alone. They are either flanked or associated with plants, which are adapted to the wet conditions. They are so characteristic that they are part and parcel of the aquatic ecosystems. They occupy various positions depending on the amount of water in the relevant habitats.


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The results reported on were from a monitoring survey No. 10 undertaken between 23 rd and 29th April 2012 during construction period of the Bujagali Hydropower Project (BHPP). Two pre-construction, baseline surveys in April 2000 and April 2006 were conducted and so far, during construction phase of the project, nine monitoring surveys have been undertaken i.e. in September 2007, April 2008, April 2009, October 2009, April 2010, September 2010, April 2011, September 2011and the present one, in April 2012. Since 2009 biannual monitoring surveys have been conducted at an upstream and a downstream transect of the BHPP with emphasis on the following aspects: water quality determinants biology and ecology of fishes and food webs fish stock and fish catch including economic aspects of catch and sanitation/vector studies (bilharzias and river blindness) During this survey, baseline assessment of the above mentioned studies was conducted in the reservoir behind the dam, including studies on algae, zooplankton and benthic macroinvertebrates which had been restrained since April 2008. The findings of baseline assessment of the reservoir are also contained in this report and are compared with those obtained from Transect 1(Upstream) and Transect 2 (Downstream).