1000 resultados para Apoptose Teses
Ps-graduao em Microbiologia - IBILCE
Ps-graduao em Odontologia - FOAR
The interview has been a widely used procedure of research in humanities. Despite the frequent use, researches are not always supported in the literature on research methodology. The aim of this study was to analyze how the interview was used in dissertations and theses in a graduate Program in Education at a university in Sao Paulo state. This study examined 167 final papers developed in to period of five years. Variables focused were: justification for the use of interview, type of interview used, guide elaboration and adaptation, kind of analysis, among others. The results showed that it is still necessary to incorporate the contents of the research methodology underlying the use of the interview to achieve the scientific rigor for this procedure.
The Assistive Technology makes the lives of people without disabilities more practical, but for people with disabilities it can make things possible. For these individuals can provide the conditions, making their limitations are not obstacles to their social and personal empowerment, and may contribute to their effective participation in tasks that were previously impossible, such as remaining seated correctly. A segment on which the necessary assistive technology works, is the adaptation of furniture such as chairs, tables, chairs-to-wheels for individuals with disabilities, as well as cerebral palsy. The study aimed to conduct a survey and brief description of theses and dissertations produced in Brazil on furniture adapted for students with cerebral palsy. We made searching in databases of libraries of major universities and federal state national banks, theses and dissertations. Nine studies were selected for description. It was concluded that there is a considerable array of professionals, both in engineering as the field of rehabilitation, to contribute in the adaptation, creation and even the manufacture of furniture for children with cerebral palsy and that the securities most studied are the chairs and their components.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death selectively removes abnormal cells, and thus contributes to maintaining the balance of the dynamics of cell reproduction. Therefore the verification of the occurrence of apoptotic cell death after a pathological stimulus is crucial for the analysis of the maintenance of normal cell cycle of a given tissue or organ. In this experiment were used cells lines human mammary tumor MDAMB231, T47, MCF7, which were irradiated with X-rays at a dose of 5 Gy in a time interval of 15 seconds, and filtration of 1mm aluminum. Samples containing the cells were grown in a specific culture medium, containing fetal bovine serum and growth factor, and two samples were prepared with each of the cell lines, one to be irradiated, and another that has not been irradiated, which denoted by negative control of the irradiation. The primary goal of the experiment was to verify and compare the rates of apoptosis in each cell lines, in which were irradiated and that were not irradiated, using flow cytometry as a method for detecting apoptotic cell death in together with specific markers annexin V and propidium iodide. Data from the readings made by flow cytometry were analyzed and interpreted using the software WinMDI statistical graph. By comparing the indices relating to the readings of positive and negative for specific markers of apoptosis, based on differences in the statistical data presented lectures regarding the cellular irradiated and not irradiated, collude cells in question once... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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O cncer causado pela proliferao descontrolada de clulas, demonstrando uma capacidade coletiva de invaso e metstase. Durante a metstase, as clulas malignas precisam resistir a anoikis, uma apoptose celular gerada por falta de adeso. No cncer, as integrinas influenciam as clulas do hospedeiro associadas ao tumor bem como as prprias clulas tumorais, tendo o potencial de modular a progresso tumoral, a sobrevivncia celular, a invaso e a metstase. A integrina v3 expressa em diversos tumores humanos, mas est em nveis muito reduzidos ou mesmo ausente nos tecidos normais, sendo considerada um alvo privilegiado na terapia anti-tumoral. Clulas derivadas da medula ssea, como o moncito/macrfago, tambm expressam esta integrina, ainda que em nveis reduzidos. A desintegrina recombinante DisBa-01 atua principalmente sobre as integrinas v3 e IIb3, e parece possuir a capacidade de inibir a adeso celular de linhagens possuindo a integrina v3 vitronectina. Sendo assim, observou-se a apoptose que pode ser gerada pela inibio da adeso celular ou pela prpria presena da desintegrina, um antagonista de integrina que afeta a adeso celular, em linhagem neoplsica e em linhagem imortalizada de macrfagos, utilizando os mtodos de marcao com anexina V e tcnica de TUNEL, bem como a presena de clulas viveis atravs da tcnica de MTT. As linhagens celulares utilizadas nesse experimento foram expostas a desintegrina DisBa-01 por 24 horas para realizao dos testes e as populaes celulares aderentes e no aderentes foram analisadas separadamente. Verificou-se uma diminuio na viabilidade celular quando ocorre perda de adeso e na presena da protena, mas foi observado um resultado no significativo para a ocorrncia de apoptose. A desintegrina DisBa-01 ocasiona uma diminuio na viabilidade celular, entretanto parece no ser por apoptose gerando anoikis
O depsito de amilina um achado histopatolgico freqente em pacientes portadores de diabetes melito tipo 2 (DM 2) e parece estar relacionado disfuno da clula beta pancretica caracterstica desta doena. Apenas as molculas de amilina que sofrem agregao in vivo, tal como a amilina humana, so citotxicas para as clulas beta, enquanto as variedades no agregantes, como a amilina de rato, no apresentam efeito deletrio. Com o objetivo de compreender melhor os mecanismos de toxicidade associados forma agregante da amilina, um projeto em andamento em nosso laboratrio estudou, por micro-arranjos de cDNA, o perfil de genes modulados pela amilina humana em ilhotas pancreticas murdeas, comparando duas situaes especficas: ilhotas tratadas com fibrilas de amilina (amilina madura) e ilhotas tratadas com oligmeros de tamanho intermedirio (amilina fresca), j que evidncias recentes apontam para um efeito deletrio apenas de oligmeros de amilina. As ilhotas foram isoladas a partir de ratos Wistar, mantidas em cultura por 24 horas e a seguir tratadas com 10
The use of pesticides in Brazil has intensified over the years. And since 2009 it was ranked as the largest market for pesticides worldwide. The consequential diffuse contamination of the environment is therefore due to the increasing number of chemicals of different classes, origins and modes of action. Little is known about the action of pesticides on human health in situations of co-exposure. Possible toxic effects are not restricted to agricultural and industrial workers, but also the general population that may be exposed continuously to its residues in food and water. Although these pesticides are mostly present in the environment at low doses, it must be considered that possible cumulative or synergistic effects may occur when there are concurrent or sustained exposure for two or more of these agents, which can lead to late manifestation of subclinical damages, sometimes irreversible. Thus, the specific objective of this study was to assess the effect of carcinogenesis promotion of a mixture of pesticides at low doses and analyze the phenomena of cell proliferation and apoptosis in rat liver. A total of 50 male Lewis rats was separated into 5 groups for 8 weeks in a medium term hepatocarcinogenesis model. The three different classes of pesticides (dieldrin, dicofol, endosulfan, dichlorvos and permethrin), whose residues were detected by ANVISA during the period from 2001 to 2005 in tomatoes cultures, were added to the feed of rats initiated to hepatocarcinogenesis with diethylnitrosamine (DEN- 200mg/kg ip). We used two different mixtures, one with no toxic effects at doses (MEX1) referring to the NOEL (no-observed-effect level) and another at doses LOEL / LEL / LOAEL (Lowest-observed-effect level / Lowest-effect level / Lowest -observed-adverse-effect level), to the installation of adverse effects (MEX2), derived from chronic studies. All animals ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Ps-graduao em Biocincias e Biotecnologia Aplicadas Farmcia - FCFAR
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
H um crescente interesse nas tcnicas reprodutivas, por agilizar a procriao de populaes animais de interesse econmico, a preservao de espcies em extino ou a utilizao como modelo experimental em outras espcies. A reproduo de felinos em cativeiro dificultada devido ao ambiente estranho, o que os leva a apresentarem alteraes na prpria fisiologia. Torna-se importante o estudo de fenmenos reprodutivos destes animais com a finalidade de melhor compreenso e, posteriormente, adaptao adequada das biotcnicas reprodutivas. A atuao da apoptose na fisiologia ovariana ainda no bem compreendida, havendo a necessidade da comunidade cientfica elucid-la melhor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar a hiptese de que os ndices de apoptose no tecido ovariano so diferentes em gatas jovens, adultas e idosas. Foram utilizadas 18 gatas distribudas em 3 grupos contendo 6 animais cada, de acordo com a idade (jovens, adultos e idosos). As amostras do tecido ovariano destinadas a avaliao de apoptose, foram submetidas ao mtodo terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-biotin nick end-labelling (TUNEL). Os dados referentes aos diferentes grupos foram submetidos anlise de varincia e as mdias foram comparadas pelo Teste de Tukey. No houve diferena significativa quanto ao nmero de folculos e nmero de clulas positivas das gatas jovens, adultas e idosas, sendo P < 0,05. O resultado do trabalho sugere que o fenmeno da apoptose em tecido ovariano em gatas no possui relao com a faixa etria, ou seja, a apoptose ocorre de forma contnua nos folculos no-dominantes envolvidos em cada ciclo estral apresentado