969 resultados para Apis mellifera honey
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar as propriedades físicas e químicas do mel da região Sul do Estado do Tocantins a partir de 24 amostras provenientes de 13 associações de apicultores. As análises realizadas foram pH, acidez, índice de refração, umidade, peso específico, cinzas, hidroximetilfurfural (Prova qualitativa), índice de formol, reação de Lund e açúcares redutores. Todas as análises foram realizadas em triplicata, o tratamento estatístico compreendeu média, desvio padrão e os resultados foram submetidos à análise fatorial e análise de agrupamento. As amostras apresentaram índice de reprovação de 50% aos padrões estabelecidos pela legislação. A grande variação nos resultados entre as amostras podem ser devido a diferentes origens florais dos méis e a sua inadequação à legislação pode ter origem na exposição do produto a condições de temperatura e umidade inadequadas, nas etapas de manejo, processamento ou armazenamento do mel.
This research was carried out to evaluate the physicochemical composition of organic honey in Paraná River islands, in Porto Brasílio, State of Paraná. Honey was harvested directly from super of the colonies in three apiaries spread in the Floresta and Laranjeira Islands, from August 2005 to August 2006. Twenty-four samples of organic honey produced by Africanized honeybees were evaluated. The following parameters were analyzed: pH, acidity, formol index, hydroxymethylfurfural, ashes, color, electric conductivity and moisture. Three replications per sample were performed for laboratorial analysis, giving the means and standard deviation. Most honey samples were in conformity with the Normative Instruction 11 from October 20, 2000. However, 4.17% were not in accordance with the moisture standards, 8.33% showed high concentrations of hydroxymethylfurfural, thus, totalizing 12.50% of non-complying samples. Nevertheless, 87.50% of the analyzed honey samples are within the standards, being characterized as an organic product of excellent quality, with good commercialization perspectives in the market.
This study evaluated the physicochemical properties and protein and mineral content of honey samples from Ceará State, Northeastern Brazil, one of the major honey exporters in the country. Nutritional importance of the minerals detected was also analyzed. Physicochemical properties were examined according to the AOAC and CAC official methods; the protein content was determined using the Bradford method, and the minerals were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry. All analyses were performed in triplicate. The levels of macrominerals sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) varied from 1.80-47.20, 21.30-1513.30, 14.58-304.82, and 2.48-28.33 mg/kg, respectively, and the trace elements iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), selenium (Se), and chromium (Cr) varied from 0.12-8.76, 0.07-1.29, 0.06-1.96, 0.07-1.85 mg/kg, 0.36 × 10-3-62.00 × 10-3 and 22.50 × 10-3-170.33 × 10-3 µg/kg, respectively. Myracrodruon urundeuva honey sample had high contents of macrominerals (Na, K, Ca, and Mg). Protein content of the Anacardium occidentale honey sample was the highest (1121.00 µg/g) among the samples analyzed. Among the minerals detected in the honey samples, K showed the highest concentration, followed by Ca, Na, and Mg. The presence of trace elements can show environmental contamination. The honey samples studied were free of trace elements contamination, except for Mn; the Piptadenia moniliformis was the only honey sample that was in compliance with the law requirements. The variations of the chemical constituents in the honey samples are probably related to differences in the floral origin and mineral and protein contents and confirm the nutritional importance of Ceará State honey.
Propolis is a resinous substance collected by honeybees to seal honeycomb, which has been used in folk medicine due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. In the present study, water and methanol were used to extract phenols and flavonoids from propolis collected in thirteen different areas in the Algarve region during the winter and spring. The ABTS•+, DPPH•, and O2•- scavenging capacity, and metal chelating activity were also evaluated in the propolis samples. Methanol was more effective than water in extracting total phenols (2.93-8.76 mg/mL) (0.93-2.81 mg/mL). Flavones and flavonols were also better extracted with methanol (1.28-2.76 mg/mL) than with water (0.031-0.019 mg/mL). The free radical scavenging activity, ABTS (IC50=0.006-0.036 mg/mL), DPPH (IC50=0.007-0.069 mg/mL) and superoxide (IC50=0.001-0.053 mg/mL), of the samples was also higher in methanolic extracts. The capacity for chelating metal ions was higher in aqueous extracts (41.11-82.35%) than in the methanolic ones (4.33-29.68%). Propolis from three locations of Algarve region were richer in phenols and had better capacity for scavenging free ABTS and DPPH radicals than the remaining samples. These places are part of a specific zone of Algarve known as Barrocal.
Five Mbo I (Mbo-A, Mbo-M, Mbo-C(1), Mbo-C(2) and Mbo-C(3)) and Hinf I (Hinf-1 to Hinf-5) patterns were observed in Apis mellifera samples after restriction of a 485 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome-b (cyt-b) gene. Associating the cyt-b Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern of each sample to its respective previously established COI-COII (Dra I sites) pattern, five restriction patterns (Mbo-C(1), Mbo-C(2), Mbo-C(3), Hinf-1 and Hinf-4) were observed in samples of maternal origin associated to the evolutionary branch C. No deletions or insertions were observed and the nucleotide substitution rate was estimated at 5.4%. Higher nucleotide diversity was observed among the branch C-haplotypes when compared with A and M lineages. Further studies are needed to confirm if the cyt-b + COI-COII haplotypes help to assign certain phylogeographic patterns to the branch C and to clarify phylogenetic relationships among A. mellifera subspecies.
Com o objetivo de determinar a eficiência da ação polinizadora de Apis mellifera L. no rendimento de sementes de Adesmia latifolia, estabeleceu-se três tratamentos na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS, em Eldorado do Sul (300 S, 510 W) nos anos de 2000, 2001 e 2002. A partir da floração, analisou-se a freqüência de visitas por A. mellifera e outros insetos nas flores de A. latifolia pelo teste de Qui-quadrado, já o número de inflorescências por área, número de flores, flores abortadas e lomentos por inflorescência foi através da análise de regressão. Os resultados indicaram que A. mellifera não é eficiente na polinização de A. latifolia, sendo esta cultura dependente de insetos nativos como Megachile sp. e Centris sp para produção de sementes. A média de produção de sementes na área controlada e livre foi 5,4 e 83,5 kg/ha, respectivamente, enquanto na área isolada não houve produção de sementes. A baixa freqüência (10%) de visitas de A. mellifera na área livre em comparação com os insetos nativos (90%) indica que o néctar não é atrativo para as abelhas A. mellifera pois tem uma baixa concentração de açúcares totais (5,7%).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Equine antivenom is considered the only treatment for animal-generated envenomations, but it is costly. The study aimed to produce Apis mellifera (Africanized honeybee) and Crotalus durissus terrificus (C.d.t.) antivenoms using nanostructured silica (SBA-15) as adjuvant and cobalt-60 (60Co)-detoxified venoms utilizing young sheep. Natural and 60Co-irradiated venoms were employed in four different hyperimmunization protocols. Thus, 8 groups of 60- to 90-d-old sheep were hyperimmunized, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serum titers collected every 14 d were assessed clinically daily, and individual weight were measured, until d 84. Incomplete Freund's (IFA) and nanostructured silica (SBA15) adjuvants were compared. The lethal dose (LD50) for both venoms was determined following intraperitoneal (ip) administration to mice. High-performance liquid chromatography on reversed phase (HPLC-RP) was used also to measure the 60Co irradiation effects on Apis venom. At the end of the study, sheep were killed in a slaughterhouse. Kidneys were histologically analyzed. LD50 was 5.97 mg/kg Apis and 0.07 mg/kg C.d.t. for native compared to 13.44 mg/kg Apis and 0.35 mg/kg C.d.t. for irradiated venoms. HPLC revealed significant differences in chromatographic profiles between native and irradiated Apis venoms. Native venom plus IFA compared with SBA-15 showed significantly higher antibody titers for both venoms. Apis-irradiated venom plus IFA or SBA-15 displayed similar antibody titers but were significantly lower when compared with native venom plus IFA. Weight gain did not differ significantly among all groups. 60Co irradiation decreased toxicity and maintained venom immunogenic capacity, while IFA produced higher antibody titers. SBA-15 was able to act as an adjuvant without producing adverse effects. Hyperimmunization did not affect sheep weight gain, which would considerably reduce the cost of antiserum production, as these sheep were still approved for human consumption even after being subjected to hyperimmunization.
As propriedades biológicas da própolis de Apis mellifera são amplamente relatadas sendo comuns variações nas mesmas em função da região onde foram produzidas. A ação antimicrobiana de própolis obtidas em três regiões do Brasil (Botucatu-SP, Mossoró-RN e Urubici-SC) foi investigada sobre linhagens isoladas de infecções clínicas humanas (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus sp, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Candida albicans). Foram preparados extratos alcoólicos de própolis (EAP) e determinada a Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) seguida do cálculo da CIM90%. A própolis de Botucatu foi a mais eficiente sobre S. aureus (0,3%v/v), Enterococcus sp (1,1%v/v) e C. albicans (2,1% v/v). Para E. coli, a própolis eficiente foi de Urubici (7,0%v/v) e para P. aeruginosa a de Mossoró (5,3%v/v). Os resultados mostram maior sensibilidade das bactérias Gram positivas e levedura em relação às Gram negativas. É possível concluir que, para os microrganismos testados e amostras de própolis testadas, há diferenças na atividade antimicrobiana em função do local de produção e que isso se explica pela diferença de composição química da própolis.
The present study analyzed, the influence of the treatment with juvenile hormone on the ultrastructure of Apis mellifera L. workers' venom glands. Newly emerged workers received topical application of 1 mu l of juvenile hormone diluted in hexane, in the concentration of 2 mu g/mu l. Two controls were used; one control received no treatment (group C1) and other received topical application of 1 mu l of hexane (group C2). The aspect of the glandular cells, in not treated newly emerged workers, showed that they are not yet secreting actively. Cellular modifications happened according to the worker age and to the glandular area considered. The most active phase of the gland happened from the emergence to the 14th day. At the 25th day the cells had already lost their secretory characteristic, being the distal area the first to suffer degeneration. The treatment with juvenile hormone and hexane altered the temporal sequence of the glandular cycle, forwarding the secretory cycle and degeneration of the venom gland.
The technique of osmium imidazol for the ultrastructural detection of lipids in the secretory cells of the venom gland of 14-days old worker bees of Apis mellifera L. demonstrated the presence of these components at various sites of the gland. These lipids were found mainly associated to the external region of the basal lamina and the microvilli, in the intercellular spaces, in the cuticle of the collecting canaliculi and in the secretion contained in the glandular lumen. Therefore, in addition to revealing the presence of lipids in the secretion, this technique also allowed us to attribute an exogenous origin to the lipids in the secretion; they are taken up from the haemolymph.
In Apis mellifera the acid or venom gland is composed of secretory cells that surround a channel that opens into a reservoir devoid of musculature. This gland can at times present apical branching. In this study we recorded the frequency of branched venom glands in workers of Africanized bees (Apis mellifera Linnaeus) from six localities in the Pantanal region of Mato Grosso do Sul, and analyzed the relation among the length of the main duct, the length of the duct from the reservoir to the beginning of branching, the length of the branched segment (when present) and the total length of the gland. We sought to determine the probable genotypes of the bees from each population by using the model proposed by Alves-Junior. The frequency of branched glands varied from 50% to 83% in the worker bees coming from those places, indicating that this characteristic is primitive in these bees. The results of the Analysis of Discriminant Functions indicated significant differences in the morphometrical segments of the venom gland (Wilk's Lambda = 0.065; F-(27,F-30) = 4.507; P < 0.001), and permitted a differentiation of the populations studied. The genotypes inferred for the bees of each locality agree with the results obtained in the Analysis of Discriminant Functions and form three distinct groups, with some overlapping areas among them. In all of the populations considered the phenotype largevenom gland was predominant. It is inferred that bees with this phenotype (venom gland larger than S. 15 mm) have Gm(1) Gm(1) genotype, being therefore homozygotes for the major alleles and also for the modifier genes that codify this morphological trait. The high frequency of worker bees with large venom gland in all the places considered makes viable the development of a selection program in order to obtain bees with longer venom glands, aimed at the commercial production of venom by the beekeepers of the Pantanal region of Mato Grosso do Sul.
The morphological aspects of the hypopharyngeal glands were analyzed in worker bees of Apis mellifera of 15 and 30 days of age. The individuals were kept in a room with controlled temperature at 32degreesC where they received water and either a protein or a high energy food. Nurse and foraging workers were used as a control for the experiment. The morphological results showed that the different diets modified the cell death characteristics and intensified its occurrence. Both diets caused precocious glandular degeneration. However, this anticipation of cell death was more pronounced in the glandular tissue of the workers who received the high energy diet when compared to the glands of the bees fed with the protein meal.The degenerative signs observed were an intense cytoplasmic vacuolization, with a loss of cytoplasm and of the cell boundaries, dilation or condensation of the cells and nuclei, and nuclear fragmentation. At the end of the degenerative process, we observed the extrusion of nuclei and, finally, the dissolution of the glands. The hypopharyngeal glands' remains were found in the haemolymph.
Exposure of 1, 4, 7 & 10 day-old virgin queens of Apis mellifera Linne 1758 for 1 min to CO2 accelerated their ovarian development, having a similar effect as mating on the initial formation of the ovarian follicles. In 3 day-old queens the exposure to CO2 enhanced the initial stage of germ cell differentiation into oocytes and nurse cells in the ovarioles, a developmental stage only seen in 5 day-old untreated virgin queens, the age at which they are ready to mate. In 10 day-old untreated virgin queens, some regions of the ovarioles presented tissue disorganization and many cells with pycnotic nuclei. However, narcotized virgin queens of the same age did not present such ovary degeneration. Conversely, they showed nitid follicle formation, arising in the ovarioles' initial differentiation between nurse and oocytic chambers, although still without vitellogenesis. The accelerative effect of CO2 is limited to the ages near to those proper for mating, since 15 and 18 day-old treated virgin queens presented ovaries with extensive regions of high tissue disorganization and a great number of cells with pycnotic nuclei. According to the results, the narcosis presented three levels of effect on the ovary of honeybee virgin queens: 1) accelerated the germ cell differentiation, 2) preserved the tissue integrity even after the queen mating period and 3) stimulated the initial differentiation of a vitellarium. This later condition was only seen in untreated queens after mating. All these effects are not maintained if the queen is kept virgin beyond 15 days old.