747 resultados para Antisocial peers
Low birth weight and preterm birth, and social disadvantage may negatively affect mental health of children, but findings have been inconsistent. To assess the influence of perinatal and social factors on mental health problems in children aged 7-9 years. A random sample of 805 births in So Luis, Brazil was studied in 1997/1998 and again in 2005/2006. Perinatal, socioeconomic and demographic variables were assessed within 24 h after delivery. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was used to assess mental health problems in the children. Simple and multiple Poisson regressions were used for statistical analysis. The overall prevalence of mental health problems in the total sample was 47.7%. The prevalences of emotional and conduct problems were 58.2 and 48.8%, respectively. Only paternal age (< 20 years) was associated with mental health problems as measured by the full SDQ scale (prevalence ratio PR = 1.27). Children born to single mothers (PR = 1.31) and those with birth weight from 1,500 to 2,499 g (PR = 1.18) and from 2,500 to 2,999 g (PR = 1.17) had a higher risk of emotional problems, but those from low income families had a lower risk (PR = 0.80). Children with a father of less than 20 years had a higher risk of having problems with their peers (PR = 1.75). A maternal education of 9 years or over was inversely associated with peer (PR = 0.70) and conduct problems (PR = 0.73). Girls had a lower risk of conduct (PR = 0.77) and hyperactivity problems (PR = 0.68). A maternal education of 4 years or less increased the risk of hyperactivity (PR = 1.48). Socioeconomic and demographic conditions were better predictors of mental health problems in children than birth weight or preterm birth. However, since most effect sizes were small most mental health problems were, unexplained by the variables in the study.
This study examines whether dissimilarity among employees that is based on their work status (i.e., whether they are temporary or internal workers) influences their organization-based self-esteem, their trust in and attraction toward their peers, and their altruism. A model that is based on social identity theory posits that work-status dissimilarity negatively influences each outcome variable and that the strength of this relationship varies depending on whether employees have temporary or internal status and the composition of their work groups. Results that are based on a survey of 326 employees (189 internal and 137 temporary) from 34 work groups, belonging to 2 organizations, indicate that work-status dissimilarity has a systematic negative effect only on outcomes related to internal workers when they work in temporary-worker-dominated groups.
Self- and peer-assessment are being used increasingly in higher education, to help assign grades to students' work and to help students to learn more effectively. However, in spite of this trend there is little in the published literature on how students view these methods. In this paper we present an analysis of the views of a large number of students (N = 233) who had just experienced self- and peer-feedback as part of one of their subjects. It is a rarely questioned commonplace in the literature that in order to gain benefit from peer and self-assessment schemes students first need training in the specific scheme being used; ideally they will play a role in devising the scheme. The intervention reported here, which involved a large (N = 233) group of students, included no such measures. The results show that students felt, nonetheless, that they benefited from the intervention. The results also present prima facie evidence that training or other measures to further involve the students in the peer and self-assessment scheme might be beneficial. Our analysis of students' views revealed eight general dimensions under which are grouped twenty higher order themes. The results both support and extend previous research and give a more detailed picture than previously available. The general dimensions found were: Difficult; Gained Better Understanding of Marking; Discomfort; Productive (including learning benefits and improved work); Problems with Implementation; Read Others' Work; Develop Empathy (with assessing staff); and, Motivation (especially motivation to impress peers). The practical implications of these findings are discussed.
Significant pain continues to be reported by many hospitalized patients despite the numerous and varied educational programs developed and implemented to improve pain management. A theoretically based Peer Intervention Program was designed from a predictive model to address nurses' beliefs, attitudes, subjective norms, self-efficacy, perceived control and intentions in the management of pain with p.r.n. (as required) narcotic analgesia. The pilot study of this program utilized a quasi-experimental pre-post test design with a patient intervention, nurse and patient intervention and control conditions consisting of 24, 18 and 19 nurses, respectively. One week after the intervention, significant differences were found between the nurse and patient condition and the two other conditions in beliefs, self-efficacy, perceived control, positive trend in attitudes, subjective norms and intentions. The most positive aspects of the program were supportive interactive discussions with peers and an awareness and understanding of beliefs and attitudes and their roles in behavior.
This paper reports descriptive information on the relationship between social competence and the amount and type of peer interaction for nine adolescents with intellectual disability attending a regular high school. Each adolescent's social competence was assessed using the AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale-School (2nd edn) (ABS-S:2). Naturalistic observations were conducted to obtain information on the amount and type of peer interaction. Data were analysed to determine the relationship between social competence and peer interactions. Social competence was not consistently correlated with the amount of peer interaction. Results from the naturalistic observations showed individual differences in patterns of peer interaction with a tendency towards more frequent interactions with peers who also had intellectual disabilities. These data suggest that social competence did not significantly influence the amount and type of peer interaction. Implications for facilitating peer interactions between adolescents with and without intellectual disability are discussed.
This study investigates the long-term effects of training in small-group and interpersonal behaviours on children's behaviours and interactions as they worked in small groups two years after they were initially trained. Forty-eight third grade children, who had been trained two years previously in cooperative group behaviours, were assigned to the Trained condition and 44 third grade children who had not previously been trained were assigned to the Untrained condition. The children in the trained and untrained groups were reconstituted from the pool of students who had participated previously in either trained or untrained group activities. The results showed that there was a long-term training effect with the children in the Trained groups demonstrating more cooperative behaviour and providing more explanations in response to requests for help than their untrained peers.
The author investigated how training in small-group and interpersonal behaviors affected children's behavior and interactions as they worked in small groups 2 years later. The authors assigned 52 fifth graders, who had been trained 2 years previously in cooperative group behaviors, to the trained condition and 36 fifth graders, who had not previously been trained, to the untrained condition. Both were reconstituted from the pool of students who had participated previously in group activities. The results showed a residual training effect, with the children in the trained groups being more cooperative and helpful than their untrained peers.
This paper discusses the tensions of adaptation as experienced by 72 young women, born in the Philippines or to immigrant mothers and resident in southeast, far west and far north Queensland, Australia. As illustrated, these women, aged 14-25 years, often have difficulty balancing their expectations with those of their families and of the society in which they live. Like most young Australians they experience some conflicts with parents, but the intersections of race, gender and culture may make it particularly difficult for young Filipinas to develop a sense of their own identity and place in society. The retention of Filipino values often isolates young women from their peers and excludes them from participating in activities considered an important part of growing up Australian, but the adoption of 'Australian' behaviors such as drinking and smoking is not necessarily accompanied by an enhanced sense of belonging.
The Smart State initiative requires both improved education and training, panicularly in technical fields, plus entrepreneurship to commercialise new ideas. In this study, we propose an entrepreneurial intentions model as a guide to examine the educational choices and entrepreneurial intentions of first-year University students, focusing on the effect of role models. A survey of over 1000 first-year University students revealed that the most enterprising students were choosing to study in the disciplines of information technology and business, economics and law, or selecting dual degree programs that include business. The role models most often identified for their choice of field of study were parents, followed by teachers and peers, with females identifying more role models than males. For entrepreneurship, students' role models were parents and peers, followed by famous persons and teachers. Males andfemales identified similar numbers of role models, but malesfound starting a business more desirable and more feasible, and reponed higher entrepreneurial intention. The implications of these findings for Sman State policy are discussed.
Children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) experience difficulty participating in the typical activities of childhood and are known to have a more sedentary pattern of activities than their peers. Little research has been done to investigate the impact of these deficits on the lives of children with DCD and the importance of their participation in the typical activities of childhood. This qualitative study explored the impact of the disorder and the importance of participation for children with DCD from the perspective of the parent. Twelve in-depth interviews were conducted with parents of children with DCD who attended a university clinic specializing in using the Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (COOP) approach, a cognitive-based intervention. Findings revealed that incompetence in everyday activities had serious negative effects for the children. Conversely, intervention that was focused on enablement at the activity and participation level had a significant positive impact on the children's quality of life. Emerging themes highlighted the notion that performance competency played an important role in being accepted by peers and being able to be part of the group. As well, parents reported that successful participation built confidence in their children and allowed them to try other new activities. The World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health provides a unique framework for analyzing and understanding the impact of the physical disability on the lives of families with children with DCD. Results illustrate how intervention that focuses on enabling children to choose their own functional goals in the area of physical activity has important implications for enabling participation and building the social networks of children with DCD. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to examine the development of six leader-athletes. In-depth qualitative interviews were used to explore the various activities that leader athletes engaged in from an early age as well as the roles and influences that peers, coaches, and parents played within these activities. Results indicated that leadership development in sport focused on developing four central components: high skill, strong work ethic, enriched cognitive sport knowledge, and good rapport with people. The types of activities engaged in throughout development as well as receiving feedback, acknowledgement, support, cognitive engagement, mature conversations with adults, and physical encounters with older peers are important social influences that can play an instrumental role in the formation of these four central tenets.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender as ações pedagógicas constituídas por uma unidade municipal de ensino de Vitória/ES, visando ao processo de inclusão escolar de uma criança com Síndrome de Asperger no contexto da Educação Infantil. Contou com as contribuições teóricas dos estudos da matriz histórico-cultural e de autores dedicados a estudar a infância, como Kramer, Sarmento, Aries, dentre outros, bem como de pesquisadores interessados em investigar os pressupostos da Educação Especial em uma perspectiva inclusiva. Como aporte teórico-metodológico, apoiou-se no estudo de caso do tipo etnográfico que advoga pela possibilidade de, por meio da pesquisa científica, produzir conhecimento sobre a realidade social. O trabalho de pesquisa foi realizado em uma unidade municipal de Educação Infantil de Vitória/ES, envolvendo uma criança com Síndrome de Asperger, professores, pedagogos, dirigente escolar e responsável pelo estudante investigado. O processo de coleta de dados se efetivou no período de março de 2013 a setembro de 2013. O pesquisador esteve de uma a duas vezes por semana no campo de pesquisa, participando das observações em sala de aula, em espaços para planejamento e formação continuada e também observando momentos informais na entrada, recreio e saída dos alunos. Para a organização do estudo, trabalhou com quatro eixos: a) ações implementadas em favor do processo de inclusão escolar de alunos com Síndrome de Asperger no contexto da Educação Infantil; b) proposta pedagógica do CMEI “Alegria da Cinderela”: espaços de planejamento, formação e utilização dos apoios pedagógicos para a inclusão escolar; c) concepções dos profissionais envolvidos na pesquisa e da família sobre a inclusão escolar da criança com Síndrome de Asperger; d) principais possibilidades e/ou dificuldades encontradas pela unidade de ensino mediante o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da criança com Síndrome de Asperger. Como resultados, a pesquisa aponta: a importância de pensar nessas crianças como sujeitos de direitos e capazes de aprender; a necessidade de investimentos na formação inicial e continuada de professores para que os estudantes tenham maiores possibilidades de aprender; a urgência de o professor assumir a inclusão escolar como um movimento ético comprometido com a formação e com o reconhecimento da diversidade/diferença humana; a necessidade de reconhecer o cotidiano da Educação Infantil como um rico espaço para todas as crianças se desenvolverem e produzirem conhecimentos com seus pares e por meio das mediações pedagógicas dos professores.
Este estudo traz à tona nossa intenção de pesquisa: Compreender a história de vida de um sujeito com a Síndrome de Klinefelter, o Ramon. A Síndrome de Klinefelter é muito peculiar e vem ganhando destaque na área médica, não por sua prevalência na população, mas por sua complexidade. Na área da educação, a produção acerca dessa síndrome é incipiente encontramos apenas um estudo em Portugal. No nosso país, no entanto, ressalta-se o ineditismo dessa pesquisa. Nesse estudo pensamos, juntamente com Lev Semionovich Vigotski e outros autores que imprimem em seus textos raízes sócio-históricas, num Ramon para além do biológico, ou seja, para além dos seus limites orgânicos: um sujeito rico em subjetividade que foi valorizada. Objetivamos, assim, compreender a subjetividade desse sujeito que é singular na coletividade, assim, pensar no Ramon é pensar nos outros, nos seus pares e nas intrínsecas redes de dialogismos tecidas na imensa trama que é a vida. Buscamos também observar como ocorreu a inclusão desse sujeito no âmbito escolar. A fim de atingir os objetivos traçados, utilizamos a perspectiva histórico-cultural do desenvolvimento humano atrelando os pressupostos dessa opção teórica à metodologia história de vida. Para entender os detalhes, os indícios, as miudezas, os resquícios da história de vida do sujeito que parecem insignificantes, mas que são imprescindíveis para se compreender alguns processos de grande dimensão, nos apoiamos no paradigma indiciário de Ginzburg. Nessa pesquisa, nossos encontros com esse jovem de 22 anos são descritos e analisados, levando em conta os aspectos subjetivos. Nesses encontros, ouvimos várias narrativas para compor a história de vida do sujeito pesquisado: a do próprio Ramon, da sua mãe Marlene e das professoras da APAE e da Educação de Jovens e Adultos, ouvimos, portanto, Ramon em diferentes contextos: em casa, na APAE, na escola de ensino comum (EJA) e na casa da professora da APAE. Para colher os dados, recorremos às entrevistas biográficas semiestruturadas, as quais foram adequadas à singularidade de cada sujeito ouvido. Todas as entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas em sua totalidade e os dados obtidos foram analisados levando-se em conta o contexto histórico e social de Ramon, assim, observamos as relações dialógicas estabelecidas por Ramon com seus pares e tentamos compreendê-las para melhor entender a construção subjetiva desse sujeito que para além de biológico, é social, cultural, que aprende, apreende e que, para além disso...muito nos ensina!
This paper analyses the performance and investment styles of internationally oriented Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)funds, domiciled in eight European markets, in comparison with characteristics-matched conventional funds. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first multi-country study, focused on international SRI funds (investing in Global and in European equities), to combine the matched-pairs approach with the use of robust conditional multi-factor performance evaluation models, which allow for both time-varying alphas and betas and also control for home biases and spurious regression biases.In general, the results show that differences in the performance of international SRI funds and their conventional peers are not statistically significant. Regarding investment styles, SRI and conventional funds exhibit similar factor exposures in most cases. In addition,conventional benchmarks present a higher explaining power of SRI fund returns than SRI benchmarks. Our results also show significant differences in the investment styles of SRI funds according to whether they use “best-in-class” screening strategies or not. When compared to SRI funds that employ simple negative and/or positive screens, SRI “best-in-class” funds present significantly lower exposures to small caps and momentum strategies and significantly higher exposures to local stocks.
This article analyses the selectivity and market timing abilities of international Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) funds, from eight European markets, in comparison to conventional funds with similar characteristics. The results show that differences in market timing abilities of international SRI funds and their conventional peers are not statistically significant. However, SRI funds investing in European equities are significantly worse stock pickers than conventional funds, whereas for funds investing globally, selectivity abilities are similar among both fund groups. Hence, our results suggest that a broader investment universe might increase SRI fund managers’ stock picking abilities and, consequently, improve SRI fund performance.