813 resultados para Anthropic disturbance
This study explores whether the high variability of vascular plant diversity among alpine plant communities can be explained by stress and/or disturbance intensities. Species numbers of 14 alpine plant communities were sampled in the Swiss Alps. To quantify the intensity of 13 stress and 6 disturbance factors potentially controlling plant life in these communities, a survey was conducted by asking numerous specialists in alpine vegetation to assess the importance of the different factors for each community. The estimated values were combined in stress- and disturbance-indices which were compared with diversity according to the Intermediate Stress Hypothesis, the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis, and the Dynamic Equilibrium Model, respectively. Each of these theories explained a part of the variability in the species richness, but only the Dynamic Equilibrium Model provided a complete and consistent explanation. The last model suggests that community species richness within the alpine life zone is generally controlled by stress intensity. Disturbance and competition seem to play a secondary role by fine-tuning diversity in specific communities. As diversity is primarily limited by stress, a moderation of temperature-related stress factors, as a result of global warming, may cause a shift of the equilibrium between stress, disturbance, and competition in alpine ecosystems.
Wound healing disturbance is a common complication following surgery, but the underlying cause sometimes remains elusive. A 50-year-old Caucasian male developed an initially misunderstood severe wound healing disturbance following colon and abdominal wall surgery. An untreated alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency in the patient's medical history, known since 20 years and clinically apparent as a mild to moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, was eventually found to be at its origin. Further clinical work-up showed AAT serum levels below 30% of the lower reference value; phenotype testing showed a ZZ phenotype and a biopsy taken from the wound area showed the characteristic, disease-related histological pattern of necrotising panniculitits. Augmentation therapy with plasma AAT was initiated and within a few weeks, rapid and adequate would healing was observed. AAT deficiency is an uncommon but clinically significant, possible cause of wound healing disturbances. An augmentation therapy ought to be considered in affected patients during the perioperative period.
Little is known about how sleep disruption impacts physical health among the homeless. The association between homelessness, quality of sleep and physical health were investigated in the current study. Convenience sampling was used to select participants from a pool of people attending the programs of Ecclesia Ministries. Interviews were conducted with 32 persons from the Boston metropolitan area, of whom 23 were currently homeless. The researcher assessed level of sleep disturbance, number of health problems and degree of homelessness using a standard demographic questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12) and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Our results found evidence of significant sleep disturbance as well as significant mental and physical health problems in the sample. Correlational analyses provided partial support for the hypothesis that degree of homelessness impacts both sleep quality and physical health. Future work should investigate whether change in homelessness status alters sleep quality and physical health and also whether interventions may be utilized in this understudied and vulnerable population.
Atherosclerosis is a complex disease resulting from interactions of genetic and environmental risk factors leading to heart failure and stroke. Using an atherosclerotic mouse model (ldlr-/-, apobec1-/- designated as LDb), we performed microarray analysis to identify candidate genes and pathways, which are most perturbed in changes in the following risk factors: genetics (control C57BL/6 vs. LDb mice), shearstress (lesion-prone vs. lesion-resistant regions in LDb mice), diet (chow vs. high fat fed LDb mice) and age (2-month-old vs. 8-month old LDb mice). ^ Atherosclerotic lesion quantification and lipid profile studies were performed to assess the disease phenotype. A microarray study was performed on lesion-prone and lesion-resistant regions of each aorta. Briefly, 32 male C57BL/6 and LDb mice (n =16/each) were fed on either chow or high fat diet, sacrificed at 2- and 8-months old, and RNA isolated from the aortic lesion-prone and aortic lesion-resistant segments. Using 64 Affymetrix Murine 430 2.0 chips, we profiled differentially expressed genes with the cut off value of FDR ≤ 0.15 for t-test, and q <0.0001 for the ANOVA. The data were normalized using two normalization methods---invariant probe sets (Loess) and Quantile normalization, the statistical analysis was performed using t-tests and ANOVA, and pathway characterization was done using Pathway Express (Wayne State). The result identified the calcium signaling pathway as the most significant overrepresented pathway, followed by focal adhesion. In the calcium signaling pathway, 56 genes were found to be significantly differentially expressed out of 180 genes listed in the KEGG calcium signaling pathway. Nineteen of these genes were consistently identified by both statistical tests, 11 of which were unique to the test, and 26 were unique to the ANOVA test, using the cutoffs noted above. ^ In conclusion, this finding suggested that hypercholesterolemia drives the disease progression by altering the expression of calcium channels and regulators which subsequently results in cell differentiation, growth, adhesion, cytoskeletal change and death. Clinically, this pathway may serve as an important target for future therapeutic intervention, and thus the calcium signaling pathway may serve as an important target for future diagnostic and therapeutic intervention. ^
We analyzed the abundance of Scots pine regeneration in a 257 ha wildfire in an inner-alpine forest. We sampled regeneration, percent soil cover by classes, physical and chemical properties of topsoils (A horizon, 0-5 cm) under four fire severity levels (unburned, moderate, moderate/high, high severity). 5 plots per severity level, circular (R= 3m). Analysis methods for soil properties as described in the paper.
Detailed knowledge of forest cover dynamics is crucial for many applications from resource management to ecosystem service assessments. Landsat data provides the necessary spatial, temporal and spectral detail to map and analyze forest cover and forest change processes. With the opening of the Landsat archive, new opportunities arise to monitor forest dynamics on regional to continental scales. In this study we analyzed changes in forest types, forest disturbances, and forest recovery for the Carpathian ecoregion in Eastern Europe. We generated a series of image composites at five year intervals between 1985 and 2010 and utilized a hybrid analysis strategy consisting of radiometric change classification, post-classification comparison and continuous index- and segment-based post-disturbance recovery assessment. For validation of the disturbance map we used a point-based accuracy assessment, and assessed the accuracy of our forest type maps using forest inventory data and statistically sampled ground truth data for 2010. Our Carpathian-wide disturbance map achieved an overall accuracy of 86% and the forest type maps up to 73% accuracy. While our results suggested a small net forest increase in the Carpathians, almost 20% of the forests experienced stand-replacing disturbances over the past 25 years. Forest recovery seemed to only partly counterbalance the widespread natural disturbances and clear-cutting activities. Disturbances were most widespread during the late 1980s and early 1990s, but some areas also exhibited extensive forest disturbances after 2000, especially in the Polish, Czech and Romanian Carpathians. Considerable shifts in forest composition occurred in the Carpathians, with disturbances increasingly affecting coniferous forests, and a relative decrease in coniferous and mixed forests. Both aspects are likely connected to an increased vulnerability of spruce plantations to pests and pathogens in the Carpathians. Overall, our results exemplify the highly dynamic nature of forest cover during times of socio-economic and institutional change, and highlight the value of the Landsat archive for monitoring these dynamics.
Very recently (Banerjee et al. in Astrophys. Space, doi:1007/s10509-011-0836-1, 2011) the statistics of geomagnetic Disturbance storm (Dst) index have been addressed, and the conclusion from this analysis suggests that the underlying dynamical process can be modeled as a fractional Brownian motion with persistent long-range correlations. In this comment we expose several misconceptions and flaws in the statistical analysis of that work. On the basis of these arguments, the former conclusion should be revisited.
This article describes the design of a linear observer–linear controller-based robust output feedback scheme for output reference trajectory tracking tasks in the case of nonlinear, multivariable, nonholonomic underactuated mobile manipulators. The proposed linear feedback scheme is based on the use of a classical linear feedback controller and suitably extended, high-gain, linear Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) observers, thus aiding the linear feedback controllers to provide an accurate simultaneous estimation of each flat output associated phase variables and of the exogenous and perturbation inputs. This information is used in the proposed feedback controller in (a) approximate, yet close, cancelations, as lumped unstructured time-varying terms, of the influence of the highly coupled nonlinearities, and (b) the devising of proper linear output feedback control laws based on the approximate estimates of the string of phase variables associated with the flat outputs simultaneously provided by the disturbance observers. Simulations reveal the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
One of the most important changes taking place in drylands worldwide is the increase of the cover and dominance of shrubs in areas formerly devoid of them (shrub encroachment). A large body of research has evaluated the causes and consequences of shrub encroachment for both ecosystem structure and functioning. However, there are virtually no studies evaluating how shrub encroachment affects the ability of ecosystems to maintain multiple functions and services simultaneously (multifunctionality). We aimed to do so by gathering data from ten ecosystem functions linked to the maintenance of primary production and nutrient cycling and storage (organic C, activity of β-glucosidase, pentoses, hexoses, total N, total available N, amino acids, proteins, available inorganic P, and phosphatase activity), and summarizing them in a multifunctionality index (M). We assessed how climate, species richness, anthropic factors (distance to the nearest town, sandy and asphalted road, and human population in the nearest town at several historical periods) and encroachment by sprouting shrubs impacted both the functions in isolation and M along a regional (ca. 350 km) gradient in Mediterranean grasslands and shrublands dominated by a non-sprouting shrub. Values of M were higher in those grasslands and shrublands containing sprouting shrubs (43 and 62%, respectively). A similar response was found when analyzing the different functions in isolation, as encroachment by sprouting shrubs increased functions by 2–80% compared to unencroached areas. Encroachment was the main driver of changes in M along the regional gradient evaluated, followed by anthropic factors and species richness. Climate had little effects on M in comparison to the other factors studied. Similar responses were observed when evaluating the functions in isolation. Overall, our results showed that M was higher at sites with higher sprouting shrub cover, longer distance to roads and higher perennial plant species richness. Our study is the first documenting that ecosystem multifunctionality in shrublands is enhanced by encroaching shrubs differing in size and leaf attributes. Our findings reinforce the idea that encroachment effects on ecosystem functioning cannot be generalized, and that are largely dependent on the traits of the encroaching shrub relative to those of the species being replaced.