990 resultados para Andrea, da Spoleto, approximately 1482-1532.
Cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 are expressed in the liver, but their regulation in fatty hepatocytes is poorly documented. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of selective CB1 or CB2 agonists on the expression of key regulators of lipid metabolism.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) induces chronic infection in 50% to 80% of infected persons; approximately 50% of these do not respond to therapy. We performed a genome-wide association study to screen for host genetic determinants of HCV persistence and response to therapy.
In this study, we evaluated the in vivo characteristics of a new monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) radioligand, [¹⁸F]fluorodeprenyl, by positron emission tomography (PET) in two cynomolgus monkeys. The brain uptake of [¹⁸F]fluorodeprenyl was more than 7% (600% SUV) of the total injected radioactivity and similar to that of [¹¹C]deprenyl, an established MAO-B radioligand. The highest uptake was observed in the striatum, one of the MAO-B-rich regions, with a peak at approximately 2-3 min after injection, followed by lower uptake in the thalamus and the cortex and lowest uptake in the cerebellum. Brain uptake of [¹⁸F]fluorodeprenyl was largely inhibited by preadministration of the MAO-B inhibitor, L-deprenyl, whereas clorgyline, a MAO Type A blocker, had no significant inhibitory effect, thus demonstrating selectivity for MAO-B. [¹⁸F]Fluorodeprenyl showed relatively slow metabolism with the presence of two radiometabolite peaks with similar retention time as the labeled metabolites of [¹¹C]deprenyl. These results suggest that [¹⁸F]fluorodeprenyl is a potential PET radioligand for visualization of MAO-B activity.
We present an analysis of daily extreme precipitation events for the extended winter season (October–March) at 20 Mediterranean coastal sites covering the period 1950–2006. The heavy tailed behaviour of precipitation extremes and estimated return levels, including associated uncertainties, are derived applying a procedure based on the Generalized Pareto Distribution, in combination with recently developed methods. Precipitation extremes have an important contribution to make seasonal totals (approximately 60% for all series). Three stations (one in the western Mediterranean and the others in the eastern basin) have a 5-year return level above 100 mm, while the lowest value (estimated for two Italian series) is equal to 58 mm. As for the 50-year return level, an Italian station (Genoa) has the highest value of 264 mm, while the other values range from 82 to 200 mm. Furthermore, six series (from stations located in France, Italy, Greece, and Cyprus) show a significant negative tendency in the probability of observing an extreme event. The relationship between extreme precipitation events and the large scale atmospheric circulation at the upper, mid and low troposphere is investigated by using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. A 2-step classification procedure identifies three significant anomaly patterns both for the western-central and eastern part of the Mediterranean basin. In the western Mediterranean, the anomalous southwesterly surface to mid-tropospheric flow is connected with enhanced moisture transport from the Atlantic. During ≥5-year return level events, the subtropical jet stream axis is aligned with the African coastline and interacts with the eddy-driven jet stream. This is connected with enhanced large scale ascending motions, instability and leads to the development of severe precipitation events. For the eastern Mediterranean extreme precipitation events, the identified anomaly patterns suggest warm air advection connected with anomalous ascent motions and an increase of the low- to mid-tropospheric moisture. Furthermore, the jet stream position (during ≥5-year return level events) supports the eastern basin being in a divergence area, where ascent motions are favoured. Our results contribute to an improved understanding of daily precipitation extremes in the cold season and associated large scale atmospheric features.
OBJECTIVES: To assess influence of durotomy on spinal cord blood flow (SCBF) in chondrodystrophic dogs with thoracolumbar disk extrusion. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. ANIMALS: Chondrodystrophic dogs with thoracolumbar disk extrusion (n = 11). METHODS: Diagnosis was based on neurologic signs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, and surgical confirmation. Regional SCBF was measured 3 times intraoperatively by laser-Doppler flowmetry: (1) before surgical decompression; (2) immediately after decompression by hemilaminectomy-durotomy; and (3) after 15 minutes of lesion lavage. A standardized hemilaminectomy and durotomy performed by the same neurosurgeon, was used to minimize factors that could influence measurement readings. RESULTS: A significant increase in intraoperative SCBF was found immediately after spinal cord decompression and durotomy in dogs but SCBF returned to previous levels or lower after 15 minutes of lavage. Changes in SCBF were not associated with duration of clinical signs; neurologic status, degree of spinal cord compression, or signal intensity changes as assessed by MRI. CONCLUSION: Durotomy does not increase SCBF in dogs with disk extrusion associated spinal cord compression.
Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP450s) represent a superfamily of haem-thiolate proteins. CYP450s are most abundant in the liver, a major site of drug metabolism, and play key roles in the metabolism of a variety of substrates, including drugs and environmental contaminants. Interaction of two or more different drugs with the same enzyme can account for adverse effects and failure of therapy. Human CYP3A4 metabolizes about 50% of all known drugs, but little is known about the orthologous CYP450s in horses. We report here the genomic organization of the equine CYP3A gene cluster as well as a comparative analysis with the human CYP3A gene cluster. The equine CYP450 genes of the 3A family are located on ECA 13 between 6.97-7.53 Mb, in a region syntenic to HSA 7 99.05-99.35 Mb. Seven potential, closely linked equine CYP3A genes were found, in contrast to only four genes in the human genome. RNA was isolated from an equine liver sample, and the approximately 1.5-kb coding sequence of six CYP3A genes could be amplified by RT-PCR. Sequencing of the RT-PCR products revealed numerous hitherto unknown single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these six CYP3A genes, and one 6-bp deletion compared to the reference sequence (EquCab2.0). The presence of the variants was confirmed in a sample of genomic DNA from the same horse. In conclusion, orthologous genes for the CYP3A family exist in horses, but their number differs from those of the human CYP3A gene family. CYP450 genes of the same family show high homology within and between mammalian species, but can be highly polymorphic.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate effects of isoflurane at approximately the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) on the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) of the forelimb of ponies as a method for quantifying anesthetic potency. ANIMALS: 7 healthy adult Shetland ponies. PROCEDURE: Individual MAC (iMAC) for isoflurane was determined for each pony. Then, effects of isoflurane administered at 0.85, 0.95, and 1.05 iMAC on the NWR were assessed. At each concentration, the NWR threshold was defined electromyographically for the common digital extensor and deltoid muscles by stimulating the digital nerve; additional electrical stimulations (3, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 mA) were delivered, and the evoked activity was recorded and analyzed. After the end of anesthesia, the NWR threshold was assessed in standing ponies. RESULTS: Mean +/- SD MAC of isoflurane was 1.0 +/- 0.2%. The NWR thresholds for both muscles increased significantly in a concentration-dependent manner during anesthesia, whereas they decreased in awake ponies. Significantly higher thresholds were found for the deltoid muscle, compared with thresholds for the common digital extensor muscle, in anesthetized ponies. At each iMAC tested, amplitudes of the reflex responses from both muscles increased as stimulus intensities increased from 3 to 40 mA. A concentration-dependent depression of evoked reflexes with reduction in slopes of the stimulus-response functions was detected. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Anesthetic-induced changes in sensory-motor processing in ponies anesthetized with isoflurane at concentrations of approximately 1.0 MAC can be detected by assessment of NWR. This method will permit comparison of effects of inhaled anesthetics or anesthetic combinations on spinal processing in equids.
Switzerland has the second-most-expensive healthcare system worldwide, with 11.5% of gross domestic product spent on health care in 2003. Switzerland has a healthcare system with universal insurance coverage and a social insurance system, ensuring an adequate financial situation for 96% of the 1.1 million older inhabitants. Key concerns related to the care of older persons are topics such as increasing healthcare costs, growing public awareness of patient autonomy, and challenges related to assisted suicide. In 2004, the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences issued guidelines for the care of disabled older persons. Since 2000, geriatrics has been a board-certified discipline with a 3-year training program in addition to 5 years of training in internal or family medicine. There are approximately 125 certified geriatricians in Switzerland, working primarily in geriatric centers in urban areas. Switzerland has an excellent research environment, ranking second of all countries worldwide in life sciences research-but only 13th in aging research. This is in part due to a lack of specific training programs promoting research on aging and inadequate funding. In addition, there is a shortage of academic geriatricians in Switzerland, in part due to the fact that two of five Swiss universities had no academic geriatric departments in 2005. With more-adequate financial resources for academic geriatrics, Switzerland would have the opportunity to contribute more to aging research internationally and to improved care for older patients.
OBJECTIVE: To describe outcome after an alternative unilateral approach to the thoracolumbar spine for dorsal laminectomy. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective clinical study. ANIMALS: Dogs (n=14) with thoracolumbar spinal cord compression. METHODS: Thoracolumbar spinal cord compression was lateral (6 dogs), dorsal (4), and dorsolateral (4) caused by subarachnoid (7) and synovial cysts (2) and intradural-extramedullary neoplasia (5). All dogs were treated by dorsal laminectomy with osteotomy of the spinous process using a unilateral paramedian approach. The contralateral paraspinal muscles were not stripped from the spinous process and the osteoligamentous complexes were preserved. Retraction of the spinous process and muscles to the contralateral side resulted in complete visualization of the dorsal vertebral arch thereby allowing dorsal laminectomy to be performed. RESULTS: No technique complications occurred. Approximately 75% exposure of the spinal cord (dorsal and lateral compartments) was achieved providing adequate visualization and treatment of the lesions. Transient deterioration of neurologic state occurred in 5 dogs because of extensive spinal cord manipulation. At long-term follow-up, 6 dogs were normal, 6 had clinical improvement, and 2 were unchanged. CONCLUSION: Dorsal laminectomy after osteotomy and retraction of the spinous process may be considered in canine patients with dorsal, dorsolateral, or lateral compression to facilitate adequate decompression of the spinal cord. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This surgical technique offers an alternative approach to the thoracolumbar spine and spinal cord by a modified dorsal laminectomy that preserves the paraspinal muscle integrity on the contralateral side.
BACKGROUND: Starches are the major source of dietary glucose in weaned children and adults. However, small intestine alpha-glucogenesis by starch digestion is poorly understood due to substrate structural and chemical complexity, as well as the multiplicity of participating enzymes. Our objective was dissection of luminal and mucosal alpha-glucosidase activities participating in digestion of the soluble starch product maltodextrin (MDx). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Immunoprecipitated assays were performed on biopsy specimens and isolated enterocytes with MDx substrate. RESULTS: Mucosal sucrase-isomaltase (SI) and maltase-glucoamylase (MGAM) contributed 85% of total in vitro alpha-glucogenesis. Recombinant human pancreatic alpha-amylase alone contributed <15% of in vitro alpha-glucogenesis; however, alpha-amylase strongly amplified the mucosal alpha-glucogenic activities by preprocessing of starch to short glucose oligomer substrates. At low glucose oligomer concentrations, MGAM was 10 times more active than SI, but at higher concentrations it experienced substrate inhibition whereas SI was not affected. The in vitro results indicated that MGAM activity is inhibited by alpha-amylase digested starch product "brake" and contributes only 20% of mucosal alpha-glucogenic activity. SI contributes most of the alpha-glucogenic activity at higher oligomer substrate concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: MGAM primes and SI activity sustains and constrains prandial alpha-glucogenesis from starch oligomers at approximately 5% of the uninhibited rate. This coupled mucosal mechanism may contribute to highly efficient glucogenesis from low-starch diets and play a role in meeting the high requirement for glucose during children's brain maturation. The brake could play a constraining role on rates of glucose production from higher-starch diets consumed by an older population at risk for degenerative metabolic disorders.
Mutations in the FBN1 gene are the major cause of Marfan syndrome (MFS), an autosomal dominant connective tissue disorder, which displays variable manifestations in the cardiovascular, ocular, and skeletal systems. Current molecular genetic testing of FBN1 may miss mutations in the promoter region or in other noncoding sequences as well as partial or complete gene deletions and duplications. In this study, we tested for copy number variations by successively applying multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) and the Affymetrix Human Mapping 500 K Array Set, which contains probes for approximately 500,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the genome. By analyzing genomic DNA of 101 unrelated individuals with MFS or related phenotypes in whom standard genetic testing detected no mutation, we identified FBN1 deletions in two patients with MFS. Our high-resolution approach narrowed down the deletion breakpoints. Subsequent sequencing of the junctional fragments revealed the deletion sizes of 26,887 and 302,580 bp, respectively. Surprisingly, both deletions affect the putative regulatory and promoter region of the FBN1 gene, strongly indicating that they abolish transcription of the deleted allele. This expectation of complete loss of function of one allele, i.e. true haploinsufficiency, was confirmed by transcript analyses. Our findings not only emphasize the importance of screening for large genomic rearrangements in comprehensive genetic testing of FBN1 but, importantly, also extend the molecular etiology of MFS by providing hitherto unreported evidence that true haploinsufficiency is sufficient to cause MFS.
BACKGROUND: Low tissue oxygen tension is an important factor leading to the development of wound dehiscence and anastomotic leakage after colon surgery. We tested whether supplemental fluid and supplemental oxygen can increase tissue oxygen tension in healthy and injured, perianastomotic, and anastomotic colon in an acutely instrumented pig model of anastomosis surgery. METHODS: Sixteen Swiss Landrace pigs were anesthetized (isoflurane 0.8%-1%) and their lungs ventilated. The animals were randomly assigned to low fluid treatment ("low" group, 3 mL x kg(-1) x h(-1) lactated Ringer's solution) or high fluid treatment ("high" group, 10 mL/kg bolus, 18 mL x kg(-1) x h(-1) lactated Ringer's solution) during colon anastomosis surgery and a subsequent measurement period (4 h). Two-and-half hours after surgery, tissue oxygen tension was recorded for 30 min during ventilation with 30% oxygen. Three hours after surgery, the animals' lungs were ventilated with 100% oxygen for 60 min. Tissue oxygen tension was recorded in the last 30 min. Tissue oxygen tension was measured with polarographic Clark-type electrodes, positioned in healthy colonic wall, close (2 cm) to the anastomosis, and in the anastomosis. RESULTS: In every group, tissue oxygen tension during ventilation with 100% oxygen was approximately twice as high as during ventilation with 30% oxygen, a statistically significant result. High or low volume crystalloid fluid treatment had no effect on colon tissue oxygen tension. CONCLUSIONS: Supplemental oxygen, but not supplemental crystalloid fluid, increased tissue oxygen tension in healthy, perianastomotic, and anastomotic colon tissue.