839 resultados para Analytic Reproducing Kernel


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Jarraian, hainbat hilabetetan zehar garatutako proiektuaren deskribapena biltzen duen memoria dugu eskuragarri. Proiektu hau, sistema konkurrenteen simulazioan zentratzen da eta horretarako, mota honetako sistemen arloan hain erabiliak diren Petri Sareak lantzeaz gain, simulatzaile bat programatzeko informazio nahikoa ere barneratzen ditu. Gertaera diskretuko simulatzaile estatistiko batean oinarrituko da proiektuaren garapena, helburua izanik Petri Sareen bidez formalizatzen diren sistemak simulatzeko softwarea osatzea. Proiektuaren helburua da objektuetara zuzendutako hizkuntzaren bidez, Java hizkuntzaren bidez alegia, simulatzailearen programazioa erraztea eta ingurune honen baliabideak erabiltzea, bereziki XML teknologiari lotutakoak. Proiektu hau, bi zati nagusitan banatzen dela esan daiteke. Lehenengo zatiari dagokionez, konputazio munduan simulazioa aurkeztu eta honi buruzko behar adina informazio emango da. Hau, oso erabilgarria izango da programatuko den simulatzailearen nondik norakoak ulertu eta klase desberdinen inplementazioa egin ahal izateko. Horrez gain, zorizko aldagaiak eta hauen simulazioa ere islatzen dira, simulazio prozesu hori ahalik eta era errealean gauzatzeko helburuarekin. Ondoren, Petri Sareak aurkeztuko dira, hauen ezaugarri eta sailkapen desberdinak goraipatuz. Gainera, Petri Sareak definitzeko XML lengoaia erabiliko denez, mota honetako dokumentu eta eskemak aztertuko dira, hauek, garatuko den aplikazioaren oinarri izango direlarik. Bestalde, aplikazioaren muin izango diren klaseen diseinu eta inplementazioak bildu dira azken aurreko kapituluan. Alde batetik, erabili den DOM egituraren inguruko informazioa islatzen da eta bestetik, XML-tik habiatuz lortuko diren PetriNet instantziak maneiatzeko ezinbestekoak diren Java klaseen kodeak erakusten dira. Amaitzeko, egileak ateratako ondorioez gain, proiektuaren garapen prozesuan erabili den bibliografiaren berri ere ematen da.


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This thesis is in two parts. In Part I the independent variable θ in the trigonometric form of Legendre's equation is extended to the range ( -∞, ∞). The associated spectral representation is an infinite integral transform whose kernel is the analytic continuation of the associated Legendre function of the second kind into the complex θ-plane. This new transform is applied to the problems of waves on a spherical shell, heat flow on a spherical shell, and the gravitational potential of a sphere. In each case the resulting alternative representation of the solution is more suited to direct physical interpretation than the standard forms.

In Part II separation of variables is applied to the initial-value problem of the propagation of acoustic waves in an underwater sound channel. The Epstein symmetric profile is taken to describe the variation of sound with depth. The spectral representation associated with the separated depth equation is found to contain an integral and a series. A point source is assumed to be located in the channel. The nature of the disturbance at a point in the vicinity of the channel far removed from the source is investigated.


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An analytic technique is developed that couples to finite difference calculations to extend the results to arbitrary distance. Finite differences and the analytic result, a boundary integral called two-dimensional Kirchhoff, are applied to simple models and three seismological problems dealing with data. The simple models include a thorough investigation of the seismologic effects of a deep continental basin. The first problem is explosions at Yucca Flat, in the Nevada test site. By modeling both near-field strong-motion records and teleseismic P-waves simultaneously, it is shown that scattered surface waves are responsible for teleseismic complexity. The second problem deals with explosions at Amchitka Island, Alaska. The near-field seismograms are investigated using a variety of complex structures and sources. The third problem involves regional seismograms of Imperial Valley, California earthquakes recorded at Pasadena, California. The data are shown to contain evidence of deterministic structure, but lack of more direct measurements of the structure and possible three-dimensional effects make two-dimensional modeling of these data difficult.


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Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are dramatic eruptions of large, plasma structures from the Sun. These eruptions are important because they can harm astronauts, damage electrical infrastructure, and cause auroras. A mysterious feature of these eruptions is that plasma-filled solar flux tubes first evolve slowly, but then suddenly erupt. One model, torus instability, predicts an explosive-like transition from slow expansion to fast acceleration, if the spatial decay of the ambient magnetic field exceeds a threshold.

We create arched, plasma filled, magnetic flux ropes similar to CMEs. Small, independently-powered auxiliary coils placed inside the vacuum chamber produce magnetic fields above the decay threshold that are strong enough to act on the plasma. When the strapping field is not too strong and not too weak, expansion force build up while the flux rope is in the strapping field region. When the flux rope moves to a critical height, the plasma accelerates quickly, corresponding to the observed slow-rise to fast-acceleration of most solar eruptions. This behavior is in agreement with the predictions of torus instability.

Historically, eruptions have been separated into gradual CMEs and impulsive CMEs, depending on the acceleration profile. Recent numerical studies question this separation. One study varies the strapping field profile to produce gradual eruptions and impulsive eruptions, while another study varies the temporal profile of the voltage applied to the flux tube footpoints to produce the two eruption types. Our experiment reproduced these different eruptions by changing the strapping field magnitude, and the temporal profile of the current trace. This suggests that the same physics underlies both types of CME and that the separation between impulsive and gradual classes of eruption is artificial.


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Recurring to the characteristic of Bessel function, we give the analytic expression or the Fresnel diffraction by a circular aperture, thus the diffractions on the propagation axis and along the boundary of the geometrical shadow are discussed conveniently. Since it is difficult to embody intuitively the physical meaning from this series expression of the Fresnel diffraction, after weighing the diffractions on the axis and along the boundary of the geometrical shadow, we propose a simple approximate expression of the circular diffraction, which is equivalent to the rigorous solution in the further propagation distance. It is important for the measurement of the parameter or the beam, such as the quantitative analysis of the relationship of the wave error and the divergence of the beam, In this paper, the relationship of the fluctuation of the transverse diffraction profile and the position of the axial point is discussed too. (c) 2005 Elsevier GrnbH. All rights reserved.


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The thesis is divided into two parts. Part I generalizes a self-consistent calculation of residue shifts from SU3 symmetry, originally performed by Dashen, Dothan, Frautschi, and Sharp, to include the effects of non-linear terms. Residue factorizability is used to transform an overdetermined set of equations into a variational problem, which is designed to take advantage of the redundancy of the mathematical system. The solution of this problem automatically satisfies the requirement of factorizability and comes close to satisfying all the original equations.

Part II investigates some consequences of direct channel Regge poles and treats the problem of relating Reggeized partial wave expansions made in different reaction channels. An analytic method is introduced which can be used to determine the crossed-channel discontinuity for a large class of direct-channel Regge representations, and this method is applied to some specific representations.

It is demonstrated that the multi-sheeted analytic structure of the Regge trajectory function can be used to resolve apparent difficulties arising from infinitely rising Regge trajectories. Also discussed are the implications of large collections of "daughter trajectories."

Two things are of particular interest: first, the threshold behavior in direct and crossed channels; second, the potentialities of Reggeized representations for us in self-consistent calculations. A new representation is introduced which surpasses previous formulations in these two areas, automatically satisfying direct-channel threshold constraints while being capable of reproducing a reasonable crossed channel discontinuity. A scalar model is investigated for low energies, and a relation is obtained between the mass of the lowest bound state and the slope of the Regge trajectory.


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A new analytic solution has been obtained to the complete Fokker-Planck equation for solar flare particle propagation including the effects of convection, energy-change, corotation, and diffusion with ĸr = constant and ĸƟ ∝ r2. It is assumed that the particles are injected impulsively at a single point in space, and that a boundary exists beyond which the particles are free to escape. Several solar flare particle events have been observed with the Caltech Solar and Galactic Cosmic Ray Experiment aboard OGO-6. Detailed comparisons of the predictions of the new solution with these observations of 1-70 MeV protons show that the model adequately describes both the rise and decay times, indicating that ĸr = constant is a better description of conditions inside 1 AU than is ĸr ∝ r. With an outer boundary at 2.7 AU, a solar wind velocity of 400 km/sec, and a radial diffusion coefficient ĸr ≈ 2-8 x 1020 cm2/sec, the model gives reasonable fits to the time-profile of 1-10 MeV protons from "classical" flare-associated events. It is not necessary to invoke a scatter-free region near the sun in order to reproduce the fast rise times observed for directly-connected events. The new solution also yields a time-evolution for the vector anisotropy which agrees well with previously reported observations.

In addition, the new solution predicts that, during the decay phase, a typical convex spectral feature initially at energy To will move to lower energies at an exponential rate given by TKINK = Toexp(-t/ƬKINK). Assuming adiabatic deceleration and a boundary at 2.7 AU, the solution yields ƬKINK ≈ 100h, which is faster than the measured ~200h time constant and slower than the adiabatic rate of ~78h at 1 AU. Two possible explanations are that the boundary is at ~5 AU or that some other energy-change process is operative.


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Analytic propagation expressions of pulsed Gaussian beam are deduced by using complex amplitude envelope representation and complex analytic signal representation. Numerical calculations are given to illustrate the differences between them. The results show that the major difference between them is that there exists singularity in the beam obtained by using complex amplitude envelope representation. It is also found that singularity presents near propagation axis in the case of broadband and locates far from propagation axis in the case of narrowband. The critical condition to determine what representation should be adopted in studying pulsed Gaussian beam is also given. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Quantifying scientific uncertainty when setting total allowable catch limits for fish stocks is a major challenge, but it is a requirement in the United States since changes to national fisheries legislation. Multiple sources of error are readily identifiable, including estimation error, model specification error, forecast error, and errors associated with the definition and estimation of reference points. Our focus here, however, is to quantify the influence of estimation error and model specification error on assessment outcomes. These are fundamental sources of uncertainty in developing scientific advice concerning appropriate catch levels and although a study of these two factors may not be inclusive, it is feasible with available information. For data-rich stock assessments conducted on the U.S. west coast we report approximate coefficients of variation in terminal biomass estimates from assessments based on inversion of the assessment of the model’s Hessian matrix (i.e., the asymptotic standard error). To summarize variation “among” stock assessments, as a proxy for model specification error, we characterize variation among multiple historical assessments of the same stock. Results indicate that for 17 groundfish and coastal pelagic species, the mean coefficient of variation of terminal biomass is 18%. In contrast, the coefficient of variation ascribable to model specification error (i.e., pooled among-assessment variation) is 37%. We show that if a precautionary probability of overfishing equal to 0.40 is adopted by managers, and only model specification error is considered, a 9% reduction in the overfishing catch level is indicated.