1000 resultados para Amino acids per unit sediment mass


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Although the permanently to seasonally ice-covered Arctic Ocean is a unique and sensitive component in the Earth's climate system, the knowledge of its long-term climate history remains very limited due to the restricted number of pre-Quaternary sedimentary records. During Polarstern Expedition PS87/2014, we discovered multiple submarine landslides over a distance of >350 km along Lomonosov Ridge. Removal of younger sediments from steep headwalls has led to exhumation of Miocene to early Quaternary sediments close to the seafloor, allowing the retrieval of such old sediments with gravity cores. Multi-proxy biomarker analyses of these gravity cores reveal for the first time that the late Miocene central Arctic Ocean was relatively warm (4-7°C) and ice-free during summer, whereas sea ice occurred during spring and autumn/winter. A comparison of our proxy data with Miocene climate simulations seems to favour relatively high late Miocene atmospheric CO2 concentrations. These new findings from the Arctic region provide new benchmarks for groundtruthing global climate reconstructions and modeling.


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Thermokarst lakes in the Siberian Arctic contain sediment archives that can be used for paleoenvironmental inference. Until now, however, there has been no study from the inner Lena River Delta with a focus on diatoms. The objective of this study was to investigate how the diatom community in a thermokarst lake responded to past limnogeological changes and what specific factors drove variations in the diatom assemblage. We analysed fossil diatom species, organic content, grain-size distribution and elemental composition in a sediment core retrieved in 2009 from a shallow thermokarst lake in the Arga Complex, western Lena River Delta. The core contains a 3,000-year record of sediment accumulation. Shifts in the predominantly benthic and epiphytic diatom species composition parallel changes in sediment characteristics. Paleoenvironmental and limnogeological development, inferred from multiple biological and sedimentological variables, are discussed in the context of four diatom zones, and indicate a strong relation between changes in the diatom assemblage and thermokarst processes. We conclude that limnogeological and thermokarst processes such as lake drainage, rather than direct climate forcing, were the main factors that altered the aquatic ecosystem by influencing, for example, habitat availability, hydrochemistry, and water level.


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Stable isotopes of sedimentary nitrogen and organic carbon are widely used as proxy variables for biogeochemical parameters and processes in the water column. In order to investigate alterations of the primary isotopic signal by sedimentary diagenetic processes, we determined concentrations and isotopic compositions of inorganic nitrogen (IN), organic nitrogen (ON), total nitrogen (TN), and total organic carbon (TOC) on one short core recovered from sediments of the eastern subtropical Atlantic, between the Canary Islands and the Moroccan coast. Changes with depth in concentration and isotopic composition of the different fractions were related to early diagenetic conditions indicated by pore water concentrations of oxygen, nitrate, and ammonium. Additionally, the nature of the organic matter was investigated by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and microscopic analysis. A decrease in ON during aerobic organic matter degradation is accompanied by an increase of the 15N/14N ratio. Changes in the isotopic composition of ON can be described by Rayleigh fractionation kinetics which are probably related to microbial metabolism. The influence of IN depleted in 15N on the bulk sedimentary (TN) isotope signal increases due to organic matter degradation, compensating partly the isotopic changes in ON. In anoxic sediments, fixation of ammonium between clay lattices results in a decrease of stable nitrogen isotope ratio of IN and TN. Changes in the carbon isotopic composition of TOC have to be explained by Rayleigh fractionation in combination with different remineralization kinetics of organic compounds with different isotopic composition. We have found no evidence for preferential preservation of terrestrial organic carbon. Instead, both TOC and refractory organic carbon are dominated by marine organic matter. Refractory organic carbon is depleted in 13C compared to TOC.


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The effects of changing ice and atmospheric conditions on the upwelling of deep nutrient-laden waters and biological productivity in the coastal Beaufort Sea were quantified using a unique combination of in situ and remote-sensing approaches. Repeated instances of ice ablation and upwelling during fall 2007 and summer 2008 multiplied the production of ice algae, phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos by 2 to 6 fold. Strong wind forcing failed to induce upward shifts in the biological productivity of stratified waters off the shelf.


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Lipid compositions of sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175 in the eastern South Atlantic reflect a variety of oceanographic and climatological environments. Most of the identified lipids can be ascribed to marine sources, notably haptophytes, eustigmatophytes, dinoflagellates, archaea, and diatoms. Elevated concentrations of cholesterol suggest zooplankton herbivory, characteristic for sites influenced by upwelling. At these sites, sulfurized highly branched isoprenoids from diatoms are also present in high amounts. Sterols, sterol ethers, hopanoids, and midchain hydroxy fatty acids could also be detected. Terrigenous lipids are n-alkanes, fatty acids, n-alcohols, and triterpenoid compounds like taraxerol and -amyrine. n-Alkanes, fatty acids, and n-alcohols are derived from leaf waxes of higher land plants and transported to the sea by airborne dust or fresh water. Triterpenoid compounds are most probably derived from mangroves and transported solely by rivers. Lipid compositions below the Congo low-salinity plume are strongly influenced by terrigenous material from the Congo River. Elevated organic carbon contents and predominantly marine lipid distributions at the Angola margin may indicate a highly productive plankton population, probably sustained by the Angola Dome. Sedimentary lipids in the Walvis Basin contain an upwelling signal, likely transported by the Benguela Current. Sedimentary lipids off Lüderitz Bay and in the southern Cape Basin are dominated by plankton lipids in high to intermediate amounts, reflecting persistent and seasonal upwelling, respectively.


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High-amplitude, rapid climate fluctuations are common features of glacial times. The prominent changes in air temperature recorded in the Greenland ice cores (Dansgaard et al., 1993, doi:10.1038/339532a0; Grootes et al., 1993 doi:10.1038/366552a0) are coherent with shifts in the magnitude of the northward heat flux carried by the North Atlantic surface ocean (Bond et al., 1993, doi:10.1038/365143a0; Bond and Lotti, 1995, doi:10.1126/science.267.5200.1005); changes in the ocean's thermohaline circulation are a key component in many explanations of this climate flickering (Broecker, 1997, doi:10.1126/science.278.5343.1582). Here we use stable-isotope and other sedimentological data to reveal specific oceanic reorganizations during these rapid climate-change events. Deep water was generated more or less continuously in the Nordic Seas during the latter part of the last glacial period (60 to 10 thousand years ago), but by two different mechanisms. The deep-water formation occurred by convection in the open ocean during warmer periods (interstadials). But during colder phases (stadials), a freshening of the surface ocean reduced or stopped open-ocean convection, and deep-water formation was instead driven by brine-release during sea-ice freezing. These shifting magnitudes and modes nested within the overall continuity of deep-water formation were probably important for the structuring and rapidity of the prevailing climate changes.


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Lipid components of hydrothermal deposits from the unusual field at 14°45'N MAR and from the typical field at 29°N MAR were studied. For the first time mixed nature of organic matter (OM) from hydrothermal sulfide deposits was established with use of biochemical, gas chromatographic, and molecular methods of studies. In composition of OM lipids of phytoplankton, those of chemosynthesis bacteria and non-biogenic synthesis lipids were determined. Specific conditions of localization of sulfide deposits originated from ''black smokers'' (reducing conditions, absence of free oxygen, presence of reduced sulfur preventing OM from decomposition) let biogenic material, including bacterial one, be preserved in sulfide deposits. The hydrothermal system at 14°45'N MAR is characterized by geological, geochemical and thermodynamic conditions allowing abiogenic synthesis of methane and petroleum hydrocarbons. For sulfide deposits at 29°N and other active hydrothermal fields known at MAR, abiogenic synthesis of hydrocarbons occurs in lower scales.


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The average total organic carbon (TOC) content obtained after Rock-Eval/TOC analysis of 156 sediment samples from the eight sites cored during Leg 135 is 0.05%. Hence, the TOC content of Leg 135 sediments is extremely low. The organic matter that is present in these samples is probably mostly reworked and oxidized material. Ten sediment samples were selected for extraction and analysis by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Very low amounts of extractable hydrocarbons were obtained and some aspects of the biomarker distributions suggest that these hydrocarbons are not representative of the organic matter indigenous to the samples. A sample of an oil seep from Pili, Tongatapu was also analyzed. The seep is a biodegraded, mature oil that shows many characteristics in common with previously published analyses of oil seeps from Tongatapu. Biomarker evidence indicates that its source is a mature, marine carbonate of probable Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary age. The source rock responsible for the Tongatapu oil seeps remains unknown.


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The effects of intrusive thermal stress have been studied on a number of Pleistocene sediment samples obtained from Leg 64 of the DSDP-IPOD program in the Gulf of California. Samples were selected from Sites 477, 478 and 481 where the organic matter was subjected to thermal stress from sill intrusions. For comparison purposes, samples from Sites 474 and 479 were selected as representative of unaltered material. The GC and GC-MS data show that lipids of the thermally unaltered samples were derived from microbial and terrestrial higher-plant detritus. Samples from sill proximities were found to contain thermally-derived distillates and those adjacent to sills contained essentially no lipids. Curie point pyrolysis combined with GC and GC-MS was used to show that kerogens from the unaltered samples reflected their predominantly autochthonous microbial origin. Pyrograms of the altered kerogens were much less complex than the unaltered samples, reflecting the thermal effects. The kerogens adjacent to the sills produce little or no pyrolysis products since these intrusions into unconsolidated, wet sediments resulted in in situ pyrolysis of the organic matter. Examination of the kerogens by ESR showed that spin density and line width pass through a maximum during the course of alteration but ESR g-values show no correlation with maturity. Stable carbon isotope (d13C) values of kerogens decrease by 1-1.5 per mil near the sills at Sites 477 and 481 and the atomic N/C decreases slightly with proximity to a smaller sill at Site 478. Differences in maturation behavior between Site 477 and 481 and Site 478 are attributed to dissimilarities in thermal stress and to chemical and isotopic heterogeneity of Guaymas Basin protokerogen.


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Reconstructing ocean temperature values is a major target in paleoceanography and climate research. However, most temperature proxies are organism-based and thus suffer from an "ecological bias". Multiproxy approaches can potentially overcome this bias but typically require more investment in time and resources, while being susceptible to errors induced by sample preparation steps necessary before analysis. Three lipid-based temperature proxies are widely used: UK'37 (based on long chain alkenones from phytoplanktonic haptophytes), TEX86 [based on glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) from pelagic archaea] and LDI (based on long chain diols from phytoplanktonic eustigmatophytes). So far, separate analytical methods, including gas chromatography (GC) and liquid chromatography (LC), have been used to determine these proxies. Here we present a sensitive method for determining all three in a single normal phase high performance LC-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (NP-HPLC-APCI-MS) analysis. Each of the long chain alkenones and long chain diols was separated and unambiguously identified from the accurate masses and characteristic fragmentation during multiple stage MS analysis (MS2). Comparison of conventional GC and HPLC-MS methods showed similar results for UK'37 and LDI, respectively, using diverse environmental samples and an Emiliania huxleyi culture. Including the three sea surface temperature (SST) proxies; the NP-HPLC-APCI-MS method in fact allows simultaneous determination of nine paleoenvironmental proxies. The extent to which the ecology of the source organisms (ecological bias) influences lipid composition and thereby the reconstructed temperature values was demonstrated by applying the new method to a sediment core from the Sea of Marmara, covering the last 21 kyr BP. Reconstructed SST values differed considerably between the proxies for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the period of Sapropel S1 formation at ca. 10 kyr BP, whereas the trends during the late Holocene were similar. Changes in the composition of alkenone-producing species at the transition from the LGM to the Bølling/Allerød (B/A) were inferred from unreasonably high UK'37-derived SST values (ca. 20 °C) during the LGM. We ascribe discrepancies between the reconstructed temperature records during S1 deposition to habitat change, e.g. a different depth due to changes in nutrient availability.


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Although grassland and savanna occupy only a quarter of the world's vegetation, burning in these ecosystems accounts for roughly half the global carbon emissions from fire. However, the processes that govern changes in grassland burning are poorly understood, particularly on time scales beyond satellite records. We analyzed microcharcoal, sediments, and geochemistry in a high-resolution marine sediment core off Namibia to identify the processes that have controlled biomass burning in southern African grassland ecosystems under large, multimillennial-scale climate changes. Six fire cycles occurred during the past 170,000 y in southern Africa that correspond both in timing and magnitude to the precessional forcing of north-south shifts in the Intertropical Convergence Zone. Contrary to the conventional expectation that fire increases with higher temperatures and increased drought, we found that wetter and cooler climates cause increased burning in the study region, owing to a shift in rainfall amount and seasonality (and thus vegetation flammability). We also show that charcoal morphology (i.e., the particle's length-to-width ratio) can be used to reconstruct changes in fire activity as well as biome shifts over time. Our results provide essential context for understanding current and future grassland-fire dynamics and their associated carbon emissions.


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Sediment samples and hydrographic conditions were studied at 28 stations around Iceland. At these sites, Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) casts were conducted to collect hydrographic data and multicorer casts were conductd to collect data on sediment characteristics including grain size distribution, carbon and nitrogen concentration, and chloroplastic pigment concentration. A total of 14 environmental predictors were used to model sediment characteristics around Iceland on regional geographic space. For these, two approaches were used: Multivariate Adaptation Regression Splines (MARS) and randomForest regression models. RandomForest outperformed MARS in predicting grain size distribution. MARS models had a greater tendency to over- and underpredict sediment values in areas outside the environmental envelope defined by the training dataset. We provide first GIS layers on sediment characteristics around Iceland, that can be used as predictors in future models. Although models performed well, more samples, especially from the shelf areas, will be needed to improve the models in future.


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We present a 15 kyr sea surface temperature (SST) record for a high sedimentation rate core (KNR51-29GGC) from the Feni Drift off of Ireland, based on an organic geochemical technique for paleotemperature estimation, U37 K'. We compare the U37 K' temperature record to planktonic foraminiferal delta18O and foraminiferal assemblage SST estimates from the same sample horizons. U37 K' gives SST estimates of 13°C for the early deglacial and 18°C for the Holocene and Recent, whereas assemblages give estimates of 9°C and 13°C, respectively. As in nearby core V23-81, we find Ash Zone 1, the Younger Dryas increase in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral abundance, and maximum abundance of this species during glaciation. N. pachyderma dextral oxygen isotopic analyses have a late glacial to interglacial range of 1.5 per mil. A reduction of about 1 per mil in delta18O occurred at about 12 ka, whereas U37 K' and the foraminiferal fauna indicate a 2°C warming. This implies a 0.9 per mil salinity effect on delta18O which we attribute to meltwater freshening. All three parameters indicate cooling during the Younger Dryas. U37 K' SST estimates show that the major shift from deglacial to interglacial temperatures occurred after the Younger Dryas in termination 1b, in contrast to the assemblage data, which show this jump in SST at the end of the glaciation during termination Ia. Differences between the two SST estimators, which may result from their different (floral versus faunal) sources, are more pronounced between transitions Ia and Ib. This may reflect different habitats under the unusual sea surface conditions of the deglaciation.


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Lithology, lithic petrology, planktonic foraminiferal abundances, and clastic grain sizes have been determined in a 30 m-long core recovered from the Barra Fan off northwest Scotland. The record extends back to around 45 kyr B.P., with sedimentation rates ranging between 50 and 200 cm/kyr. The abundance of ice-rafted debris indicates 16 glacimarine events, including temporal equivalents to Heinrich events 1-4. Enhanced concentrations of basaltic material derived from the British Tertiary Province suggest that the glacimarine sediments record variations in a glacial source on the Hebrides shelf margin. Glacimarine zones are separated by silty intervals with high planktonic foraminifera concentrations that reflect an interstadial circulation regime in the Rockall Trough. The results suggest that the last British Ice Sheet fluctuated with a periodicity of 2000-3000 years, in common with the Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycle.


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Surface sediments from the eastern South Atlantic were investigated for their lipid biomarker contents and bulk organic geochemical characteristics to identify sources, transport pathways and preservation processes of organic components. The sediments cover a wide range of depositional settings with large differences in mass accumulation rates. The highest marine organic carbon (OC) contributions are detected along the coast, especially underlying the Benguela upwelling system. Terrigenous OC contributions are highest in the Congo deep-sea fan. Lipid biomarker fluxes are significantly correlated to the extent of oxygen exposure in the sediment. Normalization to total organic carbon (TOC) contents enabled the characterization of regional lipid biomarker production and transport mechanisms. Principal component analyses revealed five distinct groups of characteristic molecular and bulk organic geochemical parameters. Combined with information on lipid sources, the main controlling mechanisms of the spatial lipid distributions in the surface sediments are defined, indicating marine productivity related to river-induced mixing and oceanic upwelling, wind-driven deep upwelling, river-supply of terrigenous organic material, shallow coastal upwelling and eolian supply of plant-waxes.