382 resultados para Amblyomma parvum
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
To compare the pathogenesis of human genotype 1 (HuGl) and bovine genotype 2 (BoG2) Cryptosporidium parvum, neonatal gnotobiotic pigs were given 1-10 HuGl or BoG2 oocysts. The prepatent and patent periods were significantly longer for HuGl than for BoG2 C. parvum (prepatent, 8.6 vs. 5.6 days; patent, 16.6 vs. 10.3 days). BoG2-infected pigs developed signif- icantly more severe disease than did HuGl-infected pigs. BoG2 parasites were seen micro- scopically throughout the intestines during the prepatent and patent periods. HuGl parasites were only detected during the patent period in the ileum and colon but colonized the mucosal surface in significantly larger numbers than did BoG2. Moderate-to-severe villus/mucosal attenuation with lymphoid hyperplasia was seen throughout the intestines of BoG2-infected pigs, whereas lesions in HuGl-infected pigs were mild to moderate and restricted to the ileum and colon. These findings provide additional support for the hypothesis that human and bovine C. parvum genotypes may be separate species.
Erythematous rashes that are suggestive of early Lyme disease have been associated with the bite of Amblyomma americanum ticks, particularly in the southern United States. However, Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, has not been cultured from skin biopsy specimens from these patients, and diagnostic serum antibodies usually have not been found. Borrelia lonestari sp nov, an uncultured spirochete, has been detected in A. americanum ticks by DNA amplification techniques, but its role in human illness is unknown. We observed erythema migrans in a patient with an attached A. americanum tick. DNA amplification of the flagellin gene flaB produced B. lonestari sequences from the skin of the patient that were identical to those found in the attached tick. B. lonestari is a probable cause of erythema migrans in humans.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Hymenopteran parasitoids have been shown to be of potential value in tick biocontrol. Tick parasitoids has been reported only once in Brazil, over 95 yr ago when Ixodiphagus hookeri (Howard) was reported parasitizing Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) nymphs in Rio de Janeiro. Herein, we report the occurrence of Ixodiphagus spp. in ticks from three different regions of Brazil. In the state of Maranhao, in northeastern Brazil, parasitoids were detected in R. sanguineus nymphs on three occasions, during August 2009 and September 2010 (dry season), and January 2011 (rainy season). All parasitoids found in northeastern Brazil were identified as I. hookeri. In the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (westDcentral Brazil), one Amblyomma sp. engorged nymph was shown to be parasitized by I. hookeri. In the state of Rondonia (northern Brazil), one Amblyomma sp. engorged nymph was parasitized by Ixodiphagus texanus (Howard). Because Ixodiphagus spp. are present in ecologically distinct and geographically distant areas of Brazil, they are of potential use for biocontrol in the country.
In the laboratory, Amblyomma cajennense (Acari: Ixodidae) (Fabricius) larvae, nymphs and adults were exposed to Rickettsia rickettsii by feeding on needle-inoculated animals, and thereafter reared on uninfected guinea pigs or rabbits. Regardless of the tick stage that acquired the infection, subsequent tick stages were shown to be infected (confirming transstadial and transovarial transmissions) and were able to transmit R. rickettsii to uninfected animals, as demonstrated by serological and molecular analyses. However, the larval, nymphal and adult stages of A. cajennense were shown to be partially refractory to R. rickettsii infection, as in all cases, only part of the ticks became infected by this agent, after being exposed to rickettsemic animals. In addition, less than 50% of the infected engorged females transmitted rickettsiae transovarially, and when they did so, only part of the offspring became infected, indicating that vertical transmission alone is not enough to maintain R. rickettsii in A. cajennense for multiple generations. Finally, the R. rickettsii-infected tick groups had lower reproductive performance than the uninfected control group. Our results indicate that A. cajennense have a low efficiency to maintain R. rickettsii for successive generations, as R. rickettsii-infection rates should decline drastically throughout the successive tick generations.
The larval stage of Amblyomma oblongoguttatum Koch is redescribed using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Unfed larvae were obtained from a colony of A. oblongoguttatum originated from engorged females collected on domestic pigs from Monte Negro municipally (10 degrees 29'S, 63 degrees 32'W), State of Rondonia, Western Amazon, Brazil. Several characters are presented including the chaetotaxy of the idiosoma, palpi and Haller's organ, as well as morphological features of the idiosoma, gnathosoma and legs. In addition, the porotaxy (topographical and numerical patterns of integumentary structures) were presented by using a new nomenclature recently proposed. The chaetotaxy of the larvae of A. oblongoguttatum, in general, is similar to other Neotropical Amblyomma species. Three types of integumentary structures were observed on the idiosoma: lyrifissures, small glands, and large wax glands. Topographic and numerical patterns of the integumentary structures consisted of 5 pairs of large wax glands (1 dorsal/4 ventral), 24 pairs of lyrifissures (11 dorsal/13 ventral), and 49 pairs of small glands (28 dorsal/21 ventral). These topographic and numerical patterns found for A. oblongoguttatum show only minor differences when compared with patterns of other Amblyomma larvae, however, a few key features can be used for identification of these species.
Amazonian birds were caught and examined for the presence of ectoparasites in the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve near Iquitos, Peru, from 13 to 16 August 2011. A total of 40 birds representing 16 species were examined. Two birds (5%) were infested with 2 larvae of Amblyomma varium Koch, 1844, and one nymph of A. calcaratum Neumann, 1899. The 2 larvae of A. varium were infected with Rickettsia bellii. This is the first report of R. bellii in A. varium and also the first record of this rickettsia in Peru. In addition, an immature A. calcaratum is reported from Peru for the first time. (c) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
As ticks spend most of their time off-host, the environment is a major selective force of these parasites. In fact, human impact on landscapes has favored a minority of tick species which became well-known pests. However, this is an ongoing process and novel pests may arise. We herein report a surrogate life cycle of a neotropical tick species. Amblyomma ovate, and which may be related to an increased risk of human rickettsiosis. Under natural conditions, adults of this tick species feed on carnivores and exhibit non-nidicolous ambush behavior, whereas larvae and nymphs feed on small rodents and birds. In an anthropized spot within an Atlantic rainforest reserve of Brazil, an A. ovate population exhibited a nidicolous behavior with all 3 tick stages feeding on the dog. This dog's infestation was outstandingly high, and it displayed the highest anti-Rickettsia titers and harbored Rickettsia-infected ticks. (c) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Oocyte maturation in the thelytokous parthenogenetic tick Amblyomma rotundatum was examined for the first time using light and scanning electron microscopy. The panoistic ovary lacks nurse and follicular cells and is a single continuous tubular structure forming a lumen delimited by the ovarian wall. Oocytes of tick species are usually classified according to cytoplasm appearance, the presence of germinal vesicle, the presence of yolk granules, and the chorion. However, for this species, we also use oocyte size as an auxiliary tool since most oocytes were in stages I-Ill and were histologically very similar. Oocytes were classified into five development stages, and specific characteristics were observed: mature oocytes with thin chorion, pedicel cells arranged forming an epithelium with two Or more oocytes attached by the same structure, and a large number of oocytes in the process of reabsorption. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
During November 2010, three ticks were collected from three dogs living in the rural area of Arica, northern Chile. Morphological analyses of the ticks in the laboratory revealed that they were most similar to Amblyomma maculatum Koch and Amblyomma triste Koch. However, because of unique metatarsal spurs, neither of the Chilean specimens could be assigned with certainty to A. maculatum or A. triste, based on external morphology. The mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene partial sequences obtained from two Chilean specimens were 99.5% identical to A. triste from Uruguay, and 99.0% identical to A. maculatum from the United States. Through phylogenetic analysis inferred from partial 16S rRNA sequences, the Chilean specimens were classified as A. triste. Molecular analyses also showed that one of the three Chilean ticks was infected by Candidatus 'Rickettsia andeanae'. These findings extend the geographical distribution of A. triste to Chile, where no tick-associated rickettsia had been reported previously.
We investigated the Amblyomma fuscum load on a pullulating wild rodent population and the environmental and biological factors influencing the tick load on the hosts. One hundred and three individuals of Thrichomys laurentius were caught in an Atlantic forest fragment in northeastern Brazil, as part of a longitudinal survey on ticks infesting non-volant small mammals. Ticks (n = 342) were found on 45 individuals and the overall mean intensity of infestation was 7.6 ticks per infested rodent. Ticks were highly aggregated in the host population and the negative binomial distribution model provides a statistically satisfactory fit. The aggregated distribution was influenced by sex and age of the host. The microhabitat preference by T. laurentius probably increases contact opportunities between hosts and aggregated infesting stages of the ticks and represents important clues about the habitat suitability for A. fuscum.
This study evaluated for the first time the life cycle of Amblyomma ovale in the laboratory. For this purpose, larvae and nymphs were exposed to Gallus gallus (chickens), Cavia porcellus (guinea pigs), Rattus norvegicus (wistar rats), Oryctolagus cuniculus (domestic rabbits), Calomys callosus (vesper mouse), and Didelphis albiventris (white-eared opossum). Nymphs were also exposed to Nectomys squamipes (South American water rat). Adult ticks were fed on dogs. The life-cycle of A. ovale in laboratory could be completed in an average period of ca. 190 days, considering prefeeding periods of 30 days for each of the parasitic stages. Vesper mice were the most suitable host for A. ovale larvae, whereas water rats were the most suitable host for A. ovale nymphs. Our results, coupled with literature data, strongly indicate that small rodents have an important role in the life history of A. ovale. Chickens (the only avian host used in the present study) showed to be moderately suitable hosts for subadult A. ovale ticks, indicating that wild birds might have a secondary role in the life history of A. ovale. Domestic dogs showed to be highly suitable for the adult stage of A. ovale, in agreement with literature data that indicate that the domestic dog is currently one of the most important hosts of A. ovale adult ticks in Latin America.
Cryptosporidium parvum infection is very important with respect to public health, owing to foodborne and waterborne outbreaks and gastrointestinal illness in immunocompetent and immunocompromised persons. In cattle, infection with this species manifests either as a subclinical disease or with diarrheal illness, which occurs more often in the presence of other infectious agents than when alone. The aim of this study was to develop a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for the detection of C. parvum in calf fecal samples and to compare the results of this assay with those of the method routinely used for the diagnosis of Cryptosporidium spp., nested PCR targeting the 18S rRNA gene. Two hundred and nine fecal samples from calves ranging in age from 1 day to 6 months were examined using real-time PCR specific for the actin gene of C. parvum and by a nested PCR targeting the 18S rRNA gene of Cryptosporidium spp. Using real-time PCR detection, 73.2% (153 out of 209) of the samples were positive for C. parvum, while 56.5% (118 out of 209) of the samples were positive for Cryptosporidium spp. when the nested PCR amplification method was used for the detection. The analytical sensitivity of the real-time PCR was approximately one C. parvum oocyst. There was no significant nonspecific DNA amplification of any of the following species and genotype: Cryptosporidium andersoni, Cryptosporidium baileyi, Cryptosporidium bovis, Cryptosporidium canis, Cryptosporidium galli, Cryptosporidium ryanae, Cryptosporidium serpentis, or avian genotype II. Thus, we conclude that real-time PCR targeting the actin gene is a sensitive and specific method for the detection of C. parvum in calf fecal samples.
Four Amblyomma sabanerae ticks collected from a turtle (Kinosternon sp.) in San Miguel, El Salvador, were found by molecular analysis to be infected by Rickettsia bellii. We provide the first report of Rickettsia bellii in Central America, and the first report of a Rickettsia species in El Salvador.