985 resultados para Amazon River basin
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Distribution and seasonal dynamics of freshwater Rhodophyta were investigated in the Preto River basin, located in northwestern São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. Twenty-two sites were sampled, six monthly during one year, four bimonthly during two years, and 12 twice (hot-rainy and cool-dry seasons) during the study period (May 1989 through March 1991). Red algal representatives were found in 19 sites (86.4%). Four species occurred in the basin with varying frequencies: Batrachospermum delicatulum (54.5%), Compsopogon coeruleus (36.4%), B. bicudoi (13.6%) and B. virgatum (4.5%). In addition, 'Chantransia' stage of the batrachospermalean species was found in 17 sites (77.3%). B. bicudoi, B. virgatum and C. coeruleus occurred only in large stream segments (greater-than-or-equal-to 3-order), generally in the main river, whereas B. delicatulum was more frequent in small streams (less-than-or-equal-to 3-order). The stream variables most closely related to the species distribution in the basin were specific conductance, pH and oxygen. B. bicudoi and B. delicatulum showed a marked seasonality: gametophytes were observed from late fall to early spring, while the 'Chantransia' stage generally occurred throughout the year. C. coeruleus was observed throughout the year in most sites, but the populations were generally more abundant from late fall to early spring. The combination of lower temperature and reduced turbidity resulting in increased illumination to the benthic algae during the dry winter months promotes the gametophytic growth of the batrachospermalean species, whereas current velocity was found to be the most influential stream variable for C. coeruleus. The persistance of the 'Chantransia' stage throughout the year as well as its tolerance to wider environmental conditions are key factors in the efficiency of the batrachospermalean life history strategy in lotic ecosystems.
Activity profiles of excess Pb-210 measured in four sediment cores from the Corumbatai River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, provided an opportunity to evaluate sedimentation rates that are helpful for defining appropriate management strategies for the hydrological resources in the basin. This is because Rio Claro city and other municipalities make extensive use of surface waters for drinking water supply. The radiochemical analysis of the sediment cores yielded apparent sediment mass accumulation rates of between 406 and 1014 mg cm(-2) year(-1) for secondary drainage lines, whereas an intermediate value of 546 mg cm(-2) year(-1) was found in the Corumbatai River, the main drainage system of the studied area. These values provided estimates of average linear sedimentation rates of between 3.1 and 16.2 mm year(-1) that are compatible with field evidence, with the highest value corresponding with an area characterized by accumulation of sediment.
The population structure of 147 marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) from three areas in the Parana River basin, Brazil, was studied by observing protein polymorphism at 17 loci. Six loci were polymorphic and 11 monomorphic. The proportion of polymorphic loci (P) was 35.29% and the average heterozygosity (H) was 6.31%. Wright's F-ST indicated that only 4.9% of the total variation in allelic frequencies was due to genetic differences between the three groups. The high value of F-IS (0.246) indicated inbreeding in the marsh deer. Genetic distance values (D = 0.014-0.051) showed little divergence between the three areas. We suggest that probable mechanisms accounting for the genetic structure are female phylopatry and polygyny and also that inbreeding has resulted from decreasing areas of wetland leading to isolation, overhunting, and diseases transmitted by cattle.
Macroalgal seasonality was analyzed in nine stream segments of the Preto River basin: five of these were sampled monthly for one year and four bimonthly during two years. Seasonal variation of macroalgae was correlated with stream variables (temperature, current velocity, specific conductance, turbidity, surface light, pH and oxygen). Multiple linear regression was applied to evaluate the macroalgal seasonal variability determined by a combination of temperature, current velocity and turbidity, the most influential environmental parameters on macroalgal seasonality. Most species revealed a clear seasonal trend, such that late fall through early spring was the period with highest macroalgal abundance in most sites. Temperature, current velocity and turbidity account for 24 to 83 % of macroalgal species number variation and 24 to 79 % of macroalgal abundance in the basin. The results suggest that the seasonal flow determined by the precipitation regime associated with turbidity and temperature were the major factors influencing the seasonal dynamics of macroalgal communities. The highest values of macroalgal species number and abundance were found under cooler temperatures, lower current velocities and lower values of turbidity.
Activity profiles of excess Pb-210 combined with chemical data determined in two sediment cores from Corumbatai River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, provided new insights into the reconstruction of historical inputs of anthropogenic constituents, contributing to improving management strategies of the hydrological resources in the basin since most of the municipalities extensively utilize the waters of Corumbatai River and tributaries for drinking purposes, among other uses. Excellent significant relationships between loss on ignition (LOI) and organic matter were found for sediments of both analyzed profiles. Silica was found to be inversely related to organic matter at both analyzed profiles: its decrease accompanied an increase in the specific surface of the sediments. This relationship was confirmed by a great number of inverse significant correlations among silica and oxides Na2O, K2O, CaO, MgO, Al2O3, P2O5, Fe2O3, MnO, and TiO2. It was possible to identify the role of organic matter on adsorption of several oxides/elements in the core sediments profiles. Apparent sediment mass accumulation rates corresponding to 224 and 802 mg cm(-2) year(-1) were obtained, and are compatible with field evidence, indicating a higher value associated with sand mining activities interfering with the natural/normal sedimentation process, due to modifications of the channel drainage.
To investigate the feeding habit of Macrobrachium amazonicum, three experiments were carried out assessing the stage at which larvae start exogenous feeding, the acceptance of inert food by different larval stages and the ratio between live and inert diet ingested by larvae at each larval stage. In the first experiment, newly hatched larvae were kept in 500-mL beakers and fed from stages I, II or III onward. Larval survival was not affected by the larval stage at which exogenous feeding started, but mean weight gain was lower when food was offered from stage III onward. In the second experiment, 60 larvae from each stage (I to IX) were fasted for 2 h and then fed on inert diet in excess. Only larvae from stage IV onward accepted this inert diet. In the last experiment, newly hatched larvae were stocked in a larviculture tank and fed daily on both Artemia nauplii and inert diet. After 15 min, food content in the digestive tract of individual larvae was analyzed under stereomicroscopy. Larvae in stage I did not feed, while live food was accepted from stage II onward and inert food from stage III onward. Larvae in stages IV, V and VI accepted both foods with no preference, while inert food was predominant in stages VII to IX In conclusion, to feed M amazonicum larvae on Artemia before stage II or on inert diet before stage IV is unnecessary. It increases production costs and may impair water quality. From stages IV to VI, feeding on Artemia and inert diet is probably necessary, while inert diet should be the main food item from stage VII onward. This schedule may optimize feeding management and production costs. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All lights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The Tatui river hydrographic basin locates in low Sorocaba river basin in São Paulo state, Brazil. A relatively high diversity of fish species was noticed at that place, whose habitats are also presumed to be diversified. The Tatui river is an important tributary of Sorocaba river, with great number of smaller streams and marginal lagoons. Fishes were collected using gill-nets, purse seines, sieves and traps, line and hook, every month during one year (from May 2009 to April 2010). Fish species were 51, including seven orders and 18 families. Characiformes and Siluriformes were the most represented with respectively 26 and 14 species.
A study of the characteristics and distribution of the soil humus fractions in representative ecosystems of central Brazil was carried out with special emphasis on the comparison between the soils under virgin vegetation-Cerrado-and those subjected to cultivation. In spite of the contrasted vegetation and cultural practices in the sites studied, the soil humus showed analogous characteristics: there was a negligible amount of plant residues, the humic and fulvic acids amounted to approximately 70% of the total organic carbon, and about 40% of these humic substances were in extremely stable association with the soil mineral fraction, the HCl-HF treatment being required for their extraction. The stability of such organo-mineral complexes increased slightly in the cultured sites. The study of the humic acid fraction showed increased oxidation and aromaticity in most of the cultivated sites: the lowest values for the IR alkyl vibrations and H/C atomic ratios and the highest ones for the optical density at 465 nm were observed in sites transformed into orchards, whereas the above changes were small in those used as pasture. The 14C NMR spectra confirmed that the proportion of polyalkyl structures decreased in the humic acids of soils subjected to cultivation, as opposed to that of carboxyl groups. In spite of the high stability inferred for the organic matter throughout the wide area examined, the samples from the original Cerrado as well as from those transformed into pastures showed, in laboratory conditions, higher mineralization rates than those from the sites subjected to cultivation. This is partly attributed to the decreased proportions of extractable humic substances in the latter. © 1992.
Fork length measurements of individuals of Brycon microlepis landed and commercialized at the Porto Market in Cuiabá, MT, from May-October 1996 to May-October 1997 were used to estimate growth and mortality parameters for this species. The average estimated populational parameters were: L∞_ = 705 mm, k = 0.275 year -1, C = 0.775, WP = 0.465, Lc = 164 mm, M = 0.585 year -1, Z = 0.822 year -1, with F = 0.237 year -1. Yield per recruit analysis suggests that the stock is not yet overexploited.