856 resultados para Almeida Garrett, João Baptista da Silva Leitão de Almeida Garrett, Visconde de, 1799-1854.


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The leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 is the most harmful of the Eucalyptus pests, causing severe losses in wood production through defoliation. Various strategies have been tried and effort spent on the development of methods to control this pest, however no practical and environmentally acceptable one currently exists. In this work the chemical composition of the essential oil of seven Eucalyptus species was identified and the selectivity and sensitivity of antennal receptors of A. sexdens rubropilosa workers to the volatile compounds were determined using the electroantennographic technique (EAG and GC-EAD). Analysis by GC-EAD showed in E. cloesiana and E. maculata, respectively, seventeen and sixteen terpenes that elicited responses in ant workers' antennae, indicating the potential role of the essential oils as allelochemicals that determine the choice of the foraging material. © 2006 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung.


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The objective of this research was to study the effects of five different treatments of grass (Brachiaria decumbens) straw mulch on common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): 0% (0 t.ha-1), 25% (2,25 t.ha-1), 50% (4,5 t.ha-1), 75% (6,75 t. ha-1) and 100% (9,0 t/ha) designed by randomized blocks, with four replicates. The irrigation was applied when minimum soil water potential were reached about - 30kPa. The water management based on tensiometers and soil water characteristic curve. A microsprinkler irrigation system was used. The experiment was set up at the Experimental Station of Embrapa Rice and Bean (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária Arroz e Feijão) at Santo Antonio de Goiás, Brazil, in a Dark - Red Latosol soil. The results showed: the bean yield and his components were not affected by treatments, except grain number/pod,. The mulch increased the water use efficiency and, consequently, decreased the number of irrigations when the mulch reached more than 50% straw mulch. The treatment with 100% of mulching presented the largest leaf area index and dry matter accumulation was not affected by mulching.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the morphological and histological characteristics of eggs from six triatomine species in order to obtain a generic and specific characterization of this group of Trypanosoma cruzi vectors and better understand their phylogenetic and taxonomic aspects. The eggs of the respective species came from the collection of the Laboratório de Triatomíneos e Culicídeos da Faculdade de Saúde Pública/USP, from the Insetário do Serviço Especial de Saúde de Araraquara - SESA and from the Triatomine insectary of the Laboratório Nacional e Internacional de Referência em Taxonomia de Triatomíneos (FIOCRUZ), in Rio de Janeiro. Morphological studies were done with optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Histological analyses used only optical microscopy. All of the species analyzed showed a predominance of hexagonal cells. The exchorion of Triatoma breyeri Del Ponte, T. costalimai Verano & Galvão, and T. tibiamaculata (Pinto) consists of unornamented cells, overlapping or slightly separated, with a smooth, padded appearance. Meanwhile, in T. matogrossensis Leite & Barbosa, T. sherlocki Papa, Juberg, Carcavallo, Cerqueira & Barata, and T. williami Galvão, Souza & Lima, the exchorion cells are ornamented on their entire surface with perforations and fissures. Egg histology showed undulations, pores, and orifices. The study helps to expand the generic and specific knowledge of the Triatominae subfamily. The characteristics identified in the exchorion of the eggshells can help separate close species. These new parameters will back the elaboration of future dichotomous keys, help to determine each vector species' role and expand knowledge of the various species.


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The objective of this research was to study three methods of parameter determination for irrigation control under different tensions in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The treatments were a combination of three methods of parameter determination for irrigation control (tensiometer, water retention curve, USWB Class A pan) with three soil water tensions (1:-30 kPa; 2:-60, kPa both for the whole plant cycle; 3:-60 kPa for the vegetative phase and -30 kPa for the reproductive phase). The experimental design was randomized blocks, factorial 32 with three replicates. Although no significant effect on water use efficiency was found, a tendency for increasing water use efficiency in treatments with tensions of -60 kPa at the vegetative phase and -30 kPa at the reproductive phase was observed in all methods of parameter determination for irrigation control. Water was saved as less irrigation was applied during the vegetative phase and more irrigation at the reproductive phase. No precipitation was observed from June to September 1995, leading to a high yield and therefore to a higher water use efficiency.


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Thirty-six castrated males and females Landrace x Large-White pigs (74 to 149 days of age) were randomly allotted to two environmental conditions: high temperature in a climatic chamber (HT; 22.2 to 32.8 °C) and comfort temperature in a conventional shed (CT; 17.6 to 26.6 °C), with night-and-day variations. Blood samples were weekly collected from animals of both HT and CT conditions for determination of serum cortisol levels. Cortisol levels of both sexes were not different, and there was no interaction with environmental temperature. Pigs of HT showed significantly higher average cortisol level (P<0.01) than the CT ones (7.06 and 4.82 mg/dL, respectively). Increasing in serum cortisol was continuous and linear (P<0.05) during the experimental period, suggesting the cortisol as a possible indicator of the heat stress in growing-finishing pigs.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate intake behavior of lambs in pasture systems: (1) lambs kept with their dams in ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) without supplementation; (2) lambs kept with their dams in the same pasture but supplemented in creep feeding; (3) lambs kept with their dams in the same pasture but supplemented in creep grazing with white clover. Three evaluations of intake behavior were performed to check the activities carried out by animals (grazing, rumination, suckling and other activities). Grazing, rumination and other activities times were different (p < 0.05) for non-supplemented lambs. For these lambs, grazing and rumination times were longer than other activities time compared to other systems. Creep feeding reduced grazing time (p < 0.05), probably due to easy access and quality of concentrate. Lambs in creep grazing had reduced (p < 0.05) rumination time. Bite mass in creep grazing was higher (p < 0.05), probably due to easy harvesting of leaves by lambs. It was concluded that the production system affects feeding strategy of lambs and the preference for legumes suggests the use of creep grazing for finishing lambs.


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The phytochemical study of Virola sebifera leaves led to the isolation of three lignans: (+)-sesamin, (-)-hinokinin, and (-)-kusunokinin and three flavonoids: quercetin-3-O - L-rhamnoside, quercetin-3-O - D-glucoside, and quercetin-3-methoxy-7-O - D-glucoside by using techniques as high-speed counter-current chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. The crude extracts, fractions, and isolated compounds were evaluated for their insecticidal and fungicidal potential against Atta sexdens rubropilosa and its symbiotic fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus. The bioassay results showed a high insecticidal activity for the methanol crude extract of the leaves of V. sebifera and its n-hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions. The fungicidal bioassay revealed high toxicity of the lignans against L. gongylophorus. © 2012 Keylla Utherdyany Bicalho et al.


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Odontogenics tumors are uncommon in the dog. Ameloblastoma is considered a benign, aggressive and non-inductive odontogenic neoplasia commonly located in the incisor teeth. Its conclusive diagnosis is obtained by histopathological examination. Due to the expansive nature of this neoplasia, its resection needs to have an adequate surgical margin so it will have excellent prognostics. A canine, male, Pekingese, 8 years old had an increased volume in the rostral region of the mandible, adhered, consistency moderately firm. Radiography revealed extensive mandibular bone lysis caused by the neoplasia. Biopsy identified the tumor as ameloblastoma. Combining data from the clinical, radiographic and histopatological study and after explain to the owner regarding the postoperative esthetic it was held a bilateral rostral mandibulectomy. The fragment removed was assessed radiographically and histopathologically for evidence of tumor at its edges. The patient is active and healthy without evidence of metastasis or recurrence. The radiographic and histopathologic evaluation of edges of the fragment showed no tumor evidence. The patient is active and healthy without evidence of metastasis or recurrence since January 2010 when mandibulectomy was performed.


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Objective: To evaluate the correlations between clinical-radiographical aspects and histomorphometric-molecular parameters of endosseous dental implant sites in humans. Material and methods: The study sample consisted of bone implant sites from the jawbones of 32 volunteers, which were classified according to two different systems: (1) based only on periapical and panoramic images (PP); (2) as proposed by Lekholm & Zarb (L&Z). Bone biopsies were removed using trephine during the first drilling for implant placement. Samples were stained with haematoxylin-eosin (HE), and histomorphometric analysis was performed to obtain the following parameters: trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), trabecular number, bone volume density (BV/TV), bone specific surface (BS/BV), bone surface density and trabecular separation (Tb.Sp). In addition, immunohistochemistry analysis was performed on bone tissue samples for the proteins, Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B (RANK), RANK ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG) and Osteocalcin (OC). Also, the determination of the relative levels of gene expression was performed using Reverse transcription-real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Results: PP and L&Z classification systems revealed a moderate correlation with BV/TV, BS/BV, Tb.Th and Tb.Sp. L&Z's system identified differences among bone types when BV/TV, BS/BV, Tb.Th and Tb.Sp were compared. A weak correlation between PP/L&Z classifications and the expression of bone metabolism regulators (RANK, RANKL, OPG e OC) was found. The analysis of mRNA expression showed no difference between the bone types evaluated. Conclusions: Our results suggest that PP and L&Z subjective bone-type classification systems are related to histomorphometric aspects. These data may contribute to the validation of these classifications. Bone remodelling regulatory molecules do not seem to influence morphological aspects of the jawbone © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente documento atualiza os dados que revelam o perfil atual do ensino fundamental e médio no Brasil, re-visitando os bancos de dados de instituições oficiais (INEP e IBGE). Nós encontramos coincidências suspeitas que relacionam concentração de renda e abstinência educacional, como combustíveis que realimentam o ciclo da miséria em nosso país. Aspectos qualitativos da escola brasileira também foram levantados para que pudéssemos compreender as dificuldades do fazer educacional no Brasil e acenar com possibilidades concretas de mudança. Nós também investigamos, através da metodologia de estudo de caso, dois cursos de férias para implementar e avaliar a Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (ABP). As aulas foram direcionadas a professores e alunos do Ensino Médio. Através da observação direta e de inferências obtidas a partir de questionários aplicados a alunos e professores, antes e depois de cada um dos cursos (em 2004 e 2005), mediu-se o impacto da ABP sobre alunos e professores. Os resultados revelaram várias dificuldades e perplexidades demonstradas por professores e alunos, tais como a dificuldade em relacionar experimentos e conteúdos dos livros didáticos, a abstinência quase completa em experimentação e sua relação com o Método Científico, dificuldades de discernir entre hipótese e fato, etc. A Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas foi aceita por todos (estudantes e professores) como uma possível maneira de mudar as aulas de Ciências e a Biologia. Contudo, sua ampla disseminação vai exigir capacitação em larga escala, gestão e liderança para iniciar o processo de mudança, aumentos de salários, e melhor infra-estrutura das escolas para experimentação. Utilizando metodologias semelhantes à ABP, como alternativa para capacitação, as universidades que desenvolvem atividades de pesquisa precisam ser diretamente envolvidas no processo através de fomento dirigido para a renovação. Um pacto educacional precisa ser construído para reformar o fazer educacional, e essa ação deve incluir Administradores e Professores das escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, Secretários de Educação (do Estado e do Município), Governos de Estado e do Município, Ministérios da Educação e da Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidades e Agências de Fomento para que o esforço possa ganhar dimensões nacionais.


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Aborda a vida de um segmento social da Amazônia, historicamente chamado de ribeirinho, algumas vezes interpretado como isolado, atrasado e fadado ao desaparecimento. A abordagem da pesquisa privilegia a experiência sócio-ambiental concreta de um pequeno agrupamento social, na área insular do Município de Belém. A análise da relação entre a consciência temporal e a realização das práticas produtivas, na perspectiva das Ciências Sociais, a partir de um trabalho de campo de natureza qualitativa, norteou o percurso desse estudo. Os resultados da pesquisa dimensionam a necessidade de superação das análises simplistas, homogeneizantes e dicotômicas, e a construção de uma abordagem complexa que permita a percepção da coexistência, da tensão, do antagonismo, do conflito e da complementaridade, simultaneamente entre os vários tempos. Este segmento social garante sua reprodução nas franjas dos processos econômicos dominantes, a partir de uma estratégia que combina a vivência no cruzamento do tempo ecológico com o tempo mecânico, do tempo tradicional com o tempo moderno, da produção destinada ao auto-consumo com a produção destinada à comercialização, contrariando as teorias que prevêem seu desaparecimento.


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Este trabalho consiste na solução híbrida da Equação de Advecção-dispersão de solutos unidimensional em meios porosos homogêneos ou heterogêneos, para um único componente, com coeficientes de retardo, dispersão, velocidade média, decaimento e produção dependentes da distância percorrida pelo soluto. Serão estudados os casos de dispersão-advecção em que o retardamento, dispersão, velocidade do fluxo, decaimento e produção variem de forma linear enquanto a dispersividade assuma os modelos linear, parabólico ou exponencial. Para a solução da equação foi aplicada a Técnica da Transformada Integral Generalizada. Os resultados obtidos nesta dissertação demonstram boa concordância entre os problemas-exemplo e suas soluções numéricas ou analíticas contidas na literatura e apontam uma melhor adequação no uso de modelos parabólico no estudo da advecção-dispersão em curto intervalo de tempo, enquanto que o modelo linear converge mais rapidamente em tempos prolongados de simulação. A convergência da série mostrou-se ter dependência direta quanto ao comprimento do domínio, ao modelo de dispersão e da dispersividade adotada, convergindo com até 60 termos, podendo chegar a NT = 170, para os casos heterogêneos, utilizando o modelo de dispersão exponencial, respeitando o critério adotado de 10-4.


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Os dados da National Youth Sports Safety Foundation – NYSSY (2002) – entidade de pesquisa americana ligada aos estudos e a prevenção de traumas esportivos informaram que há 10% de probabilidade dos atletas sofrerem injúrias traumáticas durante uma temporada esportiva, recaindo isso não só no problema físico mas também no econômico, bastante representativo para os clubes. As lesões causadas por traumas em dentes e tecidos adjacentes podem levar à fraturas coronárias ou mesmo até, a perda do elemento dental. Este trabalho observacional, transversal descritivo, baseia-se na diversidade de opiniões com relação ao uso de protetores bucais e sua importância como fator de proteção para os tecidos bucais durante a prática esportiva. Assim sendo, nossa metodologia envolveu inquérito por meio de questionário aplicado à atletas praticantes de boxe. Como critério de inclusão, utilizamos o atleta estar praticando o esporte escolhido. Como critério de exclusão, utilizamos o atleta ter sofrido qualquer injúria traumática com repercussão dento-facial anterior que não seja por prática de boxe, assim como aqueles que tivessem história de hábito parafuncional. Foram entrevistados e examinados 50 atletas sendo que 3 eram do gênero feminino e 47 do masculino, e 46% pertenciam a faixa etária entre 18/26 anos. Entre os atletas, 24% iniciaram a prática do boxe quando adultos. Os resultados coletados por meio dos questionários, foram submetidos à tratamento estatístico utilizando-se o Teste do Qui-Quadrado, em nível de significância de p<0,05, e demonstraram que o índice de traumas dento-faciais quando o protetor bucal está sendo utilizado é de 10%, comprovando assim que, de acordo com a amostra analisada, o protetor bucal é um mecanismo de proteção efetivo, principalmente quanto aos traumas dentais durante a prática do boxe.