639 resultados para Almanacs, Austrian.
Austrian pine (Pinus nigra) and certain other species of pine disorder : Dothistroma needle blight /
"April 1974"
Mode of access: Internet.
W. G. Sebald’s special interest in marginal authors shaped his critical perception of Austrian postwar writers. Focusing on his critical writings on Herbert Achternbusch and the schizophrenic poet Ernst Herbeck—considered by Sebald as paradigms of a disregarded, “minor” form of literature—this essay demonstrates how on the one hand Sebald placed their texts within an anthropological context of an “untamed thinking” (pensée sauvage) and how on the other he sought to reverse the standard practice of evaluating the literary value of “minor” writers from the perspective of established authors. As this critical approach indirectly suggests, literary criticism needs to adopt a “minor” stance to be truly able to unlock the meaning of normally marginalised texts.
A kameralizmus a 16-18. századi német gyakorlati államtudomány és egyetemi tantárgy volt, amely összefoglalta a hivatalnokok képzéséhez szükséges elméleti és gyakorlati gazdasági ismereteket. Felfogása szerint az alattvalók jóléte és boldogsága feltétele az uralkodó gazdagságának, de az alattvalók önmaguktól nem képesek utat találni ehhez a boldogsághoz, szükség van az állandó külső irányításra. Igazgatásközpontúsága és egyetemi intézményesülése miatt nem tekinthető a merkantilizmus helyi változatának. Az 1840 és 1945 közötti német történeti iskola hagyományos ábrázolása több mint egy évszázadon át a német és a neoklasszikus tradíció szembenállását hangsúlyozta, kiemelve az organicizmus, a fejlődésgondolat és az egyediség jelentőségét, a szociális kérdés fontosságát, illetve a deduktív módszer és a gazdaság változatlan törvényeinek tagadását. A modern rekonstrukciók a történeti iskolát a posztklasszikus válságra adott egyik európai válaszként fogják fel, amely a történelemből levont, empirikusan megalapozott induktív alternatívát kínált. Az 1871-től kialakult osztrák iskola a neoklasszikus paradigmának egyszerre volt alkotórésze és versenytársa. A módszertani individualizmus, a szubjektivizmus, az idő fontossága, a tudás szerepe, az alternatív költségek elmélete stb. ugyan beépültek a mainstream közgazdaságtanba, de hangsúlyos kiemelésük lehetővé tette, hogy a társadalomelméleti magyarázat igényét őrző osztrák iskola megtartson valamit önálló beszédmódjából. / === / Cameralism was a practical political science and university subject in 16th–18th century Germany, summarizing the theoretical and practical economic knowledge required in the training of officials. The assumption was that the prosperity of the ruler depended on the welfare and happiness of the subjects, but the subjects themselves were not capable of achieving this happiness without permanent directions from above. Cameralism’s emphasis on administration and university institutionalization means that this approach cannot be seen as a local variant of mercantilism. The traditional account of the German historical school from 1840 to 1945 emphasized for over a century the contrast between the German and the Neoclassical traditions. It underlined the significance of the organic approach, the concept of development and individuality, the importance of the social question, and the denial of the deductive method and unalterable laws of the economy. Modern reconstructions see the historical school as one European response to the post-Classical crisis, offering an inductive alternative grounded empirically on history. The Austrian school formed in 1871 was at once a constituent of the Neoclassical paradigm and a rival to it. Methodological individualism, subjectivism, the importance of time, the role of knowledge, the theory of alternative costs etc. were absorbed into mainstream economics, but the focusing on these issues allowed the Austrian school, in keeping alive its demand for a social-theoretical explanation, to preserve something of an alternative discourse.
Thee 2016 Austrian presidential election saw a run-o between the Green party candidate Alexander Van der Bellen and the Freedom Party of Austria’s (FPÖ) far-right candidate Norbert Hofer. This paper asks: How did voters of Hofer express their support on Facebook? It presents the results of a qualitative ideology analysis of 6755 comments about the presidential election posted on the Facebook pages of FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache and FPÖ candidate Hofer. The results reveal insights into the contemporary political role of the online leadership ideology, online nationalism, new racism online, the friend/enemy-scheme online, and online militancy. Right-wing extremism 2.0 is a complex problem that stands in the context of contemporary crises and demagoguery.
Democratic innovations face the challenge of realizing deliberative democratic ideals in the context of structural inequality. Consensus decision making and expertise have been said to have exclusive effects on marginalized groups like women and ethnic and sexual minorities, which obstructs diversity. Wisdom Councils as practiced in Austria attempt to counter inequalities by including marginalized groups through the moderation technique dynamic facilitation. Exploratory participatory observations and interviews with a moderator and the participants of two Wisdom Councils in Austria provide a deeper understanding of the inclusive processes at work in Wisdom Councils facilitating a productive combination of consensus and diversity.
Are you ready for a tender project? – Analysis of organisational project management maturity in the Austrian- Hungarian border region. Since the 1990s the European Union has paid more and more attention to subsidising cross-border development. It is understandable that different funding from proposal sources is particularly important for the border area, especially to those of utmost importance that support co-operation and rural development. Therefore, they could become a driving force for development. The authors’ research analyses the organisational project management maturity of the projects implemented in the frame of the Austria-Hungary Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 (AT-HU). Analysing this kind of organisation is an important issue, since the new call for proposals are open in 2016 and the results of this study may provide a self-evaluation opportunity to organisations that need to know if they are ready or mature enough for a new tender project. The aim of this study was twofold. First of all, those indicators that could be used to analyse the project management maturity of implementing organisations in the AT-HU programme were identified. Based on the empirical research these are the project experience accumulated by the organisation, the internal processes operating at the institution and the professional background. Secondly, factors that can affect this project management maturity were explored and we determined five influencing area: the organisational structure, culture, project managers motivation and the typical and important competences.
This paper is a summary of a PhD thesis proposal. It will explore how the Web 2.0 platform could be applied to enable and facilitate the large-scale participation, deliberation and collaboration of both governmental and non-governmental actors in an ICT supported policy process. The paper will introduce a new democratic theory and a Web 2.0 based e-democracy platform, and demonstrate how different actors would use the platform to develop and justify policy issues.