971 resultados para Allium cepa test


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Com o objetivo de estudar a viabilidade de produção de bulbinhos de cebola sob ambiente protegido em diferentes tipos de bandejas de poliestireno expandido foram instalados dois experimentos. No primeiro, trabalhando com a cultivar Serrana, foram avaliadas três tipos de bandejas com diferentes números de plantas por célula: uma planta/célula na bandeja de 288 células, três a cinco plantas/célula na de 128 e cinco a nove plantas/célula na de 72 células. No outro experimento, testaram-se nove cultivares, semeadas somente em bandejas de 128 células com três plantas por célula. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições no primeiro ensaio e cinco no segundo, sendo cada parcela constituída por uma bandeja. Observou-se que quanto maior a densidade de plantio menor o tamanho do bulbinho (diâmetro e peso). O manejo adequado de adubações em cobertura pode viabilizar, tecnicamente, a produção de cinco bulbinhos com 1,3 cm de diâmetro (2 g) por célula, na bandeja de 128 células. Quanto ao ensaio de cultivares, Crioula da Agroflora, Crioula da Granja Lotário e Houston apresentaram 83%, 67% e 81% de plantas bulbificadas, enquanto que nas demais ( Aurora , Baia Periforme , Brownsville , Petroline , Pira Ouro , Pirana e Serrana ) obteve-se 100% de bulbificação. As principais vantagens na produção de bulbinhos em bandeja foram: uniformidade, ausência de plantas daninhas e de patógenos. É um sistema que pode ser útil aos viveiristas que tem entressafra de mudas nos meses de agosto a novembro, período de produção dos bulbinhos. Poderá, também, ser uma alternativa na produção de bulbinhos para conserva, no controle de qualidade de lotes de sementes e em programas de melhoramento de cebola.


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Embora seja possível produzir cebola (Allium cepa) o ano inteiro no Brasil, a maioria dos cultivares nacionais apresentam bulbos com baixa qualidade, o que proporcionou grande importação de cebola da Argentina, do tipo Valenciana, que não bulbifica no Brasil, mas que agradou os consumidores brasileiros. Para estudar o efeito da seleção para maturidade de bulbos baseada em progênies de meios irmãos obtidas do híbrido triplo intervarietal [Crioula x (Pira Ouro x Valenciana Sintética 14)] foram semeadas 17 progênies selecionadas para maturidade precoce e 25 para tardia, além da geração F1 e dos cultivares Pira Ouro (dias curtos), Crioula (intermediários) e Armada (dias longos), totalizando 46 tratamentos. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições de 32 plantas por parcela, cultivadas em bandejas de isopor. As progênies precoces apresentaram ciclo médio variando de 67 a 83 dias e as tardias de 85 a 103 dias. Na comparação da porcentagem de plantas improdutivas esta diferença também foi evidente, variando de 0,0% a 6,2% nas precoces e de 8,1% a 59,5% nas tardias. Os coeficientes de herdabilidades obtidos foram elevados, variando de 0,65 (porcentagem de plantas improdutivas, na seleção tardia) a 0,80 (peso médio de bulbo, na seleção precoce), sendo, em média, superiores na população selecionada para maturidade precoce. Foram obtidas progênies com peso de bulbo superior às testemunhas 'Pira Ouro' e 'Crioula' e com ciclo que não diferia destas. A seleção para maturidade foi altamente eficiente e a população selecionada para maturidade precoce apresenta grande potencial de originar cultivares adaptados, com produção e qualidade de bulbos superiores às disponíveis no mercado brasileiro.


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Objetivou-se, com o trabalho, avaliar alguns atributos de qualidade de diferentes genótipos de cebola (Allium cepa L.), cultivados em Mossoró-RN. O experimento foi realizado na horta experimental no Departamento de Ciências Vegetais da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA), em delineamento de blocos casualizados completos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelos genótipos de cebola CNPH 6415, CNPH 6047, CNPH 6244, CNPH 6400 Chata, CNPH 6400 Redonda, CPACT 1, CPACT 2, CPACT 3, Granex 429, Belém IPA 9, BRS Cascata, Crioula Alto Vale, Bola Precoce, Primavera, Régia, Valeouro IPA-11, Brisa e Alfa São Francisco. As características avaliadas foram teor de sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável, teor de vitamina C e teor de ácido pirúvico (pungência). Foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os genótipos para todas as características avaliadas. Os genótipos apresentaram uma variação significativa para todas as características avaliadas, confirmando dessa forma que o fator genético é determinante na caracterização de cada material. O teor de sólidos solúveis totais variou de 6,67 a 11,63 (º Brix), vitamina C de 22,7 a 46,81 (mg ácido ascórbico/100 ml de suco) e a acidez total titulável de 0,19 a 0,45 (% de ácido pirúvico). Os genótipos apresentaram pungência intermediária com variação de 5,0 a 12,73 (µmol/g), sendo os menos pungentes Granex 429, CNPH 6047, Régia, Primavera e Belém IPA 9.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The onion (Allium cepa L.) belongs to the family Alliaceae, and the second vegetables in economic importance. It horticultural culture of high relevance, in central-south and in the far south, is highlighting the states of São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Parana. The bulbificacion only begins when the combination of the determinants of bulbificacion (photoperiod and temperature) of each cultivar is reached. It Can be grown in tropical regions with the use of vernalization of the bulbs. The objective of this study is to identify the efficiency in the production of seed, onion depending on the cut or not the bulb before the period of vernalization. The analysis of the variables consisted: humidity; number of seeds; mass of seeds for umbel; umbels number; number of seeds for umbel; total number of flowers and of fecundated flowers; number of seeds for capsule; total mass of seeds; emergency percentage; vigor percentage; index of emergency speed and mass of 100 seeds humidity; number of seeds; mass of seeds for umbel; umbels number; number of seeds for umbel; total number of flowers and of fecundated flowers; number of seeds for capsule; total mass of seeds; emergency percentage; vigor percentage; index of emergency speed and mass of 100 seeds, using the cultivars Baia Periforme and Texas Grano. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replicates, there was 80 plants for replicate, each parcel was conduced with 20 plants distributed in 4 lines of 5 plants with spacing of 20cm between plants and lines which was avaliated the 6 central plants. The seeds production not variated between cultivars Texas Grano e Baia Periforme. The cultivar Texas Grano showed seeds with more physiological quality. The cut or not cut of the bulbs not changed the physiological quality of the seeds. But utilization of whole bulbs resulted more yield of seeds with more flowers number and fertilized flower in Baia Periforme, more value of the total mass of seeds, number of seeds by plant and number and mass of seed by umbel in two cultivars.


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The use of water or soil with a high salt concentration has been the main cause of failure in the yield of many crops. Consequently, this work aimed at evaluating the effects of different salinity levels and soil moisture on onion yield (cultivar Baia periforme). An experiment was conducted in a greenhouse of the Soil Science Department - FCA - UNESP, Botucatu, SP, in pots of 10 L. The soil was salinized with NaCl in order to increase the electrical condutivity of saturation extract of soil from 0.13 to 2; 4; 6 and 8 dS m-1. In each experimental unit 15.2 g of thermophosphate enriched by micronutrients and 1.5 L of organic matter were incorporated. The moisture treatments kept the soil within the limits of 25-50, 50-75 and 75-100 % of field capacity. The plant height the pseudostem diameter and yield of bulbs were evaluated. The results lead to the conclusion that the salinity reduced the vegetative growth and the yield of onion bulbs. Moisture treatment influenced both the diameter and weight of bulbs. The water consumption of the plants decreased with increassing soil salt concentration.


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Economically, onion is the third more important vegetable in Brazil. As a consequence of the increasing by use of new hybrid varieties, the nutritional management of the crop needs to be adequately known. This research was carried out in São José do Rio Pardo, São Paulo State, Brazil, from March 7 to August 8, 2004. The objective was to quantify, under field conditions, the accumulation of macronutrients by onion cultivars established by direct sowing. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with three replicates. The cultivars studied were Optima and Superex. Samples were taken at 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 and 150 days after sowing. With population of 354,000 plants ha -1 and productivity estimated in 64.8 t ha -1, 'Optima' extracted on 150 days after sowing: 78.77, 13.04, 75.77, 59.09, 11.70 and 24.38 kg ha -1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively, and 'Superex', for the same plant population, and productivity at 72 t ha -1, 64.68, 10.33, 68.28, 65.58, 13.03 and 24.74 kg ha -1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively. The Optima hybrid exported through its bulb about 49.17% of N, 60.60% of P, 61.16% of K, 41.15% of Ca, 43.56% of Mg, and 47.18 of S, the equivalent to 38.73, 7.90, 46.34, 24.32, 5.10 and 11.51 kg ha -1, respectively. The Superex hybrid exported through its bulb about 44.29% of N, 55.85% of P, 62.54% of K, 35.71% of Ca, 31.82% of Mg, and 48.80% of S, the equivalent to 28.65, 5.77, 42.70, 23.42, 4.15, and 12.07 kg ha -1, respectively.


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The addition of nutrients and/or soil bulking agents is used in bioremediation to increase microbial activity in contaminated soils. For this purpose, some studies have assessed the effectiveness of vinasse in the bioremediation of soils contaminated with petroleum waste. The present study was aimed at investigating the clastogenic/aneugenic potential of landfarming soil from a petroleum refinery before and after addition of sugar cane vinasse using the Allium cepa bioassay. Our results show that the addition of sugar cane vinasse to landfarming soil potentiates the clastogenic effects of the latter probably due the release of metals that were previously adsorbed into the organic matter. These metals may have interacted synergistically with petroleum hydrocarbons present in the landfarming soil treated with sugar cane vinasse. We recommend further tests to monitor the effects of sugar cane vinasse on soils contaminated with organic wastes. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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The Brazilian reservoirs have been under great anthropogenic pressure due to continued population growth, which in turn places great pressures on the environment. Given this issue, this study aimed to analyze the influence of land use on the quality and genotoxicity of water in the Itupararanga reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil. Water and sediment samples were analyzed for their quality, genotoxicity and benthic diversity, as well as their interrelationship with the landscape. The reservoir was found to be eutrophic in most sampling stations, and genetic al terations were found in radicular cells of exposed Allium cepa in some sampling stations, besides a low diversity of benthic organisms. Among the variables that most contributed to the genetic alterations and water quality are the presence of riparian vegetation, the bare soil and urban occupation. With the results obtained in this study it was concluded that the quality of water and sediment at the Itupararanga reservoir is compromised, requiring emergency managements to ensure the sustainability of water resources.


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Contaminant driven genetic erosion reported through the inspection of selectable traits can be underestimated using neutral markers. This divergence was previously reported in the aquatic system of an abandoned pyrite mine. The most sensitive genotypes of the microcrustacean cladoceran Daphnia longispina were found to be lacking in the impacted reservoir near the entrance of the metal rich acid mine drainage (AMD). Since that divergence could be, at least partially, accounted for by mutagenicity and genotoxicity of the AMD, the present study aimed at providing such a characterization. The Allium cepa chromosomal aberration assay, using root meristematic cells, was carried out, by exposing seeds to 100, 10, 1, and 0.1 % of the local AMD. Chromosomal aberrations, cell division phases and cell death were quantified after the AMD exposure and after 24 and 48 h recovery periods. The AMD revealed to be mutagenic and genotoxic, even after diluting it to 1 and 0.1 %. Dilutions within this range were previously found to be below the lethality threshold and to elicit sublethal effects on reproduction of locally collected D. longispina clonal lineages Significant mutagenic effects (micronuclei and chromosomal breaks) were also found at 0.1 % AMD, supporting that exposure may induce permanent genetic alterations. Recovery tests showed that AMD genotoxic effects persisted after the exposure. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA