260 resultados para Algèbres de Banach


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Given a Lorentzian manifold (M, g), an event p and an observer U in M, then p and U are light conjugate if there exists a lightlike geodesic gamma : [0, 1] -> M joining p and U whose endpoints are conjugate along gamma. Using functional analytical techniques, we prove that if one fixes p and U in a differentiable manifold M, then the set of stationary Lorentzian metrics in M for which p and U are not light conjugate is generic in a strong sense. The result is obtained by reduction to a Finsler geodesic problem via a second order Fermat principle for light rays, and using a transversality argument in an infinite dimensional Banach manifold setup.


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We consider a family of variational problems on a Hilbert manifold parameterized by an open subset of a Banach manifold, and we discuss the genericity of the nondegeneracy condition for the critical points. Using classical techniques, we prove an abstract genericity result that employs the infinite dimensional Sard-Smale theorem, along the lines of an analogous result of B. White [29]. Applications are given by proving the genericity of metrics without degenerate geodesics between fixed endpoints in general (non compact) semi-Riemannian manifolds, in orthogonally split semi-Riemannian manifolds and in globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds. We discuss the genericity property also in stationary Lorentzian manifolds.


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We provide a complete isomorphic classification of the Banach spaces of continuous functions on the compact spaces 2(m) circle plus [0, alpha], the topological sums of Cantor cubes 2(m), with m smaller than the first sequential cardinal, and intervals of ordinal numbers [0, alpha]. In particular, we prove that it is relatively consistent with ZFC that the only isomorphism classes of C(2(m) circle plus [0, alpha]) spaces with m >= N(0) and alpha >= omega(1) are the trivial ones. This result leads to some elementary questions on large cardinals.


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We show that a 2-homogeneous polynomial on the complex Banach space c(0)(l(2)(i)) is norm attaining if and only if it is finite (i.e, depends only on finite coordinates). As the consequence, we show that there exists a unique norm-preserving extension for norm-attaining 2-homogeneous polynomials on c(0)(l(2)(i)).


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We discuss a strong version of the Dunford-Pettis property, earlier named (DP*) property, which is shared by both l(1) and l(infinity) It is equivalent to the Dunford-Pettis property plus the fact that every quotient map onto c(0) is completely continuous. Other weak sequential continuity results on polynomials and analytic mappings related to the (DP*) property are shown.


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Homogeneous polynomials of degree 2 on the complex Banach space c(0)(l(n)(2)) are shown to have unique norm-preserving extension to the bidual space. This is done by using M-projections and extends the analogous result for c(0) proved by P.-K. Lin.


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We classify up to isomorphism the spaces of compact operators K(E, F), where E and F are Banach spaces of all continuous functions defined on the compact spaces 2(m) circle plus [0, alpha], the topological sum of Cantor cubes 2(m) and the intervals of ordinal numbers [0, alpha]. More precisely, we prove that if 2(m) and aleph(gamma) are not real-valued measurable cardinals and n >= aleph(0) is not sequential cardinal, then for every ordinals xi, eta, lambda and mu with xi >= omega(1), eta >= omega(1), lambda = mu < omega or lambda, mu is an element of [omega(gamma), omega(gamma+1)[, the following statements are equivalent: (a) K(C(2(m) circle plus [0, lambda]), C(2(n) circle plus [0, xi])) and K(C(2(m) circle plus [0, mu]), C(2(n) circle plus [0, eta]) are isomorphic. (b) Either C([0, xi]) is isomorphic to C([0, eta] or C([0, xi]) is isomorphic to C([0, alpha p]) and C([0, eta]) is isomorphic to C([0,alpha q]) for some regular cardinal alpha and finite ordinals p not equal q. Thus, it is relatively consistent with ZFC that this result furnishes a complete isomorphic classification of these spaces of compact operators. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We generalize the theory of Kobayashi and Oliva (On the Birkhoff Approach to Classical Mechanics. Resenhas do Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica da Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2003) to infinite dimensional Banach manifolds with a view towards applications in partial differential equations.


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For each ideal of multilinear mappings M we explicitly construct a corresponding ideal (a)M such that multilinear forms in (a)M are exactly those which can be approximated, in the uniform norm, by multilinear forms in M. This construction is then applied to finite type, compact, weakly compact and absolutely summing multilinear mappings. It is also proved that the correspondence M bar right arrow (a)M. IS Aron-Berner stability preserving.


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Muitos problemas de Dinâmica em Economia se encaixam dentro de uma estrutura de modelos de decisão seqüencial, sendo resolvidos recursivamente. Programação Dinâmica uma técnica de otimização condicionada que se encarrega de solucionar problemas desse tipo. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma resenha dos principais resultados teóricos em Programação Dinâmica. Os métodos da Programação Dinâmica são válidos tanto para problemas determinísticos como para os que incorporam variável incerteza. esperada objetividade de uma dissertação de Mestrado, no entanto, nos impediu de extender análise, deixando assim de considerar explicitamente neste trabalho modelos estocásticos, que teria enriquecido bastante parte destinada aplicações Teor ia Econômica. No capítulo desenvolvemos instrumental matemático, introduzindo uma série de conceitos resultados sobre os quais se constrói análise nos capítulos subsequentes. Ilustramos tais conceitos com exemplos que seguem um certo encadeamento. Nas seções 1.1 1.2 apresentamos as idéias propriedades de espaços métricos espaços vetoriais. Na seção 1.3, prosseguimos com tópicos em análise funcional, introduzindo noção de norma de um vetor de espaços de Banach. seção 1.4 entra com idéia de contração, Teor ema do Ponto Fixo de Banach e o teor ema de Blackwell. O Teorema de Hahn-Banach, tanto na sua forma de extensão quanto na sua forma geométrica, preocupação na seção 1.5. Em particular, forma geométrica desse teorema seus corolários são importantes para análise conduzida no terceiro capítulo. Por fim, na seção 6, apresentamos Teorema do Máximo. Ao final deste capítulo, como também dos demais, procuramos sempre citar as fontes consultadas bem como extensões ou tratamentos alternativos ao contido no texto. No capítulo II apresentamos os resultados métodos da Programação Dinâmica em si seção 2.1 cuida da base da teoria, com Princípio da Otimal idade de Eellman e a derivação de um algoritmo de Programação Dinâmica. Na seção 2.2 mostramos que esse algoritmo converge para função valor ótima de um problema de horizonte infinito, sendo que esta última satisfaz chamada Equação de Bellman. seção seguinte se preocupa em fornecer caracterizaçBes para função valor mencionada acima, mostrando-se propriedades acerca de sua monotonicidade concavidade. seção 2.4 trata da questão da diferenciabi idade da função valor, que permite se obter alguns resultados de estática Cou dinâmica} comparativa partir da Equação de Bellman. Finalmente, na seção 2.5 apresentamos uma primeira aplicação Teoria Econômica, através de um modelo de crescimento econômico ótimo. No capítulo III introduzimos uma outra técnica de otimização Programação Convexa- mostramos dificuldade em se tentar estabelecer alguma relação de dominância entre Programação Dinâmica Programação Convexa. Na seção 3.2 "apresentamos os Teoremas de Separação, dos quais nos utilizamos na seção seguinte para demonstrar existência de Multiplicadores de Lagrange no problema geral da Programação Convexa. No final desta seção dizemos porque não podemos inferir que em espaços de dimensão infinita Programação Convexa não pode ser aplicada, ao contrário da Programação Dinâmica, que evidenciaria uma dominancia dessa última técnica nesses espaços. Finalmente, capítulo IV destinado uma aplicação imediata das técnicas desenvolvidas principalmente no segundo capítulo. Com auxílio dessas técnicas resolve-se um problema de maximização intertemporal, faz-se uma comparação dos resultados obtidos através de uma solução cooperativa de uma solução não-cooperativa.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work we study existence, bifurcation, and symmetries of small solutions of the nonlinear equation Lx = N(x, p, epsilon) + mu f, which is supposed to be equivariant under the action of a group OHm, and where f is supposed to be OHm-invariant. We assume that L is a linear operator and N(., p, epsilon) is a nonlinear operator, both defined in a Banach space X, with values in a Banach space Z, and p, mu, and epsilon are small real parameters. Under certain conditions we show the existence of symmetric solutions and under additional conditions we prove that these are the only feasible solutions. Some examples of nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations are analyzed. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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In Colombeau's theory, given an open subset Ω of ℝn, there is a differential algebra G(Ω) of generalized functions which contains in a natural way the space D′(Ω) of distributions as a vector subspace. There is also a simpler version of the algebra G,(Ω). Although this subalgebra does not contain, in canonical way, the space D′(Ω) is enough for most applications. This work is developed in the simplified generalized functions framework. In several applications it is necessary to compute higher intrinsic derivatives of generalized functions, and since these derivatives are multilinear maps, it is necessary to define the space of generalized functions in Banach spaces. In this article we introduce the composite function for a special class of generalized mappings (defined in open subsets of Banach spaces with values in Banach spaces) and we compute the higher intrinsic derivative of this composite function.


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The result that we treat in this article allows to the utilization of classic tools of convex analysis in the study of optimality conditions in the optimal control convex process for a Volterra-Stietjes linear integral equation in the Banach space G([a, b],X) of the regulated functions in [a, b], that is, the functions f : [a, 6] → X that have only descontinuity of first kind, in Dushnik (or interior) sense, and with an equality linear restriction. In this work we introduce a convex functional Lβf(x) of Nemytskii type, and we present conditions for its lower-semicontinuity. As consequence, Weierstrass Theorem garantees (under compacity conditions) the existence of solution to the problem min{Lβf(x)}. © 2009 Academic Publications.


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Motivated by return maps near saddles for three-dimensional flows and also by return maps in the torus associated to Cherry flows, we study gap maps with derivative positive and smaller than one outside the discontinuity point. We prove that the lamination of infinitely renormalizable maps (or else maps with irrational rotation numbers) has analytic leaves in a natural subset of a Banach space of analytic maps of this kind. With maps having Hölder continuous derivative and derivative bounded away from zero, we also prove Hölder continuity of holonomies of the lamination and also of conjugacies between maps having the same combinatorics. © 2011 Springer Basel AG.