965 resultados para Alcohol - Related Disorders


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Ambulatory EEG recording enables patients with epilepsy and related disorders to be monitored in an unrestricted environment for prolonged periods. Attacks can therefore be recorded and EEG changes at the time can aid diagnosis. The relevant Iiterature is reviewed and a study made of' 250 clinical investigations. A study was also made of the artefacts,encountered during ambulatory recording. Three quarters of referrals were for distinguishing between epileptic and non-epileptic attacks. Over 60% of patients showed no abnormality during attacks. In comparison with the basic EEG the ambulatory EEG provided about ten times as much information. A preliminary follow-up study showed that results, of ambulatory monitoring agreed with the final diagnosis in 8 of 12 patients studied. Of 10 patients referred, for monitoring the occurrence of absence seizures, 8 showed abnormality during the baslcJ EEG .and 10 during the ambulatory EEG. Other patients. were referred: for sleep recording and to clarify the seizure type. An investigation into once daily (OD) versus twice daily administration of sodium valproate in patients with absence seizures showed that an OD regime was equally as effective as a BD regime. Circadian variations in spike and wave activity in patients on and off treatment were also examined. There was significant agreement between subjects on the time of occurrence of abnormality during sleep only, This pattern was not ,affected with treatment nor was there any difference in the daily pattern of occurrence of abnormality between the two regimes. Overall findings suggested that ambulatory monitoring was a valuable tool in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy which with careful planning and patient selection could be used in any EEG department and would benefit a:wide range of patients.


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We tested 44 participants with respect to their working memory (WM) performance on alcohol-related versus neutral visual stimuli. Previously an alcohol attentional bias (AAB) had been reported using these stimuli, where the attention of frequent drinkers was automatically drawn toward alcohol-related items (e.g., beer bottle). The present study set out to provide evidence for an alcohol memory bias (AMB) that would persist over longer time-scales than the AAB. The WM task we used required memorizing 4 stimuli in their correct locations and a visual interference task was administered during a 4-sec delay interval. A subsequent probe required participants to indicate whether a stimulus was shown in the correct or incorrect location. For each participant we calculated a drinking score based on 3 items derived from the Alcohol Use Questionnaire, and we observed that higher scorers better remembered alcohol-related images compared with lower scorers, particularly when these were presented in their correct locations upon recall. This provides first evidence for an AMB. It is important to highlight that this effect persisted over a 4-sec delay period including a visual interference task that erased iconic memories and diverted attention away from the encoded items, thus the AMB cannot be reduced to the previously reported AAB. Our finding calls for further investigation of alcohol-related cognitive biases in WM, and we propose a preliminary model that may guide future research. © 2012 American Psychological Association.


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The goal of this study was to examine the longitudinal effects of five family factors on alcohol use among adolescent males. The family factors included familism (family pride, loyalty, and cohesion), parent derogation (being put down by parents), parent/child communication, family alcohol problems and family drug problems. The study focused on the effects of the family factors reported by a sample of 451 White-non-Hispanic and African American males during early and mid-adolescence on (1) the intensity of alcohol use in mid-adolescence, and (2) the number of problems associated with alcohol use during the transition to young adulthood. The study also explored racial differences in the effects of the family factors. The data for this study were derived from a two-phase longitudinal epidemiologic cohort study of male and female adolescents enrolled in middle schools in Miami, FL. Data were collected at four points between 1990 and 2001. Linear and logistical regressions were used to analyze the effects of the family variables on the dependent variables. ^ The results of the analyses indicated that all of the family variables except family drug problems were statistically significant predictors of the level of alcohol use and alcohol-related problems. Familism had a moderate influence on both of the dependent variables at all data points, while parent derogation, parent/child communication and family alcohol problems were weak predictors. While the family factors varied by race, their impact on the dependent variables did not vary substantially. ^ This study had methodological shortcomings related to measurement and design that may have contributed to the weak influence of the variables. Future studies should explore possible mediating effects of these variables, and should employ more sensitive measures that are culturally appropriate. The results suggest that, since early family factors have long-term effects on children's substance-using behaviors, the family environment should be addressed in prevention and intervention efforts. ^


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This thesis investigates the association between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm in Eastern Europe. The main aim was to estimate to what extent changes in per capita alcohol consumption have an impact on different forms of alcohol-related mortality, and to put the results in an international comparative perspective. The thesis includes four papers; the first two papers use aggregate time-series analysis to assess how changes in per capita consumption affect rates in suicide mortality and fatal non-intentional injuries in several Eastern European countries, respectively. The third paper applies the same methodological approach to analyse the population-level relationship between alcohol and homicide in Russia and the U.S.. The fourth paper employs survey data to assess how the risk of experiencing alcohol-related problems in relation to volume of consumption in the Baltic countries compares to Sweden and Italy. The results of the first three papers suggests: (i) that changes in per capita consumption are significantly related to changes in mortality rates of suicide, non-intentional injuries and homicide in the countries under study; (ii) that the relationship is stronger for men than for women, and (iii) that the relationship tends to be stronger in the countries with more detrimental drinking patterns, e.g. Russia. The results of the fourth paper suggest that the risk of experiencing alcohol-related problems in relation to level of drinking in the Baltic countries is similar to the corresponding risk in Sweden, but considerably stronger than in Italy. In conclusion, the findings support the significance of a public health approach to alcohol-related problems in Eastern Europe, i.e., policy measures directed towards total alcohol consumption. In addition, strategies aimed at reducing the occurrence of binge drinking seem to have great potential for reducing alcohol-related harm and mortality in Eastern European countries.


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Ethanol, classified as a drug, affects the central nervous system, and its consumption has been linked to the development of several behaviours including tolerance and dependence. Alcohol tolerance is defined as the need for higher doses of alcohol to induce the same changes observed in the initial exposure or where repetitive exposures of the same alcohol dose induce a lower response. Ethanol has been shown to interact with numerous targets and ultimately influence both short and long term adaptation at the cellular and molecular level in brain [1]. These adaptation processes are likely to involve signalling molecules: our work has focussed on G proteins gene expression. Using both wild type and several mutant fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) as a model for behaviour and molecular studies, we observed significant increases in sedation time (ST50) in response to alcohol (P<0.001) Fig.A. We also observed a consistent and significant decrease of Gq protein mRNA expression in Drosophila dUNC and DopR2 mutants chronically exposed to alcohol (*P<0.05). Fig B. Method: Six male flies were observed in drosophila polystyrene 25 x 95mm transparent vial in between cotton plugs. To the top plug, 500uL of 100% ethanol was added. Time till 50% of the flies were sedated was recorded on each day following the schedule. Fig. C (n=4-6). Using RT-PCR, we also quantified G protein mRNA expression levels one hour post initial 30 minutes of ethanol expression on day 1 and day 3 relative to expression in naïve flies.(n=2) [A] Increase in sedation time indicative of tolerance in different mutant lines and wild type flies. Six male flies were used in each experiment and (n= 4-6. ***P<0.001 unpaired t tests). [B] RT-PCR results showing significant reduction in Gq mRNA in flies chronically exposed to alcohol. (n=2. *P<0.05) [C] Alcohol exposure schedule. (1) Kaun K.R., R. Azanchi, Z. Maung, J. Hirsh, U. Heberlein. (2011). A Drosophila model for alcohol reward. Nature Neuroscience. 14 (5), 612–619.


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Background: An accurate understanding of co-occurrence and comorbidity of alcohol use disorders (AUD) in Colombia is crucial for public health. Objective: A secondary analysis was conducted, using a 2003/2004 government´s population database to determine the lifetime associations between AUD and other mental and addictive disorders in people of Colombia aged 18-65 years. Methods: Several statistical analysis were performed: testing prevalence difference in mental disorders by whether the individual had an AUD; a stratified analysis by gender and logistic regression analyses accounting for differences in demographic, socio-economic, behavioral and self-reported health status variables. Results: People with AUD comprised 9% of the population, of which 88% were males and on average 37 years old. They were more likely to be males, be working, and be current smokers; and less likely to be at home or retired. The population with AUD had greater chance to comply with criteria for all disorders but minor depressive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, nicotine dependence, and oppositional defiant disorder. Conclusion: This study demonstrates a high prevalence of mental disorders in the adult population with AUD in Colombia. The findings highlight the importance of comorbidity as a sign of disease severity and impact on public health and supports the need for training of more professionals and developing appropriate interventions and services.


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Objective: We identify drinking styles that place teensat greatest risk of later alcohol use disorders (AUD).Design: Population-based cohort study.Setting: Victoria, Australia.

Participants: A representative sample of 1943adolescents living in Victoria in 1992.Outcome measures: Teen drinking was assessed at6 monthly intervals (5 waves) between mean ages 14.9and 17.4 years and summarised across waves as none,one, or two or more waves of: (1) frequent drinking(3+ days in the past week), (2) loss of control overdrinking (difficulty stopping, amnesia), (3) bingedrinking (5+ standard drinks in a day) and (4) heavybinge drinking (20+ and 11+ standard drinks in a dayfor males and females, respectively). Young AdultAlcohol Use Disorder (AUD) was assessed at 3 yearlyintervals (3 waves) across the 20s (mean ages 20.7through 29.1 years).

Results: We show that patterns of teen drinkingcharacterised by loss of control increase risk for AUDacross young adulthood: loss of control over drinking(one wave OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.8; two or morewaves OR 1.9, CI 1.4 to 2.7); binge drinking (one waveOR 1.7, CI 1.3 to 2.3; two or more waves OR 2.0, CI1.5 to 2.6), and heavy binge drinking (one wave OR2.0, CI 1.4 to 2.8; two or more waves OR 2.3, CI 1.6 to3.4). This is not so for frequent drinking, which wasunrelated to later AUD. Although drinking was morecommon in males, there was no evidence of sexdifferences in risk relationships.

Conclusions: Our results extend previous work byshowing that patterns of drinking that represent loss ofcontrol over alcohol consumption (however expressed)are important targets for intervention. In addition tocurrent policies that may reduce overall consumption,emphasising prevention of more extreme teenagebouts of alcohol consumption appears warranted.


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INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Industry groups with vested interests in policy regularly work to protect their profits via the endorsement of ineffective voluntary regulation and interventions, extensive lobbying activity and minimising the health impact of consumption behaviours. This study aims to examine all alcohol industry submissions to the Australian House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), to assist in understanding how those with vested interests contribute to policy development. The analysis aims to document the strategies and arguments used by alcohol industry bodies in their submissions and to compare these with known strategies of vested-interest groups. DESIGN AND METHODS: All 92 submissions to the Inquiry were screened to include only those submitted by alcohol industry bodies (five submissions). Content domains were derived based on the major themes emerging from the industry submissions and on common vested-interest behaviours identified in previous literature. RESULTS: The following content categories were identified: Concerns about FASD; Current industry activities and FASD prevention; Value of mandatory warning labels; and Credibility of independent public health researchers and organisations. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol industry submissions sought to undermine community concern, debate the evidence, promote ineffective measure which are no threat to the profit margins and attack independent health professionals and researchers. In doing so, their behaviour is entirely consistent with their responses to other issues, such as violence and chronic health, and copies the tactics employed by the tobacco industry.


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BACKGROUND: Previous studies suggest patients with co-occurring alcohol use disorders (AUDs) and severe mental health symptoms (SMHS) are less satisfied with standard AUD treatment when compared to patients with an AUD alone. This study compared patient satisfaction with standard AUD treatment among patients with and without SMHS and explored how standard treatment might be improved to better address the needs of these patients.

METHODS: Eighty-nine patients receiving treatment for an AUD either at an inpatient hospital, outpatient clinic, inpatient detoxification, or residential/therapeutic community services were surveyed. Patient satisfaction with treatment was assessed using the Treatment Perception Questionnaire (range: 0-40). Patients were stratified according to their score on the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale. Forty patients scored in the extremely severe range of depression (score >14) and/or anxiety (score >10) (indicating SMHS) and 49 patients did not. An inductive content analysis was also conducted on qualitative data relating to areas of service improvement.

RESULTS: Patients with SMHS were found to be equally satisfied with treatment (mean =25.10, standard deviation =8.12) as patients with an AUD alone (mean =25.43, standard deviation =6.91). Analysis revealed that being an inpatient in hospital was associated with reduced treatment satisfaction. Patients with SMHS were found to be significantly less satisfied with staffs' understanding of the type of help they wanted in treatment, when compared to patients with AUDs alone. Five areas for service improvement were identified, including staff qualities, informed care, treatment access and continuity, issues relating to inpatient stay, and addressing patients' mental health needs.

CONCLUSION: While findings suggest that AUD treatment services adequately meet the needs of patients with SMHS in treatment, patients with SMHS do feel that staff lack understanding of their treatment needs. Findings have important implications as to how current health care practice might be improved according to the patient's perspective of care.


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BACKGROUND: Emerging research indicates that standard treatments for alcohol use disorders may not fully meet the needs of patients with co-occurring severe mental health symptoms. Investigating health quality indicators may provide insight into how current treatment might be improved.

OBJECTIVE: To better understand the experiences of patients receiving treatment for alcohol use disorders and compare the experiences of patients with and without co-occurring severe mental health symptoms.

DESIGN: Cross-sectional qualitative research design using semi-structured interviews methods and framework analysis approach.

SETTING: Inpatient hospital, outpatient service, inpatient detoxification clinic and a residential/ therapeutic community.

PARTICIPANT'S: Thirty-four patients receiving treatment for an alcohol use disorder.

MAIN VARIABLES STUDIED: Themes relating to patients' experiences of continuity of care, treatment need and satisfaction with treatment were studied. The qualitative data were divided into two groups: patients with (n = 15) and without (n = 19) severe mental health symptoms.

RESULTS: Five themes relating to patient satisfaction with treatment were identified, including: perceived effectiveness of treatment, supportive relationships, specialized but holistic care, patient autonomy and continuity of care. A diverse range of patient treatment needs, staff and service continuity and stigma were also identified as major themes. Five basic themes were identified as more critical to the experiences of patients with severe mental health symptoms.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that patients look for supportive relationships with others, to be involved in treatment decisions, effective specialized and holistic approaches to care and a non-judgemental treatment environment.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to test the effectiveness of a self-directed cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) booklet allowing immediate access to treatment for anxiety during alcohol use disorder (AUD) interventions. Design/methodology/approach – Parallel pilot randomised controlled trial: 69 individuals in AUD treatment, continued to receive treatment alone (control: n=29) or in addition, a self-directed, four week CBT booklet to manage anxiety (intervention: n=40). Primary outcome measures were changes in state (SAnx) and trait anxiety (TAnx) at four weeks. Secondary outcome measures were changes in adaptive (ACop), maladaptive (MCop) coping and quality of life (QoL, physical (PHQoL), psychological (PSQoL), social (SQoL), environment (EQoL)) at four weeks. Findings – Participants had significantly higher SAnx (p<0.01) and TAnx (p<0.01) baseline scores compared to the general population. There were no statistically significant group changes in SAnx or TAnx (p>0.05). Control group allocation predicted improvement in ACop (p<0.01), MCop (p<0.05), PHQoL (p<0.01), PSQoL (p<0.05) and SQoL (p<0.01); CBT group allocation predicted improvement in EQoL (p=0.05). All effect sizes were small to moderate (Cohen’s d<0.50). Percentage of book completion did not determine changes in anxiety, coping or quality of life. Originality/value – A four week self-directed CBT booklet did not significantly reduce anxiety during AUD treatment. Larger sample sizes will determine the most suitable treatment delivery mode for this type of CBT.


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RESUMO: Desde 1976 que as Forças Armadas desenvolvem acções de prevenção do consumo de drogas e álcool. Na década de 80 foi criada capacidade laboratorial e deu-se início a um programa de rastreios toxicológicos. No quinquénio 2001 a 2005, as proporções de resultados positivos, associando todos os tipos de rastreio, variaram entre 3,7% e 1,5%. De Outubro de 2006 a Julho de 2007 realizou-se um estudo analítico transversal, para estimar a prevalência do consumo de drogas (canabinóides, opiáceos, cocaína e anfetaminas) num dos Ramos das Forças Armadas, com base nos despistes realizados pelo seu laboratório. Foi utilizada uma amostra aleatória simples de 1039 militares, profissionais (QP) e contratados (RC), no activo e de ambos os sexos. Desde a nomeação dos militares a rastrear, passando pela cadeia de custódia das amostras até à obtenção do resultado foi utilizado apoio informático específico. O processo de pesquisa utilizou duas técnicas de triagem por imunoensaio e tecnologia de confirmação por GC/MS, de acordo com as recomendações europeias, permitindo estabelecer uma metodologia standard para organizações e empresas. A prevalência estimada, de consumidores de droga, foi de 3,8/1.000, para um erro de 0,37%. O número de casos registado (4) não permitiu a utilização de testes estatísticos que conduzissem à identificação de características determinantes da positividade, mas não deixou de revelar aspectos inesperados. A observação de séries de casos e a realização regular de estudos epidemiológicos, que ajudem a redefinir grupos alvo e a perceber a dimensão, as determinantes e as consequências do consumo de drogas é sugerida, em conclusão.--------------------------------------- RÉSUMÉ: Depuis 1976, les Forces Armées mettent au point des mesures visant à prévenir la consommation de drogues et d'alcool. En 1980, fut créé capacité laboratoriel et ont ensuite commencé un programme de dépistage toxicologique. Au cours des cinq années allant de 2001 à 2005, les proportions de consommateurs, impliquant tous les types de dépistage, allaient de 3,7% à 1,5 %. D'octobre 2006 à juillet 2007, une étude analytique transversale a été organisée pour évaluer la prévalence de l’usage de drogues (cannabis, opiacés, cocaïne et amphétamines) dans une branche de les Forces Armées, basée sur les dépistages faites par un laboratoire militaire, à l'aide d'un échantillon aléatoire de 1039 militaires, professionnels (QP) et sous contract (RC), à l’actif et des deux sexes. Tout au long du procès, de la nomination des donneurs, en passant par la chaine de garde des échantillons, jusqu’à obtention du résultat, il fut employé un appui informatique sécurisé. Le processus de recherche employa deux techniques de tri par imunoessay et la technologie de confirmation GC/MS, selon les recommandations européennes, permettant d'établir une méthodologie standard pour les organisations et les entreprises. La prévalence estimée fut de 3,8/1.000 pour une marge d’erreur de 0,37%. Le nombre de cas enregistrés (4) n'autorise pas l'utilisation de testes statistiques de menant à l'identification de caractéristiques déterminant de la positivité, mais il permet à révéler des aspects inattendus. L'observation de séries de cas et la tenue régulière d’études épidémiologiques, qui contribuent à redéfinir les groupes cibles et de comprendre l'ampleur, les déterminants et les conséquences de l'usage de drogues, est suggéré, en fin de compte.--------------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Since 1976, the Armed Forces, have been developing measures to prevent the use of drugs and alcohol. In 1980, was created laboratory facility which then started a program of toxicological screenings. In the five years running from 2001 to 2005, the proportions of consumers, involving all types of screening, ranged from 3,7% to 1,5%. From October 2006 to July 2007, a cross-sectional study was held to estimate the prevalence of drug use (cannabinoids, opiates, cocaine and amphetamines) in one branch of the Portuguese Armed Forces, based on laboratory screenings, using a random sample of 1039 military, professional (QP) and enlisted (RC), active-duty and of both sexes. Specific computer support was used all the way, from the appointment, including the chain of custody of samples, to the obtaining of the result. The process of search used two techniques for sorting by immunoassay and confirmation technology GC/MS, according to European recommendations, allowing to establish a standard methodology for organizations and companies. The estimated prevalence of drug users was 3.8/1.000 for a 0.37% error (95% confidence interval). The number of cases registered (4) does not permit use of statistical testing leading to the identification of characteristics weighing in the establishing to extrapolate for the population, but it allows revealing unexpected aspects. The observation of series of cases and the regular holding of epidemiological studies, which help redefine target groups and to understand the extent, the determinants and consequences of drug use, is suggested, in conclusion.


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We evaluated whether traumatic events are associated with a distinctive pattern of socio-demographic and clinical features of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). We compared socio-demographic and clinical features of 106 patients developing OCD after post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD; termed post-traumatic OCD), 41 patients developing OCD before PTSD (pre-traumatic OCD), and 810 OCD patients without any history of PTSD (non-traumatic OCD) using multinomial logistic regression analysis. A later age at onset of OCD, self-mutilation disorder, history of suicide plans, panic disorder with agoraphobia, and compulsive buying disorder were independently related to post-traumatic OCD. In contrast, earlier age at OCD onset, alcohol-related disorders, contamination-washing symptoms, and self-mutilation disorder were all independently associated with pre-traumatic OCD. In addition, patients with post-traumatic OCD without a previous history of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) showed lower educational levels, greater rates of contamination-washing symptoms, and more severe miscellaneous symptoms as compared to post-traumatic OCD patients with a history of OCS. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR