862 resultados para African descendants


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A simple running water method of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerling production in ponds in Northern Cameroon is outlined.


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This paper presents an evaluation of the 15-week course on Training in Fisheries Planning and Management being offered at the University of Namibia since 1991. This course includes instruction in fisheries technology, fisheries biology, fisheries law and law of the sea, fisheries economics, fisheries sociology, environment impact assessment, planning and management, the logical framework approach to planning and computer literacy. The participats in the course have rated the various elements in a range of 2.9 to 4.7 out of a maximum of 5 points.


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Os polimorfismos denominados Indels são variações de comprimento geradas por inserção ou deleção de um ou mais nucleotídeos em uma sequência de DNA. Estes marcadores genéticos vêm apresentando um grande potencial para fins forenses e populacionais por combinar características dos marcadores SNPs, tais como a capacidade de analisar fragmentos curtos (menores que 250pb) e baixas taxas de mutação, com a facilidade da genotipagem dos STR em uma única PCR, seguida de detecção dos fragmentos amplificados por eletroforese. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência dos Indels em aplicações forenses e esclarecer os detalhes da formação de diferentes populações brasileiras através de dados genéticos, amostras populacionais de diferentes estados brasileiros foram genotipadas através de dois sistemas multiplex. O primeiro (indelplex-HID) foi otimizado para fins de Identificação Humana (HID) e inclui um grupo de 38 marcadores Indels selecionados por apresentarem altos valores de diversidade genética dentro das principais populações continentais. Já o segundo (46-AI-indels), foi selecionado para estudos de ancestralidade e é composto por um conjunto de 46 marcadores informativos de ancestralidade (AIMs). Nesse último caso, ao contrário do anterior, o sistema multiplex inclui marcadores com alta divergência nas frequências alélicas entre populações continentais. Na primeira etapa, o multiplex HID foi aplicado em uma amostra populacional do Rio de Janeiro e em uma amostra populacional dos índios Terena. Um banco de dados de frequências alélicas foi construído para essas duas amostras populacionais. Os valores das frequências alélicas foram utilizados nas comparações estatísticas e parâmetros de vínculos genéticos e forenses foram calculados. O Poder de Discriminação acumulado na população do Rio de Janeiro para os 38 loci testados foi de 0,9999999999999990 e na população dos índios Terena de 0,9999999999997, validando o uso desse sistema numa população heterogênea como a brasileira. A eficiência do indelplex-HID também mostrou-se elevada nas amostras de casos forenses comprometidas, apresentando melhor resultados que marcadores STR em termos de número de loci genotipados e de qualidade de amplificação. Na segunda etapa, o multiplex 46-AI-indels foi aplicado com objetivo de avaliar a ancestralidade em amostras de diferentes estados do Brasil por permitir a identificação de diferenças entre frequências alélicas de grupos populacionais separados geograficamente. A maioria das populações analisadas apresentou elevada herança européia. As populações do Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Mato Grosso do Sul, Amazonas, Alagoas, Minas Gerais e São Paulo apresentaram cerca de 50% de ancestralidade européia, enquanto que nas populações que formam o sul do país e o Espírito Santo este percentual girou em torno de 70%. De uma maneira geral, as contribuições ameríndias e africanas variaram um pouco de acordo com a região. As amostras de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro e dos índios Terena (amostras indicadas como ameríndio-descendentes) de fato mostraram majoritariamente ancestralidade ameríndia (>70%). Os resultados obtidos indicaram que os dados gerados a partir da tipagem dos AIMs estão em estreita concordância com os registros históricos e com outros estudos genéticos acerca da formação da população brasileira e os loci do sistema HID evidenciaram que os são altamente informativos, constituindo uma ferramenta importante em estudos de identificação humana e de relações de parentesco.


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Proper resource management implies a better understanding of ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity. Scientists from developing countries often have limited information on their aquatic resources because of many difficulties in accessing and exchanging information on a national and international level. The project described not only aims to strengthen the scientific capacity of fisheries scientists in ACP institutions but it is also expected to create an awareness among fisheries researchers and managers of the importance of conserving biodiversity for the sustainable use of living aquatic resources. This will be achieved through training, building a network of regional and transregional cooperation using modern communication facilities, the promotion of research and the distribution and improvement of fisheries management tools. It is hoped that these capabilities will enable fisheries scientists in ACP countries to actively contribute towards a discussion to solve common problems originating from the endangering of the ecological basis of their fisheries.


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Este estudo indica o uso da pesquisa etnobotânica aplicada como estratégia metodológica para o fornecimento de subsídios para a comunidade do Quilombo São José da Serra, de modo a favorecer a visibilidade do seu etnoconhecimento botânico. Por meio de tal estratégia, esta pesquisa propõe alternativas que contribuam para o desenvolvimento socioambiental local. Localizado em Valença/Rio de Janeiro, este quilombo foi formado há cerca de 150 anos por descendentes de negros de origem africana, escravizados e enviados à região para trabalharem nas lavouras de café. Essa população permaneceu em terras privadas, e se caracteriza pela resistência e manutenção de suas tradições que se refletem no modo de vida, nas relações sociais e nas estabelecidas com o meio ambiente. Destaca-se, entre outros aspectos, pelas contribuições sobre o conhecimento das plantas e de seus múltiplos usos. Por tratar-se de um Quilombo historicamente ligado às atividades agrícolas, à restrição espacial e às precárias condições de plantio e de escoamento da produção, seus membros enfrentam ameaça de permanência e de continuidade. Tal problemática possibilitou a criação de alternativas que possam apontar para novas perspectivas de etnodesenvolvimento local, respeitando o perfil, as características socioculturais, o conhecimento sobre a natureza tradicionalmente mantido e as particularidades da paisagem. Acredito que promover a visibilidade do etnoconhecimento sobre acervo vegetal local pode permitir a emergência de novas perspectivas socioambientais àquela comunidade, em uma reconfiguração do processo produtivo baseado na ampliação do seu reconhecimento. A etnobotânica aplicada foi utilizada para além do levantamento do conhecimento tradicional sobre o acervo vegetal utilizado pela comunidade estudada. Ela contribuiu também para leitura e interpretação da paisagem onde vivem os quilombolas, identificando as marcas de seu território e territorialidade, com vistas a favorecer a visibilidade do etnoconhecimento. Foram utilizados procedimentos etnomedológicos envolvendo pesquisa de campo. Procurei avaliar as questões relacionadas à disponibilidade e à distribuição das plantas no local, ao reconhecimento das plantas como recurso financeiro, à importância das plantas para manutenção do modo de vida quilombola, à distribuição e à transmissão do conhecimento etnobotânico dentre os membros da população. Por meio da análise documental, dos procedimentos etnometodológicos de trabalho de campo, da coleta e identificação de material botânico e da análise da relação existente entre os quilombolas e as unidades de paisagem que compõem a paisagem cultural do Quilombo São José da Serra, perspectivas de rearranjo socioambientais puderam ser sugeridas. Como forma de retorno da pesquisa à comunidade, deu-se a instrumentalização dos quilombolas do São José da Serra para a participação ao longo do processo investigativo, a fim de contribuir com o objetivo de visibilizar, compreender e valorizar o etnoconhecimento, os detentores deste conhecimento, as espécies vegetais e a paisagem local, onde passado, presente e futuro se imbricam de forma contínua


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South African (Cape) fur seals, Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus, interact with the South African trawl fisheries-offshore demersal, inshore demersal, and midwater fisheries. These interactions take thef ollowing forms: Seals take or damage netted fish, on particular vessels they become caught in the propeller, seals drown in the nets, live seals come aboard and may be killed. Except in specific cases of seals damaging particular trawler propellers, interactions result in little cost to the offshore and midwater trawl fisheries. For the inshore fishery, seals damage fish in the net at an estimated cost in excess of R69, 728 (US$18,827) per year, but this is negligible (0.3%) in terms ofthe value of the fishery. Seal mortality is mainly caused by drowning in trawl nets and ranges from 2,524 to 3,636 seals of both sexes per year. Between 312 and 567 seals are deliberately killed annually, but this most likely takes place only when caught and they enter the area below deck, where they are difficult to remove, and pose a potential threat to crew safety. Overall, seal mortality during trawling operations is negligible (0.4-0.6%) in terms of the feeding population of seals in South Africa.


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Snoek (Thyrsites atun) is a valuable commercial species and an important predator of small pelagic fishes in the Benguela ecosystem. The South African population attains 50% sexual maturity at a fork length of ca.73.0 cm (3 years). Spawning occurs offshore during winter−spring, along the shelf break (150–400 m) of the western Agulhas Bank and the South African west coast. Prevailing currents transport eggs and larvae to a primary nursery ground north of Cape Columbine and to a secondary nursery area to the east of Danger Point; both shallower than 150 m. Juveniles remain on the nursery grounds until maturity, growing to between 33 and 44 cm in the first year (3.25 cm/month). Onshore– offshore distribution (between 5- and 150-m isobaths) of juveniles is deter-mined largely by prey availability and includes a seasonal inshore migration in autumn in response to clupeoid recruitment. Adults are found through-out the distribution range of the species, and although they move offshore to spawn—there is some southward dispersion as the spawning season progresses—longshore movement is apparently random and without a seasonal basis. Relative condition of both sexes declined dramatically with the onset of spawning. Mesenteric fat loss was, however, higher in females, despite a greater rate of prey consumption. Spatial differences in sex ratios and indices of prey consumption suggest that females on the west coast move inshore to feed between spawning events, but that those found farther south along the western Agulhas Bank remain on the spawning ground throughout the spawning season. This regional difference in female behavior is attributed to higher offshore abundance of clupeid prey on the western Agulhas Bank, as determined from both diet and rates of prey consumption.


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Mafia waters in the western Indian Ocean on the east coast of Africa is a natural attractive area for fishing. It has extensive coral beds which harbour good fish life and attracts sport fishery in the area. About 12 commercially important fishes listed are caught by sports fishermen. The data indicates that this area can become an attractive centre for sports fishery almost throughout the year with peak season from November to February. Long-term planning of the fishery is necessary. The conservation measures should be evolved and gan fishing, dynamiting or any other kind of distructive fishing should be prohibited. This area has natural potential to become a sports fishing centre in the future and a great attraction for tourists and anglers.


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An experiment was carried out with 1 0 days old Clarias gariepinus fry over a period of 42 days to determine the effects of different feeds on growth and survival of African catfish fry in glass tanks. The experiment was designed into four treatments each having three replications. Thus treatment 1 (T1) was named as Tank Tubifex (TT) and treatment 2 (T2) as Tank Sabinco (TS), treatment 3 as Pond Tubifex (PT), and treatment 4 (T4) as Pond Sabinco (PS). Live Tubifex (protein levels 64.48%) was supplied to treatments 1 and 3 and rest of the treatments were supplied Sabinco starter-1 (protein levels 40.13%). The highest and the lowest growth in total length and weight were 12.90cm, 18.77g and 6.17cm, 4.04g recorded from the treatments 3 and 2, respectively. Growth of catfish fry under treatment 3 in terms of both length and weight were significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of the other treatments. However treatment 2 showed the significantly lowest (P<0.01) growth performance among the various treatments. The highest survival rate (92%) was also obtained with treatment 3. Tubifex proved to be the best larval feed in respect of growth and survival rate.


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For studying the effects of different levels of testosterone propionate on growth, survival and sex-ratio, five different doses such as 125, 100, 75, 50, 25 mg hormone per kg feed were administered to 5-day old Clarias gariepinus fry through diet for a period of 40 days. The growth performance in terms of weight and length gain of the fry receiving 100 and 75 mg hormone per kg feed were significantly higher than those receiving 50, 25 and 0 (untreated control) mg hormone per kg feed. The groups of fry treated with higher doses of hormone showed lower survival compared to those with lower doses of hormone. The frequency of male fish in the entire hormone treated groups except the 125mg/kg group, was significantly higher than that of the expected frequency of male fish in a normal population. The highest frequency of male fish, 92.08%, was obtained with the diet containing 50 mg hormone/kg diet however, the highest levels of hormone (125mg/kg diet) resulted in relatively lower frequency of male fish.


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A laboratory trial was conducted to determine the optimum dietary protein to energy (P/E) ratio of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus. The experiment was carried out in a flow-through system for 6 weeks. There were 12 treatments each with two replicates having 10 fish each with a mean initial weight of 1.80 ± 0.02g. Twelve semi-purified diets were formulated with four digestible crude protein levels (23, 26.5, 30 and 33.5%) and three digestible energy levels (2.25, 2.75 and 3.25 Kcal/g). The fish were fed three times daily at satiation level. The results of the study showed that, diet containing 33.5% digestible protein and 2.75 kcal/g digestible energy with a protein to energy ratio of 121 .8 (mg protein/kcal) appeared to be best utilized for growth.


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For minimizing cannibalism of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) larvae two trials for a period of 14 and 15 days respectively in four aquaria of size 120x49x32 cm³ were conducted. Seven days old African catfish larvae with an initial total length and weight of 7.84 (±0.40) mm and 4.40 (±1.18) mg respectively in the first trial and similarly 7.52(±0.61) mm and 3.98 (±0.56) mg in the second trial at the rate of same stocking densities of 2500 larvae in each aquarium were stocked in both trials. Cannibalistic larvae were separated by using grader frame from each treatment at 7 days and 5 days interval during first and second trial respectively. Two mesh sizes i.e., 5 mm and 7 mm were used in the grader frame in both trials. Survival rate was significantly higher in T1 than that of T2 in each trial. Grading of larvae with 5 days interval resulted higher survival rate than that of 7 days interval.


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Young Clarias gariepinus cultured in an artificial tank were severely affected by an ulcer type of disease where 77% fish died within 5 weeks. From the lesions and kidney of affected fish Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium, Micrococcus and Staphylococcus were isolated where Aeromonas was observed as the dominant bacteria. Among them, an A. hydrophila isolate AGK 34 was detected as a pathogen by the experimental challenge test. In order to find out a suitable remedial measure of the disease, four different chemotherapeutants were applied to the affected fish in 6 different ways under laboratory condition. Affected fish were recovered from the disease in different treatments. But the best result was obtained by a successive bath in 1-2% NaCl and subsequent oral treatment with commercial oxytetracycline at a dose of 75 mg/kg body weight of fish.


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An experiment was conducted to study the effect of different feeds on growth survival and production of African catfish (C. gariepinus) in six cemented tanks (3m² each) over a period of 120 days. Three different feeds namely Feed A (Saudi-Bangla fish feed, 33.43% protein), Feed B (formulated feed, 40.12% protein) and Feed C (chicken raw intestine, 59.58% protein) were applied to treatments I, II and III respectively. Each of the tanks was stocked with 24 fry with mean initial body weight of 2.56±0.06 g. Feeds were supplied to the fish ad-libitum daily in two instalments. Significantly highest weight gain was obtained in treatment III, however, survival rate was low compared to other treatments. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) values ranged from 2.52-6.4. Survival rate of fish varied between 83 and 96%. Treatment II yielded the highest (5000 kg/ha/120 days) production with the highest survival rate of fish. On the basis of survival rate and production, it is suggested that the formulated feed (Feed B) is suitable for the culture of C. gariepinus in cemented tanks.