719 resultados para Adolescent psychologie
OBJECTIVES: We aimed to (i) evaluate psychological distress in adolescent survivors of childhood cancer and compare them to siblings and a norm population; (ii) compare the severity of distress of distressed survivors and siblings with that of psychotherapy patients; and (iii) determine risk factors for psychological distress in survivors. METHODS: We sent a questionnaire to all childhood cancer survivors aged <16 years when diagnosed, who had survived ≥ 5 years and were aged 16-19 years at the time of study. Our control groups were same-aged siblings, a norm population, and psychotherapy patients. Psychological distress was measured with the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (BSI-18) assessing somatization, depression, anxiety, and a global severity index (GSI). Participants with a T-score ≥ 57 were defined as distressed. We used logistic regression to determine risk factors. RESULTS: We evaluated the BSI-18 in 407 survivors and 102 siblings. Fifty-two survivors (13%) and 11 siblings (11%) had scores above the distress threshold (T ≥ 57). Distressed survivors scored significantly higher in somatization (p=0.027) and GSI (p=0.016) than distressed siblings, and also scored higher in somatization (p ≤ 0.001) and anxiety (p=0.002) than psychotherapy patients. In the multivariable regression, psychological distress was associated with female sex, self-reported late effects, and low perceived parental support. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of survivors did not report psychological distress. However, the severity of distress of distressed survivors exceeded that of distressed siblings and psychotherapy patients. Systematic psychological follow-up can help to identify survivors at risk and support them during the challenging period of adolescence.
The prevalence of chronic conditions among adolescents is difficult to assess due to the lack of quality data focusing specifically on this age group, as well as the diversity in methodology and definitions used. However, surveys carried out by self administered questionnaires among in-school adolescent populations indicate that around 10% of adolescents suffer from such a condition. The aim of this paper is to analyse the reciprocal effects of chronic conditions and adolescent development by reviewing the effect of chronic disease on growth and puberty and on psychosocial development, and the effect of developmental issues on the course and management of chronic disease.
Adolescence, defined as a transition phase toward autonomy and independence, is a natural time of learning and adjustment, particularly in the setting of long-term goals and personal aspirations. It also is a period of heightened sensation seeking, including risk taking and reckless behaviors, which is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among teenagers. Recent observations suggest that a relative immaturity in frontal cortical neural systems may underlie the adolescent propensity for uninhibited risk taking and hazardous behaviors. However, converging preclinical and clinical studies do not support a simple model of frontal cortical immaturity, and there is substantial evidence that adolescents engage in dangerous activities, including drug abuse, despite knowing and understanding the risks involved. Therefore, a current consensus considers that much brain development during adolescence occurs in brain regions and systems that are critically involved in the perception and evaluation of risk and reward, leading to important changes in social and affective processing. Hence, rather than naive, immature and vulnerable, the adolescent brain, particularly the prefrontal cortex, should be considered as prewired for expecting novel experiences. In this perspective, thrill seeking may not represent a danger but rather a window of opportunities permitting the development of cognitive control through multiple experiences. However, if the maturation of brain systems implicated in self-regulation is contextually dependent, it is important to understand which experiences matter most. In particular, it is essential to unveil the underpinning mechanisms by which recurrent adverse episodes of stress or unrestricted access to drugs can shape the adolescent brain and potentially trigger life-long maladaptive responses.
Ce travail vise à exposer le courant de la psychologie positive et à présenter une tentative d'articulation entre ce courant et le champ de la pratique psychothérapeutique. Nous présenterons, dans un premier temps, les fondements de la psychologie positive et les axes principaux qui la constituent. Dans cette perspective, la théorie des émotions positives de Fredrickson et la classification des vertus et des forces de caractères de Peterson et Seligman sont exposées plus en détails. Dans un second temps et à partir des travaux récents, deux facçons d'établir un pont entre psychologie positive et la psychothérapie sont discutées : (i) le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques issues de la psychologie positive et (ii) une relecture des principaux modèles psychothérapeutiques au regard de la psychologie positive. / This article aims to present the field of positive psychology and the way it could be integrated in the area of psychotherapy. First, the historical grounding and the main contributions of positive psychology are presented. In this perspective, the Fredrickson's theory of positive emotions and the Peterson's classification of character strengths and virtues are particularly detailed. Secondly, based on recent research, two ways to link positive psychology to clinical practice emerged: (i) the development of new therapeutic strategies anchored in the positive psychology, and (ii) a critical look at different psychotherapeutic modalities based on positive psychology.
Ce travail s'appuie sur une recherche qualitative s'articulant autour d'études de cas. Il s'articule autour de travaux de psychologie clinique d'orientation psychanalytique européens et de travaux de criminologie clinique belges et nord-américains. Il vise à interroger les facteurs de l'engagement, du renforcement et du renoncement aux agirs transgressifs à la période de latence d'une part puis au cours du processus adolescent d'autre part. La proposition du terme agir transgressif permettra d'explorer les contours de la problématique des pathologies de l'agir dans les registres psychodynamique, intrapsychique et intersubjectif, compréhension psychodynamique de la place qu'occupent ces agirs transgressifs dans le processus adolescent. Le temps du renoncement n'a, à notre connaissance, jamais été investigué dans le temps de l'adolescence et à deux reprises en psychologie clinique - psychocriminologie - (Born, Boët, 2001 ; Villerbu, Winter, Laurent, 2012). Le terme de desistance apparaît en 1934 aux Etats-Unis. Il est peu utilisé et est repris à partir de 1982 et 1983, respectivement par Meisenhelder et Shover. Feld et Strauss (1989) et plus récemment Laroche (2003) utilisent le terme de desistance pour désigner l'absence de nouvelle manifestation de violence psychologique ou physique d'un des deux partenaires d'un couple (cas des violences conjugales) sur une durée d'au moins un an. Ce travail de recherche a donc pour ambition d'enrichir une quasi-absence de recherches en psychologie clinique dans ce domaine.