936 resultados para Adolescent Health


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Adolescence and emerging adulthood are transition points that offer both opportunities and constraints on individual development. The purpose of this study is threefold: First, to examine two models (i.e., young adolescents in grades 7 and 8 and older adolescents in grade 12) of heavy episodic drinking and examine how heavy episodic drinking affects subsequent educational attainment. By utilizing two different developmental transitions, i.e., middle school to high school and high school to college, it may be possible to better understand the temporal effects of alcohol use and subsequent educational attainment. The second purpose of this study is to examine how alcohol use at Time 1 may lead to the problems in the adolescent's immediate context due to alcohol (i.e., problems with parents, peers, romantic relationships, problems at school) and to examine if these problems affect educational attainment over and above alcohol use alone. The third purpose of this study is to examine the potential gender differences in these models. The study uses data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which is a large scale, nationally representative school based sample of 20,745 adolescents who were interviewed in grades 7 to 12. Two longitudinal mediational models were evaluated utilizing structural equation modeling. Binge drinking and number of days drunk were used as indicators for a latent variable of heavy episodic drinking (i.e., LHED). In the 7th and 8th grade model, direct effects of LHED were found to predict educational attainment at grade 12. Additionally, in the 7th and 8th grade sample, a mediated relationship was found whereby educational attainment was predicted by problems with parents. Problems with parents were predicted by number of days drunk in the past year. In the 12th grade sample, there were no direct effects or indirect effects of alcohol on educational attainment. This study highlights the need for using a longitudinal framework when examining heavy episodic drinking's effects on educational attainment. ^


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Los desahucios en España se han convertido en los últimos años en un fenómeno social emergente, de interés tanto para la investigación como para la intervención de los profesionales de la acción social. Aun así, no existen estudios suficientes relacionados con esta situación adversa, y menos aún centrados en las respuestas resilientes que las personas son capaces de ofrecer ante ella. Con el objetivo de identificar los factores internos y externos que se presentan en la experiencia de las familias que viven procesos de desahucios y que les están permitiendo desarrollar estrategias resilientes ante dicha adversidad, se lleva a cabo la presente investigación en la que participan 20 sujetos, pertenecientes a familias que acuden a la Plataforma de Afectados por las Hipotecas (PAH) de Málaga. A los participantes se les realiza una entrevista semi-estructurada y a través de ellas se han podido definir las características socio-familiares de las personas afectadas, las diferentes estrategias de afrontamiento desarrolladas, las principales fuentes de apoyo con las que han contado, así como las preocupaciones que les han acompañado. Los resultados muestran los principales factores internos y externos que están presenten en las estrategias resilientes que han desarrollado las familias afectadas por los desahucios durante el proceso vivido y destacan como fuente de apoyo informacional a la PAH. Se concluye con la necesidad de continuar con esta línea de investigación para tratar de diseñar intervenciones que refuercen y fomenten las estrategias de afrontamiento ante la situación adversa del desahucio.


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La música puede afectar al individuo en todos sus niveles –físico, mental y espiritual–. El presente artículo se centra en el papel que ésta desempeña en el desarrollo de la vida espiritual y trascendental. Para ello, realizaremos un repaso histórico de su evolución estética y social, abordaremos dicho fenómeno a nivel fisiológico y presentaremos sus aplicaciones clínicas y sociales. Seguidamente y a modo de ejemplo de las concepciones de pensamiento occidental y oriental, trataremos la forma en que el cristianismo y el budismo conciben la música dentro de su doctrina. Finalizaremos con algunas reflexiones sobre el tema.


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Stressful life events early in life, including symptoms of mental disorders or childhood maltreatment, may increase risk for worse mental and physical health outcomes in adulthood. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the effects of childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms and maltreatment experience on two adult outcomes: obesity and alcohol use disorder (AUD). Mediational effects of adolescent characteristics were explored. This dissertation used Waves I, III, and IV of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health. In Paper 1 (Chapter 3), we investigated the association between multiple types of child maltreatment and adult objective (body mass index; BMI) and subjective (self-rated) obesity, as well as mediating effects by adolescent characteristics including depressive symptoms and BMI. Results showed that after adjusting for sex, race/ethnicity, and maternal education, physical maltreatment was moderately associated with adulthood obesity as measured by BMI and self-reported obesity, while sexual maltreatment was more strongly associated with the objective measure but not the subjective measure. The indirect effects of mediation of adolescent BMI and depressive symptoms were statistically significant. In Paper 2 (Chapter 4), the objective was to examine mediation by adolescent depressive symptoms, alcohol consumption, peer alcohol consumption, and delinquency in the relationship between ADHD symptoms and adult AUD. The indirect effects of mediation of adolescent delinquency, alcohol consumption, and peer alcohol consumption were statistically significant in single and multiple mediator models. In Paper 3 (Chapter 5), the objective was to assess the joint effects of maltreatment/neglect on adult AUD. After adjusting for sex, race/ethnicity, child maltreatment, and parental AUD, ADHD symptoms were significantly associated with increased odds of AUD. There was no strong evidence of multiplicative interaction by maltreatment. This association was stronger for males than females, although the interaction term was not statistically significant. This dissertation adds to the literature by examining relationships between several major public health problems: ADHD symptoms, childhood maltreatment, AUD, depressive symptoms, and obesity. This project has implications for understanding how early life stress increases risk for later physical and mental health problems, and identifying potential intervention targets for adolescents.


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Este relatório é referente ao estágio de enfermagem comunitária realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Enfermagem, na área de especialização em enfermagem comunitária. O estágio incidiu na promoção de uma sexualidade saudável e de estilos de vida saudáveis nos adolescentes das escolas secundárias e básicas 2.3 do concelho de Portalegre. Com este relatório pretende-se descrever as intervenções realizadas durante o estágio; refletir sobre a prática do enfermeiro na intervenção comunitária e analisar o desenvolvimento das competências adquiridas. A intervenção comunitária na área da educação sexual na adolescência abrangeu uma população de 276 adolescentes. Foram realizadas 15 sessões de educação para a saúde no âmbito da educação sexual baseadas nas necessidades de informação emergentes do diagnóstico de situação realizado anteriormente. Relativamente às atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito dos estilos de vida saudáveis, integrada na promoção da imagem da ESSP, abrangeu uma população de 317 adolescentes. Estas atividades tiveram por base as orientações do plano nacional de saúde 2004/2010 na área da saúde do adolescente. Foi importante para a aquisição de competências na área da enfermagem comunitária o desenvolvimento das atividades segundo a metodologia do planeamento em saúde


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O presente relatório enquadra-se no estágio de enfermagem comunitária realizado numa comunidade escolar no período de 14 de Fevereiro a 27 de Junho de 2011, para a conclusão do Mestrado em Enfermagem na área de especialização em enfermagem comunitária. Assim, este relatório pretende: Descrever todas as intervenções realizadas em estágio; Analisar o desenvolvimento das competências adquiridas; Refletir sobre o papel do enfermeiro na intervenção comunitária. O estágio de intervenção comunitária, incidiu na área da promoção da saúde dos adolescentes do concelho de Portalegre: Promoção de uma sexualidade saudável e de hábitos de vida saudáveis na adolescência. A área de intervenção referente à temática da educação sexual na adolescência em meio escolar abrangeu uma população de 276 adolescentes, neste âmbito foram realizadas um total de 15 sessões de educação para a saúde na área da educação sexual, tendo por base as necessidades de informação dos adolescentes nesta área temática. As atividades desenvolvidas com os adolescentes no âmbito dos estilos de vida saudáveis, integrada na promoção da imagem da ESSP abrangeram uma população de 317 adolescentes. O desenvolvimento das atividades de estágio orientadas pela metodologia do planeamento em saúde, foram essenciais para aquisição de competências em enfermagem comunitária


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Issue addressed Evidence suggests that physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) participation varies among culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) adolescents. The present study examined differences in PA and SB among a CALD sample of Chinese Australian, South-east Asian and Anglo-Australian adolescents. Methods Data from 286 adolescents aged 12-16 years involved in the Chinese and Australian Adolescent Health Survey in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia, were analysed. Accelerometry outcomes included median activity counts per minute (counts.min-1) and minutes per day (min.day-1) spent in light-intensity PA (LPA), moderate-to-vigorous-intensity PA (MVPA) and sedentary time (ST). Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance and sequential multiple hierarchical linear regressions were used to examine CALD differences in PA and ST. Results Multivariate analyses of accelerometry data found Chinese Australian and South-east Asian adolescents engaged in significantly less daily MVPA (5-8min.day-1) and LPA (50-58min.day-1; P<0.05), but greater daily ST (40-41min.day-1), than Anglo-Australian adolescents, after adjusting for age, gender and socioeconomic category. Conclusion The results demonstrate lower engagement in daily MVPA and LPA and greater engagement in ST using accelerometry among Chinese Australian and South-east Asian adolescents compared with Anglo-Australian adolescents. These findings have important public health implications in furthering our understanding of CALD differences in PA and SB. So what? An understanding of the CALD differences in physical activity and sedentary behaviour among Australian adolescents has important implications for intervention planning and delivery as well as the wider health implications of these behaviours. This article furthers the current understanding of CALD adolescents' participation in physical activity and sedentary behaviour, of which limited information is available.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe New Zealand adolescent time use clusters and correlate cluster profiles. METHODS: Data were from the cross-sectional 2008/2009 National Survey of Children and Young People's Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviours, which surveyed a random sample of 10-16 year-old New Zealanders (study subset n=679). Time use data were collected using the Multimedia Activity Recall for Children and Adults, and collapsed into 17 age-adjusted variables for sex-specific cluster analysis. Cluster associations with socio-demographic, anthropometric, physical activity and dietary variables were analysed. RESULTS: Three time use clusters were discovered for both boys and girls. For boys, the Techno-active cluster was characterised by high levels of team sports and TV; the Quiet movers cluster by transport (active and passive) and quiet time; and the Social studious cluster by reading, study activities and social interaction. The boys' clusters were associated with ethnicity. The girls'Social sporty cluster was characterised by sports and social interaction; the Screenie tasker cluster by TV, computer, chores and work; and the Super studious cluster by reading, study and school-based activities. The girls' time use cluster membership was associated with weight status and serves of extra foods. CONCLUSIONS: Distinct sex-specific time use clusters and correlate profiles exist among NZ adolescents. IMPLICATIONS: These findings may assist the development of targeted time use interventions to improve adolescent health and well-being.


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Current physical activity and fitness levels among adolescents are low, increasing the risk of chronic disease. Although the efficacy of high intensity interval training (HIIT) for improving metabolic health is now well established, it is not known if this type of activity can be effective to improve adolescent health. The primary aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of embedding HIIT into the school day. A 3-arm pilot randomized controlled trial was conducted in one secondary school in Newcastle, Australia. Participants (n = 65; mean age = 15.8(0.6) years) were randomized into one of three conditions: aerobic exercise program (AEP) (n = 21), resistance and aerobic exercise program (RAP) (n = 22) and control (n = 22). The 8-week intervention consisted of three HIIT sessions per week (8-10 min/session), delivered during physical education (PE) lessons or at lunchtime. Assessments were conducted at baseline and post-intervention to detect changes in cardiorespiratory fitness (multi-stage shuttle-run), muscular fitness (push-up, standing long jump tests), body composition (Body Mass Index (BMI), BMI-z scores, waist circumference) and physical activity motivation (questionnaire), by researchers blinded to treatment allocation. Intervention effects for outcomes were examined using linear mixed models, and Cohen's d effect sizes were reported. Participants in the AEP and RAP groups had moderate intervention effects for waist circumference (p = 0.024), BMI-z (p = 0.037) and BMI (not significant) in comparison to the control group. A small intervention effect was also evident for cardiorespiratory fitness in the RAP group.


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School food policies and services have the potential to influence the food practices and eating behaviours of adolescents which in turn may affect their lifestyles and health in adulthood. The aim of this qualitative investigation was to describe the opinions of adolescents, their parents, nutrition educators and school principals about the prevailing food environment and canteen policies in Indian schools. Fifteen adolescents aged 14–15 years, 15 parents, 12 teachers and 10 principals from 10 private schools in Kolkata, India participated in semi-structured interviews. The interview questions were primarily based on the existing literature related to school food environments and policies. Audio recordings were transcribed verbatim and assessed thematically. Throughout the 52 interviews, a number of inadequacies of the school food environment and policies were revealed. These included the absence of written food policies, the widespread supply of unhealthy foods, inadequate provision of healthy foods, misleading messages about food communicated by school authorities, lack of cleanliness in the school canteen and the high cost of canteen food. Current school food environments do not appear to promote healthy eating among adolescents. Therefore, it is important to upgrade the quality of food services in Indian schools through adoption of healthy eating policies.


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PURPOSE: The effects of using multiple screens at once on energy intake (EI) are unknown. This study compared EI of participants with access to multiple screens (television + iPad + smartphone) versus a single screen (television). METHODS: A laboratory-based, randomized, two-arm parallel (multi-screen vs. single-screen) trial was conducted in 78 adolescents (ages, 13-18 years). Food and drink were available during a 1-hour exposure period. Total EI was the primary outcome. Linear regression analyses were conducted to test the treatment difference, adjusting for age, sex, body mass index, and appetite at baseline. RESULTS: Total EI did not differ significantly between the two groups (multi-screen, 758 kcal [standard error = 75] vs. single-screen, 681 kcal [standard error = 75]; difference, +77 kcal; 95% confidence interval, -166 to +320). CONCLUSIONS: EI did not differ between adolescents with access to multiple screens and those with access to a single screen; however, limitations in the study design may have decreased the power of the study.


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There is an absence of education regarding psychosocial issues in Iraqi paediatric training programmes. The aim of this study is to examine current knowledge and perspectives around these topics and to explore potential development in these programmes. 56 paediatric trainers and students at the Child Central Teaching Hospital, a hospital affiliated to the Al-Mustansyria medical college in Baghdad, responded to a questionnaire to evaluate knowledge and perspectives regarding psychosocial approaches to child and adolescent health as delivered presently via academic training and used in professional practice. The majority of the respondents reported having no training in psychosocial interventions. Using a scale from 0 ('not relevant') to 10 ('very important'), psychosocial issues were rated 7.1 in their relevance to everyday paediatric practice. On a scale of 0 ('very poor') to 10 ('totally adequate'), respondents rated formal current psychosocial training at 2.5. It is concluded that incorporating psychosocial approaches in paediatric training will lead to a broader base of knowledge in children's health and contribute to the promotion of multidisciplinary practice in Iraq.


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Purpose - To explore the perceived and potential roles of pharmacists in the care of young people aged 10-24 years with chronic illness, through the exemplar of juvenile arthritis, from the perspectives of UK community and hospital pharmacists, health service commissioners, rheumatology health professionals and lay advocates. Methods - A sequential mixed methods study design comprising: focus groups with community and hospital pharmacists; telephone interviews with pharmacy and rheumatology stakeholders and commissioners, and multidisciplinary group discussions to prioritize roles generated by the first two qualitative phases. Results - The high priority roles for pharmacists, identified by pharmacists and rheumatology staff, were: developing generic healthcare skills among young people; transferring information effectively across care interfaces; building trusting relationships with young people; helping young people to find credible online health information, and the need to develop specialist expertise. Participants identified associated challenges for pharmacists in supporting young people with chronic illness. These challenges included parents collecting prescription refills alone, thus reducing opportunities to engage, and pharmacist isolation from the wider healthcare team. Conclusions - This study has led to the identification of specific enhancements to pharmacy services for young people which have received the endorsement of a wide range of stakeholders. These suggestions could inform the next steps in developing the contribution of community and hospital pharmacy to support young people with chronic illness in the optimal use of their medication.


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The objectives of this thesis were to study specific Canadian populations in order to examine; (1) relationships between the neighbourhood-level social capital and injuries in youth, as well as (2) falls in older adults, and; (3) to address methodological issues relevant to the study of such relationships. The thesis is comprised of four manuscripts. The first addresses methodological issues surrounding the validation of neighbourhood-level variables for the study of adolescent health, and demonstrates the existence of structural confounding in the study of related etiological relationships. Informed by the latter, the second manuscript examines the association between neighbourhood-level social capital and injuries in youth, and demonstrates that lower levels of social capital are protective factors for girls but not for boys. Manuscript 3 uses an international database focused on older adults, and shows that our existing measure of social capital is valid at neighbourhood levels, but also that there is a high possibility for the existence of structural confounding among Canadian older adults. The fourth manuscript then examines the association between neighbourhood-level social capital and the occurrence of falls in older adults and determines that differences between neighbourhoods are important factors in the occurrence of falls, and that higher levels of social capital are a risk factor for falls. Taken together, results from this thesis provide a better understanding of the role of neighbourhood-level social capital on the occurrence of injuries in Canadian youth and on the occurrence of falls in older adults. Our contributions were important both methodologically and etiologically.


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The objectives of this study are to investigate the association between cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiovascular risk factors in schoolchildren and to evaluate the degree of association between overall and abdominal adiposity and cardiorespiratory fitness. A total of 1,875 children and adolescents attending public schools in Bogota, Colombia (56.2% girls; age range of 9–17.9 years). A cardiovascular risk score (Z-score) was calculated and participants were divided into tertiles according to low and high levels of overall (sum of the skinfold thicknesses) and abdominal adiposity. Schoolchildren with a high level of overall adiposity demonstrated significant differences in seven of the 10 variables analyzed (i.e. systolic and diastolic blood pressure, triglycerides, triglycerides/HDL-c ratio, total cholesterol, glucose and cardiovascular risk score). Schoolchildren with high levels of both overall and abdominal adiposity and low cardiorespiratory fitness had the least favorable cardiovascular risk factors score. These findings may be relevant to health promotion in Colombian youth.