964 resultados para Adaptive response


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Les populations caractérisées par des fluctuations cycliques ont fasciné et continuent de générer un grand intérêt chez la communauté scientifique en raison de la complexité des facteurs de régulation qui en sont responsables. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été proposées pour expliquer ces fluctuations cycliques mais aucun consensus n’a encore été atteint malgré près de 100 ans de recherche. La disponibilité de la nourriture et les effets sociaux (e.g. interactions compétitives) ont été proposés comme facteurs responsables de cycles de certaines espèces. Toutefois, la prédation est probablement le facteur le plus susceptible de causer des fluctuations cycliques chez les populations fauniques en raison de son effet dépendant de la densité avec délai. Un tandem circulaire de raréfaction et densification des prédateurs et des proies par des effets directs (i.e. mortalités) seraient à l’origine des cycles d’abondance. De plus, de récentes études montrent que les effets indirects (comme le stress) de la prédation pourraient être aussi importants que les effets directs pour générer les fluctuations cycliques. Cette thèse vise à identifier les effets directs et indirects de la prédation qui affectent la population de lemmings bruns de l’Île Bylot, Nunavut, caractérisée par des cycles d’abondance de 3-4 ans. Pour ce faire, nous avons d’abord comparé la plausibilité de l’hypothèse de la limitation par nourriture vis-à-vis l’hypothèse de la prédation en déterminant la chronologie saisonnière des cycles des lemmings. Ensuite, nous avons construit en 2012-2013 une clôture de 9 ha coiffée d’un filet anti-prédateur aviaire dans lequel nous avons piégé les lemmings de 2013 à 2015. Une deuxième grille de trappage sans clôture a été utilisée à des fins de comparaisons. Ces deux grilles étaient actives dès 2008, ce qui nous a permis d’avoir un contrôle pré-expérimental pour les données démographiques (effets directs). En 2014 et 2015, nous avons récolté les fèces des lemmings dans les deux grilles de trappage afin de quantifier les métabolites d’hormones de stress. Une validation de la mesure des métabolites fécales des glucocorticoïdes (i.e. hormones de stress) a été menée afin de mesurer le stress des lemmings de façon non-invasive. Les résultats sont clairs : (1) le déclin des lemmings se produit à la fin de l’été alors que les prédateurs sont au plus fort de leur abondance et pas à la fin de l’hiver, supportant ainsi l’hypothèse de la limitation par la prédation. Nos résultats suggèrent aussi (2) que les lemmings à l’intérieur de la clôture avaient une survie plus élevée qu’à l’extérieur, favorisant ainsi une croissance plus forte de la population. Ensuite, (3) les lemmings ont montré des niveaux de stress plus faibles sans prédation sans toutefois que cela ait un impact sur leur reproduction. À la lumière des résultats de cette thèse et en les comparant avec deux autres études ayant aussi réduit expérimentalement l’abondance des prédateurs dans la toundra arctique, nous pouvons conclure que la prédation est la force trophique dominante de régulation de l’abondance des lemmings. Cette étude montre également que le stress induit par la prédation est insuffisant pour avoir un impact sur la dynamique des lemmings en été, soit pendant la saison où la prédation est maximale. Il est possible que cette absence d’effet soit une réponse adaptative des lemmings pour maintenir une reproduction élevée face à une prédation élevée, et ainsi maximiser leur aptitude phénotypique.


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To evaluate the biodistribution of sodium pertecnetate (Na99mTcO4) in organs and tissues, the morphometry of remnant intestinal mucosa and ponderal evolution in rats subjected to massive resection of the small intestine. Methods: Twenty-one Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups of 7 animals each. The short bowel (SB) group was subjected to massive resection of the small intestine; the control group (C) rats were not operated on, and soft intestinal handling was performed in sham rats. The animals were weighed weekly. On the 30th postoperative day, 0.l mL of Na99mTcO4, with mean activity of 0.66 MBq was injected intravenously into the orbital plexus. After 30 minutes, the rats were killed with an overdose of anesthetic, and fragments of the liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, thyroid, lung, heart, kidney, bladder, muscle, femur and brain were harvested. The biopsies were washed with 0.9% NaCl.,The radioactivity was counted using Gama Counter WizardTM 1470, PerkinElmer. The percentage of radioactivity per gram of tissue (%ATI-g) was calculated. Biopsies of the remaining jejunum were analysed by HE staining to obtain mucosal thickness. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey test for multiple comparisons were used, considering p<0.05 as signifi cant. Results: There were no signifi cant differences in %ATI-g of the Na99mTcO4 in the organs of the groups studied (p>0.05). An increase in the weight of the SB rats was observed after the second postoperative week. The jejunal mucosal thickness of the SB rats was signifi cantly greater than that of C and sham rats (p<0.05). Conclusion: In rats with experimentally-produced short bowel syndrome, an adaptive response by the intestinal mucosa reduced weight loss. The biodistribution of Na99mTcO4 was not affected by massive intestinal resection, suggesting that short bowel syndrome is not the cause of misleading interpretation, if an examination using this radiopharmaceutical is indicated


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The Chromobacterium violaceum is a β-proteobacterium Gram-negative widely found in tropical and subtropical regions, whose genome was sequenced in 2003 showing great metabolic versatility and biotechnological and pharmaceutical potential. Given the large number of ORFs related to iron metabolism described in the genome of C. violaceum, the importance of this metal for various biological processes and due to lack of data about the consequences of excess of iron in free-living organisms, it is important to study the response mechanism of this bacterium in a culture filled with iron. Previous work showed that C. violaceum is resistant to high concentrations of this metal, but has not yet been described the mechanism which is used to this survival. Thus, to elucidate the response of C. violaceum cultured in high concentrations of iron and expecting to obtain candidate genes for use in bioremediation processes, this study used a shotgun proteomics approach and systems biology to assess the response of C. violaceum grown in the presence and absence of 9 mM of iron. The analysis identified 531 proteins, being 71 exclusively expressed by the bacteria grown in the presence of the metal and 100 just in the control condition. The increase in expression of proteins related to the TCA cycle possibly represents a metabolic reprogramming of the bacteria caused by high concentration of iron in the medium. Moreover, we observed an increase in the activity assay of superoxide dismutase and catalase as well as in Total Antioxidant Activity assay, suggesting that the metal is inducing oxidative stress in C. violaceum that increases the levels of violacein and antioxidant enzymes to better adapt to the emerging conditions. Are also part of the adaptive response changes in expression of proteins related to transport, including iron, as well as an increased expression of proteins related to chemotaxis response, which would lead the bacteria to change the direction of its movement away from the metal. Systems Biology results, also suggest a metabolic reprogramming with mechanisms coordinated by bottleneck proteins involved in transcription (GreA), energy metabolism (Rpe and TpiA) and methylation (AhcY)


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Behaviours related to foraging and feeding in predator-prey systems are fundamental to our understanding of food webs. From the perspective of a predator, the selection of prey size depends upon a number of factors including prey vulnerability, prey size, and the predator's motivation to eat. Thus, feeding motivation and prey visual cues are supposed to influence predator decisions and it is predicted that prey selection by visual cues is modulated by the predator's stomach fullness prior to attacking a prey. This study was conducted using an animal model from the rocky shores ecosystem, a predatory fish, the frillfin goby Bathygobius soporator, and a benthic prey, the mottled shore crab Pachygrapsus transversus. Our results demonstrate that frillfin gables are capable of visually evaluating prey size and that the size evaluation process is modulated by the level of stomach fullness. Predators with an empty stomach (0% fullness) attacked prey that was larger than the predicted optimal size. Partially satiated predators (50% stomach fullness) selected prey close to the optimal size, while fully satiated predators (100% stomach fullness) showed no preference for size. This finding indicates an integrative response of the predator that depends on the input of both internal and external sensory information when choosing prey. Predator perceptions of visual cues (prey size) and stomach fullness modulate foraging decisions. As a result, a flexible feeding behaviour emerges, evidencing a clearly adaptive response in line with optimal foraging theory predictions. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Drugs that recapitulate aspects of the exercise adaptive response have the potential to provide better treatment for diseases associated with physical inactivity. We previously observed reduced skeletal muscle class IIa HDAC (histone deacetylase) transcriptional repressive activity during exercise. Here, we find that exercise-like adaptations are induced by skeletal muscle expression of class IIa HDAC mutants that cannot form a corepressor complex. Adaptations include increased metabolic gene expression, mitochondrial capacity, and lipid oxidation. An existing HDAC inhibitor, Scriptaid, had similar phenotypic effects through disruption of the class IIa HDAC corepressor complex. Acute Scriptaid administration to mice increased the expression of metabolic genes, which required an intact class IIa HDAC corepressor complex. Chronic Scriptaid administration increased exercise capacity, whole-body energy expenditure and lipid oxidation, and reduced fasting blood lipids and glucose. Therefore, compounds that disrupt class IIa HDAC function could be used to enhance metabolic health in chronic diseases driven by physical inactivity.


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Streptococcus suis est un important pathogène porcin et humain, causant méningites et septicémies. Des études suggèrent que S. suis dispose de facteurs de virulence, notamment sa capsule polysaccharidique (CPS), qui lui permettent de moduler les fonctions des cellules dendritiques (DCs), situées à l’interface entre l’immunité innée et adaptative. Les difficultés à développer un vaccin efficace suggèrent aussi une altération de la voie T dépendante. L’objectif général du projet était d’évaluer l’effet de S. suis sur l’activation des cellules T CD4+ ainsi que sur la capacité de présentation antigénique des DCs. Nous avons étudié dans un modèle murin in vivo la réponse T CD4+ mémoire lors d’infections primaire et secondaire. Une faible réponse mémoire centrale a été obtenue, suggérant que la réponse adaptative générée contre S. suis est limitée. Étant donné l’importance du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (MHC) de classe II dans la présentation antigénique, nous avons évalué in vitro et in vivo l’expression de ces molécules chez les DCs. Une modulation de l’expression du MHC-II par S. suis a été observée. L’analyse de la transcription de gènes impliqués dans la régulation transcriptionnelle et post-transcriptionnelle du MHC-II nous permet de suggérer que S. suis régule à la baisse la synthèse de nouvelles molécules et favorise leur dégradation lysosomale. Cette stratégie, dans laquelle la CPS ne jouerait qu’un rôle partiel, permettrait à S. suis d’échapper à la réponse adaptative T dépendante. Les résultats de cette étude fourniront de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de la réponse adaptative lors de l’infection par S. suis.


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Streptococcus suis est un important pathogène porcin et humain, causant méningites et septicémies. Des études suggèrent que S. suis dispose de facteurs de virulence, notamment sa capsule polysaccharidique (CPS), qui lui permettent de moduler les fonctions des cellules dendritiques (DCs), situées à l’interface entre l’immunité innée et adaptative. Les difficultés à développer un vaccin efficace suggèrent aussi une altération de la voie T dépendante. L’objectif général du projet était d’évaluer l’effet de S. suis sur l’activation des cellules T CD4+ ainsi que sur la capacité de présentation antigénique des DCs. Nous avons étudié dans un modèle murin in vivo la réponse T CD4+ mémoire lors d’infections primaire et secondaire. Une faible réponse mémoire centrale a été obtenue, suggérant que la réponse adaptative générée contre S. suis est limitée. Étant donné l’importance du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (MHC) de classe II dans la présentation antigénique, nous avons évalué in vitro et in vivo l’expression de ces molécules chez les DCs. Une modulation de l’expression du MHC-II par S. suis a été observée. L’analyse de la transcription de gènes impliqués dans la régulation transcriptionnelle et post-transcriptionnelle du MHC-II nous permet de suggérer que S. suis régule à la baisse la synthèse de nouvelles molécules et favorise leur dégradation lysosomale. Cette stratégie, dans laquelle la CPS ne jouerait qu’un rôle partiel, permettrait à S. suis d’échapper à la réponse adaptative T dépendante. Les résultats de cette étude fourniront de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de la réponse adaptative lors de l’infection par S. suis.


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BACKGROUND: The regulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) at different stages of the progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and their role in glucose homeostasis was investigated. METHODS: Microarrays were used to assess miRNA expression in skeletal muscle biopsies taken from healthy individuals and patients with pre-diabetes or T2DM, and insulin resistant offspring of rat dams fed a high fat diet during pregnancy. RESULTS: Twenty-three miRNAs were differentially expressed in patients with T2DM, and 7 in the insulin resistant rat offspring compared to their controls. Among these, only one miRNA was similarly regulated: miR-194 expression was significantly reduced by 25 to 50% in both the rat model and in human with pre-diabetes and established diabetes. Knockdown of miR-194 in L6 skeletal muscle cells induced an increase in basal and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis. This occurred in conjunction with an increased glycolysis, indicated by elevated lactate production. Moreover, oxidative capacity was also increased as we found an enhanced glucose oxidation in presence of the mitochondrial uncoupler FCCP. When miR-194 was down-regulated in vitro, western blot analysis showed an increased phosphorylation of AKT and GSK3β in response to insulin, and an increase in expression of proteins controlling mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. CONCLUSIONS: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with regulation of several miRNAs in skeletal muscle. Interestingly, miR-194 was a unique miRNA that appeared regulated across different stages of the disease progression, from the early stages of insulin resistance to the development of T2DM. We have shown miR-194 is involved in multiple aspects of skeletal muscle glucose metabolism from uptake, through to glycolysis, glycogenesis and glucose oxidation, potentially via mechanisms involving AKT, GSK3 and oxidative phosphorylation. MiR-194 could be down-regulated in patients with early features of diabetes as an adaptive response to facilitate tissue glucose uptake and metabolism in the face of insulin resistance.


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This study tests two general and independent hypotheses with the basic assumption that phytoactive secondary compounds produced by plants evolved primarily as plant defences against competitor plant species. The first hypothesis is that the production and main way of release of phytoactive compounds reflect an adaptive response to climatic conditions. Thus, higher phytoactivity by volatile compounds prevails in plants of hot, dry environments, whereas higher phytoactivity by water-soluble compounds is preponderant in plants from wetter environments. The second hypothesis is that synergy between plant phytoactive compounds is widespread, due to the resulting higher energy efficiency and economy of resources. The first hypothesis was tested on germination and early growth of cucumber treated with either water extracts or volatiles from leaves or vegetative shoot tops of four Mediterranean-type shrubs. The second hypothesis was tested on germination of subterranean clover treated with either water extracts of leaves or vegetative shoot tops of one tree and of three Mediterranean-type shrubs or with each of the three fractions obtained from water extracts. Our data do not support either hypotheses. We found no evidence for higher phytoactivity in volatile compounds released by plants that thrive in hot, dry Mediterranean-type environments. We also found no evidence for the predominance of synergy among the constituents of fractions. To the contrary, we found either antagonism or no interaction of effects among allelopathic compounds.


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This thesis contributes to the knowledge of temperate rocky shore ecology, with direct implications in the management and conservation of two important local marine resources that inhabit the very edge of subtidal and intertidal habitats on wave-swept rocky shores: the sessile filter feeding stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes and the mobile keystone herbivore sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Research was conducted along gradients of wave exposure on rocky shores of Southern Europe. The abundance of P. lividus was four times higher in SW Portugal than in NW Italy. Most of the variation in urchin abundance occurred at small spatial scales, probably shaped by habitat complexity. In SW Portugal, sea urchin attachment forces while in burrows were measured and related to burrow shape, urchin size and habitat. Burrowing behaviour enhances sea urchin attachment force and might be an adaptive response to hydrodynamic stress. Abundance of P. pollicipes in SW Portugal is highly and positively related to wave exposure at local and regional scales. Predation and recruitment processes seem to be important drivers of these abundance patterns. A distribution model of P. pollicipes abundance in relation to wave exposure was developed for the SW coast of Portugal and might be used for improvement of its management and conservation. Growth of P. pollicipes was studied by applying a novel method using fluorescent calcein for marking and to estimate growth. Growth rate decreased with barnacle size and was highly variable amongst individuals, particularly in smaller barnacles. No effect of shore level on barnacle growth was detected. An assessment of the state of the fishery, conservation and management of the stalked barnacle in different regions of continental Portugal was made, highlighting an overall negative tendency of this state and recommending a change into a co-management system; Resumo: Viver no limite intertidal / subtidal: ecologia do percebe Pollicipes pollicipes e do ouriço-do-mar Paracentrotus lividus Esta tese contribui para o conhecimento da ecologia do litoral rochoso e tem implicações diretas na gestão e conservação de dois recursos marinhos locais que habitam o interface subtidal/intertidal de costas rochosas sujeitas a agitação marinha: o percebe Pollicipes pollicipes, animal séssil e filtrador e o ouriço-do-mar Paracentrotus lividus, animal móvel e herbívoro. Foram realizados vários estudos ao longo de gradientes de hidrodinamismo em costas rochosas do sul da Europa. A abundância de P. lividus foi quatro vezes superior no sudoeste de Portugal relativamente ao noroeste de Itália. Grande parte da variação na abundância de P. lividus ocorreu a pequenas escalas espaciais, provavelmente influenciada pela complexidade do habitat. A força com que o ouriço-do-mar se fixa ao substrato foi medida no terreno no sudoeste de Portugal, tendo esta sido relacionada com a forma da depressão que ocupa, o tamanho individual e o habitat. O comportamento escavador desta espécie aumenta a sua força de fixação ao substrato e poderá ser uma resposta adaptativa ao hidrodinamismo.. A abundância de P. pollicipes na costa sudoeste de Portugal, a diferentes escalas espaciais, está relacionada de forma positiva com a agitação marinha, e é influenciada pela predação e pelo recrutamento desta espécie. Foi desenvolvido um modelo de distribuição e abundância de P. pollicipes para esta costa baseado na relação com a agitação marinha, cujos resultados podem ser usados para melhorar a gestão e conservação deste recurso. Um novo método com recurso a calceina fluorescente foi desenvolvido para marcar percebes e estudar o seu crescimento. A taxa de crescimento diminuiu com o tamanho do animal, sendo altamente variável entre indivíduos, sobretudos nos de menores dimensões. O estado da apanha, conservação e gestão do percebe em diferentes regiões de Portugal Continental apresentou uma tendência global negativa, e recomenda-se uma alteração para um sistema de cogestão deste recurso.


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BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVEs A decline in resting energy expenditure (REE) beyond that predicted from changes in body composition has been noted following dietary-induced weight loss. However, it is unknown whether a compensatory downregulation in REE also accompanies exercise (EX)-induced weight loss, or whether this adaptive metabolic response influences energy intake (EI). SUBJECTS/METHODS Thirty overweight and obese women (body mass index (BMI)=30.6±3.6 kg/m2) completed 12 weeks of supervised aerobic EX. Body composition, metabolism, EI and metabolic-related hormones were measured at baseline, week 6 and post intervention. The metabolic adaptation (MA), that is, difference between predicted and measured REE was also calculated post intervention (MApost), with REE predicted using a regression equation generated in an independent sample of 66 overweight and obese women (BMI=31.0±3.9 kg/m2). RESULTS Although mean predicted and measured REE did not differ post intervention, 43% of participants experienced a greater-than-expected decline in REE (−102.9±77.5 kcal per day). MApost was associated with the change in leptin (r=0.47; P=0.04), and the change in resting fat (r=0.52; P=0.01) and carbohydrate oxidation (r=−0.44; P=0.02). Furthermore, MApost was also associated with the change in EI following EX (r=−0.44; P=0.01). CONCLUSIONS Marked variability existed in the adaptive metabolic response to EX. Importantly, those who experienced a downregulation in REE also experienced an upregulation in EI, indicating that the adaptive metabolic response to EX influences both physiological and behavioural components of energy balance.


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Spotted deer or chital (Axis axis), a major prey species in southern India, lives in large groups. To understand the benefits of group living, we carried out observations on chital herds under natural conditions. Individual and group vigilance showed a negative correlation with herd size, whereas the latter had a positive correlation with proportion of vigilant individuals. Furthermore, individual vigilance was negatively correlated with proportion of individuals vigilant and positively correlated with group vigilance. These results are explained in the context of a three-phase vigilance system, probably operative in the chital herd, under specified ecological conditions. We surmise that this system allows for adaptation to predation risk and has possibly co-evolved with the optimal hunting strategy of the predator.


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The brain of the Kun-Ming strain mice were irradiated with 0.05 Gy of C-12(6+) ion or Co-60 gamma-ray as the pre-exposure dose, and were then irradiated with 2 Gy of 12C6+ ion or Co-60 gamma-ray as challenging irradiation dose at 4 h after per-exposure. Body weight and serum growth hormone (GH) concentration were measured at 35th day after irradiation. The results showed that irradiation of mouse brain with 2 Gy of C-12(6+) ion or Co-60 gamma-ray significantly diminished mouse body weight and level of serum GH. The relative biological effectiveness values of a 2 Gy dose of C-12(6+) ion calculated with respect to Co-60 gamma-ray were 1.47 and 1.34 for body weight and serum GH concentration, respectively. Pre-exposure with a low-dose (0.05 Gy) of C-12(6+) ion or Co-60 gamma-ray significantly alleviated reductions of mouse body weight and level of serum GH induced by a subsequent high-dose (2 Gy) irradiation. The data suggested that low-dose ionizing irradiation can induce adaptive hormetic responses to the harmful effects of pituitary by subsequent high-dose exposure.


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Given the importance of occupant behavior on evacuation efficiency, a new behavioral feature has been developed and implemented into buildingEXODUS. This feature concerns the response of occupants to exit selection and re-direction. This behavior is not simply pre-determined by the user as part of the initialization process, but involves the occupant taking decisions based on their previous experiences and the information available to them. This information concerns the occupants prior knowledge of the enclosure and line-of-sight information concerning queues at neighboring exits. This new feature is demonstrated and reviewed through several examples.