936 resultados para Acari Ixodidae
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The cutaneous hypersensitivity induced by Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick extract in dogs (natural host) and guinea-pigs (laboratory host) was evaluated. The left ear of infested and control (tick-bite naive) dogs and guinea-pigs was injected intradermally with an extract from unfed adult ticks and the right ear with phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Ear thickness variations were then measured after 10 min and 1, 2, 6, 18, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h post-injection. Results were expressed as percentual changes in the ear thickness in relation to pre-inoculation values. The final variation in ear thickness induced by the extract was given by subtracting, in each animal, the right ear percentual increase from that of the left ear. Guinea-pigs were tested at two different times following infestation and with two different doses of extract. Infested guinea-pigs from the three experiments developed an immediate (within the first 2 h post-inoculation) and a strong delayed reaction (24 h) to the extract. Dogs, unlike guinea-pigs, developed only a strong immediate reaction whereby an 80% increase in ear thickness was observed. Control animals, with the exception of one dog, did not develop any significant reaction to the extract. Only mild reactions were induced by PBS in the right ear of all animals. The correlation between the absence of a strong delayed type reaction to tick extract and the lack of resistance of the natural host to R. sanguineus tick is discussed. © 1995 Chapman & Hall.
This paper describes the identification of ticks from wild animals of the Pantanal region in Brazil as part of a comprehensive study about established and emerging tick-host relationships and related pathological aspects. Eighty-one animals were captured (representing 13 species six orders), and ticks were found on 63 (78%). Tick species identified included Boophilus microplus (Canestrini), Amblyomma cajennense (F.), Amblyomma parvum Aragão, Amblyomma pseudoconcolor Aragão, Amblyomma scalpturatum Neumann, Amblyomma nodosum Neumann, Amblyomma ovale Koch, and Amblyomma tigrinum Koch. Dragging from grasslands yielded negative results compared with the high concentration of ticks that were collected from leaves in the forests.
The susceptibility of the tick Boophilus microplus to Beauveria bassiana was evaluated by inoculating eggs, larvae and engorged females of the tick with five fungal isolates at concentrations of 106, 107 and 108 conidia/ml. Tick eggs (0.25 g) were immersed in 1 ml of a suspension of the different conidial concentrations for 1 min. Similar exposure was performed by immersion of 2000 larvae and homogeneous groups of nine engorged females in 2 and 20 ml of conidial suspension, respectively. Treated eggs, larvae and adults were placed in an incubator at 27 ± 1 °C and relative humidity above 80% for evaluation of the fungal action. All fungal isolates applied at all conidial concentrations reduced the hatching rate of larvae from treated eggs by 1.36-65.58% and increased the mortality rate of inoculated larvae by 0.8-70.49%. In the bioassay with engorged females, oviposition period was reduced by 9.69-47.80%, egg mass weight by 4.71-53.87%, estimated reproduction by 8.3-60.62%, egg production index by 5.03-54.20%, percent larval hatching by 0.27-13.96%, and the mortality rate of treated females was increased by 96.60-100%. The reduction of the estimated reproduction obtained for the treated groups ranged from 8.37 to 64.52%. The sporulation of the pathogen on dead females ranged from 3.70 to 88.88% depending on the isolate and concentration used. Isolates AM 09, CB 7 and JAB 07 were the most effective and effectiveness increased with increasing concentrations of conidia in the suspensions.
Ticks on 140 domestic dogs from both urban and rural areas of Franca region in São Paulo state were identified with 102 dogs from urban areas and 38 from rural areas. Of urban dogs, 27.5% were infested exclusively by Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks. Of the rural dogs, 36.8% were infested with the following tick species: R. sanguineus, Boophilus microplus, Amblyomma ovale and A. cajennense. Mixed infestations included a dog hosting A. cajennense and A. ovale and another with B. microplus and R. sanguineus. The most intense infestations were detected on urban dogs. Hemolymph tests of these ticks performed to detect rickettsial or Borrelia bacteria yielded negative results.
The lake from Porto-Primavera hydroelectric power station inundated an area of 2,200 km2 at the border of São Paulo and Mato-Grosso do Sul States, Brazil. Infestations by ticks were evaluated on 135 marsh deer, Blastocerus dichotomus (Illiger), captured before and after inundation. Ticks were collected for identification, and infestation level of animals was assessed by scoring. Deer were divided into four groups according to capture location and temporal relation to the inundation. Groups 1, 2, and 3 were captured before inundation. Group 4 was captured after inundation. Four tick species were found: Amblyomma cajennense (F.), Amblyomma triste Koch, Anocentor nitens (Neumann), and Boophilus microplus (Canestrini). Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 had 30, 45, 100, and 96%, respectively, of animals carrying B. microplus ticks. A. triste was observed on 16, 22, 22, and 88% of animals from groups 1,2,3, and 4, respectively. A. nitens and A. cajennense were observed only on group 4, on 32 and 16% of the animals, respectively. Groups 1 and 2 had only 4.8 and 6.1% of animals with high infestation levels, respectively, and no ticks on 46.8% and 45.5% of the animals, respectively. Conversely, groups 3 and 4 lacked noninfested animals and had high infestation levels on 77.8 and 50% of deer, respectively. Marsh area shrinkage was blamed for higher infestation levels on deer from groups 3 and 4. The widespread presence of A. triste on marsh deer, a Neotropical tick species, raises the possibility of a natural host-parasite relationship.
This study investigates the presence and the localization of acid phosphatase and ATPase in the salivary glands of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus female ticks during feeding. Semi-engorged females showed a larger amount of acid phosphatase compared to those at beginning of feeding, localized mainly in the apical portion of the secretory cells, and in the basal labyrinth of the interstitial cells. Ultrastructural observations also demonstrated its presence in secretion granules and inside some nuclei of secretory cells at beginning of feeding. Acid phosphatase in a free form probably has a hemolymph and/or ribosomal origin and participates in salivary gland secretion control. ATPase was detected in basal membrane of all types of acini and/or in the cytoplasm of the secretory cells at both feeding stages. The enzyme activities found strongly suggests that cell death by apoptosis occurs during the degenerative process. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The accurate specific identification of ticks is essential for the study, control and prevention of tick-borne diseases. Herein, we determined ribosomal nucleotide sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of 15 Neotropical hard tick species of the genus Amblyomma Koch found in Brazil. Most of the studied ticks accidentally parasite humans and potentially act as vectors of zoonoses. Lengths of the ITS2 sequences ranged from 956 to 1,207 bp, whereas GC content varied from 62.4 to 66.9%. A matrix of ITS2 divergence was calculated with the ITS2 sequence data obtained showing divergence levels varying from 1.5 to 28.8%. The analysis indicated that this molecular marker can be useful for Amblyomma-specific identification. Phylogenetic inferences based on the ITS2 sequences were used to assess some issues in subgenus taxonomy. © 2007 Entomological Society of America.
Although Amblyomma brasiliense Aragão 1908 has been reported as one of the most aggressive ticks to humans in Brazil, information about the biology of this tick species is virtually inexistent. This work reports data on the life cycle of A. brasiliense fed on rabbits and pigs and maintained in an incubator at 20°C, 90% RH and 12 h of light for off-host development. Tick yield of adult females fed on pigs and rabbits was 81.2% and 58.3%, respectively. Females fed on pigs had mean engorgement weight of 862.3 mg and egg mass of 208 mg, while females fed on rabbits had mean engorgement weight of 606.1 mg and egg mass of 160 mg; these values did not differ statistically between host species. Feeding period of female ticks fed on pigs (10 days) was significantly shorter than that on rabbits (17 days). Mean preoviposition period was slightly longer (35.9 days) for ticks fed on pigs than on rabbits (30 days). The minimum incubation period of eggs of ticks from both host species was similar and over 100 days. Egg production efficiency was low for females fed on both hosts (less than 30% and 20% for ticks from pigs and rabbits, respectively). More than 55% of larvae and 79% of nymphs fed on rabbits, set free inside the feeding chambers, engorged successfully. These ticks attained an engorgement weight of 1.3 and 18.2 mg, respectively, and fed for approximately 5 days. The minimum pre-molt period was 30 days for engorged larvae and over 44 days for nymphs. Molting success was low, less than 50% in the case of larvae and less than 20% for nymphs. Further studies are required to better determine the off-host requirements of this tick species. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
The present study demonstrated the effects of the arthropod growth regulator, fluazuron (Acatak®), in the formation of the integument and digestive processes of Rhipicephalus sanguineus nymphs fed on rabbits treated with different doses of this chemical acaricide. For this, three different doses of fluazuron (20, 40, or 80 mg/kg) were applied pour on to the hosts (groups II, III, and IV), as well as distilled water to the control group. On the first day after treatment (24 h), the hosts were artificially infested with R. sanguineus nymphs. After full engorgement (7 days), the nymphs were removed, placed on labeled Petri dishes, and kept in biochemical oxygen demand incubator for 7 days. The engorged nymphs were then taken for morphological, histochemical, and histological analyses. The results showed the occurrence of cytological, morphohistological, and histochemical alterations in the integument and midgut of nymphs from all the different treated groups. These alterations occurred at cuticular level in the subdivisions of the cuticle, related to the size of the digestive cells, amount of accumulated blood elements, and digestive residues, as well as the presence of vacuoles in the cytoplasm of the digestive cells. Thus, this study demonstrated that fluazuron acts on the integument and midgut cells of R. sanguineus nymphs fed on treated rabbits and pointed out the possibility of the use of this chemical - which is more specific, less toxic, and less harmful to the environment and nontarget organisms - in the control of R. sanguineus, at least in the nymphal stage of its biological cycle. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
The intestinal epithelial cells of ticks are fundamental for their full feeding and reproductive success, besides being considered important sites for the development of pathogens. Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks are known for their great medical and veterinary importance, and for this reason, the knowledge of their intestinal morphology may provide relevant subsidies for the control of these animals, either by direct acaricidal action over these cells or by the production of vaccines. Therefore, this study aimed to describe the midgut morphology of male and female R. sanguineus ticks in different feeding stages, by means of histological analysis. Significant differences were observed between the genders, and such alterations may refer mainly to the distinct demands for nutrients, much higher in females, which need to develop and carry out the egg-laying process. In general, the midgut is coated by a thin muscle layer and presents a pseudostratified epithelium, in which two basic types of cells can be observed, connected to a basal membrane - generative or stem and digestive cells. The latter was classified as follows: residual, deriving from the phase anterior to ecdysis; pinocytic, with vesicles containing liquid or pre-digested components of blood; phagocytic, with entire cells or remnants of nuclear material inside cytoplasmic vesicles; and mature, free in the lumen. Digestion is presumably intracellular and asynchronous and corresponds to a process which starts with the differentiation of generative cells into pinocytic digestive cells, which subsequently start to phagocytize intact blood cells and finally detach from the epithelium, being eliminated with feces. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Rhipicephalus sanguineus are bloodsucking ectoparasites, whose main host is the domestic dog, thus being present in urban areas and closely located to people. Eventually, this tick species parasitize humans and can become a potential vector of infectious diseases. Methods to control this type of pest have been the focus of many research groups worldwide. The use of natural products is increasingly considered nowadays, due to the low toxicity levels to the host and low waste generation to the environment. This study tested the effect of ricinoleic acid esters from castor oil (as an potential acaricide) on the reproductive system of R sanguineus females, more specifically on the vitellogenesis process. For this, two groups were established: the control group (CG) and the treatment group (TG) with five rabbits in each (New Zealand White), used as hosts. NaCl and ester were added to rabbits' food and offered to the hosts. After full engorgement, the females were collected and had their ovaries extracted. The ticks ovaries were submitted to histochemical techniques so the effects of esters could be observed over polysaccharides, proteins and lipids yolk. Changes in the deposition of yolk components were observed. This caused modifications on elements of polysaccharide origin and on glycoprotein compounds, interfering in the final yolk synthesis and compromising the development of the future embryo. © 2012.