212 resultados para Absenteeism


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Inserido no contexto das relaes estabelecidas entre sade mental e trabalho, este estudo tem por objetivo analisar as vivncias de sofrimento psquico dos servidores responsveis pela execuo dos servios socioassistenciais da rede de Proteo Social da FUNPAPA, enfatizando as estratgias que desenvolvem para realizar o seu trabalho de forma a colocarem-se no mbito da normalidade. Pautado nas contribuies da psicodinmica do trabalho e nos referenciais do campo da sade do trabalhador, o enfoque terico-metodolgico desta pesquisa consiste em uma abordagem qualitativa, cuja coleta de dados envolveu entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas e observao participante. A anlise dos dados, realizada atravs da tcnica de anlise de contedo, apontou aspectos relacionados s condies de trabalho e organizao do trabalho atuando como desencadeantes de vivncias de sofrimento psquico, as quais se expressam em ansiedade, insatisfao, medo, tdio, repugnncia, dentre outras manifestaes. Os aspectos relacionados s ms condies de trabalho que desencadeiam o sofrimento psquico dos servidores da FUNPAPA so: espao fsico sem a adaptao necessria para o atendimento dos usurios, equipamentos obsoletos e/ou com funcionamento defeituoso, escala de veculos irregular e condies ambientais insalubres devido infiltraes constantes. Como elementos constituintes da organizao do trabalho que funcionam como determinantes do sofrimento psquico vivenciado pelos servidores da FUNPAPA podemos citar: o atendimento aos usurios, a capacitao profissional inadequada ao trabalho que desenvolvem, a avaliao de desempenho, a ausncia de reconhecimento social, o quantitativo reduzido de servidores, a rede socioassistencial deficitria e a impotncia diante dos limites da poltica de assistncia social para fazer frente s demandas sociais postas a esses servidores. Para lidar com as vivncias de sofrimento psquico de modo a evitar a doena e a loucura esses servidores adotam estratgias de defesa de proteo, incluindo: a racionalizao, a religiosidade, os laos de confiana e solidariedade, o absentesmo, a antecipao das frias, o investimento em atividades desenvolvidas fora da jornada de trabalho, o trabalho itinerante na comunidade e a busca de solues alternativas para tornar o ambiente fsico o mais acolhedor possvel. Desta forma, a estrutura deste trabalho abrange trs momentos: a referncia emprica, o aporte terico e a discusso dos resultados, respectivamente. Por ltimo, guisa de concluso, so apontadas algumas notas para subsidiar uma proposta de promoo da sade mental no trabalho.


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Este estudo consiste na investigao das representaes sociais de alunas da 8 srie do ensino fundamental sobre o fenmeno bullying e suas implicaes no processo de escolarizao. O problema da pesquisa teve como foco as representaes sociais das alunas sobre o bullying. Os sujeitos so estudantes do sexo feminino, com idade entre 13 e 18 anos, regularmente matriculadas em trs turmas da 8 srie do ensino fundamental de uma escola da rede estadual de ensino. O lcus da pesquisa foi uma instituio de ensino fundamental e mdio da rede pblica estadual do municpio de Castanhal, localizado na regio nordeste do estado do Par. Os objetivos do estudo foram os seguintes: a) Identificar e caracterizar, a partir do pensamento consensual de jovens do ensino fundamental, as imagens e os significados que elas possuem sobre as intimidaes, agresses e /ou assdio, caracterizados como bullying; b) Verificar em que situaes o bullying ocorre e quais as formas utilizadas com maior frequncia entre as alunas; c) Destacar as causas que concorrem para a afirmao de prticas de bullying no ambiente escolar e suas consequncias; d) Destacar as percepes das alunas sobre as implicaes decorrentes do bullying no processo de escolarizao; e) Evidenciar as objetivaes e as ancoragens que compem o processo de construo das RS de jovens sobre o bullying. O estudo teve uma abordagem qualitativa e teve como referencial terico a Teoria das Representaes Sociais de Moscovici (1978) e jodelet (2001). Dentre os referenciais tericos utilizados constam: Abramavay, 2003; Beaudoin e Taylor (2006), Boneti e Priotto (2009) Constantine (2004) Fante (2005), Lopes Neto e Saavedra (2003) Nascimento (2006; 2011), Middelton-Moz e Zawadski (2007), e Silva (2010). Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta dos dados foram o questionrio semi-estruturado e a entrevista grupal. O tratamento dos dados pautou-se na anlise de contedo de acordo com a abordagem proposta por Franco (2003). Os resultados assinalaram que as representaes sociais das alunas sobre o bullying, constituram-se em maus tratos, cuja imagem se assenta em condutas de agresso verbal, psicolgica e fsica; Ameaa e invisibilidade, na qual a imagem se constitui pelos elementos, diferena, intolerncia, desrespeito, inveja, competio e rivalidade; Contradio que corresponde imagem da escola como um espao de aprendizagem que se fragiliza e se descaracteriza diante da disseminao da violncia e; Educao familiar e escolar que corresponde a imagem do papel da famlia e da escola como instncias que partilham a responsabilidade pela orientao e formao dos alunos. As implicaes escolares evidenciadas a partir das representaes sociais das estudantes sobre o bullying, relacionam-se uma srie de repercusses negativas no processo de escolarizao, dentre as quais: dificuldades de aprendizagem, queda do rendimento escolar, absentesmo e evaso escolar.


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As doenas do trato respiratrio so responsveis por uma significativa taxa de absentesmo laboral bem como por elevados ndices de morbidade e morte, entre as quais as infeces respiratrias aguda (IRA) representam as maiores queixas nos servios de atendimento mdico-ambulatorial em todo o mundo. Os vrus so considerados os principais agentes etiolgicos das IRA, atuando seja como patgeno principal ou predispondo s infeces bacterianas secundrias, entre eles encontra-se o Metapneumovirus Humano (HMPV). Este vrus foi identificado em 2001 apresentando-se como um importante agente causador de IRA adquirida na comunidade. um vrus cosmopolita que causa doenas respiratrias semelhantes ao Vrus Respiratrio Sincicial. No Brasil, so relativamente escassos os relatos da ocorrncia do HMPV na populao. O objetivo deste estudo investigar a ocorrncia de Metapneumovrus Humano (HMPV) em pacientes com diagnstico clnico de infeco respiratria aguda (IRA) na Regio Nordeste do Brasil. Entre o perodo de Junho de 2009 a Setembro de 2010, pacientes oriundos de atendimentos em unidades de ateno bsica ou hospitalar de cinco estados da Regio Nordeste, foram submetidos a coleta de espcimes para deteco a partir de tcnicas de biologia molecular. Anlises estatsticas foram utilizadas para escolha do tamanho amostral (545) e tratamento dos resultados obtidos. O estudo mostrou uma positividade de 4.7% para HMPV, sem a existncia de uma faixa etria especfica para a ocorrncia da infeco. Ocorreu uma prevalncia do sexo feminino entre os casos positivos, entretanto, sem significado estatstico. O pico de positividade para o vrus (n=16) mostrou existir no terceiro trimestre do ano em todos os Estados investigados. Neste estudo, foi possvel descrever a ocorrncia de HMPV na Regio Nordeste, afetando pacientes portadores de infeco respiratria aguda, tanto acompanhados ambulatorialmente como hospitalizados, que preencheram critrio clnico para Sndrome Respiratria Aguda Grave.


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Ps-graduao em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Low back pain is characterized as a musculoskeletal disorder responsible for loss of productivity and high absenteeism of the affected individuals. Objectives: To analyze the effects of short-and long-term program of health education and therapeutic exercise in relation to quality of life, flexibility and pain intensity of community agents in Marilia city, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A total of 17 women community workers (40.29+9.97 years) were analysed. Evaluations were made in relation to quality of life, flexibility and intensity of pain before, immediately and 30 weeks after the intervention. Results: We observe the positive results of programs in six domains of quality of life questionnaire and flexibility in the short-and long-term (p<0.005). The intensity of pain showed significant reduction only in the short-term. Conclusion: The methodology used was able to improve the quality of life, flexibility and reduce pain intensity of community agents.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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The quality of life of nursing professionals of character is relevant because the service involves every aspect of workers with personal, social and cultural, so that professionals can result in unproductive and emotionally shaken, and may influence the direct patient care.The aim of this study is to report the quality of life of nursing staff working in the adult ICU of a university hospital.Methodology will be applied to qualitative, through interviews with guiding questions, with the subject all the nursing staff of the Intensive Care Unit - Adult, located in Bauru State Hospital. The survey results were analyzed through content analysis proposed by Bardin. The interviews were divided into categories and subcategories in the sequence. In the category Defining quality of life - hidden connections got four subcategories: happiness, pleasure, interrelation and practice in nursing, which are directly related to the meaning of quality of life. What about the profession as interference in quality of life of nursing staff reached the category A profession in contrast with the quality of life - Connections Exposed that led to the division of four subcategories: proximity to death, absenteeism, double day / salary, shifts, ranking at work and work process. Finally, it concerns the improvement of the profession that can intervene in the quality of life of workers obtained the category Improving occupancy improving the quality of life - Connections to be built, which is subdivided into sub-categories: professional incentive, hierarchy and enhancement of the profession. These categories and subcategories showed significant and important aspects of quality of life of nursing professionals


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This study aimed to analyze the process of developing and implementing a politicalpedagogical project for rural schools in the city of Araraquara, focusing on one of the schools served. This is an ethnographic qualitative study. The instruments of data collection were participant observation, semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis. It was observed are a change in the community organization throughout the process, with regard to a more active attitude on the part of its members, who have pursued other means to claim the fulfillment of their demands by the Government and relevant institutions, which points to the pedagogical character of participation in the movement to fight for the education they desire. It was also noticed a process of re-signification by the subjects, of their own community identity while seated in an agrarian reform project, as well as a more effective participation of those in everyday life and school organization. It was also observed changes in indicators of school, with an increase in the achievement of students as well as reducing the dropout rate to zero, and the reduction of absenteeism of teachers.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Dysphonia is more prevalent in teachers than among the general population. The objective of this study was to analyze clinical, vocal, and videolaryngoscopical aspects in dysphonic teachers. Ninety dysphonic teachers were inquired about their voice, comorbidities, and work conditions. They underwent vocal auditory-perceptual evaluation (maximum phonation time and GRBASI scale), acoustic voice analysis, and videolaryngoscopy. The results were compared with a control group consisting of 90 dysphonic nonteachers, of similar gender and ages, and with professional activities excluding teaching and singing. In both groups, there were 85 women and five men (age range 31-50years). In the controls, the majority of subjects worked in domestic activities, whereas the majority of teachers worked in primary (42.8%) and secondary school (37.7%). Teachers and controls reported, respectively: vocal abuse (76.7%; 37.8%), weekly hours of work between 21 and 40 years (72.2%; 80%), under 10years of practice (36%; 23%), absenteeism (23%; 0%), sinonasal (66%; 20%) and gastroesophageal symptoms (44%; 22%), hoarseness (82%; 78%), throat clearing (70%; 62%), and phonatory effort (72%; 52%). In both groups, there were decreased values of maximum phonation time, impairment of the G parameter in the GRBASI scale (82%), decrease of F0 and increase of the rest of acoustic parameters. Nodules and laryngopharyngeal reflux were predominant in teachers; laryngopharyngeal reflux, polyps, and sulcus vocalis predominated in the controls. Vocal symptoms, comorbidities, and absenteeism were predominant among teachers. The vocal analyses were similar in both groups. Nodules and laryngopharyngeal reflux were predominant among teachers, whereas polyps, laryngopharyngeal reflux, and sulcus were predominant among controls.


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Overweight and obesity are pandemics and have been widely discussed in Public Health and Health at Work. Comorbidities such as metabolic syndrome, hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, orthopedic disorders and coronary diseases can induce to absenteeism, reduced work performance, disability and death. The aim of this review is to discuss the role of the nurse in control and prevention of these illnesses in the workplace. We concluded that occupational health nurses work should act proactively with a multidisciplinary team aimed at individual and collective monitoring of actions designed to control and prevent overweight and obesity. Furthermore, this professional should follow up the health of individual workers with a high body mass index in order to warn and prevent comorbidities related to these conditions.


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Introduction: The current Brazilian legislation states that health services must be performed by the Specialized Service of Safety Engineering and Labor Medicine (SESMT). Objective: To analyze the dental and medical reasons for absenteeism, checking the interference of factors such as age, gender and position of the worker, and most of the reasons that led the employee to miss work. Material and methods: The research appears as a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The dental and medical certificates and statements of attendance were analyzed, duly approved, lodged in a acrylic industry in the city of Araatuba-SP, from January to July 2011. Results: Of the total number of certificates (n = 1841), only 103 (5.6%) were for dental reasons. Predominance of the age group of 20-29 years, males and with non-administrative function. The reasons most dental and medical certificates stated that led the workers to miss working days were "inclusive and impacted teeth" and "diarrhea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin", respectively. As to factors related to absenteeism, there was a severity index of 2.83, 1.33 frequency and average duration of absences of 2.12. Conclusions: It is concluded that dental reasons had little weight on total absences due to illness that caused the temporary leave of the worker for a shorter period. The age and function variables influence the occurrence of work absenteeism.