407 resultados para ATTA SEXDENS RUBROPILOSA
The knowledge of the workers energy content is essential to measure the energy availability for maintenance and performance of activities essences for the colony growth. But little is known about the workers energy content, and how much will be available to carry out activities, for example, the excavation of the nest. The present study determined the lipid content and energy content of the worker ants inactive before and after excavation activity. Through the lipids determination, it can be calculated the energy content of workers resting (standing) with those which excavated. The lipid content and energy content of the workers were on average 9.1±0.8% and energy content of the workers was on average 111.31±54.71J, respectively, however, the experimental series did not differ significantly. Additionally, catabolic flux rate based in workers body mass was 14.76±10.11µW. It was concluded that the energy resource for the excavation of the nest is not coming from reserve lipid body, and thus the energy content of the workers did not change before and after excavation activity.
A yeast strain (CBS 8902) was isolated from the nest of a leaf-cutting ant and was shown to be related to Cryptococcus humicola. Sequencing of the D1/D2 region of the 26S ribosomal DNA and physiological characterization revealed a separate taxonomic position. A novel species named Cryptococcus haglerorum is proposed to accommodate strain CBS 8902 that assimilates n-hexadecane and several benzene compounds. Physiological characteristics distinguishing the novel species from some other members of the C. humicola complex are presented. The phylogenetic relationship of these strains to species of the genus Trichosporon Behrend is discussed.
Atta sexdens L, ante feed on the Fungus they cultivate on cut leaves inside their nests. The fungus, Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, metabolizes plant polysaccharides, such as xylan, starch, pectin, and cellulose, mediating assimilation of these compounds lay the ants, This metabolic integration may be an important part of the ant-fungus symbiosis, and it involves primarily xylan and starch, both of which support rapid fungal growth. Cellulose seems to be less important for symbiont nutrition, since it is poorly degraded and assimilated by the fungus. Pectin is rapidly degraded but slowly assimilated by L. gongylophorus, and its degradation may occur so that the fungus can more easily access other polysaccharides in the leaves.
Laboratory colonies of the leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens feed daily with leaves of Ipomoea batatas showed ant mortality and a significant decrease in the size of the fungal garden after the second week, with complete depletion of nests after 5 weeks of treatment. The mean oxygen consumption rate of these ants was higher than the control (ants collected from nests feed with leaves of Eucalyptus alba), suggesting a physiological action of the leaves of I. batatas on the ants in addition to the effect of inhibiting the growth of the fungal garden.
Four strains of a novel yeast species were isolated from laboratory nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens in Brazil. Three strains were found in older sponges and one was in a waste deposit in the ant nests. Sequencing of the D1/D2 region of the large-subunit rRNA gene showed that the novel species, named Sympodiomyces attinorum sp. nov., is phylogenetically related to Sympodiomyces parvus. Unlike Sympodiomyces parvus, Sympodiomyces attinorum can ferment glucose, assimilate methyl alpha-D-glucoside, salicin and citrate, and grow at 37 degreesC, thus enabling these two species to be distinguished. Differentiation from other related species is possible on the basis of other growth characteristics. The type strain of Sympodiomyces attinorum is UNESP-S156(T) (=CBS 9734(T)=NRRL Y-27639(T)).
The trails formed by many ant species between nest and food source are two-way roads on which outgoing and returning workers meet and touch each other all along. The way to get back home, after grasping a food load, is to take the same route on which they have arrived from the nest. In many species such trails are chemically marked by pheromones providing orientation cues for the ants to find their way. Other species rely on their vision and use landmarks as cues. We have developed a method to stop foraging ants from shuttling on two-way trails. The only way to forage is to take two separate roads, as they cannot go back on their steps after arriving at the food or at the nest. The condition qualifies as a problem because all their orientation cues-chemical, visual or any other - are disrupted, as all of them cannot but lead the ants back to the route on which they arrived. We have found that workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa can solve the problem. They could not only find the alternative way, but also used the unidirectional traffic system to forage effectively. We suggest that their ability is an evolutionary consequence of the need to deal with environmental irregularities that cannot be negotiated by means of excessively stereotyped behavior, and that it is but an example of a widespread phenomenon. We also suggest that our method can be adapted to other species, invertebrate and vertebrate, in the study of orientation, memory, perception, learning and communication.
Neste trabalho, são descritos aspectos ecológicos, distribuição por município, importância econômica, etc., das saúvas encontradas na Região Oriental do Estado de São Paulo. Esta região, cuja conformação se assemelha a um "bico", está dividida em 52 municípios. Três espécies de saúva foram encontradas: l.ª) "saúva limão" ou "saúva comum" Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908; 2.ª) "saúva mata pasto" A. bisphaerica Forel, 1908; 3.ª) "saúva de vidro" ou "saúva cabeça de vidro" A. laevigata (F. Smith, 1858).
Êste trabalho tem como objetivo principal descrever aspectos ecológicos e bionômicos das saúvas de 104 municípios do oeste do Estado de São Paulo. Em tôda a região pesquisada somente três espécies de saúvas foram constatadas: l.ª) Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 (saúva limão); 2.ª) A. laevigata (F. Smith, 1858) (saúva-de-vidro ou saúva cabeça-de-vidro); 3.ª) A. capiguara Gonçalves, 1944 (saúva parda). Uma das grandes surpresas, durante o desenvolvimento dêste trabalho, foi o de se comprovar que a saúva parda A. capiguara é a espécie mais frequente e a mais importante. A sua importância e a das duas outras espécies é, entretanto, salientada no capítulo 5 (BIONOMIA).
Five genera of mites and one hypopus of Acaridae are reported as to occur associated with the fungi cultivated by the leaf cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).
Xanthyletin is used as an inhibitor of the symbiotic fungus (Leucoagaricus gongylophorus) of the leaf-cutting ant (Atta sexdens rubropilosa), one of the most significant agricultural plague insects. The incorporation of this compound into nanoparticles is a promising approach to effectively control leaf-cutting ants. This study presents the development and validation of a specific analytical method using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for quantification of the xanthyletin content in biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles. The analytical methodology developed was specific, linear, accurate, precise, and robust. The absolute recovery of xanthyletin in colloidal suspensions was nearly 100%. The HPLC method proved reliable for the quantification of xanthyletin content in nanoparticle formulations.
As formigas, quando atraídas por um apêndice nutritivo, produzido na semente de certas plantas, podem exercer o papel de agente predador ou dispersor das sementes. No processo de dispersão, grande número desses insetos pode interagir com sementes de determinada planta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as espécies de formigas em contato com sementes de Mabea fistulifera Mart. - uma espécie arbórea e colonizadora em áreas antrópicas no Brasil - e o tipo de interação desses insetos com as sementes, bem como determinar as espécies dispersoras. Foram realizadas coletas manuais de formigas em fragmentos de vegetação com alta densidade de M. fistulifera, no município de Viçosa, MG, no momento de sua visitação às sementes. As formigas capturadas foram triadas e identificadas por espécie. Além disso, durante as coletas foram feitas observações quanto ao tipo de comportamento das formigas que se associaram às sementes e ao cálculo da taxa de remoção destas, verificando-se que 16 espécies tiveram contato com estas. Acromyrmex subterraneus subterraneus, Atta sexdens rubropilosa, Ectatomma edentatum, Pachycondyla sp.1 e Pheidole sp. 2 foram, de fato, dispersoras, já que transportaram efetivamente as sementes. Ac. subterraneus subterraneus, Camponotus rufipes, Ectatomma permagnum, Megalomyrmex sp.1, Pachycondyla sp. 1, Pachycondyla sp. 2, Pheidole sp. 4, Pheidole sp. 5 e Pogonomyrmex sp. são, pela primeira vez, relatadas interagindo com sementes. A taxa de remoção das sementes de M. fistulifera pelas formigas foi de 85 a 97%.
Studies assessing the characteristics of active ingredients (AIs) of toxic baits for leaf-cutting ants are still scarce, although the need for a delayed action of these compounds on adult workers has been well accepted (mortality <= 15% at 24 h and <= 90% at 21 days). Therefore, we determined the insecticidal action of two AIs used in commercial baits, diflubenzuron and dechlorane, over time in workers, and discussed the control of colonies in relation to the existing literature. Dechlorane presented excellent insecticidal activity with a delayed action at all concentrations tested, although its commercial use has been prohibited due to its organochlorine nature. In contrast, diflubenzuron did not cause significant mortality or symptoms of intoxication, indicating that the successful cases reported with the use of baits containing this AI were in fact due to an accidental contamination with dechlorane. We comment about the ineffectiveness of diflubenzuron on alternative targets, i.e., young forms and the mutualistic fungus, supporting the concept that the AI needs to a have a delayed action on adult workers.
Leaf-cutting ant workers dig underground chambers, for housing their symbiotic fungus, interconnected by a vast quantity of tunnels whose function is to permit the entrance of food (leaves), gaseous exchanges, andmovement of workers, offspring, and the queen. Digging is a task executed by a group of workers, but little is known about the group effect and group-constructed functional structures. Thus, we analyzed the structures formed by worker groups (5, 10, 20, and 40 individuals) of the leaf-cutting ant, Atta sexdens rubropilosa, for 2 days of excavation. The digging arena was the same for the 4 groups, with each group corresponding to a different density. Our results verified a pattern of tunneling by the workers, but no chamber was constructed. The group effect is well known, since the 40-worker group dug significantly more than the groups of 5, 10, and 20. These groups did not differ statistically from each other. Analysis of load/worker verified that workers of the smallest group carried the greatest load. Our paper demonstrates the group effect on the digging of nests, namely, that excavation is proportional to group size, but without emergence of a functional structure such as a chamber.
The mandibular gland secretion (MGS) and the faecal fluid (FF) of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel affected the spore germination of selected microfungi isolated from nests of this insect. MGS was more effective than the FF, completely inhibiting the spore germination of four out of six microfungi species.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)