386 resultados para ASL R1539
A feeding trial was conducted with 940-lb yearling steers fed 113 days to determine the feeding value of distillers grains relative to corn grain. Replacing corn and urea with wet distillers grains for 20% of the diet dry matter tended to increase gain with no increase in feed consumption, resulting in improved feed conversion. Replacing 40% of diet dry matter with wet distillers grains decreased feed intake without affecting gains, and improved feed efficiency. The overall average estimated net energy value of wet distillers grains was 1.20 Mcal NEg per pound dry matter. This experiment confirmed the observations in previous cattle feeding experiments, that for finishing cattle wet distillers grains have a high energy value compared with cracked corn grain. Another objective of the study was to determine if cattle being fed wet distillers grains could be suddenly changed to a different diet if the supply of wet feed was suddenly disrupted. It was found that if intake is managed during the change, that distillers grains portion of the diet can be suddenly changed from wet to dry and then changed back to wet after a week, without sacrificing performance of the cattle.
Yearling steers were sorted into four groups based on hip height and fat cover at the start of the finishing period. Each group of sorted steers was fed diets containing 0.59 or 0.64 Mcal NEg per pound of diet. The value of each carcass was determined by use of the Oklahoma State University Boxed Beef Calculator. Sorting to increase hip height decreased the percentage of Choice carcasses and fat cover, increased ribeye area, and had no effect on carcass weight or yield grades 1 and 2. Sorting to decrease initial fat cover decreased carcass weight, carcass fat cover, and percentage of choice carcasses and increased the proportion of yield grades 1 and 2 carcasses. Concentration of energy in the finishing diet had no effect on carcass measurements. Increasing the percentage of yield grades 1 and 2 carcasses did not result in increased economic value of the carcasses when quality grades were lower and when there was a wide spread between Choice and Select carcasses, as occurred in 1996. With less spread between Choice and Select, as in 1997, sorting the cattle to increase yield grades 1 and 2 resulted in increased value, especially for close-trim boxed beef. The results of this study emphasize the importance of knowing how carcasses will grade before selecting a valuebased market for selling cattle.
Two synchronization protocols in lactating dairy and beef cows and in dairy heifers were tested for efficacy of breeding by artificial insemination (AI) with or without estrus detection. Controls received three prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a) injections 14 days apart before AI at observed estrus. Pregnancy rates were compared with animals on the Ovsynch protocol that combined gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and PGF2a treatments with a timed AI 16 to 20 hours after the second GnRH injection. The pregnancy rates were similar at synchronized ovulation to fixed-time AI in lactating cows, but not effective in heifers because of the lack of synchronization.
These studies were designed to determine whether continuous intravenous infusion of increasing dosages of porcine relaxin during late pregnancy in beef heifers would influence circulating blood concentrations of relaxin, progesterone, and oxytocin, and time of onset of parturition. Beef heifers were bred by artificial insemination and, on Day 277, fitted with indwelling jugular cannulas for hormone infusion and blood sampling from Day 277 to 286. Intravenous infusion of purified porcine relaxin (pRLX, 3000 U mg-1) was started in heifers (n = 8) at increasing dosages (200 U h-1 on Days 277 and 278, 300 U h-1 on Days 279 and 280, 500 U h-1 on Day 281, 600 U h-1 on Day 282, and 700 U h-1 on Days 283 to 286). Phosphate buffer saline (PBS, 10 ml h-1) was infused during these same times to control (n = 6) animals. Relaxin treatment steadily increased the circulating plasma concentration of immunoreactive relaxin to more than 120 ng ml-1 compared with less than 0.5 ng ml-1 in PBStreated controls. Relaxin infusion in increasing dosages over the treatment time was associated with a significant decrease (P < 0.01) in plasma progesterone concentration compared with the PBS controls. Plasma levels of oxytocin at 4- hour intervals remained similar (P > 0.05) during the pretreatment period and throughout continuous infusion of pRLX and PBS. Although continuous intravenous infusion of relaxin resulted in a decrease in circulating blood levels of progesterone, it did not significantly reduce the interval between the beginning of pRLX treatment and parturition compared with the PBS-infused control heifers. These results indicate that continuous intravenous infusion of high levels of porcine relaxin resulted in a decrease in progesterone secretion in late pregnant beef heifers.
A digestibility trial, utilizing eight crossbred steers weighing initially 741 lbs. was conducted in an 8 x 8 Latin square design. High-fiber corn by-products were compared with corn as energy sources when fed in mixed diets with either lowor high-quality forage. Ground, dry corn stover and ground alfalfa hay were both fed alone or with corn grain, dried corn gluten feed (CGF), and dried corn distillers grains plus solubles (DDG) in a 1:1 ratio (dry basis). Total tract dry matter digestibility (DMD) was increased for both forages when fed with concentrates. Total tract DMD was similar in stover-based and alfalfa-based diets fed with CGF and DDG. However, stover+corn was lower in DMD than either stover+CGF and stover+DDG. Conversely, alfalfa+corn was higher in DMD than alfalfa+CGF or alfalfa+DDG. Feeding stover with corn tended to decrease digestibility of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), while feeding stover with CGF or DDG increased NDFD. There was no effect upon NDF digestion of alfalfa-based diets when fed with any of the concentrates. Feeding either forage with a concentrate increased digestible energy (DE). Stover+CGF and stover+DDG were similar in DE and were both higher in DE than stover+corn. Alfalfa+DDG tended to be higher than alfalfa+CGF and was similar to alfalfa+corn in DE. Alfalfa+CGF was lower in DE compared with alfalfa+corn. Results are interpreted to indicate that stover is more susceptible to negative feed interactions caused by corn grain than is alfalfa. Additionally, highfiber corn co-products fed with stover resulted in a positive associative effect but essentially had no associative effect when fed with alfalfa.
A feeding trial was conducted with 860-lb yearling steers fed 121 days to evaluate Condensed Porcine Solubles (Porcine Solubles) as a source of supplemental nitrogen for finishing cattle. Diets containing 5% soybean meal, 1.46% urea, and 2% or 4% Porcine Solubles were compared. When first offered, cattle did not want to consume feed containing the Porcine Solubles. Following adaptation, feed containing up to 4% Porcine Solubles was readily consumed. During the first 56 days, steers fed soybean meal gained faster and were more efficient than steers fed urea or Porcine Solubles. At the end of the trial there were no differences among the nitrogen supplements in feed intake, gain, or feed conversion. There were no significant differences in carcass weight or measures of carcass quality.
Steers were sorted into four groups based on hip height and fat cover at the start of the finishing period. Each group of sorted steers was fed a diet containing 0.59 or 0.64 Mcal NEg per pound of diet. Steers with less initial fat cover (.08 in.) gained slightly faster, consumed less feed, and therefore tended to be more efficient than steers with greater finish (.16 in.). Steers fed the lower-energy diet consumed more feed, gained similarly, and were less efficient than steers fed the higher-energy diet. The NRC computer model to evaluate beef cattle diets underpredicted performance of cattle in this experiment, but accurately predicted the differences in gain and feed efficiency observed between the leaner and fatter steers and between the two diets. In this study, the shorter steers (49.4 vs 52.2 in. initial height at the hip) gained faster with slightly greater feed intake and the same feed conversion.
Three groups of steers--one theoretical group and two experimental groups—were evaluated for marketing cattle live, as boxed beef, and grade and yield when the live price was $71 to $73/cwt, grade and yield price $125/cwt for Choice yield grade 3 carcasses with $20/cwt discount for Select carcasses, and in a commodity-trim or close-trim boxed beef market. The results show that the value of highyielding steers can be significantly increased if sold in a close-trim boxed beef market. The close-trim premiums ranged from $5.06 per head for Select close-trim yield grade 4 carcasses to $87.18 per head for close-trim Choice yield grade 1 carcasses. A group of experimental steers averaging 82% Choice and 60% yield grades 1 and 2 returned an additional $104 in the close-trim boxed market compared with selling live for $73/cwt. Another group of experimental steers averaging 21% Choice, 18% Standard, and 93% yield grades 1 and 2 had $29 per head greater return than if the steers had been sold live for $71/cwt. These comparisons emphasize the importance of knowing how cattle will potentially grade before selecting an alternative marketing strategy. This prior knowledge is most important when the spread in price between Choice and Select is high. Producers need to learn more about their cattle to predict how the cattle may grade for a specified value-based market.
A digital camera was used to obtain digital images of beef carcasses moving on the rail in commercial beef packing plants. These images were satisfactory for measurement of backfat thickness and area of ribeye. The measurements were closely correlated with the same two measurements taken from tracings on acetate paper of fat thickness and area of ribeye made on carcasses moving on the rail.
Methods of heat detection were compared in the Mid- Crest Area Cattle Evaluation Program (MACEP) heifer development program in the 1998-breeding season. A total of 189 heifers from thirteen consignors entered the program on November 10, 1997. These heifers were condition scored, hip height measured, weighed, disposition scored, booster vaccinated, and treated for parasites at the time of arrival. Determination of the heifer’s mature weight was made and a target of 65% of their mature weight at breeding was established. The ration was designed to meet this goal. The heifers were kept in a dry lot until all heifers were AI bred once. The heifers were periodically weighed and condition scored to monitor their gains and the ration was adjusted as needed. The estrus synchronization program consisted of an oral progesterone analog for 14 days; 17 days after completion of the progesterone analog treatment a single injection of prostaglandin was given and the heifers were then estrus detected. Two concurrent methods of estrus detection were utilized: 1) Ovatec â electronic breeding probe (probe), 2) HeatWatchâ estrus detection system (HW), and 3) a combination of probe and HW. Probe readings were obtained each 12 hours and the heifers were continuously monitored for estrus activity using the HW system. The probe was used as the primary estrus detection method and the HW system was used as a back-up system. Those heifers that did not demonstrate any estrus signs prior to 96 hours post prostaglandin treatment were mass inseminated at 96 hours. Post AI breeding, 151 of the heifers were placed on pasture and ran with clean-up bulls for 60 days. The remaining heifers left the program after the AI breeding was completed. Pregnancy to the AI breeding was determined by ultrasound on June 29, 1998. Results from using both probe and HW were 60% pregnant by AI, probe alone was 32% pregnant by AI, and HW alone was 27% pregnant by AI. The result of mass insemination was 20% pregnant by AI.
One hundred eighty-nine mixed breed beef heifers from 13 consignors enrolled in the MACEP heifer development project were utilized in this study. Heifers were synchronized by feeding 0.5 mg melengestrol acetate (MGA) per head per day for 14 days followed by an injection of prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a; 25 mg Lutalyse®) 17 days after the last MGA feeding. Each heifer was fitted with a Heatwatch® transmitter on the morning of PGF2a administration to facilitate detection of estrus. Vaginal conductivity measurements were taken using an Ovatec® probe every 12 hours for 96 hours beginning at the time of PGF2a injection. Heifers randomly assigned to produce a female calf were inseminated near the onset of estrus (as indicated by probe values of £ 55 on the decline). Heifers randomly assigned to produce a male calf were inseminated approximately 24 hours after the onset of estrus (as indicated by probe values of ³ 60 on the incline). All heifers not inseminated by 96 hours after PGF2a were mass inseminated in an attempt to impregnate as many heifers as possible. Heifers that were diagnosed as pregnant as a result of the artificial insemination were subjected to ultrasonography for fetal sex determination. Only 70 of the 189 heifers (37.0%) exhibited estrus according to Heatwatch® and incidence of estrus was influenced by heifer average daily gain, reproductive tract score, and disposition score. Heifers receiving a disposition score of 3 (78.7) had a higher (P<.05) probe reading at AI than those receiving a disposition score of 1 or 2 (70.8 and 72.5, respectively). Heifers with probe readings at insemination of 80 - 84 and > 84 had lower (P<.05) pregnancy rates to AI (13.6 and 0.0%, respectively) than heifers with probe readings in the ranges of < 60, 60 - 64, 65 - 69, 70 - 74, and 75 - 79 (35.7, 40.9, 31.4, 35.3, and 26.9% respectively). Heifers that were bred when probe values were increasing had a lower (P<.05) percentage of male fetuses (34.4%) than those bred during a period of decreasing probe values (69.2% male fetuses). These results demonstrate that a vaginal conductivity probe may be a useful tool to determine an insemination time that could potentially alter calf sex ratio.
A retrospective study of 2,146 feedlot cattle in 17 feedlot tests from 1988 to 1997 was conducted to determine the impact of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) on veterinary treatment costs, average daily gain, carcass traits, mortality, and net profit. Morbidity caused by BRD was 20.6%. The average cost to treat each case of BRD was $12.39. Mortality rate of calves diagnosed and treated for BRD was 5.9% vs. .35% for those not diagnosed with BRD. Average daily gain differed between treated and non-treated steers during the first 28 days on feed but did not differ from 28 days to harvest. Net profit was $57.48 lower for treated steers. Eighty-two percent of this difference was due to a combination of mortality and treatment costs. Eighteen percent of the net profit difference was due to improved performance and carcass value of the non-treated steers. Data from 496 steers and heifers in nine feedlot tests were used to determine the effects of age, weaning, and use of modified live virus or killed vaccines prior to the test to predict BRD. Younger calves, non-weaned calves, and calves vaccinated with killed vaccines prior to the test had higher BRD morbidity than those that were older, weaned, or vaccinated with modified live virus vaccines, respectively. Treatment regimes that precluded relapse resulting in re-treatment prevented reduced performance and loss of carcass value. Using modified live virus vaccines and weaning calves 30 days prior to shipment reduced the incidence of BRD.
Steers fed Optimum® high oil corn had statistically similar live performance as steers fed isogenetic control corn or the control corn + fat. Numerically steers fed high oil corn gained 3% faster during the 107-day study with similar feed conversion. During the first half of the experiment, steers fed high oil corn did not perform as well as those fed control corn. During the second half of the experiment, steers fed high oil corn gained 21% faster and were 17% more efficient. There were no effects of feeding high oil corn on carcass characteristics, except there were more Choice carcasses from the steers fed high oil corn as compared with control corn (57% vs. 43% Choice).
Finishing yearling steers fed a corn-based diet containing steep liquor had statistically similar live performance as steers fed the control diet. Numerically steers fed the steep containing diet were 6% more efficient. Steers fed steep liquor tended to contain less carcass fat (as measured by intramuscular marbling) less kidney, heart and pelvic fat, and less backfat thickness. When priced at $50/ton adding steep liquor at 10% of diet dry matter reduced feed cost for gain 9%.
The Andrew Jackson Demonstration Farm (AJDF) is located in central Jackson County in east central Iowa. A board of directors operates the farm for the purpose of demonstrating different production practices and management strategies. From 1996 to 1998 management intensive grazing practices and the grazing of stockers on a combination of permanent and tillable pasture have been demonstrated. Grazing strategies or practices demonstrated during these years included establishment of Eastern Gamagrass and Big Bluestem, variable density grazing, measuring forage on-offer, estimating dry matter intake, grazing corn, pasture renovation, and fencing and water systems. Production performance data were gathered for the three years stockers that were grazed. During this time the stockers averaged 121 animal days of grazing, a 1.1 head per acre stocking rate, a 1.85 pound average daily gain, and 228 pounds of gain per acre. The financial measures evaluated the value of gain on pasture and the pasture cost of the gain. The value of gain per pound was positive for 1996 and 1997 at $.58 and $.52 whereas in 1998 it was a -$.04. Pasture costs per pound of gain ranged from $.12 to $.16. Production performance is only one part of the profit picture when evaluating a stocker operation. Buysell margins are the other significant part that can greatly impact the profit potential of a summer grazing program.