173 resultados para AFC


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The Phoenix roebelenii O'Brien is one of the most used plants in the Brazilian landscape. The work aimed to study the effect of different fruit harvesting locations, associated with seven temperature conditions, on the germination of P. roebelenii seeds. The fruits were collected from two different locations: Ilha Solteira, western Sao Paulo State and Jaboticabal in the middle East of the same State. The disseminules (seeds with stucked endocarp) were placed in plastic boxes (gerbox), and the experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial scheme of 7x2 (seven temperatures conditions: room temperature, constant at 20, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C and alternated at 20-30 and 25-35 degrees C; and two fruit harvesting locations: Ilha Solteira and Jaboticabal, with four replications with 25 seeds each. The disseminules that emitted the germinative intumescence were daily noted until the germinative process got steady, in about 90 days. The germination rate (G%), the germination speed index (GSI), and the means were extracted and compared by the Tukey test. The highest values of germination rate were obtained at 30, 25-35 degrees C and room temperatures. The seeds showed a higher GSI at room temperature. The fruit harvesting locations influenced the germination.


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Objective. Assessment of genetic parameters for accumulative productivity trait (ACP) and genetic correlations with age at first calving (AFC), between calving interval of first and second parity (BCI1) and longevity (LONG). Materials and methods. 8584 Brahman female records were used with an animal model in multi-trait analysis with restricted maximum likelihood method, implemented using the WOMBAT software. The models considered the fixed effects of contemporary group, parity and weaning weight of first calf covariate, the only random effect was the genetic additive direct. Weaning weight (P240) was included to reduce the effect of selection on the estimation of variance components. Results. The heritability estimates were 0.3 +/- 0.04, 0.11 +/- 0.03, 0.07 +/- 0.03 and 0.24 +/- 0.04 for AFC, BCI1, LONG and ACP respectively. Correlations between ACP and the other features were moderate to high and favorable. Conclusions. ACP can be included in breeding programs for Brahman, and used as selection criteria for its moderate heritability and genetic correlation with reproductive traits.


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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The objectives of the present study were to determine if variance components of calving intervals varied with age at calving and if considering calving intervals as a longitudinal trait would be a useful approach for fertility analysis of Zebu dairy herds. With these purposes, calving records from females born from 1940 to 2006 in a Guzerat dairy subpopulation in Brazil were analyzed. The fixed effects of contemporary groups, formed by year and farm at birth or at calving, and the regressions of age at calving, equivalent inbreeding coefficient and day of the year on the studied traits were considered in the statistical models. In one approach, calving intervals (Cl) were analyzed as a single trait, by fitting a statistical model on which both animal and permanent environment effects were adjusted for the effect of age at calving by random regression. In a second approach, a four-trait analysis was conducted, including age at first calving (AFC) and three different female categories for the calving intervals: first calving females; young females (less than 80 months old, but not first calving); or mature females (80 months old or more). Finally, a two-trait analysis was performed, also including AFC and Cl, but calving intervals were regarded as a single trait in a repeatability model. Additionally, the ranking of sires was compared among approaches. Calving intervals decreased with age until females were about 80 months old, remaining nearly constant after that age. A quasi-linear increase of 11.5 days on the calving intervals was observed for each 10% increase in the female's equivalent inbreeding coefficient. The heritability of AFC was 0.37. For Cl. the genetic-phenotypic variance ratios ranged from 0.064 to 0.141, depending on the approach and on ages at calving. Differences among genetic variance components for calving intervals were observed along the animal's lifetime. Those differences confirmed the longitudinal aspect of that trait, indicating the importance of such consideration when accessing fertility of Zebu dairy females, especially in situations where the available information relies on their calving intervals. Spearman rank correlations among approaches ranged from 0.90 to 0.95, and changes observed in the ranking of sires suggested that the genetic progress of the population could be affected by the approach chosen for the analysis of calving intervals. (C) 2012 Elsevier ay. All rights reserved.


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A full set of geochemical and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope data both on bulk-rock and mineral samples is provided for volcanic rocks representative of the whole stratigraphic succession of Lipari Island in the Aeolian archipelago. These data, together with petrographic observations and melt/fluid inclusion investigations from the literature, give outlines on the petrogenesis and evolution of magmas through the magmatic and eruptive history of Lipari. This is the result of nine successive Eruptive Epochs developing between 271 ka and historical times, as derived from recentmost volcanological and stratigraphic studies, combined with available radiometric ages and correlation of tephra layers and marine terrace deposits. These Eruptive Epochs are characterized by distinctive vents partly overlapping in space and time, mostly under control of the main regional tectonic trends (NNW-SSE, N-S and minor E-W). A large variety of lava flows, scoriaceous deposits, lava domes, coulees and pyroclastics are emplaced, ranging in composition through time from calcalkaline (CA) and high-K (HKCA) basaltic andesites to rhyolites. CA and HKCA basaltic andesitic to dacitic magmas were erupted between 271 and 81 ka (Eruptive Epochs 1-6) from volcanic edifices located along the western coast of the island (and subordinately the eastern Monterosa) and the M.Chirica and M.S.Angelo stratocones. These mafic to intermediate magmas mainly evolved through AFC and RAFC processes, involving fractionation of mafic phases, assimilation of wall rocks and mixing with newly injected mafic magmas. Following a 40 ka-long period of volcanic quiescence, the rhyolitic magmas were lately erupted from eruptive vents located in the southern and north-eastern sectors of Lipari between 40 ka and historical times (Eruptive Epochs 7-9). They are suggested to derive from the previous mafic to intermediate melts through AFC processes. During the early phases of rhyolitic magmatism (Eruptive Epochs 7-8), enclaves-rich rocks and banded pumices, ranging in composition from HKCA dacites to low-SiO2 rhyolites were erupted, representing the products of magma mixing between fresh mafic magmas and the fractionated rhyolitic melts. The interaction of mantle-derived magmas with the crust represents an essential process during the whole magmatic hystory of Lipari, and is responsible for the wide range of observed geochemical and isotopic variations. The crustal contribution was particularly important during the intermediate phases of activity of Lipari when the cordierite-bearing lavas were erupted from the M. S.Angelo volcano (Eruptive Epoch 5, 105 ka). These lavas are interpreted as the result of mixing and subsequent hybridization of mantle-derived magmas, akin to the ones characterizing the older phases of activity of Lipari (Eruptive Epochs 1-4), and crustal anatectic melts derived from dehydration-melting reactions of metapelites in the lower crust. A comparison between the adjacent islands of Lipari and Vulcano outlines that their mafic to intermediate magmas seem to be genetically connected and derive from a similar mantle source affected by different degrees of partial melting (and variable extent of crustal assimilation) producing either the CA magmas of Lipari (higher degrees) or the HKCA to SHO magmas of Vulcano (lower degrees). On a regional scale, the most primitive rocks (SiO2<56%, MgO>3.5%) of Lipari, Vulcano, Salina and Filicudi are suggested to derive from a similar MORB-like source, variably metasomatized by aqueous fluids coming from the slab and subordinately by the additions of sediments.


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The volcanic rocks of the Rhön area (Central European Volcanic Province, Germany) belong to a moderately alkali basaltic suite that is associated with minor tephriphonolites, phonotephrites, tephrites, phonolites and trachytes. Based on isotope sytematics (87Sr/86Sr: 0.7033–0.7042; 143Nd/144Nd: 0.51279–0.51287; 206Pb/204Pb: 19.1–19.5), the inferred parental magmas formed by variable degrees of partial melting of a common asthenospheric mantle source (EAR: European Asthenospheric Reservoir of Cebriá and Wilson, 1995). Tephrites, tephriphonolites, phonotephrites, phonolites and trachytes show depletions and enrichments in some trace elements (Sr, Ba, Nb, Zr, Y) indicating that they were generated by broadly similar differentiation processes that were dominated by fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene, amphibole, apatite and titaniferous magnetite ± plagioclase ± alkalifeldspar. The fractionated samples seem to have evolved by two distinct processes. One is characterized by pure fractional crystallization indicated by increasing Nb (and other incompatible trace element) concentrations at virtually constant 143Nd/144Nd ~ 0.51280 and 87Sr/86Sr ~ 0.7035. The other process involved an assimilation–fractional crystallization (AFC) process where moderate assimilation to crystallization rates produced evolved magmas characterized by higher Nb concentrations at slightly lower 143Nd/144Nd down to 0.51275. Literature data for some of the evolved rocks show more variable 87Sr/86Sr ranging from 0.7037 to 0.7089 at constant 143Nd/144Nd ~ 0.51280. These features may result from assimilation of upper crustal rocks by highly differentiated low-Sr (< 100 ppm Sr) lavas. However, based on the displacement of the differentiated rocks from this study towards lower 143Nd/144Nd ratios and modeled AFC processes in 143Nd/144Nd vs. 87Sr/86Sr and 207Pb/204Pb vs. 143Nd/144Nd space assimilation of lower crustal rocks seems more likely. The view that assimilation of lower crustal rocks played a role is confirmed by high-precision double-spike Pb isotope data that reveal higher 207Pb/204Pb ratios (15.62–15.63) in the differentiated rocks than in the primitive basanites (15.58–15.61). This is compatible with incorporation of radiogenic Pb from lower crustal xenoliths (207Pb/204Pb: 15.63–15.69) into the melt. However, 206Pb/204Pb ratios are similar for the differentiated rocks (19.13–19.35) and the primitive basanites (19.12–19.55) implying that assimilation involved an ancient crustal end member with a higher U/Pb ratio than the mantle source of the basanites. In addition, alteration-corrected δ18O values of the differentiated rocks range from c. 5 to 7‰ which is the same range as observed in the primitive alkaline rocks. This study confirms previous interpretations that highlighted the role of AFC processes in the evolution of alkaline volcanic rocks in the Rhön area of the Central European Volcanic Province.


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Amniotic fluid cells (AFCs) have been proposed as a valuable source for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. However, before clinical implementation, rigorous evaluation of this cell source in clinically relevant animal models accepted by regulatory authorities is indispensable. Today, the ovine model represents one of the most accepted preclinical animal models, in particular for cardiovascular applications. Here, we investigate the isolation and use of autologous ovine AFCs as cell source for cardiovascular tissue engineering applications. Fetal fluids were aspirated in vivo from pregnant ewes (n = 9) and from explanted uteri post mortem at different gestational ages (n = 91). Amniotic non-allantoic fluid nature was evaluated biochemically and in vivo samples were compared with post mortem reference samples. Isolated cells revealed an immunohistochemical phenotype similar to ovine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and showed expression of stem cell factors described for embryonic stem cells, such as NANOG and STAT-3. Isolated ovine amniotic fluid-derived MSCs were screened for numeric chromosomal aberrations and successfully differentiated into several mesodermal phenotypes. Myofibroblastic ovine AFC lineages were then successfully used for the in vitro fabrication of small- and large-diameter tissue-engineered vascular grafts (n = 10) and cardiovascular patches (n = 34), laying the foundation for the use of this relevant pre-clinical in vivo assessment model for future amniotic fluid cell-based therapeutic applications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Discectomy and spinal fusion is the gold standard for spinal surgery to relieve pain. However, fusion can be hindered for yet unknown reasons that lead to non-fusions with pseudo-arthrosis. Clinical observations indicate that presence of residual intervertebral disc (IVD) tissue might hinder the ossification. We hypothesize that BMP-antagonists are constantly secreted by IVD cells and potentially prevent the ossification process. Furthermore, L51P, the engineered BMP2 variant, stimulates osseo-induction of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) by antagonizing BMP-inhibitors. Human MSCs, primary nucleus pulposus (NPC) and annulus pulposus cells (AFC) were isolated and expanded in monolayer cultures up to passage 3. IVD cells were seeded in 1.2% alginate beads (4Mio/mL) and separated by culture inserts from MSCs. MSCs were kept in 1:control medium, 2:osteogenic medium±alginate beads, 3:osteogenic medium+NPC (±L51P) and 4:osteogenic medium+AFC (±L51P) for 21 days. Relative gene expression of bone-related genes, alkaline phosphatase assay and histological staining were performed. Osteogenesis of MSCs was hindered as shown by reduced alizarin red staining in the presence of NPC. No such inhibition was observed if co-cultured with alginate only or in the presence of AFC. The results were confirmed on the RNA and protein level. Addition of L51Pto the co- cultures, however, induced mineralization of MSCs in presence of NPC. We demonstrated that NPC secrete BMP-antagonists that prevent osteogenesis of MSCs and L51P can antagonize BMP-antagonists and induce bone formation.