905 resultados para ABCD matrix
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of enzymes implicated in the degradation and remodeling of extracellular matrix and in vascularization. They are also involved in pathologic processes such as tumor invasion and metastasis in experimental cancer models and in human malignancies. We used gelatin zymography and inummohistochemistry to determine whether MMP-2 and MMP-9 are present in canine tumors and normal tissues and whether MMP production correlates with clinicopathologic parameters of prognostic importance. High levels of pro-MMP-9, pro-MMP-2, and active MMP-2 were detected in most canine tumors. Significantly higher MMP levels were measured in canine tumors than in nontumors, malignancies had higher MMP levels than benign tumors, and sarcomas had higher active MMP-2 than carcinomas. Cartilaginous tumors produced higher MMP levels than did nonsarcomatous malignancies, benign tumors, and normal tissues, and significantly greater MMP-2 than osteosarcomas and fibrosarcomas. Pro-MMP-9 production correlated with the histologic grade of osteosarcomas. The 62-kd form of active MMP-2 was detected only in high-grade, p53-positive, metastatic malignancies. Zymography proved to be a sensitive and quantitative technique for the assessment of MMP presence but has the limitation of requiring fresh tissue; inummohistochemistry is qualitative and comparatively insensitive but could be of value in archival studies. MMP presence was shown in a range of canine tumors, and their link to tumor type and grade was demonstrated for the first time. This study will allow a substantially improved evaluation of veterinary cancer patients and provides baseline information necessary for the design of clinical trials targeting MMPs.
For modern consumer cameras often approximate calibration data is available, making applications such as 3D reconstruction or photo registration easier as compared to the pure uncalibrated setting. In this paper we address the setting with calibrateduncalibrated image pairs: for one image intrinsic parameters are assumed to be known, whereas the second view has unknown distortion and calibration parameters. This situation arises e.g. when one would like to register archive imagery to recently taken photos. A commonly adopted strategy for determining epipolar geometry is based on feature matching and minimal solvers inside a RANSAC framework. However, only very few existing solutions apply to the calibrated-uncalibrated setting. We propose a simple and numerically stable two-step scheme to first estimate radial distortion parameters and subsequently the focal length using novel solvers. We demonstrate the performance on synthetic and real datasets.
A model to simulate the conductivity of carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites is presented. The proposed model is based on hopping between the fillers. A parameter related to the influence of the matrix in the overall composite conductivity is defined. It is demonstrated that increasing the aspect ratio of the fillers will increase the conductivity. Finally, it is demonstrated that the alignment of the filler rods parallel to the measurement direction results in higher conductivity values, in agreement with results from recent experimental work.
This paper presents the Direct Power Control of Three-Phase Matrix Converters (DPC-MC) operating as Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC). Since matrix converters allow direct AC/AC power conversion without intermediate energy storage link, the resulting UPFC has reduced volume and cost, together with higher reliability. Theoretical principles of DPC-MC method are established based on an UPFC model, together with a new direct power control approach based on sliding mode control techniques. As a result, active and reactive power can be directly controlled by selection of an appropriate switching state of matrix converter. This new direct power control approach associated to matrix converters technology guarantees decoupled active and reactive power control, zero error tracking, fast response times and timely control actions. Simulation results show good performance of the proposed system.
This paper presents a predictive optimal matrix converter controller for a flywheel energy storage system used as Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). The flywheel energy storage device is based on a steel seamless tube mounted as a vertical axis flywheel to store kinetic energy. The motor/generator is a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine driven by the AC-AC Matrix Converter. The matrix control method uses a discrete-time model of the converter system to predict the expected values of the input and output currents for all the 27 possible vectors generated by the matrix converter. An optimal controller minimizes control errors using a weighted cost functional. The flywheel and control process was tested as a DVR to mitigate voltage sags and swells. Simulation results show that the DVR is able to compensate the critical load voltage without delays, voltage undershoots or overshoots, overcoming the input/output coupling of matrix converters.
This paper presents a direct power control (DPC) for three-phase matrix converters operating as unified power flow controllers (UPFCs). Matrix converters (MCs) allow the direct ac/ac power conversion without dc energy storage links; therefore, the MC-based UPFC (MC-UPFC) has reduced volume and cost, reduced capacitor power losses, together with higher reliability. Theoretical principles of direct power control (DPC) based on sliding mode control techniques are established for an MC-UPFC dynamic model including the input filter. As a result, line active and reactive power, together with ac supply reactive power, can be directly controlled by selecting an appropriate matrix converter switching state guaranteeing good steady-state and dynamic responses. Experimental results of DPC controllers for MC-UPFC show decoupled active and reactive power control, zero steady-state tracking error, and fast response times. Compared to an MC-UPFC using active and reactive power linear controllers based on a modified Venturini high-frequency PWM modulator, the experimental results of the advanced DPC-MC guarantee faster responses without overshoot and no steady-state error, presenting no cross-coupling in dynamic and steady-state responses.
Human Computer Interaction (HCl) is to interaction between computers and each person. And context-aware (CA) is very important one of HCI composition. In particular, if there are sequential or continuous tasks between users and devices, among users, and among devices etc, it is important to decide the next action using right CA. And to take perfect decision we have to get together all CA into a structure. We define that structure is Context-Aware Matrix (CAM) in this article. However to make exact decision is too hard for some problems like low accuracy, overhead and bad context by attacker etc. Many researcher has been studying to solve these problems. Moreover, still it has weak point HCI using in safety. In this Article, we propose CAM making include best selecting Server in each area. As a result, moving users could be taken the best way.
We suggest that the weak-basis independent condition det(M-nu) = 0 for the effective neutrino mass matrix can be used in order to remove the ambiguities in the reconstruction of the neutrino mass matrix from input data available from present and future feasible experiments. In this framework, we study the full reconstruction of M-nu with special emphasis on the correlation between the Majorana CP-violating phase and the various mixing angles. The impact of the recent KamLAND results on the effective neutrino mass parameter is also briefly discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A new operationalmatrix of fractional integration of arbitrary order for generalized Laguerre polynomials is derived.The fractional integration is described in the Riemann-Liouville sense.This operational matrix is applied together with generalized Laguerre tau method for solving general linearmultitermfractional differential equations (FDEs).Themethod has the advantage of obtaining the solution in terms of the generalized Laguerre parameter. In addition, only a small dimension of generalized Laguerre operational matrix is needed to obtain a satisfactory result. Illustrative examples reveal that the proposedmethod is very effective and convenient for linear multiterm FDEs on a semi-infinite interval.
This paper presents the design and compares the performance of linear, decoupled and direct power controllers (DPC) for three-phase matrix converters operating as unified power flow controllers (UPFC). A simplified steady-state model of the matrix converter-based UPFC fitted with a modified Venturini high-frequency pulse width modulator is first used to design the linear controllers for the transmission line active (P) and reactive (Q) powers. In order to minimize the resulting cross coupling between P and Q power controllers, decoupled linear controllers (DLC) are synthesized using inverse dynamics linearization. DPC are then developed using sliding-mode control techniques, in order to guarantee both robustness and decoupled control. The designed P and Q power controllers are compared using simulations and experimental results. Linear controllers show acceptable steady-state behaviour but still exhibit coupling between P and Q powers in transient operation. DLC are free from cross coupling but are parameter sensitive. Results obtained by DPC show decoupled power control with zero error tracking and faster responses with no overshoot and no steady-state error. All the designed controllers were implemented using the same digital signal processing hardware.
This paper describes the design and manufacture of a low-cost full scale pultrusion prototype equipment and discusses the production and obtained mechanical properties of polypropylene/glass (GF/PP) reinforced composite ba rs fabricated by using the prototype equipment. Three different GF/PP pre-impregnated ra w-materials, a commercial GF/PP comingled system from Vetrotex, a GF/PP powder coat ed towpreg [1-3] and, a GF/PP pre- consolidated tape (PCT) produced in our laboratorie s, were used in the production of composite bars that were subsequently submitted to mechanical testing in order to determine the relevant mechanical properties and quantify the consolidation quality. Samples of the different composite profiles were also observed und er SEM microscopy.
Cost-effective glass-reinforced thermoplastic matri x towpregs produced by a powder coating line were used to manufacture composite pipes by fi lament winding. A conventional 6 axes filament-winding equipment was adapted for processi ng such structures. The influence of the filament winding speed and mandrel temperature on t he composite final properties was studied in the present work. An optimized processin g window was established by comparing the composite theoretical expected mechanical prope rties with the experimentally obtained ones. The final properties determined on the produc ed pipes and structures and the technological changes introduced to the conventiona l filament-winding equipment will be presented and discussed. Besides the processing des cription and conditions, it will be presented the relationship between processing condi tions and mechanical properties.
OBJECTIVE To analyze whether the level of institutional and matrix support is associated with better certification of primary healthcare teams.METHODS In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated two kinds of primary healthcare support – 14,489 teams received institutional support and 14,306 teams received matrix support. Logistic regression models were applied. In the institutional support model, the independent variable was “level of support” (as calculated by the sum of supporting activities for both modalities). In the matrix support model, in turn, the independent variables were the supporting activities. The multivariate analysis has considered variables with p < 0.20. The model was adjusted by the Hosmer-Lemeshow test.RESULTS The teams had institutional and matrix supporting activities (84.0% and 85.0%), respectively, with 55.0% of them performing between six and eight activities. For the institutional support, we have observed 1.96 and 3.77 chances for teams who had medium and high levels of support to have very good or good certification, respectively. For the matrix support, the chances of their having very good or good certification were 1.79 and 3.29, respectively. Regarding to the association between institutional support activities and the certification, the very good or good certification was positively associated with self-assessment (OR = 1.95), permanent education (OR = 1.43), shared evaluation (OR = 1.40), and supervision and evaluation of indicators (OR = 1.37). In regards to the matrix support, the very good or good certification was positively associated with permanent education (OR = 1.50), interventions in the territory (OR = 1.30), and discussion in the work processes (OR = 1.23).CONCLUSIONS In Brazil, supporting activities are being incorporated in primary healthcare, and there is an association between the level of support, both matrix and institutional, and the certification result.
We propose a blind method to detect interference in GNSS signals whereby the algorithms do not require knowledge of the interference or channel noise features. A sample covariance matrix is constructed from the received signal and its eigenvalues are computed. The generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) and the condition number test (CNT) are developed and compared in the detection of sinusoidal and chirp jamming signals. A computationally-efficient decision threshold was proposed for the CNT.
Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em GESTÃO DO TERRITÓRIO, área de especialização em TERRITÓRIO E DESENVOLVIMENTO,