998 resultados para AAA


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características de crescimento e o potencial produtivo de genótipos de bananeira em Botucatu/SP. Foram avaliadas características de crescimento, tais como altura de planta, circunferência do pseudocaule, número de folhas e número de dias entre o florescimento e a colheita. Estas medidas foram realizadas na emissão da inflorescência. Foram mensuradas também as características de produção, como peso do cacho, número de frutos, peso médio dos frutos, produtividade, número de pencas; peso, número, comprimento e diâmetro dos frutos da 2a penca. O delineamento adotado foi o inteiramente casualisado, com 11 tratamentos (genótipos), cinco repetições e duas plantas úteis por parcela experimental. Os genótipos que apresentaram melhor desempenho agronômico, dentro de cada grupo genômico, foram 'Grand Naine'(AAA), 'Thap Maeo' (AAB) e 'Fhia 01' (AAAB).


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The correlations between the characters seen in experimental trials are generated by genetic and environmental factors and are estimated for the purpose of measuring the change in a character when the selection is practised in another. The objective was to correlate bunch weight with characteristics of growth and production of 4 genomic groups of banana: 'Nanicao-IAC-2001', 'Grand Naine', 'Caipira' and 'Nam' ( AAA); 'Ma a', 'Thap Maeo', 'Prata Ana' and 'Prata Zulu' (AAB), 'Fhia 01', 'Fhia 18', 'Prata Grauda' and 'Maca Tropical' (AAAB) and 'Figo Cinza' (ABB), Botucatu, Brazil. Some growth characteristics were evaluated such as: plant heights, the pseudostem circumference, number of leaves, number of days between planting and flowering, number of days between flowering and harvest and number of days from planting to harvest. These characteristics were measured at the flowering time. The production characteristics such as the bunch weigth, number of fruits, average weigth of the fruits, productivity, number of hands and weight, number, length and diameter of the fruits of the 2(nd) hand. The correlations between the characteristics studied varied for each genotype, but they all showed significant correlation between the bunch weight and the characteristics fruit weigth and productivity. The correlations involving all genotypes were predominantly positive and significant.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho agronômico de cultivares de bananeira 'Prata-anã', 'Maçã' e 'Nanicão', no município de Botucatu-SP. As mudas provenientes de micropropagação foram aclimatadas em estufa durante noventa dias e, posteriormente, plantadas no campo, conforme as recomendações técnicas para a cultura. Foram avaliadas características de crescimento, como número de dias do plantio à colheita, número de folhas ativas, altura de plantas e diâmetro do pseudocaule, medidas na época de emissão da inflorescência. Também foram mensuradas características de produção, entre as quais o número de frutos, diâmetro, comprimento e peso da segunda penca, peso total das pencas e número de frutos por cacho, na época da colheita. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que o ciclo cultural médio variou com as cultivares, sendo de 416 dias, contados do plantio à colheita para a cv 'Nanicão', que foi a mais precoce, seguido da 'Prata-anã' (434 dias) e da 'Maçã' (437 dias). As três cultivares apresentaram produtividade estimada no primeiro ciclo (planta-mãe) de 30,56 t.ha-1; 19,50 t.ha-1 e 14,37 t.ha-1, respectivamente, para 'Nanicão', 'Prata-anã' e 'Maçã'. Houve correlação positiva entre algumas características de crescimento e produção.


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This paper presents an experimental investigation of the characteristics of leak noise in plastic water-filled pipes. An experimental set-up was designed to identify the physical mechanisms of leak noise generation. Possible mechanisms include cavitation and turbulence. The experiments show that cavitation is not responsible for leak noise generation and clearly indicate that turbulence is the main mechanism, at least in the experiments conducted. An alternative experimental set-up was also designed to identify the characteristics of leak noise spectra and to investigate how the spectra are affected by the leak size and the leak flow velocity. A number of different hole sizes (leaks) starting from 1 mm diameter, increasing progressively every 0.5 mm until a size of 4 mm diameter were tested for different jet velocities and an empirical model that describes this behaviour is proposed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Chitin hydrogels of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (VP) were prepared by means of the hydrogen peroxide graft copolymerization process. The effect of the VP grafted chain on water diffusion through the biopolymer was studied. Fourier transform infrared spectra of the VP-g-Ch showed an increase in the intensities of the hydroxyl and carbonyl stretching bands indicating a reduction in the hydrogen bonding of chitin. An investigation was undertaken regarding the adsorption of nickel(II) and cadmium(II) ions from aqueous solutions by the VP grafted chitin and the effects of the grafting degree on the Cd2+ and Ni2+ sorption were studied. The Cd2+ and Ni2+ adsorption equilibrium data correlate well with the Freundlich equation. The results indicate that the Ch-g-VP graft copolymer under investigation is a potentially powerful chelating material that can be employed for Ni2+ and Cd2+ ion removal from wastewater effluents. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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S. elegans (Eriocaulaceae) is known in Brazil as star flower and is used economically for ornamental purposes. The fact that there is no control over its collection, brings about great damage to its population. Thus the importance of phenologic data for the conservation of the species. This paper reports the marking of 60 individuals in three different phases of development and the collection of monthly data about their phenology. S. elegans is a perennial plant with a rhizomatous stem that characterizes its vegetative growth. The pubescent leaves present in plants can prevent heat loss and their pigments can raise the ultra-violet radiation absorption. The young leaves present in plants during the begining of the dry season use rhizome reserves. Hydric scarcity may be the main reason for the mortality of the species. Vegetative growth and sexual reproduction are very important for the population's survival.,The blooming period in S. elegans occurs from om February to July and the dispersal of seeds occurs from August to December.


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With the objective of evaluating the effect of different substrates combined with fertilizers in the growth of micropropagated seedlings of Cavendish banana (Musa spp. AAA), ail experiment was conducted in a randomized block design, in a 5 x 3 factorial scheme, with four repetitions. The substrates used were: S1 - subsoil land + carbonized rice hull + Rendmax Floreira (R); S2 - subsoil land + carbonized rice hull + Organifol (R); S3 - subsoil land + carbonized rice hull + Organifol (R) 9% SiO; S4 - Technes Vivatto (R); S5 - thick sand + carbonized rice hull + Rendmax Floreira (R). The fertilizer sources were: SA - without fertilizer; LL - slow-release fertilizer - Osmocote (R) 3M 14-14-14 (5.0 kg m(-3)) inixed in the substrate; and LN - normal-release fertilizer, 14-14-14 (7.5 g seedling(-1)) applied in covering. The height, collar diameter, leaf number, leaf area and dry matter were determined. Based on the differences of growth, substrates S 1, S2, S3 and S4 can be used with fertilizer 14-14-14, with slow (5.0 kg m(-3)) or normal (7.5 g seedling(-1)) release of nutrients.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)