164 resultados para A41
1929/07 (A41,T9,FASC8)- (A41,T9,FASC9).
1938/09 (A41,N5)-1938/10.
1938/11 (A41,N6)-1938/12.
1938/07 (A41,N4)-1938/08.
1938/01 (A41,N1)-1938/02.
1938/05 (A41,N3)-1938/06.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a heterogeneous population of cells that proliferate in vitro as plastic-adherent cells, have fibroblast-like morphology and can differentiate into bone, cartilage and fat cells. Therapeutic potential of MSCs have been studied in experimental models, such as rabbit, in Laboratory of Cell Engineering of Botucatu. However, no specific markers have been reported for expanded rabbit MSCs, which hampers the isolation of pure MSC populations by immunophenotypic characterization. Thus, the objective of this study was to produce monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to rabbit MSCs. MSCs derived from rabbit bone marrow (BM) were isolated, cultured, expanded ex vivo, and immunized into three BALB/c mices, and spleen cells subsequently harvested were used to generate hibridoma cell lines secreting antibodies against MSCs. Hybridoma cells were screened by flow cytometry and antibody-producing cells were subjected to subsequent rounds of retests. MSC1-160 obtained the best positivity for IgG expression and was cloned by limiting dilutions and micromanipulation. Ascitic fluid from ten best clones was purified by affinity chromatography in Protein A-sepharose CL-4B column and purification control was performed by electrophoresis in agarose gels. The purified IgG were tested against rabbit MSCs, obtaining high positivity by flow Cytometry. In conclusion, we developed 10 mAbs, MSC1-160 A20, A30, A41, A47, A55, A60, A63, A69, A81, and A82, that recognize rabbit MSC cell surface antigens showing potential for immunophenotypic characterization of rabbit MSC cell lines
Dermatophilus-like bacteria were observed in histological examinations of samples of diseased foot skin from greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) living in zoological gardens in Switzerland. When grown on TSA-SB containing polymyxin B, the bacteria isolated from these skin samples formed hyphae, as is typical for Dermatophilus congolensis, but these bacteria were non-haemolytic. The closest relatives based on 16S rRNA gene sequences were the two members of the genus Arsenicicoccus, Arsenicicoccus bolidensis and Arsenicicoccus piscis. A representative of the isolated strains shared 34.3 % DNA-DNA relatedness with the type strain of A. bolidensis, 32.3 % with the type strain of A. piscis and 34.5 % with the type strain of D. congolensis, demonstrating that these strains do not belong to any of these species. The phenotypic characteristics differed from those of members of the genus Arsenicicoccus as well as from those of D. congolensis. The G+C content of strain KM 894/11(T) was 71.6 mol%. The most abundant fatty acids were iso-C15 : 0, summed feature 3 (including C16 : 1ω7c and/or iso-C15 : 0 2-OH) and C18 : 1ω9c. MK-8(H4) was the predominant menaquinone. Cell-wall structure analysis revealed that the peptidoglycan type was A3γ ll-Dpm-Gly (type A41.1). Based on genotypic and chemotaxonomic characteristics, the isolated strains represent a novel species within the genus Arsenicicoccus, for which the name Arsenicicoccus dermatophilus sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is KM 894/11(T) ( = DSM 25571(T) = CCUG 62181(T) = CCOS 690(T)), and strain KM 1/12 ( = DSM 25572 = CCUG 62182 = CCOS 691) is a reference strain.
Context. On 12 November 2014 the European mission Rosetta succeeded in delivering a lander, named Philae, on the surface of one of the smallest, low-gravity and most primitive bodies of the solar system, the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P). Aims. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive geomorphological and spectrophotometric analysis of Philae's landing site (Agilkia) to give an essential framework for the interpretation of its in situ measurements. Methods. OSIRIS images, coupled with gravitational slopes derived from the 3D shape model based on stereo-photogrammetry were used to interpret the geomorphology of the site. We adopted the Hapke model, using previously derived parameters, to photometrically correct the images in orange filter (649.2 nm). The best approximation to the Hapke model, given by the Akimov parameter-less function, was used to correct the reflectance for the effects of viewing and illumination conditions in the other filters. Spectral analyses on coregistered color cubes were used to retrieve spectrophotometric properties. Results. The landing site shows an average normal albedo of 6.7% in the orange filter with variations of similar to 15% and a global featureless spectrum with an average red spectral slope of 15.2%/100 nm between 480.7 nm (blue filter) and 882.1 nm (near-IR filter). The spatial analysis shows a well-established correlation between the geomorphological units and the photometric characteristics of the surface. In particular, smooth deposits have the highest reflectance a bluer spectrum than the outcropping material across the area. Conclusions. The featureless spectrum and the redness of the material are compatible with the results by other instruments that have suggested an organic composition. The observed small spectral variegation could be due to grain size effects. However, the combination of photometric and spectral variegation suggests that a compositional differentiation is more likely. This might be tentatively interpreted as the effect of the efficient dust-transport processes acting on 67P. High-activity regions might be the original sources for smooth fine-grained materials that then covered Agilkia as a consequence of airfall of residual material. More observations performed by OSIRIS as the comet approaches the Sun would help interpreting the processes that work at shaping the landing site and the overall nucleus.