774 resultados para 902


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It has been suggested that endothelial apoptosis is a primary lesion in the pathogenesis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). We tested this hypothesis by examining the phenotypic signatures of endothelial microparticles (EMP) in TTP patients. In addition, the effect of TTP plasma on microvascular endothelial cells (MVEC) in culture was further delineated. EMP released by endothelial cells (EC) express markers of the parent EC; EMP released in activation carry predominantly CD54 and CD62E, while those in apoptosis CD31 and CD105. We investigated EMP release in vitro and in TTP patients. Following incubation of MVEC with TTP plasma, EMP and EC were analysed by flow cytometry for the expression of CD31, CD51, CD54, CD62E, CD105, CD106 and von Willebrand factor (VWF) antigen. EMP were also analysed in 12 TTP patients. In both EC and EMP, CD62E and CD54 expression were increased 3- to 10-fold and 8- to 10-fold respectively. However, CD31 and CD105 were reduced 40-60% in EC but increased twofold in EMP. VWF expression was found in 55 +/- 15% of CD62E(+) EMP. Markers of apoptosis were negative. In TTP patients, CD62E(+) and CD31(+)/CD42b(-) EMP were markedly elevated, and preceded and correlated well with a rise in platelet counts and a fall in lactate dehydrogenase. CD62E(+) EMP (60 +/- 20%) co-expressed VWF and CD62E. The ratio of CD31(+)/42b(-) to CD62E(+) EMP exhibited a pattern consistent with activation. In conclusion, our studies indicate endothelial activation in TTP. EMP that co-express VWF and CD62E could play a role in the pathogenesis of TTP.


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Os dados básicos para estimar a evapotranspiração de referência de Penman-Monteith FAO (EToPM) são: temperaturas máxima e mínima, pressão de vapor real ou atual, radiação líquida e velocidade do vento, muitas vezes indisponíveis por requererem estações meteorológicas específicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a adequação do método para estimar a EToPM, utilizando-se dados mínimos integrados a um Sistema de Informação Geográfica, na bacia do Rio Jaguaribe, CE. Foi utilizado o sistema integrado de modelagem regional PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies), versão 1.2, com as condições de contorno do Modelo Climático Global (HadAM3P), acoplado ao Modelo Climático Regional (HadRM3P), por meio da técnica dinâmica de redução de escala (downscaling). Os dados foram analisados quanto a sua variabilidade espacial (latitude, longitude), utilizando-se o método geoestatístico de krigagem associado a um Sistema de Informação Geográfica. Para a validação do método, foi ajustada uma regressão linear entre EToPM estimada com dados mínimos (temperaturas máxima e mínima) e com dados medidos por uma estação de referência. A média da EToPM anual estimada com dados mínimos foi 1.719 mm. O método mostrou-se aceitável na região estudada, considerando os resultados da análise de regressão (coeficiente angular de 0,95, coeficiente de determinação de 0,902, resíduos menores que 0,45 mm dia-1 e a Raiz do Quadrado Médio do Erro (RQME) igual a 0,067 mm dia-1).


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Se presentan los resultados parciales de una investigación que pretende dar cuenta del papel que cumple el proceso de modelación matemática en las aulas escolares de una subregión colombiana. En particular, se muestran las características de una de las tipologías de profesores, a saber, aquellos docentes en los cuales existen divergencias entre lo que afirman que debe ser la educación en matemáticas y lo que verdaderamente ejecutan en las aulas de clase. Dicha tipología ha sido detectada mediante la interpretación de las observaciones de las sesiones de clase y algunos cuestionarios y entrevistas. Finalmente se establecen algunas implicaciones sobre lo que significa conocimiento del profesor de matemáticas en el campo de la modelación matemática.


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Review of Mathematics and Culture II. Visual Perfection: Mathematics and Creativity, Michele Emmer (Ed.), Springer, 2005 ISBN: 978-3-540-21368-0


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The determination of chloride impurities in water miscible and water immiscible ionic liquids has been explored using ion chromatography (IC) and cathodic stripping voltammetry (CSV). This paper shows the first quantification of chloride in [NTf2](-) based ILs. The parameters investigated include sample preparation, solvent effect, sample stability, and limit of quantification (LOQ).


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In this paper, analysis and synthesis approach for two new variants within the Class-EF power amplifier (PA) family is elaborated. These amplifiers are classified here as Class-E3 F2 and transmission-line (TL) Class-E3 F 2. The proposed circuits offer means to alleviate some of the major issues faced by existing topologies such as substantial power losses due to the parasitic resistance of the large inductor in the Class-EF load network and deviation from ideal Class-EF operation due to the effect of device output inductance at high frequencies. Both lumped-element and transmission-line load networks for the Class-E 3 F PA are described. The load networks of the Class-E3 F and TL Class-E 3 F2amplifier topologies developed in this paper simultaneously satisfy the Class-EF optimum impedance requirements at fundamental frequency, second, and third harmonics as well as simultaneously providing matching to the circuit optimum load resistance for any prescribed system load resistance. Optimum circuit component values are analytically derived and validated by harmonic balance simulations. Trade-offs between circuit figures of merit and component values with some practical limitations being considered are discussed. © 2010 IEEE.


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The FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs), KHEYLRFamide (AF2) and KSAYMRFamide (PF3) were structurally characterised from the parasitic nematode of sheep, Haemonchus contortus (MH isolate). Both peptides were sequenced in a single gas-phase sequencing run and their structure confirmed by mass spectrometry which identified peptides of 920 Da (C-terminally amidated AF2) and 902/918 Da (C-terminally amidated non-oxidised/oxidised PF3, respectively). AF2 had inhibitory effects on H. contortus muscle and inhibited acetylcholine (ACh, 10 mu M)-induced contractions, with a threshold for activity of I mu M. PF3 induced concentration-dependent contractions of H. contortus (activity threshold, 10 nM) and enhanced ACh contractions. Compared with the MH isolate, an isolate of H. contortus which has reduced sensitivity to cholinergic drugs (Lawes isolate) was less sensitive to the effects of PF3. The concentration-response curves for the cholinergic compounds ACh and levamisole (LEV), and PF3, but not a control, KPNFIRFamide (PF4), showed a statistically similar shift. This study implicates PF3 in the modulation of cholinergic function in H. contortus. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.