906 resultados para 860[82]-2.09


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Los estudios sobre la asignación del carbono en los ecosistemas forestales proporcionan información esencial para la comprensión de las diferencias espaciales y temporales en el ciclo del carbono de tal forma que pueden aportar información a los modelos y, así predecir las posibles respuestas de los bosques a los cambios en el clima. Dentro de este contexto, los bosques Amazónicos desempeñan un papel particularmente importante en el balance global del carbono; no obstante, existen grandes incertidumbres en cuanto a los controles abióticos en las tasas de la producción primaria neta (PPN), la asignación de los productos de la fotosíntesis a los diferentes componentes o compartimentos del ecosistema (aéreo y subterráneo) y, cómo estos componentes de la asignación del carbono responden a eventos climáticos extremos. El objetivo general de esta tesis es analizar los componentes de la asignación del carbono en bosques tropicales maduros sobre suelos contrastantes, que crecen bajo condiciones climáticas similares en dos sitios ubicados en la Amazonia noroccidental (Colombia): el Parque Natural Nacional Amacayacu y la Estación Biológica Zafire. Con este objetivo, realicé mediciones de los componentes de la asignación del carbono (biomasa, productividad primaria neta, y su fraccionamiento) a nivel ecosistémico y de la dinámica forestal (tasas anuales de mortalidad y reclutamiento), a lo largo de ocho años (20042012) en seis parcelas permanentes de 1 hectárea establecidas en cinco tipos de bosques sobre suelos diferentes (arcilloso, franco-arcilloso, franco-arcilloso-arenoso, franco-arenoso y arena-francosa). Toda esta información me permitió abordar preguntas específicas que detallo a continuación. En el Capítulo 2 evalúe la hipótesis de que a medida que aumenta la fertilidad del suelo disminuye la cantidad del carbono asignado a la producción subterránea (raíces finas con diámetro <2 mm). Y para esto, realicé mediciones de la masa y la producción de raíces finas usando dos métodos: (1) el de los cilindros de crecimiento y, (2) el de los cilindros de extracción secuencial. El monitoreo se realizó durante 2.2 años en los bosques con suelos más contrastantes: arcilla y arena-francosa. Encontré diferencias significativas en la masa de raíces finas y su producción entre los bosques y, también con respecto a la profundidad del suelo (010 y 1020 cm). El bosque sobre arena-francosa asignó más carbono a las raíces finas que el bosque sobre arcillas. La producción de raíces finas en el bosque sobre arena-francosa fue dos veces más alta (media ± error estándar = 2.98 ± 0.36 y 3.33 ± 0.69 Mg C ha1 año1, con el método 1 y 2, respectivamente), que para el bosque sobre arcillas, el suelo más fértil (1.51 ± 0.14, método 1, y desde 1.03 ± 0.31 a 1.36 ± 0.23 Mg C ha1 año1, método 2). Del mismo modo, el promedio de la masa de raíces finas fue tres veces mayor en el bosque sobre arena-francosa (5.47 ± 0.17 Mg C ha1) que en el suelo más fértil (de 1.52 ± 0.08 a 1.82 ± 0.09 Mg C ha1). La masa de las raíces finas también mostró un patrón temporal relacionado con la lluvia, mostrando que la producción de raíces finas disminuyó sustancialmente en el período seco del año 2005. Estos resultados sugieren que los recursos del suelo pueden desempeñar un papel importante en los patrones de la asignación del carbono entre los componentes aéreo y subterráneo de los bosques tropicales; y que el suelo no sólo influye en las diferencias en la masa de raíces finas y su producción, sino que también, en conjunto con la lluvia, sobre la estacionalidad de la producción. En el Capítulo 3 estimé y analicé los tres componentes de la asignación del carbono a nivel del ecosistema: la biomasa, la productividad primaria neta PPN, y su fraccionamiento, en los mismos bosques del Capítulo 2 (el bosque sobre arcillas y el bosque sobre arena-francosa). Encontré diferencias significativas en los patrones de la asignación del carbono entre los bosques; el bosque sobre arcillas presentó una mayor biomasa total y aérea, así como una PPN, que el bosque sobre arena-francosa. Sin embargo, la diferencia entre los dos bosques en términos de la productividad primaria neta total fue menor en comparación con las diferencias entre la biomasa total de los bosques, como consecuencia de las diferentes estrategias en la asignación del carbono a los componentes aéreo y subterráneo del bosque. La proporción o fracción de la PPN asignada a la nueva producción de follaje fue relativamente similar entre los dos bosques. Nuestros resultados de los incrementos de la biomasa aérea sugieren una posible compensación entre la asignación del carbono al crecimiento de las raíces finas versus el de la madera, a diferencia de la compensación comúnmente asumida entre la parte aérea y la subterránea en general. A pesar de estas diferencias entre los bosques en términos de los componentes de la asignación del carbono, el índice de área foliar fue relativamente similar entre ellos, lo que sugiere que el índice de área foliar es más un indicador de la PPN total que de la asignación de carbono entre componentes. En el Capítulo 4 evalué la variación espacial y temporal de los componentes de la asignación del carbono y la dinámica forestal de cinco tipos e bosques amazónicos y sus respuestas a fluctuaciones en la precipitación, lo cual es completamente relevante en el ciclo global del carbono y los procesos biogeoquímicos en general. Estas variaciones son así mismo importantes para evaluar los efectos de la sequía o eventos extremos sobre la dinámica natural de los bosques amazónicos. Evalué la variación interanual y la estacionalidad de los componentes de la asignación del carbono y la dinámica forestal durante el periodo 2004−2012, en cinco bosques maduros sobre diferentes suelos (arcilloso, franco-arcilloso, franco-arcilloso-arenoso, franco-arenoso y arena-francosa), todos bajo el mismo régimen local de precipitación en la Amazonia noroccidental (Colombia). Quería examinar sí estos bosques responden de forma similar a las fluctuaciones en la precipitación, tal y como pronostican muchos modelos. Consideré las siguientes preguntas: (i) ¿Existe una correlación entre los componentes de la asignación del carbono y la dinámica forestal con la precipitación? (ii) ¿Existe correlación entre los bosques? (iii) ¿Es el índice de área foliar (LAI) un indicador de las variaciones en la producción aérea o es un reflejo de los cambios en los patrones de la asignación del carbono entre bosques?. En general, la correlación entre los componentes aéreo y subterráneo de la asignación del carbono con la precipitación sugiere que los suelos juegan un papel importante en las diferencias espaciales y temporales de las respuestas de estos bosques a las variaciones en la precipitación. Por un lado, la mayoría de los bosques mostraron que los componentes aéreos de la asignación del carbono son susceptibles a las fluctuaciones en la precipitación; sin embargo, el bosque sobre arena-francosa solamente presentó correlación con la lluvia con el componente subterráneo (raíces finas). Por otra parte, a pesar de que el noroeste Amazónico es considerado sin una estación seca propiamente (definida como <100 mm meses −1), la hojarasca y la masa de raíces finas mostraron una alta variabilidad y estacionalidad, especialmente marcada durante la sequía del 2005. Además, los bosques del grupo de suelos francos mostraron que la hojarasca responde a retrasos en la precipitación, al igual que la masa de raíces finas del bosque sobre arena-francosa. En cuanto a la dinámica forestal, sólo la tasa de mortalidad del bosque sobre arena-francosa estuvo correlacionada con la precipitación (ρ = 0.77, P <0.1). La variabilidad interanual en los incrementos en el tallo y la biomasa de los individuos resalta la importancia de la mortalidad en la variación de los incrementos en la biomasa aérea. Sin embargo, las tasas de mortalidad y las proporciones de individuos muertos por categoría de muerte (en pie, caído de raíz, partido y desaparecido), no mostraron tendencias claras relacionadas con la sequía. Curiosamente, la hojarasca, el incremento en la biomasa aérea y las tasas de reclutamiento mostraron una alta correlación entre los bosques, en particular dentro del grupo de los bosques con suelos francos. Sin embargo, el índice de área foliar estimado para los bosques con suelos más contrastantes (arcilla y arena-francosa), no presentó correlación significativa con la lluvia; no obstante, estuvo muy correlacionado entre bosques; índice de área foliar no reflejó las diferencias en la asignación de los componentes del carbono, y su respuesta a la precipitación en estos bosques. Por último, los bosques estudiados muestran que el noroeste amazónico es susceptible a fenómenos climáticos, contrario a lo propuesto anteriormente debido a la ausencia de una estación seca propiamente dicha. ABSTRACT Studies of carbon allocation in forests provide essential information for understanding spatial and temporal differences in carbon cycling that can inform models and predict possible responses to changes in climate. Amazon forests play a particularly significant role in the global carbon balance, but there are still large uncertainties regarding abiotic controls on the rates of net primary production (NPP) and the allocation of photosynthetic products to different ecosystem components; and how the carbon allocation components of Amazon forests respond to extreme climate events. The overall objective of this thesis is to examine the carbon allocation components in old-growth tropical forests on contrasting soils, and under similar climatic conditions in two sites at the Amacayacu National Natural Park and the Zafire Biological Station, located in the north-western Amazon (Colombia). Measurements of above- and below-ground carbon allocation components (biomass, net primary production, and its partitioning) at the ecosystem level, and dynamics of tree mortality and recruitment were done along eight years (20042012) in six 1-ha plots established in five Amazon forest types on different soils (clay, clay-loam, sandy-clay-loam, sandy-loam and loamy-sand) to address specific questions detailed in the next paragraphs. In Chapter 2, I evaluated the hypothesis that as soil fertility increases the amount of carbon allocated to below-ground production (fine-roots) should decrease. To address this hypothesis the standing crop mass and production of fine-roots (<2 mm) were estimated by two methods: (1) ingrowth cores and, (2) sequential soil coring, during 2.2 years in the most contrasting forests: the clay-soil forest and the loamy-sand forest. We found that the standing crop fine-root mass and its production were significantly different between forests and also between soil depths (0–10 and 10–20 cm). The loamysand forest allocated more carbon to fine-roots than the clay-soil forest, with fine-root production in the loamy-sand forest twice (mean ± standard error = 2.98 ± 0.36 and 3.33 ± 0.69 Mg C ha −1 yr −1, method 1 and 2, respectively) as much as for the more fertile claysoil forest (1.51 ± 0.14, method 1, and from 1.03 ± 0.31 to 1.36 ± 0.23 Mg C ha −1 yr −1, method 2). Similarly, the average of standing crop fine-root mass was three times higher in the loamy-sand forest (5.47 ± 0.17 Mg C ha1) than in the more fertile soil (from 1.52 ± 0.08 a 1.82 ± 0.09 Mg C ha1). The standing crop fine-root mass also showed a temporal pattern related to rainfall, with the production of fine-roots decreasing substantially in the dry period of the year 2005. These results suggest that soil resources may play an important role in patterns of carbon allocation of below-ground components, not only driven the differences in the biomass and its production, but also in the time when it is produced. In Chapter 3, I assessed the three components of stand-level carbon allocation (biomass, NPP, and its partitioning) for the same forests evaluated in Chapter 2 (clay-soil forest and loamy-sand forest). We found differences in carbon allocation patterns between these two forests, showing that the forest on clay-soil had a higher aboveground and total biomass as well as a higher above-ground NPP than the loamy-sand forest. However, differences between the two types of forests in terms of stand-level NPP were smaller, as a consequence of different strategies in the carbon allocation of above- and below-ground components. The proportional allocation of NPP to new foliage production was relatively similar between the two forests. Our results of aboveground biomass increments and fine-root production suggest a possible trade-off between carbon allocation to fine-roots versus wood growth (as it has been reported by other authors), as opposed to the most commonly assumed trade-off between total above- and below-ground production. Despite these differences among forests in terms of carbon allocation components, the leaf area index showed differences between forests like total NPP, suggesting that the leaf area index is more indicative of total NPP than carbon allocation. In Chapter 4, I evaluated the spatial and temporal variation of carbon allocation components and forest dynamics of Amazon forests as well as their responses to climatic fluctuations. I evaluated the intra- and inter-annual variation of carbon allocation components and forest dynamics during the period 2004−2012 in five forests on different soils (clay, clay-loam, sandy-clay-loam, sandy-loam and loamy-sand), but growing under the same local precipitation regime in north-western Amazonia (Colombia). We were interested in examining if these forests respond similarly to rainfall fluctuations as many models predict, considering the following questions: (i) Is there a correlation in carbon allocation components and forest dynamics with precipitation? (ii) Is there a correlation among forests? (iii) Are temporal responses in leaf area index (LAI) indicative of variations of above-ground production or a reflection of changes in carbon allocation patterns among forests?. Overall, the correlation of above- and below-ground carbon allocation components with rainfall suggests that soils play an important role in the spatial and temporal differences of responses of these forests to rainfall fluctuations. On the one hand, most forests showed that the above-ground components are susceptible to rainfall fluctuations; however, there was a forest on loamy-sand that only showed a correlation with the below-ground component (fine-roots). On the other hand, despite the fact that north-western Amazonia is considered without a conspicuous dry season (defined as <100 mm month−1), litterfall and fine-root mass showed high seasonality and variability, particularly marked during the drought of 2005. Additionally, forests of the loam-soil group showed that litterfall respond to time-lags in rainfall as well as and the fine-root mass of the loamy-sand forest. With regard to forest dynamics, only the mortality rate of the loamy-sand forest was significantly correlated with rainfall (77%). The observed inter-annual variability of stem and biomass increments of individuals highlighted the importance of the mortality in the above-ground biomass increment. However, mortality rates and death type proportion did not show clear trends related to droughts. Interestingly, litterfall, above-ground biomass increment and recruitment rates of forests showed high correlation among forests, particularly within the loam-soil forests group. Nonetheless, LAI measured in the most contrasting forests (clay-soil and loamysand) was poorly correlated with rainfall but highly correlated between forests; LAI did not reflect the differences in the carbon allocation components, and their response to rainfall on these forests. Finally, the forests studied highlight that north-western Amazon forests are also susceptible to climate fluctuations, contrary to what has been proposed previously due to their lack of a pronounced dry season.


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Introdução: A obesidade é uma afecção com alta prevalência no Brasil e no mundo. É fator de risco para comorbidades como Diabetes tipo 2 (DM2), Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS), Dislipidemia, Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (AOS), entre outras. Seu tratamento é complexo e a cirurgia bariátrica, executada por diferentes técnicas, tem sido uma das opções. Objetivo: Analisar os resultados publicados na literatura em relação às técnicas cirúrgicas de Banda Gástrica Ajustável (BGA), Gastrectomia Vertical (GV), Gastroplastia com derivação em Y de Roux (GDYR) e Derivação Biliopancreática (DBP) - técnica de \"Scopinaro\" e de \"Duodenal Switch\" quanto às complicações operatórias, à mortalidade, à perda do excesso de peso (PEP) e ao reganho, e a resolução das comorbidades após a operação. Método: Foram analisados 116 estudos selecionados na base de dados MEDLINE por meio da PubMed publicados na Língua Inglesa entre 2003 e 2014. Para comparar as diferentes técnicas cirúrgicas (BGA, GV, GDYR e DBP), realizou-se estudo estatístico por meio da análise de variância (ANOVA) aplicando os testes de Duncan e de Kruskal Wallis avaliando: complicações pós-operatórias (fístula, sangramento e óbito); perda e reganho do excesso de peso, e resolução das comorbidades. Resultados: A ocorrência de sangramento foi de 0,6% na média entre todos os estudos, sendo 0,44% na BGA; 1,29% na GV; 0,81% na GDYR e 2,09% na DBP. Já a ocorrência de fístulas foi de 1,3% na média entre todos os estudos, 0,68% para BGA; 1,93% para GV; 2,18% para GDYR e 5,23% para DBP. A mortalidade nos primeiros 30 dias pós-operatórios foi de 0,9% na média entre todos os estudos, 0,05% na BGA; 0,16% na GV; 0,60% na GDYR e 2,52% na DBP. A PEP após cinco anos na média entre todos os estudos foi de 63,86%, especificamente na BGA, foi de 48,35%; 52,7% na GV; 71,04% na GDYR e 77,90% na DBP. A taxa de DM2 resolvida foi de 76,9% na média entre todos os estudos, sendo 46,80% na BGA; 79,38% na GV; 79,86% na GDYR e 90,78% na DBP. A taxa de Dislipidemia resolvida após a operação foi de 74,0% na média de todo o estudo, sendo 51,28% na BGA; 58,00% na GV; 73,28% na GDYR e 90,75% na DBP. A taxa de HAS resolvida após a operação foi de 61,80% na média de todo o estudo, sendo 54,50% na BGA; 52,27% na GV; 68,11% na GDYR e 82,12% na DBP. A taxa de AOS resolvida após a operação foi de 75,0% na média de todo o estudo, sendo 56,85% na BGA; 51,43% na GV; 80,31% na GDYR e 92,50% na DBP. Conclusão: quando analisadas e comparada as quatro técnicas observa-se que nos primeiros 30 dias pós-operatório a taxa de sangramento é superior nos pacientes submetidos à DBP e taxa de fístula inferior nos pacientes da BGA. Quanto à mortalidade observou-se taxa mais pronunciada nos pacientes submetidos à DBP e menos nos submetidos à BGA. Quanto à PEP observou-se uma uniformidade entre os pacientes submetidos à GV, GDYR E DBP até o terceiro ano. Após esse período observa-se reganho de peso nos submetidos à GV até o quinto ano de seguimento. Já nos pacientes submetidos à BGA observou-se taxas de PEP menos pronunciadas em relação às demais desde o início do seguimento. Quanto à resolução das comorbidades observou-se taxas de resolução de DM2 inferiores nos pacientes submetidos à BGA, e não houve diferença entre nenhuma técnica quanto à resolução das demais comorbidades: HAS, AOS e dislipidemia


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Background: Blacks have a higher incidence of diabetes and its related complications. Self-rated health (SRH) and perceived stress indicators are associated with chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between SRH, perceived stress and diabetes status among two Black ethnicities. Materials and Methods: The cross-sectional study included 258 Haitian Americans and 249 African Americans with (n = 240) and without type 2 diabetes (n = 267) (N = 507). Recruitment was performed by community outreach. Results: Haitian-Americans were less likely to report ‘fair to poor’ health as compared to African Americans [OR=0.58 (95% CI: 0.35, 0.95), P = 0.032]; yet, Haitian Americans had greater perceived stress than African Americans (P = 0.002). Having diabetes was associated with ‘fair to poor’ SRH [OR=3.14 (95% CI: 2.09, 4.72),P < 0.001] but not perceived stress (P = 0.072). Haitian-Americans (P = 0.023), females (P = 0.003) and those participants having ‘poor or fair’ SRH (P < 0.001) were positively associated with perceived stress (Nagelkerke R2=0.151). Conclusion: Perceived stress associated with ‘poor or fair’ SRH suggests that screening for perceived stress should be considered part of routine medical care; albeit, further studies are required to confirm our results. The findings support the need for treatment plans that are patient-centered and culturally relevant and that address psychosocial issues.


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A associação entre fatores de risco cardiovascular (FRCV) na pósmenopausa e o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual no menacme foi avaliado em estudo caso-controle envolvendo 414 mulheres na pósmenopausa com idade de 60,4 ± 5,5 anos e IMC de 25,3 ± 4,7 kg/m2. As variáveis consideradas foram: caracterização do ciclo menstrual entre 20 e 35 anos (independente) e relato atual sobre ocorrência de hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus e doença arterial coronariana (dependentes). Utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado e modelos de regressão logística, ajustados para outras variáveis implicadas no risco para doenças CV, com nível de significância 5%. Observou-se que mulheres que relataram irregularidade menstrual prévia estiveram associadas com risco aumentado para ocorrência de algum FRCV [odds ratio ajustado (OR)= 2,14; IC-95%= 1,02–4,48], quando comparadas àquelas com ciclos regulares. Análise estratificada demonstrou as seguintes associações significativas com o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual: hipertensão arterial (OR= 2,4; 95% IC= 1,39–5,41), hipercolesterolemia (OR= 2,32; 95% IC= 1,17–4,59), hipertrigliceridemia (OR= 2,09; 95% IC= 1,10–4,33) e angioplastia coronariana (OR= 6,82; 95% IC= 1,44–32,18). Os dados sugerem que o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual, indicativo da ocorrência da síndrome dos ovários policísticos na idade reprodutiva, pode estar relacionado com aumento do risco para doenças CV na pós-menopausa __________________________________________________ABSTRACT Menstrual Cycle Irregularity as a Marker of Cardiovascular Risk Factors at Postmenopausal Years.To evaluate the association between cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF)during postmenopausal years and previous menstrual irregularity during reproductive years, we performed a case-control study in 414 postmenopausal women (mean age 60.4 ± 5.5 years; BMI 25.3 ± 4.7 kg/m2). The variables assessed were: menstrual cycle characteristics at age 20–35y (independent) and records of arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and coronary heart disease (dependent). Statistical analysis used the chi-square test and logistic regression, adjusting for potential confounders for cardiovascular risk, with significance set at 5%. Women reporting previous menstrual irregularity were associated with increased risk for some CVRF [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 2.14; CI-95%= 1.02–4.48], when compared with those reporting regular menstrual cycles. Stratified analysis demonstrated significant associations of previous menstrual irregularity with: arterial hypertension [OR= 2.74; CI-95%= 1.39–5.41), hypercholesterolemia (OR= 2.32; CI-95%= 1.17–4.59), hypertriglyceridemia (OR= 2.09; CI-95%=1.10–4.33), and coronary angioplasty (OR= 6.82; CI-95%= 1.44–32.18). These data suggest that a prior history of menstrual irregularity, as indicative of polycystic ovary syndrome, may be related to increased risk for CVD during postmenopausal years


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A associação entre fatores de risco cardiovascular (FRCV) na pósmenopausa e o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual no menacme foi avaliado em estudo caso-controle envolvendo 414 mulheres na pósmenopausa com idade de 60,4 ± 5,5 anos e IMC de 25,3 ± 4,7 kg/m2. As variáveis consideradas foram: caracterização do ciclo menstrual entre 20 e 35 anos (independente) e relato atual sobre ocorrência de hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus e doença arterial coronariana (dependentes). Utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado e modelos de regressão logística, ajustados para outras variáveis implicadas no risco para doenças CV, com nível de significância 5%. Observou-se que mulheres que relataram irregularidade menstrual prévia estiveram associadas com risco aumentado para ocorrência de algum FRCV [odds ratio ajustado (OR)= 2,14; IC-95%= 1,02–4,48], quando comparadas àquelas com ciclos regulares. Análise estratificada demonstrou as seguintes associações significativas com o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual: hipertensão arterial (OR= 2,4; 95% IC= 1,39–5,41), hipercolesterolemia (OR= 2,32; 95% IC= 1,17–4,59), hipertrigliceridemia (OR= 2,09; 95% IC= 1,10–4,33) e angioplastia coronariana (OR= 6,82; 95% IC= 1,44–32,18). Os dados sugerem que o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual, indicativo da ocorrência da síndrome dos ovários policísticos na idade reprodutiva, pode estar relacionado com aumento do risco para doenças CV na pós-menopausa __________________________________________________ABSTRACT Menstrual Cycle Irregularity as a Marker of Cardiovascular Risk Factors at Postmenopausal Years.To evaluate the association between cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF)during postmenopausal years and previous menstrual irregularity during reproductive years, we performed a case-control study in 414 postmenopausal women (mean age 60.4 ± 5.5 years; BMI 25.3 ± 4.7 kg/m2). The variables assessed were: menstrual cycle characteristics at age 20–35y (independent) and records of arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and coronary heart disease (dependent). Statistical analysis used the chi-square test and logistic regression, adjusting for potential confounders for cardiovascular risk, with significance set at 5%. Women reporting previous menstrual irregularity were associated with increased risk for some CVRF [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 2.14; CI-95%= 1.02–4.48], when compared with those reporting regular menstrual cycles. Stratified analysis demonstrated significant associations of previous menstrual irregularity with: arterial hypertension [OR= 2.74; CI-95%= 1.39–5.41), hypercholesterolemia (OR= 2.32; CI-95%= 1.17–4.59), hypertriglyceridemia (OR= 2.09; CI-95%=1.10–4.33), and coronary angioplasty (OR= 6.82; CI-95%= 1.44–32.18). These data suggest that a prior history of menstrual irregularity, as indicative of polycystic ovary syndrome, may be related to increased risk for CVD during postmenopausal years


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The study on semen quantity and quality of Kampung and Arab fowl under various levels of vitamin E supplementation was conducted, using 2x4 factorial Completely Randomized Design with 4 replicates.  Analysis of variance followed by Duncan New Multiple Range Test were used to analyze the data.  Levels  of vitamin E given orally were 0 IU (control); 2 IU (t1); 4 IU (t2) and 8 IU (t3) per bird daily.  The results showed that semen volume was not affected by genotype (Kampung: 0.26 ± 0.05 ml Vs.  Arab: 0.22 ± 0.05 ml) while the vitamin E treatments significantly (P<0.05) affected the semen volume i.e. 0.16 ± 0.06 ml (control); 0.27 ± 0.04 ml (t1); 0.28 ± 0.03 ml (t2) and 0.23 ± 0.03 ml (t3).  Semen viscosity was not affected by genotype, but was substantially affected by vitamin E treatments.  The semen pH was not influenced by all treatments given, spermatozoa concentration of Kampung (1.80 ± 0.39 billion/ml) was not significantly different with that of Arab (1.86 ± 0.16 billion/ml).  Vitamin E treatments resulted in different (P<0.05) spermatozoa concentration among control (1.50 ± 0.16 billion/ml), t1 (1.98 ± 0.14 billion/ml), t2 (2.01 ± 0.09 billion/ml) and t3 (1.87 ± 0.18 billion/ml).  No significant different found on semen mass movement between Kampung and Arab, also among vitamin E treatments.  The spermatozoa motility of Kampung and Arab was not statistically different, however vitamin E improved motility significantly (P<0.05); control (2.90 ± 0.59); t1 (3.5 ± 0.16); t2 (3.54 ± 0.25) and t3 (3.44 ± 0.48).  Percentage of dead spermatozoa of Kampung and Arab were 18.24 ± 1.98% and 17.35 ± 2.74%, while vitamin E supplementation results were as follows 18.10 ± 3.03% (control); 18.54 ± 2.01% (t1); 17.72 ± 1.47% (t2) and 16.82 ± 2.87% (t3) no significant different was found.  Percentage of abnormal spermatozoa of Kampung (4.35 ± 0.80%) and Arab (4.64 ± 0.87%) was not different statistically.  Among the vitamin E treatments the results was as follows 4.31 ± 1.40% (control); 4.75 ± 0.69% (t1); 4.94 ± 1.91% (t2) and 3.97 ± 1.14% (t3).  However, significant (P<0.05) interaction effects were found in Kampung males at treatment t2 (4 IU) and t3 (8 IU). (Animal Production 7(2): 67-73 (2005) Key Words: Kampung, Arab, Fowl, Semen, Vitamin E


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Background: Diets with a high postprandial glycemic response may contribute to long-term development of insulin resistance and diabetes, however previous epidemiological studies are conflicting on whether glycemic index (GI) or glycemic load (GL) are dietary factors associated with the progression. Our objectives were to estimate GI and GL in a group of older women, and evaluate cross-sectional associations with insulin resistance. Subjects and Methods: Subjects were 329 Australian women aged 42-81 years participating in year three of the Longitudinal Assessment of Ageing in Women (LAW). Dietary intakes were assessed by diet history interviews and analysed using a customised GI database. Insulin resistance was defined as a homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) value of >3.99, based on fasting blood glucose and insulin concentrations. Results: GL was significantly higher in the 26 subjects who were classified as insulin resistant compared to subjects who were not (134±33 versus 114±24, P<0.001). In a logistic regression model, an increment of 15 GL units increased the odds of insulin resistance by 2.09 (95%CI 1.55, 2.80, P<0.001) independently of potential confounding variables. No significant associations were found when insulin resistance was assessed as a continuous variable. Conclusions: Results of this cross-sectional study support the concept that diets with a higher GL are associated with increased risk of insulin resistance. Further studies are required to investigate whether reducing glycemic intake, by either consuming lower GI foods and/or smaller serves of carbohydrate, can contribute to a reduction in development of insulin resistance and long-term risk of type 2 diabetes.


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Raman spectroscopy has been used to study the molecular structure of the vanadate mineral pascoite. Pascoite, rauvite and huemulite are examples of simple salts involving the decavanadate anion (V10O28)6-. Decavanadate consists of four distinct VO6 units which are reflected in Raman bands occurring at higher wavenumbers. The Raman spectrum of pascoite is characterised by two intense bands at 991 and 965 cm-1. Raman bands are observed at 991, 965, 958 and 905 cm-1 and originate from four distinct VO6 sites in the mineral structure. In the infrared spectra of pascoite, two wavenumber regions are observed between: 1) 837 and 860, and 2) between 803 and 833 cm-1. These bands are assigned to ν3 antisymmetric stretching modes of (V10O28)6- or (V5O14)3- units. The spectrum is highly complex in the lower wavenumber region, and therefore the assignment of bands is difficult. Bands observed in the 404 to 458 cm-1 region are assigned to the ν2 bending modes of (V10O28)6- or (V5O14)3- units. Raman bands observed in the 530 to 620 cm-1 region are assigned to the ν4 bending modes of (V10O28)6- or (V5O14)3- units. The Raman spectra of the vanadates in the low wavenumber region are complex with multiple overlapping bands which are probably due to VO subunits and MO bonds.


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BACKGROUND: Grafting of autologous hyaline cartilage and bone for articular cartilage repair is a well-accepted technique. Although encouraging midterm clinical results have been reported, no information on the mechanical competence of the transplanted joint surface is available. HYPOTHESIS: The mechanical competence of osteochondral autografts is maintained after transplantation. STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study. METHODS: Osteochondral defects were filled with autografts (7.45 mm in diameter) in one femoral condyle in 12 mature sheep. The ipsilateral femoral condyle served as the donor site, and the resulting defect (8.3 mm in diameter) was left empty. The repair response was examined after 3 and 6 months with mechanical and histologic assessment and histomorphometric techniques. RESULTS: Good surface congruity and plug placement was achieved. The Young modulus of the grafted cartilage significantly dropped to 57.5% of healthy tissue after 3 months (P < .05) but then recovered to 82.2% after 6 months. The aggregate and dynamic moduli behaved similarly. The graft edges showed fibrillation and, in some cases (4 of 6), hypercellularity and chondrocyte clustering. Subchondral bone sclerosis was observed in 8 of 12 cases, and the amount of mineralized bone in the graft area increased from 40% to 61%. CONCLUSIONS: The mechanical quality of transplanted cartilage varies considerably over a short period of time, potentially reflecting both degenerative and regenerative processes, while histologically signs of both cartilage and bone degeneration occur. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Both the mechanically degenerative and restorative processes illustrate the complex progression of regeneration after osteochondral transplantation. The histologic evidence raises doubts as to the long-term durability of the osteochondral repair.


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In this paper, we address the puzzle of the relationship between age and happiness. Whilst the majority of psychologists have concluded there is not much of a relationship at all, the economic literature has unearthed a possible U-shape relationship with the minimum level of satisfaction occurring in middle age (35–50). In this paper, we look for a U-shape in three panel data sets, the German Socioeconomic Panel (GSOEP), the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) and the Household Income Labour Dynamics Australia (HILDA). We find that the raw data mainly supports a wave-like shape that only weakly looks U-shaped for the 20–60 age range. That weak U-shape in middle age becomes more pronounced when allowing for socio-economic variables. When we then take account of selection effects via fixed-effects, however, the dominant age-effect in all three panels is a strong happiness increase around the age of 60 followed by a major decline after 75, with the U-shape in middle age disappearing such that there is almost no change in happiness between the age of 20 and 50.


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Background: We have previously shown the high prevalence of oral anti-human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) antibodies in women with HPV-associated cervical neoplasia. It was postulated that the HPV antibodies were initiated after HPV antigenic stimulation at the cervix via the common mucosal immune system. The present study aimed to further evaluate the effectiveness of oral fluid testing for detecting the mucosal humoral response to HPV infection and to advance our limited understanding of the immune response to HPV. Methods: The prevalence of oral HPV infection and oral antibodies to HPV types 16, 18 and 11 was determined in a normal, healthy population of children, adolescents and adults, both male and female, attending a dental clinic. HPV types in buccal cells were determined by DNA sequencing. Oral fluid was collected from the gingival crevice of the mouth by the OraSure method. HPV-16, HPV-18 and HPV-11 antibodies in oral fluid were detected by virus-like particle-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. As a reference group 44 women with cervical neoplasia were included in the study. Results: Oral HPV infection was h ighest in children (9/114, 7.9%), followed by adolescents (4/78, 5.1%), and lowest in normal adults (4/116, 3.5%). The predominant HPV type found was HPV-13 (7/22, 31.8%) followed by HPV-32 (5/22, 22.7%). The prevalence of oral antibodies to HPV-16, HPV-18 and HPV-11 was low in children and increased substantially in adolescents and normal adults. Oral HPV-16 IgA was significantly more prevalent in women with cervical neoplasia (30/44, 68.2%) than the women from the dental clinic (18/69, 26.1% P = 0.0001). Significantly more adult men than women displayed oral HPV-16 IgA (30/47 compared with 18/69, OR 5.0, 95% CI 2.09-12.1, P < 0.001) and HPV-18 IgA (17/47 compared with 13/69, OR 2.4, 95% CI 0.97-6.2, P = 0.04). Conclusion: The increased prevalence of oral HPV antibodies in adolescent individuals compared with children was attributed to the onset of sexual activity. The increased prevalence of oral anti-HPV IgA in men compared with women was noteworthy considering reportedly fewer men than women make serum antibodies, and warrants further investigation. © 2006 Marais et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.