927 resultados para 860[729.1].07[Sarduy]


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Annual variations of egg production rate (EPR) and clutch size of Calanus sinicus, as well as body size of females (prosome length and dry weight), were investigated at a series of stations in the Southern Yellow Sea by onboard incubation. Calanus sinicus was spawning in all the 11 cruises investigated, and the annual variation of EPR was bimodal. Monthly average EPR was highest from May to July, respectively, 5.97, 5.36 and 6.30 eggs female(-1) d(-1), then decreased dramatically to only 1.37 eggs female(-1) d(-1) in August and attained the lowest 1.07 eggs female(-1) d(-1) in October. In November, average EPR increased again to 4.31 eggs female(-1) d(-1). Seasonal variation of clutch size was similar to EPR, except that it decreased gradually after August rather than dramatically as did EPR. Prosome length of females was maximum in May and minimum in October, but dry weight was highest in November. Monthly average EPR correlated better with prosome length than dry weight, while clutch size was rather determined by dry weight of females. It is suggested that egg production of C. sinicus was active during two discontinuous periods when both surface and bottom temperature fell into its favorite range (i.e. 10-23degreesC), and different reproductive strategies were adopted in these two reproductive peaks: other than the highest EPR, longer prosome length was also achieved by C. sinicus from May to July, while females in November developed shorter bodies but accumulated more energy for reproduction.


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两年的牦牛放牧试验结果表明:随放牧率的增加, 夏季草场各土壤层有机质、有机碳、全氮和全磷的含量呈下降趋势,它们的含量与放牧率呈显著的线性回归关系, 速效氮的含量与放牧率呈二次回归关系, 各土壤营养因子平均含量与放牧率也有类似的关系.而且当放牧率分别达到1.07 heads/hm2、1.08 heads/hm2和1.22 heads/hm2时, 0~5 cm、 5~10 cm、 10~20 cm土壤速效氮含量依此达到最小,若放牧率继续增加,各土壤层速效氮的含量依此开始增加, 而速效氮的平均含量达到最小的放牧率是1.08 heads/hm2.在相同放牧率下, 有机质和有机碳的含量在各土壤层之间差异极显著(P<0.01),全磷差异显著(P<0.05),全氮和速效氮差异不显著(P>0.05),而且放牧率和土壤深度的交互作用对土壤各营养因子含量的影响极显著(P<0.01).放牧率对各土壤层的含水量有显著的影响(P<0.05),不同年度间同一土壤层含水量的差异不显著(P>0.05).


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本研究以西南喀斯特地区的王家寨小流域为研究对象,以植物叶片δ13C值为植物水分利用效率的指示值,结合利用氢氧同位素对植物的水分来源进行确认,通过研究小流域中不同土壤类型石漠化样地、不同季节、不同等级石漠化样地及喀斯特不同小生境中常见植物种水分利用效率及水分来源的差异,旨在从小生境、植物种、植物群落等不同尺度上探讨石漠化发生过程对植物长期水分利用的影响,了解不同水源的利用对植物水分利用效率的影响,了解喀斯特生态系统特有生境中植物对水分的竞争和利用策略,以加深对生态系统水分平衡的认识。通过研究,得出了以下几点认识: 1 喀斯特石漠化区植物叶片δ13C值的时空变化 (1)在本研究区,不同土壤类型区域植物群落δ13C值均随着石漠化的进行趋正,方差分析结果显示黄壤序列植物群落叶片δ13C值存在显著差异(F(3,80)0.01=2.720.05)。整个生长季中,常见种叶片δ13C值与土壤含水量的相关关系研究表明大多数种在大多数时间随土壤水分的减少其WUE提高。 (4)本研究区小生境类型主要有石面、石沟、石缝、及土面。各小生境内植物叶片δ13C值基本上随石漠化进行趋正,即小生境尺度上植物叶片δ13C值随石漠化进行趋正。基于石漠化梯度和小生境类别的双因素方差分析表明,生长于不同石漠化等级及不同小生境的植物叶片δ13C 值总体差异显著。土面上生长的植株叶片δ13C值最负,说明较厚的土层、较多的土量能供给植物较为充足的水分、养分,避免或减小了植物的水分胁迫。对各小生境植物叶片δ13C值与各小生境主要环境因子进行相关分析,结果表明植物叶片δ13C值与小生境土壤厚度、0-10cm土壤平均含水量以及日均大气相对湿度呈显著负相关,而与日均光照强度呈显著正相关。 (5)石漠化过程中常见植物种叶片解剖结构中的栅栏组织厚度、上角质层厚度、下角质层厚度、最大导管直径均呈现逐渐增大的趋势,而海绵组织厚度则呈现逐渐减少的趋势,方差分析结果显示各解剖结构均呈现显著性差异(p<0.05)。另外,对叶片解剖结构指标与叶片δ13C值的相关分析表明,所研究的植物种叶片上述解剖形态结构中除下角质层厚度与叶片δ13C值相关关系不显著(p>0.05)外,其余指标均与其叶片δ13C值呈现显著的正相关关系(p<0.05),说明植物的WUE与植物叶片解剖结构的变化存在着内在的相关关系。 2 喀斯特石漠化区植物水分来源的时空变化 (1)由于07年降雨丰富,其喀斯特皮下水显著低于06年,但是06年喀斯特皮下水的季节变化却不大,这是由于06年为特大欠水年,观测期内降雨仅721mm,为正常年份的60%,“活塞效应”不明显。2006年对各等级石漠化样地植物水分来源研究结果表明:(12月)土壤水及小枝木质部水分的δD及δ18O值明显高于夏季(7、9月)。降雨较多的7月,强、中度石漠化大多数植物主要利用土壤水,轻、无石漠化样地植物则利用土壤水和喀斯特皮下水。9月,由于干旱严重,各石漠化样地大多数植物均不同程度的利用了喀斯特皮下水。 (2)对研究区各小生境植物水分来源的研究表明:各小生境土壤水分δD、δ18O各不相同,石缝小生境土壤水分δD、δ18O最负,石面土壤水分δD、δ18O最正,土面、石沟居中。强度石漠化土壤剖面水分δD、δ18O值>中度石漠化样地>轻度石漠化样地>无石漠化样地,显示随着石漠化的进行,样地蒸发越强烈。整体上,石缝中植物比其他生境更容易利用喀斯特皮下水,无石漠化样地的植物比石漠化样地的植物更容易利用喀斯特皮下水,常绿植物比落叶植物利用更多的喀斯特皮下水,乔木比灌木利用更多的喀斯特皮下水。 3 植物稳定性氢氧同位素与碳同位素耦合 通过对研究区植物叶片δ13C值和不同水源和植物木质部δD、δ18O值的测定,结果表明无石漠化样地植物具有更负的δ13C值,即其水分利用效率(WUE)低于石漠化样地,这是由于无石漠化样地喀斯特水赋存的二元结构,植物除了可以利用浅薄土层的水分,还拥有稳定的浅层地下水即喀斯特皮下水,这已通过植物木质部水分δD、δ18O值的测定得到佐证。落叶种具有比常绿种更正的δ13C值,即其水分利用效率(WUE)高于常绿种,这是由于常绿种比较稳定的利用了浅层地下水,具有稳定的水分来源,使得常绿种的水分利用效率(WUE)较低。土面生境植物具有比其他生境更负的δ13C值,是因为较大的土面面积、较厚的土厚,较多的土量提够给植物较多的水分,养分,土壤水分较充足,避免或减少了植物的水分胁迫,植物WUE较低。


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BackgroundMechanical ventilation is important in caring for patients with critical illness. Clinical complications, increased mortality, and high costs of health care are associated with prolonged ventilatory support or premature discontinuation of mechanical ventilation. Weaning refers to the process of gradually or abruptly withdrawing mechanical ventilation. the weaning process begins after partial or complete resolution of the underlying pathophysiology precipitating respiratory failure and ends with weaning success (successful extubation in intubated patients or permanent withdrawal of ventilatory support in tracheostomized patients).ObjectivesTo evaluate the effectiveness and safety of two strategies, a T-tube and pressure support ventilation, for weaning adult patients with respiratory failure that required invasive mechanical ventilation for at least 24 hours, measuring weaning success and other clinically important outcomes.Search methodsWe searched the following electronic databases: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 6); MEDLINE (via PubMed) (1966 to June 2012); EMBASE (January 1980 to June 2012); LILACS (1986 to June 2012); CINAHL (1982 to June 2012); SciELO (from 1997 to August 2012); thesis repository of CAPES (Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior) (http://capesdw.capes.gov.br/capesdw/) (August 2012); and Current Controlled Trials (August 2012).We reran the search in December 2013. We will deal with any studies of interest when we update the review.Selection criteriaWe included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compared a T-tube with pressure support (PS) for the conduct of spontaneous breathing trials and as methods of gradual weaning of adult patients with respiratory failure of various aetiologies who received invasive mechanical ventilation for at least 24 hours.Data collection and analysisTwo authors extracted data and assessed the methodological quality of the included studies. Meta-analyses using the random-effects model were conducted for nine outcomes. Relative risk (RR) and mean difference (MD) or standardized mean difference (SMD) were used to estimate the treatment effect, with 95% confidence intervals (CI).Main resultsWe included nine RCTs with 1208 patients; 622 patients were randomized to a PS spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) and 586 to a T-tube SBT. the studies were classified into three categories of weaning: simple, difficult, and prolonged. Four studies placed patients in two categories of weaning. Pressure support ventilation (PSV) and a T-tube were used directly as SBTs in four studies (844 patients, 69.9% of the sample). in 186 patients (15.4%) both interventions were used along with gradual weaning from mechanical ventilation; the PS was gradually decreased, twice a day, until it was minimal and periods with a T-tube were gradually increased to two and eight hours for patients with difficult and prolonged weaning. in two studies (14.7% of patients) the PS was lowered to 2 to 4 cm H2O and 3 to 5 cm H2O based on ventilatory parameters until the minimal PS levels were reached. PS was then compared to the trial with the T-tube (TT).We identified 33 different reported outcomes in the included studies; we took 14 of them into consideration and performed meta-analyses on nine. With regard to the sequence of allocation generation, allocation concealment, selective reporting and attrition bias, no study presented a high risk of bias. We found no clear evidence of a difference between PS and TT for weaning success (RR 1.07, 95% CI 0.97 to 1.17, 9 studies, low quality of evidence), intensive care unit (ICU) mortality (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.53 to 1.23, 5 studies, low quality of evidence), reintubation (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.66 to 1.26, 7 studies, low quality evidence), ICU and long-term weaning unit (LWU) length of stay (MD -7.08 days, 95% CI -16.26 to 2.1, 2 studies, low quality of evidence) and pneumonia (RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.08 to 5.85, 2 studies, low quality of evidence). PS was significantly superior to the TT for successful SBTs (RR 1.09, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.17, 4 studies, moderate quality of evidence). Four studies reported on weaning duration, however we were unable to combined the study data because of differences in how the studies presented their data. One study was at high risk of other bias and four studies were at high risk for detection bias. Three studies reported that the weaning duration was shorter with PS, and in one study the duration was shorter in patients with a TT.Authors' conclusionsTo date, we have found evidence of generally low quality from studies comparing pressure support ventilation (PSV) and with a T-tube. the effects on weaning success, ICU mortality, reintubation, ICU and LWU length of stay, and pneumonia were imprecise. However, PSV was more effective than a T-tube for successful spontaneous breathing trials (SBTs) among patients with simple weaning. Based on the findings of single trials, three studies presented a shorter weaning duration in the group undergoing PS SBT, however a fourth study found a shorter weaning duration with a T-tube.


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BACKGROUND: Trastuzumab (Herceptin(R)) improves disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival for patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive early breast cancer. We aimed to assess the magnitude of its clinical benefit for subpopulations defined by nodal and steroid hormone receptor status using data from the Herceptin Adjuvant (HERA) study. PATIENTS AND METHODS: HERA is an international multicenter randomized trial comparing 1 or 2 years of trastuzumab treatment with observation after standard chemotherapy in women with HER2-positive breast cancer. In total, 1703 women randomized to 1-year trastuzumab and 1698 women randomized to observation were included in these analyses. Median follow-up was 23.5 months. The primary endpoint was DFS. RESULTS: The overall hazard ratio (HR) for trastuzumab versus observation was 0.64 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.54-0.76; P < 0.0001], ranging from 0.46 to 0.82 for subgroups. Estimated improvement in 3-year DFS in subgroups ranged from +11.3% to +0.6%. Patients with the best prognosis (those with node-negative disease and tumors 1.1-2.0 cm) had benefit similar to the overall cohort (HR 0.53, 95% CI 0.26-1.07; 3-year DFS improvement +4.6%, 95% CI -4.0% to 13.2%). CONCLUSIONS: Adjuvant trastuzumab therapy reduces the risk of relapse similarly across subgroups defined by nodal status and steroid hormone receptor status, even those at relatively low risk for relapse.


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BACKGROUND: Molecular tools may provide insight into cardiovascular risk. We assessed whether metabolites discriminate coronary artery disease (CAD) and predict risk of cardiovascular events. METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed mass-spectrometry-based profiling of 69 metabolites in subjects from the CATHGEN biorepository. To evaluate discriminative capabilities of metabolites for CAD, 2 groups were profiled: 174 CAD cases and 174 sex/race-matched controls ("initial"), and 140 CAD cases and 140 controls ("replication"). To evaluate the capability of metabolites to predict cardiovascular events, cases were combined ("event" group); of these, 74 experienced death/myocardial infarction during follow-up. A third independent group was profiled ("event-replication" group; n=63 cases with cardiovascular events, 66 controls). Analysis included principal-components analysis, linear regression, and Cox proportional hazards. Two principal components analysis-derived factors were associated with CAD: 1 comprising branched-chain amino acid metabolites (factor 4, initial P=0.002, replication P=0.01), and 1 comprising urea cycle metabolites (factor 9, initial P=0.0004, replication P=0.01). In multivariable regression, these factors were independently associated with CAD in initial (factor 4, odds ratio [OR], 1.36; 95% CI, 1.06 to 1.74; P=0.02; factor 9, OR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.52 to 0.87; P=0.003) and replication (factor 4, OR, 1.43; 95% CI, 1.07 to 1.91; P=0.02; factor 9, OR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.48 to 0.91; P=0.01) groups. A factor composed of dicarboxylacylcarnitines predicted death/myocardial infarction (event group hazard ratio 2.17; 95% CI, 1.23 to 3.84; P=0.007) and was associated with cardiovascular events in the event-replication group (OR, 1.52; 95% CI, 1.08 to 2.14; P=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Metabolite profiles are associated with CAD and subsequent cardiovascular events.


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BACKGROUND: Telomere-related genes play an important role in carcinogenesis and progression of prostate cancer (PCa). It is not fully understood whether genetic variations in telomere-related genes are associated with development and progression in PCa patients. METHODS: Six potentially functional single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of three key telomere-related genes were evaluated in 1015 PCa cases and 1052 cancer-free controls, to test their associations with risk of PCa. Among 426 PCa patients who underwent radical prostatectomy (RP), the prognostic significance of the studied SNPs on biochemical recurrence (BCR) was also assessed using the Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox proportional hazards regression model. The relative telomere lengths (RTLs) were measured in peripheral blood leukocytes using real-time PCR in the RP patients. RESULTS: TEP1 rs1760904 AG/AA genotypes were significantly associated with a decreased risk of PCa (odds ratio (OR): 0.77, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.64-0.93, P=0.005) compared with the GG genotype. By using median RTL as a cutoff level, RP patients with TEP1 rs1760904 AG/AA genotypes tended to have a longer RTL than those with the GG genotype (OR: 1.55, 95% CI: 1.04-2.30, P=0.031). A significant interaction between TEP1 rs1713418 and age in modifying PCa risk was observed (P=0.005). After adjustment for clinicopathologic risk factors, the presence of heterozygotes or rare homozygotes of TEP1 rs1760904 and TNKS2 rs1539042 were associated with BCR in the RP cohorts (hazard ratio: 0.53, 95% CI: 0.36-0.79, P=0.002 and hazard ratio: 1.67, 95% CI: 1.07-2.48, P=0.017, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that genetic variations in the TEP1 gene may be biomarkers for risk of PCa and BCR after RP.


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BACKGROUND: Given the potential importance of epithelial plasticity (EP) to cancer metastasis, we sought to investigate biomarkers related to EP in men with localized prostate cancer (PC) for the association with time to PSA recurrence and other clinical outcomes after surgery. METHODS: Men with localized PC treated with radical prostatectomy at the Durham VA Medical Center and whose prostatectomy tissues were included in a tissue microarray (TMA) linked to long-term outcomes. We performed immunohistochemical studies using validated antibodies against E-cadherin and Ki-67 and mesenchymal biomarkers including N-cadherin, vimentin, SNAIL, ZEB1 and TWIST. Association studies were conducted for each biomarker with baseline clinical/pathologic characteristics an risk of PSA recurrence over time. RESULTS: Two hundred and five men contributed TMA tissue and had long-term follow-up (median 11 years). Forty-three percent had PSA recurrence; three died of PC. The majority had high E-cadherin expression (86%); 14% had low/absent E-cadherin expression. N-cadherin was rarely expressed (<4%) and we were unable to identify an E-to-N-cadherin switch as independently prognostic. No associations with clinical risk group, PSA recurrence or Gleason sum were noted for SNAIL, ZEB1, vimentin or TWIST, despite heterogeneous expression between patients. We observed an association of higher Ki-67 expression with Gleason sum (P=0.043), National Comprehensive Cancer Network risk (P=0.013) and PSA recurrence (hazard ratio 1.07, P=0.016). CONCLUSIONS: The expression of EP biomarkers in this cohort of men with a low risk of PC-specific mortality was not associated with aggressive features or PSA relapse after surgery.


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En esta propuesta queremos dar a conocer un taller que consideramos fiable, para ser puesto en el aula de clase y puesto a prueba en el área escolar, especialmente en bachillerato en el área de matemáticas; donde el niño se enfrentará al descubrimiento por sí solo de lo que sucede en una figura y a partir de regularidades, patrones; pueda expresar lo que encuentra desde la representación gráfica y tabular para llegar a la representación algebraica y a el significado y esencia del concepto de sucesión. Esta propuesta busca a través de figuras espiraladas introducir el trabajo con sucesiones donde se le propone al estudiante enfrentarse a una situación (observación de las figuras espiraladas) donde a partir de lo que ve: identifique, analice y deduzca el comportamiento de lo que sucede y pueda llevar esto a un lenguaje verbal y escrito con ayuda de representaciones gráficas y tabulares que le ayudarán a establecer regularidades y que permitirán dar sentido a lo que sucede con las figuras espiraladas.


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Geographical variations in the numbers, biomass and production of euphausiids and the contribution of common species to the total are described from samples taken during 1966 and 1967 in the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea by the Continuous Plankton Recorder at 10 m depth. Euphausiids were most abundant in the central and western North Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea. Thysanoessa longicaudata (Krøyer) was numerically dominant. Biomass was greatest in the Norwegian Sea and the north-eastern North Sea where Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars) accounted for 81 and 59%, respectively, of the total biomass. Production was highest off Nova Scotia and in Iberian coastal waters; the dominant species were T. raschi (M. Sars) in the former area and Nyctiphanes couchi (Bell) in the latter. The mean P:B ratios were correlated with temperature.


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Rationale: Lung inflammation and injury is critical in cystic fibrosis. An ideal antiinflammatory agent has not been identified but inhaled corticosteroids are widely used despite lack of evidence.

Objectives: To test the safety of withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids with the hypothesis this would not be associated with an earlier onset of acute chest exacerbations.

Methods: Multicenter randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial in 18 pediatric and adult UK centers. Eligibility criteria included age > 6.0 yr, FEV1 ? 40% predicted, and corticosteroid use > 3 mo. During the 2-mo run-in period, all patients received fluticasone; they then took either fluticasone or placebo for 6 mo.

Measurements and Main Results: Fluticasone group: n = 84, median age 14.6 yr, mean (SD) FEV1 76% (18); placebo group: n = 87, median age 15.8 yr, mean (SD) FEV1 76% (18). There was no difference in time to first exacerbation (primary outcome) with hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) of 1.07 (0.68 to 1.70) for fluticasone versus placebo. There was no effect of age, atopy, corticosteroid dose, FEV1, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa status. There was no change in lung function or differences in antibiotic or rescue bronchodilator use. Fewer patients in the fluticasone group withdrew from the study due to lung-related adverse events (9 vs. 15%); with a relative risk (95% confidence interval) of 0.59 (0.23–1.48) fluticasone versus placebo.

Conclusions: In this study population (applicable to 40% of patients with cystic fibrosis in the UK), it appears safe to consider stopping inhaled corticosteroids. Potential advantages will be to reduce the drug burden on patients, reduce adverse effects, and make financial savings.


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The reduction of forest floor ground cover and litter layers by prescribed fires may alter the morphology (field and micro) and physical properties of surface horizons. This study determined long-term (35 yr) changes in surface horizon bulk density, organic matter concentration and content, and morphology in response to periodic (5 yr) and annual (1 yr) prescribed fires. Soils were fine-silty, siliceous, thermic Glossic Fragiuldults, supporting mixed oak vegetation in middle Tennessee. Upper mineral soils (0- to 2-cm and 0- to 7.6-cm depths) were sampled and detailed field descriptions made. Periodic and control plots had a thin layer of Oi, Oe, and Oa horizons 5 yr after the 1993 burn, whereas on annual burn plots a 1- to 2-cm charred layer was present. Significant reductions in organic matter concentration and mean thickness of the A horizon were found from burning (A horizons thicknesses were 6.4, 4.6, and 2.9 cm in control, periodic, and annual plots, respectively). Periodic burns did not significantly alter the organic matter and bulk density of the upper 7.6 cm of mineral soil; however, annual burns did result in significantly higher bulk densities (1.01, 1.07, and 1.29 Mg m-3 in control, periodic, and annual plots, respectively) and lower organic matter concentrations and contents. Microscopic investigations confirmed that compaction was increased from annual burning. Thin sections also revealed that the granular structure of the A horizons in control and periodic plots resulted from bioterbation of macro and mesofauna, fungi, and roots. Long-term annual burning greatly affected surface soil properties, whereas periodic burning on a 5-yr cycle had only limited effects.


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Context: Use of oral bisphosphonates has increased dramatically in the United States and elsewhere. Esophagitis is a known adverse effect of bisphosphonate use, and recent reports suggest a link between bisphosphonate use and esophageal cancer, but this has not been robustly investigated.
Objective: To investigate the association between bisphosphonate use and esophageal cancer.
Design, Setting, and Participants: Data were extracted from the UK General Practice Research Database to compare the incidence of esophageal and gastric cancer in a cohort of patients treated with oral bisphosphonates between January 1996 and December 2006 with incidence in a control cohort. Cancers were identified from relevant Read/Oxford Medical Information System codes in the patient's clinical files. Cox proportional hazards modeling was used to calculate hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals for risk of esophageal and gastric cancer in bisphosphonate users compared with nonusers, with adjustment for potential confounders.
Main Outcome Measure: Hazard ratio for the risk of esophageal and gastric cancer in the bisphosphonate users compared with the bisphosphonate nonusers. Results: Mean follow-up time was 4.5 and 4.4 years in the bisphosphonate and control cohorts, respectively. Excluding patients with less than 6 months' follow-up, there were 41 826 members in each cohort (81% women; mean age, 70.0 (SD, 11.4) years). One hundred sixteen esophageal or gastric cancers (79 esophageal) occurred in the bisphosphonate cohort and 115 (72 esophageal) in the control cohort. The incidence of esophageal and gastric cancer combined was 0.7 per 1000 person-years of risk in both the bisphosphonate and control cohorts; the incidence of esophageal cancer alone in the bisphosphonate and control cohorts was 0.48 and 0.44 per 1000 person-years of risk, respectively. There was no difference in risk of esophageal and gastric cancer combined between the cohorts for any bisphosphonate use (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.96 [95% confidence interval, 0.74-1.25]) or risk of esophageal cancer only (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.07 [95% confidence interval, 0.77-1.49]). There also was no difference in risk of esophageal or gastric cancer by duration of bisphosphonate intake.
Conclusion: Among patients in the UK General Practice Research Database, the use of oral bisphosphonates was not significantly associated with incident esophageal or gastric cancer.