982 resultados para 780108 Behavioural and cognitive sciences
This study examined theory of mind (ToM) and concepts of human biology (eyes, heart, brain, lungs and mind) in a sample of 67 children, including 25 high functioning children with autism (age 6-13), plus age-matched and preschool comparison groups. Contrary to Baron-Cohen [1989, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 19(4), 579-600], most children with autism correctly understood the functions of the brain (84%) and the mind (64%). Their explanations were predominantly mentalistic. They outperformed typically developing preschoolers in understanding inner physiological (heart, lungs) and cognitive (brain, mind) systems, and scored as high as age-matched typical children. Yet, in line with much previous ToM research, most children with autism (60%) failed false belief, and their ToM performance was unrelated to their understanding of. human biology. Results were discussed in relation to neurobiological and social-experiential accounts of the ToM deficit in autism.
Three-, 4- and 5-year-old children were asked to report something that they did do yesterday and something that they were going to do tomorrow. They were also asked to recall events that had not occurred yesterday, and predict events that would not occur tomorrow. In two studies these simple questions revealed striking age differences in the ability to report personal events from the past and the future. Only a minority of 3-year-olds but a majority of the older children were able to appropriately answer these questions. These findings substantiate the proposal that the ability to recall past events and the ability to predict future events (i.e., mental time travel), emerge in tandem between the ages of 3 and 5 years. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Mechanisms that produce behavior which increase future survival chances provide an adaptive advantage. The flexibility of human behavior is at least partly the result of one such mechanism, our ability to travel mentally in time and entertain potential future scenarios. We can study mental time travel in children using language. Current results suggest that key developments occur between the ages of three to five. However, linguistic performance can be misleading as language itself is developing. We therefore advocate the use of methodologies that focus on future-oriented action. Mental time travel required profound changes in humans' motivational system, so that current behavior could be directed to secure not just present, but individually anticipated future needs. Such behavior should be distinguishable from behavior based on current drives, or on other mechanisms. We propose an experimental paradigm that provides subjects with an opportunity to act now to satisfy a need not currently experienced. This approach may be used to assess mental time travel in nonhuman animals. We conclude by describing a preliminary study employing an adaptation of this paradigm for children. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Sperm ultrastructure is examined and described for the actinocyclidid nudibranchs Actinocyclus verrucosus, Hallaxa iju and Hallaxa indecora. Although general characteristics were consistent with previously described heterobranch observations, present investigations revealed ultrastructural synapomorphies for the family based on the morphology of the terminal region of the spermatozoon. In actinocyclidids, the axonemal microtubules penetrate for some distance beyond the annulus, and the annular accessory body elongates to completely seal the terminal region. Chromodoris also has an annular accessory body that completely seals the axoneme and terminal region, but it does not extend far beyond the annulus, and it is possible that these states were derived independently. Cytochemical staining confirmed that there was no glycogen present in the posterior region of the sperm for H. indecora or Chromodoris kuniei. However, representatives of other chromodoridid genera (Noumea, Risbecia) have an axoneme that penetrates through the entire annular complex, after which it is sheathed by a glycogen deposit. Similarities in the acrosomal complex support the proposed sister group relationship between the Actinocyclidae and Chromodorididae.
A three-phase longitudinal study examined the origins of grammatical sensitivity and its usefulness as a predictor of early word-level reading. At about 4 years of age, children were given a range of language and cognitive tests. One year later, the children were given a further series of language and cognitive tests, this time including grammatical sensitivity, phonological sensitivity, and nonword repetition. Another year later, word-level reading achievement was assessed. Overall, grammatical sensitivity and phonological sensitivity were more firmly grounded in earlier language ability than in cognitive ability. Phonological sensitivity and nonword repetition showed reliable predictive associations with subsequent word reading skills. Grammatical sensitivity did not. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Comparative studies of autonomic and somatic reflexes, such as cardiac defense and motor startle, are rare. However, examination of the pattern of covariation, independence, or interference among physiological reflexes may help to clarify their functional significance and elucidate their complex modulation by psychological factors. Here we report the results of a study that examined the pattern of interference of eye-blink startle on subsequent cardiac defense. Participants were 63 students (31 women) distributed into three groups according to the sensory modality of the eliciting stimulus during the startle trials: acoustic high intensity (105 dB), acoustic low intensity (65 dB), and visual modality. Startle trials consisted of 12 presentations of the eliciting stimulus with a duration of 50 ms, instantaneous risetime, and a variable inter-stimulus interval of 16 – 20 s.Defense trials began 20 s after the last startle trial and consisted, for all groups, of 3 presentations of the high intensity acoustic stimulus with a duration of 500 ms and an inter-stimulus interval of 215 s. Results showed a clear interference of the startle trials on the subsequent defense trials when both types of trials shared identical sensory modality (acoustic) independently of intensity: the expected pattern of cardiac defense in the first trial only appeared in the visual modality. Similar interference effects were observed in the skin conductance response. Subjective reactivity to the defense stimulus did not detect differences between conditions.
The current research examined valence and attentional processing of a priori fear relevant stimuli and investigated the extent to which these characteristics can be acquired by non fear relevant stimuli across an aversive learning episode. The first experiment compared pictures of snakes and spiders with pictures of birds and fish using affective priming, visual search and detection of a dot probe. Snakes and spiders were more negative than birds and fish as indexed by affective priming, and were preferentially attended to in the visual search task. The second experiment exposed the non fear relevant animal pictures, birds and fish, in an aversive learning episode involving an aversive shock US. Skin conductance responding was measured during acquisition. After acquisition, conditioned non fear relevant animal stimuli, CS1, and non conditioned, non fear relevant animal stimuli, CS, were compared across affective priming, visual search and dot probe tasks. During acquisition, skin conductance responses were larger during CS1 than during CS across all three response intervals. After acquisition, CS1 non fear relevant animal pictures were more negative than CS non fear relevant animal pictures as indexed by affective priming, and were preferentially attended to in a dot probe task. These studies provide evidence that negative valence and modified attentional processing can be acquired in a brief aversive learning episode.
Research in individualist cultures has shown that group members are more likely to agree with criticisms of their group when the criticisms are made by another ingroup member as opposed to an outgroup member (the intergroup sensitivity effect). However, evaluations of ingroup critics are often harsher when they take their comments to an outgroup audience. In light of research on facework and tolerance for dissent, it seems important to test whether these effects are generalizable to a collectivist culture. Indonesian Muslims (N = 191) received a criticism of their religion stemming either from another Muslim or a Christian, and published in either a Muslim or a Christian newspaper. Participants agreed with the comments more when they were made by an ingroup as opposed to an outgroup member. Furthermore, consistent with previous research in Australia, the effects of audience on agreement were moderated by levels of group identification. Results are discussed in relation to theory about the functional role internal critics can play in group life.
This research used resource allocation theory to generate predictions regarding dynamic relationships between self-efficacy and task performance from 2 levels of analysis and specificity. Participants were given multiple trials of practice on an air traffic control task. Measures of task-specific self-efficacy and performance were taken at repeated intervals. The authors used multilevel analysis to demonstrate differential and dynamic effects. As predicted, task-specific self-efficacy was negatively associated with task performance at the within-person level. On the other hand, average levels of task-specific self-efficacy were positively related to performance at the between-persons level and mediated the effect of general self-efficacy. The key findings from this research relate to dynamic effects - these results show that self-efficacy effects can change over time, but it depends on the level of analysis and specificity at which self-efficacy is conceptualized. These novel findings emphasize the importance of conceptualizing self-efficacy within a multilevel and multispecificity framework and make a significant contribution to understanding the way this construct relates to task performance.
The 'BIS/BAS scales' (Carver & White, 1994) is the most widely cited inventory for assessing Gray's (1982,1991) Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST) of personality. A peculiarity of this instrument is its three-factor representation of Gray's Behavioural Activation System (BAS), which mediates reactions to reward. While the BAS was initially proposed as the causal basis of Impulsivity, recent arguments suggest that Impulsivity is related to but distinct from reward-reactivity. In this paper, two studies examined Carver and White's BAS scales in terms of factor structure, and convergent/divergent validity when predicting proxies of Impulsivity and reward-reactivity. Confirmatory Factor Analysis revealed structural distinctions between the three BAS scales, and multivariate regression suggested that two of the scales (Drive and Reward-Responsiveness) reflect key concepts of the BAS, while the third (Fun-Seeking) has a broader focus, being equally related to reward-reactivity and Impulsivity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present work documents how the logic of a model's demonstration and the communicative cues that the model provides interact with age to influence how children engage in social learning. Children at ages 12, 18, and 24 months (n = 204) watched a model open a series of boxes. Twelve-month-old subjects only copied the specific actions of the model when they were given a logical reason to do so- otherwise, they focused on reproducing the outcome of the demonstrated actions. Eighteen-month-old subjects focused on copying the outcome when the model was aloof. When the model acted socially, the subjects were as likely to focus on copying actions as outcomes, irrespective of the apparent logic of the model's behavior. Finally, 24-month-old subjects predominantly focused on copying the model's specific actions. However, they were less likely to produce the modeled outcome when the model acted nonsocially.
Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and young children (Homo sapiens) have difficulty with double invisible displacements in which an object is hidden in two nonadjacent boxes in a linear array. Experiment 1 eliminated the possibility that chimpanzees' previous poor performance was due to the hiding direction of the displacement device. As in Call (2001), subjects failed double nonadjacent displacements, showing a tendency to select adjacent boxes. In Experiments 2 and 3, chimpanzees and 24-month-old children were tested on a new adaptation of the task in which four hiding boxes were presented in a diamond-shaped array on a vertical plane. Both species performed above chance on double invisible displacements using this format, suggesting that previous poor performance was due to a response bias or inhibition problem rather than a fundamental limitation in representational capacity.
Prepulse inhibition of the blink reflex is widely applied to investigate information processing deficits in schizophrenia and other psychiatric patient groups. The present experiment investigated the hypothesis that prepulse inhibition reflects a transient process that protects preattentive processing of the prepulse. Participants were presented with pairs of blinkeliciting noises, some preceded by a prepulse at a variable stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), and were asked to rate the intensity of the second noise relative to the first. Inhibition of blink amplitude was greater for a 110-dB (A) noise than for a 95-dB(A) noise with a 120-ms SOA, whereas there was no difference with a 30-ms SOA. The perceived intensity was also lower for the 110-dB(A) noise than for the 95-dB(A) noise with the 120-ms SOA, but not with the 30-ms SOA. The parallel results support a relationship between prepulse inhibition of response amplitude and perceived intensity. However, the prepulse did not reduce intensity ratings relative to control trials in some conditions, suggesting that prepulse inhibition is not always associated with an attenuation of the perceived impact of the blink-eliciting stimulus.
An affective priming task was used to examine bias in the processing of threat-related material in 25 clinically anxious compared to 25 matched, non-anxious control children and young adolescents. No significant differences were found between anxious and non-anxious children in terms of priming effects. However, age-related differences were found depending upon the valence of the target, independent of anxiety status. Both younger (7-10 years) and older (11-14 years) children showed faster response times to pleasant targets when they were preceded by a congruent compared to incongruent stimulus, consistent with a traditional priming effect. For threat target stimuli, older children showed no difference in response latency according to the congruency of the prime-target valence. Younger children, in contrast, showed a reverse priming effect for threat target stimuli, with slower response times for threat-congruent trials than for threat targets preceded by a pleasant prime. Possible explanations for developmental differences in the processing of threat-related material are discussed.