998 resultados para 78-542
O objeto do presente estudo é a descrição e análise dos projetos de desenvolvimento de comunidade implantados em São Luís do Maranhão, pela Secretaria de Educação e Ação Comunitária, nos períodos 1971-74 (Projeto Euterpe) e 1976-78 (Proj eto Desafio), no que se refere à participação das populações carentes da periferia de são Luís na ação educativa dos referidos projetos.
The cost of maintenance makes up a large part of total energy costs in ruminants. Metabolizable energy (ME) requirement for maintenance (MEm) is the daily ME intake that exactly balances heat energy (HE). The net energy requirement for maintenance (NEm) is estimated subtracting MEm from the HE produced by the processing of the diet. Men cannot be directly measured experimentally and is estimated by measuring basal metabolism in fasted animals or by regression measuring the recovered energy in fed animals. MEm and NEm usually, but not always, are expressed in terms of BW0.75. However, this scaling factor is substantially empirical and its exponent is often inadequate, especially for growing animals. MEm estimated by different feeding systems (AFRC, CNCPS, CSIRO, INRA, NRC) were compared by using dairy cattle data. The comparison showed that these systems differ in the approaches used to estimate MEm and for its quantification. The CSIRO system estimated the highest MEm, mostly because it includes a correction factor to increase ME as the feeding level increases. Relative to CSIRO estimates, those of NRC, INRA, CNCPS, and AFRC were on average 0.92, 0.86, 0.84, and 0.78, respectively. MEm is affected by the previous nutritional history of the animals. This phenomenon is best predicted by dynamic models, of which several have been published in the last decades. They are based either on energy flows or on nutrient flows. Some of the different approaches used were described and discussed.
Incluye Bibliografía
El número 78 de la revista Notas de Población se inicia con el artículo de Edith Pantelides, en el cual se revisan los conocimientos sobre los aspectos sociales que inciden en las diferencias en maternidad adolescente en América Latina, la autora destaca aspectos macrosociales -políticas públicas- y sociales próximos -lugar de residencia de las jóvenes, disponibilidad de recursos para la atención en salud reproductiva y la anticoncepción, estructura familiar-, como también características individuales de las adolescentes, entre las que se cuentan la edad, el estrato socioeconómico, el nivel de educación y la pertenencia a grupos étnicos. En el segundo artículo, Luís Rosero-Bixby examinan las tendencias de la fecundidad en 15 áreas metropolitanas, correspondientes a siete países latinoamericanos, con el propósito de determinar si la región está a punto de traspasar el umbral de la fecundidad de reemplazo y cuáles son las probabilidades de llegar a fecundidades extremadamente bajas, como las registradas en España. Por otra parte, el estudio de García y Rojas busca aportar información y elementos de reflexión sobre las tendencias que distinguen a la formación y disolución de las uniones conyugales en América Latina en un marco de desigualdad social y de género, característico de los países de la región. Por su parte, Patricio Aroca en el artículo "Migración intrarregional en Chile. Modelos y resultados 1987-2002", revisa de manera sintética un conjunto amplio de teorías económicas sobre la migración considerando sus aplicaciones a distintas modalidades de migración -entre campo y ciudad; entre regiones; contratada o especulativa- y su pertinencia para países en desarrollo. Con el objetivo de comprender y analizar las políticas sobre vejez en la región, en el artículo de Sandra Huenchuan "Políticas de vejez en América Latina: elementos para su análisis y tendencias generales" se exponen los conceptos de vejez y de calidad de vida, para luego plantear una definición de las políticas tanto públicas como sobre vejez y analizar las tendencias generales de las políticas dirigidas a los adultos mayores en algunos países de la región que cuentan con dichos instrumentos. En esta edición se incluye también la Estrategia Regional de implementación para América Latina y el Caribe del Plan de Acción Internacional de Madrid sobre el envejecimiento, que adoptaron os países de América Latina y el Caribe participantes en la Conferencia regional intergubernamental sobre envejecimiento: hacia una estrategia regional de implementación para América Latina y el Caribe del Plan de Acción Internacional de Madrid sobre el Envejecimiento, celebrada en Santiago de Chile, del 19 al 21 de noviembre de 2003.
Boletim elaborado pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP
This article reports the findings from an online survey of nursing faculty from the United States, Canada, Latin America, and Caribbean countries to identify their perceptions about global health competencies for undergraduate nursing students. A list of global health competencies for medical students developed by the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada Resource Group on Global Health and the Global Health Education Consortium was adapted for nurses and translated from English to Spanish and Portuguese. The competencies were divided into six subscales, and respondents rated each competency on a 4-point Likert scale, with high scores reflecting strong agreement that the competency was essential for undergraduate nursing students. E-mail invitations and links to the online survey were distributed using a nonprobability convenience sampling strategy. This article reports findings only from the respondents to the English and Spanish surveys. The final sample included 542 responses to the English survey and 51 responses to the Spanish survey. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients for the subscales ranged from .78 to .96. The mean values for all 6 subscales and for each of the 30 items were greater than 3.0 for the respondents to the Spanish survey, and the mean values for 27 of the items were greater than 3.0 for the respondents to the English survey. These findings suggest that respondents perceived the competencies as essential global health competencies for undergraduate nursing students in the Americas. Narrative comments written by respondents indicate additional competencies and specific concerns about adding additional content to an already full curricula. Results of this study can be used to guide faculty deliberations about global health competencies that should be incorporated in the nursing curricula.