944 resultados para 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptors


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Overactivation of ionotropic glutamate receptors in oligodendrocytes induces cytosolic Ca2+ overload and excitotoxic death, a process that contributes to demyelination and multiple sclerosis. Excitotoxic insults cause well-characterized mitochondrial alterations and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) dysfunction, which is not fully understood. In this study, we analyzed the contribution of ER-Ca2+ release through ryanodine receptors (RyRs) and inositol triphosphate receptors (IP(3)Rs) to excitotoxicity in oligodendrocytes in vitro. First, we observed that oligodendrocytes express all previously characterized RyRs and IP(3)Rs. Blockade of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release by TMB-8 following alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate (AMPA) receptor-mediated insults attenuated both oligodendrocyte death and cytosolic Ca2+ overload. In turn, RyR inhibition by ryanodine reduced as well the Ca2+ overload whereas IP3R inhibition was ineffective. Furthermore, AMPA-triggered mitochondrial membrane depolarization, oxidative stress and activation of caspase-3, which in all instances was diminished by RyR inhibition. In addition, we observed that AMPA induced an ER stress response as revealed by alpha subunit of the eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha phosphorylation, overexpression of GRP chaperones and RyR-dependent cleavage of caspase-12. Finally, attenuating ER stress with salubrinal protected oligodendrocytes from AMPA excitotoxicity. Together, these results show that Ca2+ release through RyRs contributes to cytosolic Ca2+ overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, ER stress and cell death following AMPA receptor-mediated excitotoxicity in oligodendrocytes. Cell Death and Disease (2010) 1, e54; doi:10.1038/cddis.2010.31; published online 15 July 2010


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The gut-hormone, ghrelin, activates the centrally expressed growth hormone secretagogue 1a (GHS-R1a) receptor, or ghrelin receptor. The ghrelin receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) expressed in several brain regions, including the arcuate nucleus (Arc), lateral hypothalamus (LH), ventral tegmental area (VTA), nucleus accumbens (NAcc) and amygdala. Activation of the GHS-R1a mediates a multitude of biological activities, including release of growth hormone and food intake. The ghrelin signalling system also plays a key role in the hedonic aspects of food intake and activates the dopaminergic mesolimbic circuit involved in reward signalling. Recently, ghrelin has been shown to be involved in mediating a stress response and to mediate stress-induced food reward behaviour via its interaction with the HPA-axis at the level of the anterior pituitary. Here, we focus on the role of the GHS-R1a receptor in reward behaviour, including the motivation to eat, its anxiogenic effects, and its role in impulsive behaviour. We investigate the functional selectivity and pharmacology of GHS-R1a receptor ligands as well as crosstalk of the GHS-R1a receptor with the serotonin 2C (5-HT2C) receptor, which represent another major target in the regulation of eating behaviour, stress-sensitivity and impulse control disorders. We demonstrate, to our knowledge for the first time, the direct impact of GHS-R1a signalling on impulsive responding in a 2-choice serial reaction time task (2CSRTT) and show a role for the 5-HT2C receptor in modulating amphetamine-associated impulsive action. Finally, we investigate differential gene expression patterns in the mesocorticolimbic pathway, specifically in the NAcc and PFC, between innate low- and high-impulsive rats. Together, these findings are poised to have important implications in the development of novel treatment strategies to combat eating disorders, including obesity and binge eating disorders as well as impulse control disorders, including, substance abuse and addiction, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and mood disorders.


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Les actions thérapeutiques des antidépresseurs, disponibles actuellement, requièrent plusieurs semaines de traitement. Ce délai est dû aux adaptations des sites pré et post-synaptiques qui, respectivement, augmentent la disponibilité synaptique des monoamines sérotonine et noradrénaline (5-HT et NA), et entraînent les changements neuroplastiques modifiant la fonction neuronales dans les régions limbiques. Il a été récemment observé, chez un modèle animal de dépression, que l’agoniste RS67333 des récepteurs sérotoninergiques de type 5-HT4 produisait des changements comportementaux, électrophysiologiques, cellulaires et biochimiques, tel qu’observé chez les antidépresseurs. Ces changements apparaissent seulement après 3 jours de traitement tandis que les antidépresseurs nécessitent souvent plusieurs semaines. De plus, l’activation des récepteurs 5-HT4 ne générait pas de tolérance, et cela pendant 21 jours de traitement. Seulement, les propriétés de signalisation et de régulation de ces récepteurs sont très loin d’êtres établies. Nous avons alors voulu mieux caractériser ces deux aspects de leur fonction, en se concentrant d’avantage sur les isoformes a et b, fortement exprimés dans le système limbique. Pour cela, nous avons voulu évaluer d’abord leur capacité de production d’AMPc dans un système hétérologue. Les essais d’accumulation d’AMPc démontrent que les deux isoformes sont capables de moduler positivement et négativement des niveaux d’AMPc en présence de 5-HT. Par contre, la stimulation au RS67333 induit seulement une augmentation du niveau d’AMPc dans les deux cas. Ensemble, ces observations indiquent que les deux isoformes sont capables de coupler à l’adénylate cyclase à travers les protéines Gαs et Gαi. La quantification des récepteurs internalisés a montré que l’isoforme b internalisait plus efficacement que l’isoforme a suite à l’incubation à la 5-HT (61 ± 3 % pour le b vs 40 ± 2 % pour le a). Les protéines kinases PKA et PKC n’étaient pas impliquées dans cette différence, toutefois, la PKC a été trouvée essentielle à l’internalisation des deux isoformes. L’internalisation de l’isoforme b par 5-HT n’a pas été affecté par la surexpression de forme inactive de GRK2 (GRK2- K220R) et a été partiellement inhibé par un mutant négative de la β-arrestine (βarr(319-418)), tandis que l’internalisation de l’isoforme a a été bloquée par les deux. Ces observations indiquent que les mécanismes d’internalisation des deux isoformes du récepteur 5-HT4 les plus abondants dans le système nerveux central sont distincts. Des comportements spécifiques à chaque isoforme ont aussi été constatés au niveau de la régulation fonctionnelle suite à l’exposition au RS67333, qui désensibilise seulement l’isoforme b. D’après nos observations, nous avons conclu que les isoformes a et b diffèrent dans leur propriétés de signalisation et de régulation. L’incapacité du RS67333 à désensibiliser l’isoforme a fournit un substrat moléculaire pour les effets antidépressifs prolongés de cet agoniste dans les études pré-cliniques.


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Les antidépresseurs actuels sont très similaires au niveau de leur mécanisme d’action et sont plus ou moins efficaces. Un des problèmes majeurs est leur long temps de latence à fournir une action thérapeutique dû aux adaptations des sites pré et post synaptiques. Dans un modèle animal, nous avons récemment découvert que l’agoniste RS67333 des récepteurs 5-HT4 était en mesure de produire en trois jours les mêmes effets antidépresseurs qui normalement prennent de deux à trois semaines à apparaître avec les antidépresseurs actuellement disponibles. De plus, nous avons constaté que les effets antidépresseurs de cet agoniste possédaient une résistance à la tolérance. Il y a d’autres agonistes du même récepteur, tel que le prucalopride qui ne produit pas d’effets antidépresseurs comme RS67333. Étant donné que l’efficacité du Prucalopride à stimuler les 5-HT4Rs est similaire sinon plus grande que celle de RS67333, nous avons énoncé l’hypothèse que le récepteur 5-HT4 pourrait adopter différentes conformations actives suite à son activation par différents agonistes. Nous avons ainsi décidé d’explorer les principales réponses fonctionnelles des récepteurs 5-HT4B en observant leurs propriétés de régulation et de signalisation. Nous avons montré que l’isoforme B du récepteur 5-HT4, étant hautement exprimé dans le système limbique, détient une signalisation et une régulation différentes dépendant du ligand activateur. Nos résultats indiquent que chacun des agonistes testés (5-HT, RS67333, ML10302, Zacopride, Prucalopride) modulent distinctivement la production d’AMPc et l’internalisation du récepteur. Les résultats nous ont clairement permis de déterminer que les agonistes possèdent une efficacité et ou puissance différentes les uns par rapport aux autres. De plus, l’ordre d’efficacité des agonistes à moduler la voie de l’AMPc était (Prucalopride > Zacopride = ML10302 = 5-HT > RS67333) et est différente de leur ordre d’efficacité à induire la régulation du récepteur par internalisation (5-HT > Zacopride > Prucalopride > ML10302 = RS67333). Ainsi, nous avons montré que les 5-HT4Rs adoptent des conformations qui sont ligand-spécifiques. Cela implique que la sélectivité fonctionnelle serait un facteur important à considérer dans les mécanismes d’action antidépresseur des agonistes de ce récepteur.


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5-Hydroxytryptamine2A (5-HT2A) receptor kinetics was studied in cerebral cortex and brain stem of streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. Scatchard analysis with [3H] (±) 2,3dimethoxyphenyl-l-[2-(4-piperidine)-methanol] ([3H]MDL100907) in cerebral cortex showed no significant change in maximal binding (Bmax) in diabetic rats compared to controls. Dissociation constant (K) of diabetic rats showed a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in cerebral cortex, which was reversed to normal by insulin treatment. Competition studies of [3H]MDL100907 binding in cerebral cortex with ketanserin showed the appearance of an additional low affinity site for 5-HT2A receptors in diabetic state, which was reversed to control pattern by insulin treatment. In brain stem, scatchard analysis showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) in Bmax accompanied by a significant increase (p < 0.05) in Kd. Competition analysis in brain stem also showed a shift in affinity towards a low affinity State for 5-HT2A receptors. All these parameters were reversed to control level by insulin treatment. These results show that in cerebral cortex there is an increase in affinity of 5-HT2A receptors without any change in its number and in the case of brain stem there is an increase in number of 5HT2A receptors accompanied by a decrease in its affinity during diabetes. Thus, from the results we suggest that the increase in affinity of 5-HT2A receptors in cerebral cortex and upregulation of 5-HT2A receptors in brain stem may lead to altered neuronal function in diabetes.


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The high-affinity bindings of [3H]-5-hydroxytryptamine to serotonin S-1 receptors, [3H]-ketanserin to serotonin S-2 receptors in the cerebral cortex, [3H]- fluphenazine to dopamine D-1 receptors, and [3H]-spiroperidol to dopamine D-2 receptors in the corpus striatum were studied in pyridoxine-deficient rats and compared to pyridoxine-supplemented controls. There was a significant increase in the maximal binding (Bmax) of serotonin S-1 and S-2 receptors with a significant decrease in their binding affinities (Kd). However, there were no significant changes either in the maximal binding or binding affinity of striatal dopamine D- 1 and D-2 receptors. Receptor sensitivity seems to correlate negatively with the corresponding neurotransmitter concentrations in the pyridoxine-deficient rats.


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The present study describes that acetylcholine through muscarinic Ml and M3 receptors play an important role in the brain function during diabetes as a function of age. Cholinergic activity as indicated by acetylcholine esterase, a marker for cholinergic function, decreased in the brain regions - the cerebral cortex, brainstem and corpus striatum of old rats compared to young rats. in diabetic condition, it was increased in both young and old rats in cerebral cortex, and corpus striatum while in brainstem it was decreased. The functional changes in the muscarinic receptors were studied in the brain regions and it showed that muscarinic M I receptors of old rats were down regulated in cerebral cortex while in corpus striatum and brainstem it was up regulated. Muscarinic M3 receptors of old rats showed no significant change in cerebral cortex while in corpus striatum and brainstem muscarinic receptors were down regulated. During diabetes, muscarinic M I receptors were down regulated in cerebral cortex and brainstem of young rats while in corpus striatum they were up regulated. In old rats, M I receptors were up regulated in cerebral cortex, corpus striatum and in brainstem they were down regulated. Muscarinic M3 receptors were up regulated in cerebral cortex and brainstem of young rats while in corpus striatum they were down regulated. In old rats, muscarinic M l receptors were up regulated in cerebral cortex, corpus striatum and brainstem. In insulin treated diabetic rats the activity of the receptors were reversed to near control. Pancreatic muscarinic M3 receptor activity increased in the pancreas of both young and old rats during diabetes. In vitro studies using carbachol and antagonists for muscarinic Ml and M3 receptor subtypes confirmed the specific receptor mediated neurotransmitter changes during diabetes. Calcium imaging studies revealed muscarinic M I mediated Ca2 + release from the pancreatic islet cells of young and old rats. Electrophysiological studies using EEG recording in young and old rats showed a brain activity difference during diabetes. Long term low dose STH and INS treated rat brain tissues were used for gene expression of muscarinic Ml, M3, glutamate NMDARl, mGlu-5,alpha2A, beta2, GABAAa1 and GABAB, DAD2 and 5-HT 2C receptors to observe the neurotransmitter receptor functional interrelationship for integrating memory, cognition and rejuvenating brain functions in young and old. Studies on neurotransmitter receptor interaction pathways and gene expression regulation by second messengers like IP3 and cGMP in turn will lead to the development of therapeutic agents to manage diabetes and brain activity.From this study it is suggested that functional improvement of muscarinic Ml, M3, glutamate NMDAR1, mGlu-5, alpha2A, beta2, GABAAa1 and GABAB, DAD2 and 5-HT 2C receptors mediated through IP3 and cGMP will lead to therapeutic applications in the management of diabetes. Also, our results from long term low dose STH and INS treatment showed rejuvenation of the brain function which has clinical significance in maintaining healthy period of life as a function of age.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the function and expression of tachykinins, tachykinin receptors, and neprilysin (NEP) in the mouse uterus. A previous study showed that the uterotonic effects of substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA), and neurokinin B (NKB) in estrogen-treated mice were mainly mediated by the tachykinin NK, receptor. In the present work, further contractility studies were undertaken to determine the nature of the receptors mediating responses to tachykinins in uteri of late pregnant mice. Endpoint and real-time quantitative RTPCR were used to analyze the expression of the genes that encode the tachykinins SP/NKA, NKB, and hemokinin-1 (HK-1) (Tac1, Tac2, and Tac4); and the genes that encode tachykinin NK1 (Tacr1), NK2 (Tacr2), and NK3 (Tacr3) receptors in uteri from pregnant and nonpregnant mice. The data show that the mRNAs of tachykinins (particularly NKB and HK-1), tachykinin receptors, and NEP are locally expressed in the mouse uterus, and their expression changes during the estrous cycle and during pregnancy. The tachykinin INK, receptor is the predominant tachykinin receptor in the nonpregnant and early pregnant mouse and may mediate tachykinin-induced uterine contractions in the nonpregnant mouse. The tachykinin NK, receptor is predominant in the late pregnant mouse and is the main receptor mediating uterotonic responses to tachykinins at late pregnancy. The tachykinin NK, receptor is expressed in considerable amounts only in uteri from nonpregnant diestrous animals, and its physiological significance remains to be clarified.


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The environmental chemical 1,2-naphthoquinone (1,2-NQ) is implicated in the exacerbation of airways diseases induced by exposure to diesel exhaust particles (DEP), which involves a neurogenic-mediated mechanism. Plasma extravasation in trachea, main bronchus and lung was measured as the local (125)I-bovine albumin accumulation. RT-PCR quantification of TRPV1 and tachykinin (NK(1) and NK(2)) receptor gene expression were investigated in main bronchus. Intratracheal injection of DEP (1 and 5 mg/kg) or 1,2-NQ (35 and 100 nmol/kg) caused oedema in trachea and bronchus. 1,2-NQ markedly increased the DEP-induced responses in the rat airways in an additive rather than synergistic manner. This effect that was significantly reduced by L-732,138, an NK(1) receptor antagonist, and in a lesser extent by SR48968, an NK(2) antagonist. Neonatal capsaicin treatment also markedly reduced DEP and 1,2-NQ-induced oedema. Exposure to pollutants increased the TRPV1, NK(1) and NK(2) receptors gene expression in bronchus, an effect was partially suppressed by capsaicin treatment. In conclusion, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that DEP-induced airways oedema is highly influenced by increased ambient levels of 1,2-NQ and takes place by neurogenic mechanisms involving up-regulation of TRPV1 and tachykinin receptors.


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Hypothalamus is a site of integration of the hypoxic and thermal stimuli on breathing and there is evidence that serotonin (5-HT) receptors in the anteroventral preoptic region (AVPO) mediate hypoxic hypothermia. Once 5-HT is involved in the hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR), we investigated the participation of the 5-HT receptors (5-HT1, 5-HT2 and 5-HT7) in the AVPO in the HVR. To this end, pulmonary ventilation (V-E) of rats was measured before and after intra-AVPO microinjection of methysergide (a 5-HT1 and 5-HT2 receptor antagonist), WAY-100635 (a 5-HT1A receptor antagonist) and SB-269970 (a 5-HT7 receptor antagonist), followed by 60 min of hypoxia exposure (7% O-2). Intra-AVPO microinjection of vehicles or 5-HT antagonists did not change VE during normoxic conditions. Exposure of rats to 7% O-2 evoked typical hypoxia-induced hyperpnea after vehicle microinjection, which was not affected by methysergide. WAY-100635 and SB-269970 treatment caused an increased HVR, due to a higher tidal volume. Therefore, the current data provide the evidence that 5-HT acting on 5-HT1A and 5-HT7 receptors in the AVPO exert an inhibitory modulation on the HVR. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this study we investigated the influence of d(CH2)(5)-Tyr (Me)-AVP (A(1) AVP) and [Adamanteanacatyl(1),D-ET-D-Tyr(2), Va1(4), aminobutyril(6) ,As-8,As-9]-AVP 9 (A(2)AVP), antagonists of V-1 and V-2 arginine(8)-vasopressin (AVP) receptors, respectively, as well as the effects of losartan and CGP42112A, antagonists of angiotensin II (ANGII) AT(1) and AT(2), receptors, respectively, on water and 0.3 M sodium intake induced by water deprivation or sodium depletion (furosemide treatment) and enhanced by AVP injected into the medial septal area (N4SA). A stainless steel carmulawas implanted into the medial septal area (NISA) of male Holtzman rats AVP injection enhanced water and sodium intake in a dose-dependent manner. Pretreatment with V-1 antagonist injected into the MSA produced a dose-dependent reduction, whereas prior injection of V-2 antagonist increased, in a dose-dependent manner, the water and sodium responses elicited by the administration of AVP. Both AT(1) and AT(2) antagonists administered into the MSA elicited a concentration-dependent decrease in water and sodium intake induced by AVP, while simultaneous injection of the two antagonists was more effective in decreasing AVP responses. These results also indicate that the increase in water and sodium intake induced by AvT was mediated primarily by MSA AT(1) receptors. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this study we investigated the influence of d(CH2)(5)-Tyr(Me)-[Arg(8)]vasopressin (AAVP) and [adamanteanacetyl(1),0-ET-DTyr(2), Val(4), aminobutyryl(6), Arg(8,9)]-[Arg(8)]vasopressin (ATAVP), which are antagonists of vasopressin V-1 and V-2 receptors, and the effects of losartan, a selective angiotensin AT(1) receptor antagonist, and CGP42112A, a selective AT(2) receptor antagonist, injected into the lateral septal area (LSA) on thirst and hypertension induced by [Arg(8)]vasopressin (AVP). AAVP and ATAVP injected into the LSA reduced the drinking responses elicited by injecting AVP into the LSA. Both the AT(1) and AT(2) ligands administered into the LSA elicited a concentration-dependent decrease in the water intake induced by AVP injected into the LSA, but losartan was more effective than CGP42112A. The increase in MAP, due to injection of AVP into the LSA, was reduced by prior injection of AAVP from 18 +/- 1 to 6 +/- 1 mm Hg. Losartan injected into the LSA prior to AVP reduced the increase in MAP to 7 +/- 0.8 mm Hg. ATAVP and CGP42112A produced no changes in the pressor effect of AVP. These results suggest that the dipsogenic effects induced by injecting AVP into the LSA were mediated primarily by AT(1) receptors. However, doses of losartan were more effective when combined with CGP42112A than when given alone, suggesting that the thirst induced by AVP injections into LSA may involve activation of multiple AVP and angiotensin II receptor subtypes. The pressor response of AVP was reduced by losartan and by AAVP. CGP42112A and ATAVP did not change the AVP pressor response. These results suggest that facilitator effects of AVP on water intake are mediated through the activation of V-1 receptors and that the inhibitory effect requires V-2 receptors. The involvement of AT(1) and AT(2) receptors can be postulated. Based on the present findings, we suggest that the AVP in the LSA may play a role in the control of water and arterial blood pressure balance. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Expression of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors has traditionally been associated with hormone-responsive organs, such as breast, ovary, and endometrium, and carcinomas arising therefrom. More recently, examples of ''unexpected'' ER or PR expression have been reported, particularly in tumors of endocrine tissues, such as thyroid and pancreatic islet cells. We tested the hypothesis that neuroendocrine tumors of various primary and metastatic sites might also express ER or PR or both by performing a retrospective immunohistochemical study in a series of 59 formalin- or mechacarn-fixed neuroendocrine carcinomas of various sites, including lung, skin, gastrointestinal and female genital tracts, and including carcinoid and atypical carcinoid tumors, small cell carcinomas, and Merkel cell carcinomas. We employed the anti-ER monoclonal antibody 1D5 and the anti-PR monoclonal antibody PgR1A6 using standard immunohistochemical techniques after microwave-based heat-induced epitope retrieval. Two of 28 carcinoid tumors demonstrated ER positivity; six of 30 cases were positive for progesterone receptor only. In addition, PR expression was found in one of two cases of atypical carcinoid, in five of 25 cases of small cell carcinoma, and in one of two cases of Merkel cell carcinoma. None of the atypical carcinoids, small cell carcinomas, or Merkel cell carcinomas were ER positive. In most cases, the fraction of tumor cell nuclei that were positive was <50%. These studies add the spectrum of neuroendocrine tumors that can express these hormone receptors. Similar to the pattern previously described in the subsets of meningiomas and islet cell tumors, PR but not ER is detectable in most cases. These results underscore the caution that should be exercised in determining tissue origin of metastatic carcinomas based only on detection of hormone receptors by immunohistochemistry.


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This study investigated the roles of serotonin (5-HT) receptors in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN), and brain angiotensin type 1 (AT(1)) receptors in the intake of 0.3 M NaCl and water induced by angiotensin II (ANG II). Rats were implanted with stainless steel cannulas for injections into tho subfornical organ (SFO) and into the LPBN. Bilateral LPBN pretreatment with the nonselective serotonergic 5-HT1/5-HT2 receptor antagonist methysergide (4 mu g/200 nl) markedly enhanced 0.3 M NaCl intake induced by injections of ANG II (20 ng/200 nl) into the SFO. Pretreatment of the SFO with the AT(1) receptor antagonist losartan (1 mu g/200 nl) blocked the intake of 0.3 M NaCl induced by ANG II in combination with LPBN methysergide injections. These results suggest that serotonergic mechanisms associated with the LPBN inhibit the expression of salt appetite induced by ANG II injections into Ihs SFO. In addition, the results indicate that the enhanced NaCl intake generated by central administration of ANG II in the presence of LPBN 5-HT blockade is mediated bg brain ATI receptors.