999 resultados para 37.018.51


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This study evaluates the stability of hydrogen and organic acids production in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) that contains expanded clay (2.8-3.35 mm in diameter) as a support medium and is operated on a long-term basis. The reactor was inoculated with thermally pre-treated anaerobic sludge and operated with decreasing hydraulic retention time (HRT), from 8 h to 1 h, at a controlled temperature of 30 degrees C and a pH of about 3.8. Glucose (2000 mg L(-1)) was used as the substrate, generating conversion rates of 92-98%. Decreasing the HRT from 8 h to 1 h led to an increase in average hydrogen-production rates, with a maximum value of 1.28 L h(-1) L(-1) for an HRT of 1 h. In general, hydrogen yield production increased as HRT decreased, reaching 2.29 mol of H(2)/mol glucose at an HRT of 2 h and yielding a maximum hydrogen content of 37% in the biogas. No methane was detected in the biogas throughout the period of operation. The main soluble metabolites (SMP) were acetic acid (46.94-53.84% of SMP) and butyric acid (34.51-42.16% of SMP), with less than 15.49% ethanol. The steady performance of the AFBR may be attributed to adequate thermal treatment of the inoculum, the selection of a suitable support medium for microbial adhesion, and the choice of satisfactory environmental conditions imposed on the system. The results show that stable hydrogen production and organic acids production were maintained in the AFBR over a period of 178 days. (C) 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this work was to select indigenous vegetal species for restoration programs aiming at the regeneration of ombrophilous dense forest. Thirty-five spoil piles located in the county of Sideropolis, Santa Catarina, that received overburden disposal for 39 years (1950-1989) were selected for study because they exhibited remarkable spontaneous regrowth of trees compared to surrounding spoil piles. Floristic inventory covered the whole area of the 35 piles, whereas survey on phytosociology and natural regeneration studies were conducted in 70 plots distributed along the 35 piles. Floristic inventory recorded 83 species from 28 botanical families. Herbaceous terricolous plants constituted the predominant species (47.0%), followed by shrubs (26.5%), trees (19.3%), and vines (7.2%). Results from surveys on phytosociology and natural regeneration, focused on shrubs and trees, recorded incipient ecological succession. In addition, the most adapted species recorded on the overburden piles, as ranked by index of natural regeneration (RNT) plus importance value index (IVI), were as follows: Clethra scabra (RNT = 23.93%; IVI = 17.28%), Myrsine coriacea (RNT = 20.93%, IVI = 11.26%), Eupatorium intermedium (RNT 7.56%, IVI 0.40%), Miconia ligustroides (RNT 5.84%, IVI 2.37%), Ossaea amygdaloides (RNT 3.84%, IVI 1.30%), Tibouchina sellowiana (RNT 3.29%, M 1.94%), Eup. inulaefolium (RNT = 2.65%, IVI = 0.80%), and Baccharis dracunculifolia (RNT = 2.28%; IVI = 0.56%). High values of IVI and RNT exhibited by the exotic species Eucalyptus saligna (IVI = 21.73%, RNT = 51.41%) indicated strong competition between exotic and indigenous species. Severe chemical (acidic pH and lack of nutrients) and physical (coarse substrate and slope angle of 40-50 degrees) characteristics displayed by the overburden piles constituted limitations to floristic diversity and size of indigenous trees, indicating the need for substrate reclamation prior to forest restoration.


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Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) image segmentation can provide more detailed vessel and plaque information, resulting in better diagnostics, evaluation and therapy planning. A novel automatic segmentation proposal is described herein; the method relies on a binary morphological object reconstruction to segment the coronary wall in IVUS images. First, a preprocessing followed by a feature extraction block are performed, allowing for the desired information to be extracted. Afterward, binary versions of the desired objects are reconstructed, and their contours are extracted to segment the image. The effectiveness is demonstrated by segmenting 1300 images, in which the outcomes had a strong correlation to their corresponding gold standard. Moreover, the results were also corroborated statistically by having as high as 92.72% and 91.9% of true positive area fraction for the lumen and media adventitia border, respectively. In addition, this approach can be adapted easily and applied to other related modalities, such as intravascular optical coherence tomography and intravascular magnetic resonance imaging. (E-mail: matheuscardosomg@hotmail.com) (C) 2011 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.


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The sugarcane spittlebug, Mahanarva fimbriolata (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), is considered the most important pest of sugarcane harvested without the burning of trash, or green cane, in Brazil. The objective of this work was to compare the biology of M. fimbriolata on six sugarcane varieties: SP79-1011, SP80-1816, SP80-1842, SP81-3250, RB72454, and RB835486. The experiments were conducted at a temperature of 25 +/- 1 degrees C, RH of 70 +/- 10%, and a photoperiod of 14:10 [L:D]. Variety RB72454 outperformed the rest, reducing the nymphal population that fed on its roots by 50%. With regard to adults, variety SP81-3250 allowed greater mean longevity of males (38 days) and females (51 days), greater mean oviposition period (46 days), and higher mean fecundity (1215 eggs/female); these parameters were statistically different from those obtained with other varieties. For the eggs, there was no significant effect of variety on developmental time or viability. Consequently, the variety SP81-3250 should be avoided in areas predisposed to the occurrence of M. fimbriolata.


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Citrus black spot (CBS) caused by Guignardia citricarpa represents an important threat to citriculture in Brazil. Limited information is available regarding potential biological control agents and new alternative compounds that may provide protection of orange fruits against the disease. In this study, the effects of commercial products based on Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Bt) bacterium, Bt pure isolates and Harpin protein (Messenger (R)) on the postharvest control of CBS, were evaluated in `Valencia` sweet orange fruits harvested for three consecutive years in a citrus grove. The fruits were sprayed with the following products: DiPel (R) WP (Bt, subspecies, kurstaki strain HD-1,16,000 International Units mg(-1), 32 g active ingredient kg(-1)) (1, 20 and 50 mg ml(-1)), Dimy Pel (R) WP (Bt, subspecies, kurstaki, strain HD-1, 17,600 IU mg(-1), 26 g active ingredient l(-1)) (2, 20 and 50 mg ml(-1)), Messenger (R) (3% harpin protein) (1 and 2 mg ml(-1)) and fungicide Tecto (R) Flowable SC (thiabendazole, 485 gl(-1)) (0.8g active ingredient l(-1)), besides the Bt isolates, Bt- HD-567, Bt- DiPel and Bt- Dimy (9 x 10(8) CFU ml(-1)). Ten days after treatment, the number of newly developed CBS lesions and pycnidia produced were evaluated using fifty fruits per treatment. The Dimy Pel (R) and Messenger (R) reduced the number of new developed CBS lesions on fruits in up to 67% and 62%, respectively. All applied treatments drastically decreased the number of pycnidia produced in the CBS lesions on orange fruits with 85% to 96% reductions compared to the untreated control. Volatile compounds produced by the isolates Bt- HD-567, Bt- Dimy and Bt- DiPel, reduced the number of lesions on treated fruits by 70%, 65% and 71% compared to the control, respectively. In addition, the survival of Bt isolates on orange fruit surfaces were evaluated by recovering and quantifying the number of CFU every seven days for up to 28 days. The declines in survival rates on orange fruit surfaces were drastic for the three strains of Bt in the first week. The CFU numbers of all applied isolates declined by 4 to 5 orders of magnitude after storage at room temperature for 28 days. In vitro assays revealed that the Bt isolates significantly reduced the mycelial growth of the pathogen, ranging from 32% to 51%, compared to the control, whereas no inhibitory effect was observed in the presence of Messenger (R). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background & aims: This study was undertaken to assess magnesium intake and magnesium status in patients with type 2 diabetes, and to identify the parameters that best predict alterations in fasting glucose and plasma magnesium. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in patients with type 2 diabetes (n = 51; 53.6 +/- 10.5 y) selected within the inclusion factors, at the University Hospital Onofre Lopes. Magnesium intake was assessed by three 24-h recalls. Urine, plasma and erythrocytes magnesium, fasting and 2-h postprandial glucose, HbA1, microalbuminuria, proteinuria, and serum and urine creatinine were measured. Results: Mean magnesium intake (9.37 +/- 1.76 mmol/d), urine magnesium (2.80 +/- 1.51 mmol/d), plasma magnesium (0.71 +/- 0.08 mmol/L) and erythrocyte magnesium (1.92 +/- 0.23 mmol/L) levels were low. Seventy-seven percent of participants presented one or more magnesium status parameters below the cut-off points of 3.00 mmol/L for urine, 0.75 mmol/L for plasma and 1.65 mmol/L for erythrocytes. Subjects presented poor blood glucose control with fasting glucose of 8.1 +/- 3.7 mmol/L, 2-h postprandial glucose of 11.1 +/- 5.1 mmol/L, and HbA1 of 11.4 +/- 3.0%. The parameters that influenced fasting glucose were urine, plasma and dietary magnesium, while plasma magnesium was influenced by creatinine clearance. Conclusions: Magnesium status was influenced by kidney depuration and was altered in patients with type 2 diabetes, and magnesium showed to play an important role in blood glucose control. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.


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A vegetarian diet may have beneficial effects on human health, however when it is not well-balanced may be deficient in some nutrients, as minerals for example. The aim of the present study was to assess the nutritional status of zinc and selenium in vegetarians in the city of SA o pound Paulo. A cross-sectional study was performed, and the inclusion criteria were age a parts per thousand yen 18 years, both gender, no use of food or pharmaceutical supplements. Thirty vegetarian, of both genders, mean age of 27 years and 4,5 years of vegetarianism had performed the study, and their mean BMI was 21,5. Zinc plasma concentration was 71 and 62,5 mu g/dL for men and women and erythrocyte concentration was 37 mu g/gHb for both genders. Selenium concentration was 73,5 and 77,3 mu g/L in plasma and 51,4 and 66,9 mu g/L in erythrocytes for men and women, respectively. These biochemical values show that, according to the references, selenium blood levels are adequate and zinc concentration in erythrocytes is deficient in the studied population. For this reason, vegetarians should be constantly assessed and receive nutritional support to reduce the effects of inadequate zinc status.


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Objective: Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is an important public health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. Hematopoietic tissue requires a high nutrient supply, and a reduction in leukocytes, especially lymphocytes, suggests that some nutritional deficiencies might be altering bone marrow function and decreasing its ability to produce lymphocytes. In this study, we evaluated the effect that PEM has on lymphocyte subtypes and the cell cycle of CD5(+) cells. Methods: Swiss mice were subjected to PEM using a low-protein diet containing 4% protein. When the experimental group had lost about 20% of their original body weight, we collected blood and bone marrow cells and evaluated the hemogram, the myelogram, bone marrow lymphoid markers using flow cytometry, and the cell cycle in CD5(+) bone marrow. Results: Malnourished animals presented anemia, reticulocytopenia, and leukopenia with lymphopenia. The bone marrow was hypocellular, and flow cytometric analyses of bone marrow cells showed cells that were CD45(+) (91.2%), CD2(+) (84.9%), CD5(+) (37.3%), CD3(+) (23.5%), CD19(+) (43.3%), CD22(+) (34.7%), CD19(+)/CD2(+) (51.2%), CD19(+)/CD3(+)(24.0%), CD19(+)/CD5(+) (13.2%), CD22(+)/CD2(+) (40.1%), CD22(+)/CD3(+) (30.3%), and CD22(+)/CD5(+) (1.1%) in malnourished animals and CD45(+) (97.5%), CD2(+) (42.9%), CD5(+) (91.5%), CD3(+) (92.0%), CD19(+) (52.0%), CD22(+) (75.6%), CD19(+)/CD2(+) (62.0%), CD19(+)/CD3(+) (55.4%), CD19(+)/CO5(+) (6.7%), CD22(+)/CD2(+) (70.3%), CD22(+)/CD3(+) (55.9%), and CD22(+)/ CD5(+) (8.4%) in control animals. Malnourished animals also presented more CD5(+) cells in the G0 phase of cell cycle development. Conclusion: Malnourished animals presented bone marrow hypoplasia, maturation interruption, prominent lymphopenia with depletion in the lymphoid lineage, and changes in cellular development. We suggest that these changes are some of the primary causes of lymphopenia in cases of PEM and partly explain the increase in susceptibility to infections found in malnourished individuals. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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This work reports on the bimolecular sensitization of nitric oxide release from cis-[Ru(bpy)(2)(iso)-NO](PF(6))(3) (1) (iso = isoquinoline and bpy = 2,2`- bipyridine) by irradiating the MLCT transition of the chloro analog cis-[Ru(bpy) 2(iso) Cl] PF6 (2). The compounds displayed peaks in the ESI-MS spectra at m/z 749.1 and m/z 578.1 ascribed, respectively, to ([1(NO(o))-2PF(6)center dot CH(3)OH](2+)) and ([2-PF(6)](+)). In the cyclic voltammograms, the nitrosyl complex presented two redox waves related to the NO ligand at 0.48 and -0.37 V (versus Ag/AgCl, NO(+/0/-1) processes), while the sensitizer showed two reversible waves at 0.79 and -1.46 V (versus Ag/AgCl, Ru(2+/3+) and bpy(0/-1), respectively). The most important feature of this system is that the nitrosyl compound does not have significant absorption in the visible region, while the sensitizer has an intense band centered at 496 nm. The irradiation of an equimolar mixture of the two compounds in an ethanol: water solution (v: v) with light of lambda > 500 nm leads to NO release, as probed by amperometric measurements. The variational method was applied, showing that the two compounds self-assembly in solution with a 1: 1 stoichiometry. Fluorescence spectra acquired at 77 K provided the E(0-0) for the system and, from the thermodynamic cycle it was estimated that the photoinduced electron transfer between the species has a Delta G value of -1.59 eV. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of axillary metastasis in women with tubular carcinoma (TC) of the breast. Women who underwent axillary dissection for TC in the Western Sydney area (1984-1995) were identified retrospectively through a search of computerized records. A centralized pathology review was performed and tumours were classified as pure tubular (22) or mixed tubular (nine), on the basis of the invasive component containing 90 per cent or more, or 75-90 per cent tubule formation respectively. A Medline search of the literature was undertaken to compile a collective series (20 studies with a total of 680 patients) to address the frequency of nodal involvement in TC. A quantitative meta-analysis was used to combine the results of these studies. The overall frequency of nodal metastasis was five of 31 (16 per cent); one of 22 pure tubular and four of nine mixed tumours (P = 0.019). None of the tumours with a diameter of 10 mm or less (n = 16) had nodal metastasis compared with five of 15 larger tumours (P = 0.018). The meta-analysis of 680 women showed an overall frequency of nodal metastasis in TC of 13.8 (95 per cent confidence interval 9.3-18.3) per cent. The frequency of nodal involvement was 6.6 (1.7-11.4) per cent in pure TC (n = 244) and 25.0 (12.5-37.6) per cent in mixed TC (n = 149). A case may be made for observing the clinically negative axilla in women with a small TC (10 mm or less in diameter).


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Tarpon have high resting or routine hematocrits (Hct) (37.6+/-3.4%) and hemoglobin concentrations (120.6+/-7.3 g 1(-1)) that increased significantly following bouts of angling-induced exercise (51.9+/-3.7% and 142.8+/-13.5 g 1(-1), respectively). Strenuous exercise was accompanied by an approximately tenfold increase in blood lactate and a muscle metabolite profile indicative of a high energy demand teleost. Routine blood values were quickly restored only when this facultative air-breathing fish was given access to atmospheric air. In vitro studies of oxygen transport capacity, a function of carrying capacity and viscosity, revealed that the optimal Hct range corresponded to that observed in fish under routine behaviour. During strenuous exercise however, further increase in viscosity was largely offset by a pronounced reduction in the shear-dependence of blood which conformed closely to an ideal Newtonian fluid. The mechanism for this behaviour of the erythrocytes appears to involve the activation of surface adrenergic receptors because pre-treatment with propranolol abolished the response. High levels of activity in tarpon living in hypoxic habitats are therefore supported by an elevated Hct with adrenergically mediated viscosity reduction, and air-breathing behaviour that enables rapid metabolic recovery. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Adequate substitutes for pollen are necessary for maintaining healthy bee colonies during periods of pollen dearth, but testing them objectively is both time consuming and expensive. We compared two commercial diets with bee collected pollen and acacia pod flour (used by beekeepers in some parts of Brazil) by measuring their effect on haemolymph protein contents of young bees exclusively fed on these diets, which is a fast and inexpensive assay. The commercial diets included a new, non-soy-based, pollen substitute diet (named Feed-Bee (R)) and a soy-based diet, named Bee-Pro (R). The diets were each given in patty form to groups of 100 Africanized honey bees in hoarding cages, maintained and fed from emergence until six days of age. Sucrose, in the form of sugar syrup, was used as a protein free control. Feed-Bee (R), Bee-Pro (R), pollen and acacia pod flour diets increased protein titers in the haemolymph by factors of 2.65, 2.51, 1.76 and 1.69, respectively, over protein titers in bees fed only sucrose solution. The bees fed Feed-Bee (R) and Bee-Pro (R) had their haemolymph significantly enriched in protein compared to the controls and those fed acacia pod flour and to titers slightly higher than those fed pollen. All four proteinaceous diets were significantly superior to sucrose alone.


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Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between timing of renal replacement therapy (RRT) in severe acute kidney injury and clinical outcomes. Methods: This was a prospective multicenter observational study conducted at 54 intensive care units (ICUs) in 23 countries enrolling 1238 patients. Results: Timing of RRT was stratified into ""early"" and ""late"" by median urea and creatinine at the time RRT was started. Timing was also categorized temporally from ICU admission into early (<2 days), delayed (2-5 days), and late (>5 days). Renal replacement therapy timing by serum urea showed no significant difference in crude (63.4% for urea <= 24.2 mmol/L vs 61.4% for urea >24.2 mmol/L; odds ratio [OR], 0.92; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.73-1.15; P = .48) or covariate-adjusted mortality (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.91-1.70; P = .16). When stratified by creatinine, late RRT was associated with lower crude (53.4% for creatinine >309 mu mol/L vs 71.4% for creatinine <= 309 mu mol/L; OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.36-0.58; P < .0001) and covariate-adjusted mortality (OR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.37-0.69; P < .001).However, for timing relative to ICU admission, late RRT was associated with greater crude (72.8% vs 62.3% vs 59%, P < .001) and covariate-adjusted mortality (OR, 1.95; 95% CI, 1.30-2.92; P = .001). Overall, late RRT was associated with a longer duration of RRT and stay in hospital and greater dialysis dependence. Conclusion: Timing of RRT, a potentially modifiable factor, might exert an important influence on patient survival. However, this largely depended on its definition. Late RRT (days from admission) was associated with a longer duration of RRT, longer hospital stay, and higher dialysis dependence. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Purpose Dasatinib is a BCR-ABL inhibitor, 325-fold more potent than imatinib against unmutated BCR-ABL in vitro. Phase II studies have demonstrated efficacy and safety with dasatinib 70 mg twice daily in chronic-phase (CP) chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) after imatinib treatment failure. In phase I, responses occurred with once-daily administration despite only intermittent BCR-ABL inhibition. Once-daily treatment resulted in less toxicity, suggesting that toxicity results from continuous inhibition of unintended targets. Here, a dose-and schedule-optimization study is reported. Patients and Methods In this open-label phase III trial, 670 patients with imatinib-resistant or -intolerant CP-CML were randomly assigned 1: 1: 1: 1 between four dasatinib treatment groups: 100 mg once daily, 50 mg twice daily, 140 mg once daily, or 70 mg twice daily. Results With minimum follow-up of 6 months (median treatment duration, 8 months; range, = 1 to 15 months), marked and comparable hematologic (complete, 86% to 92%) and cytogenetic (major, 54% to 59%; complete, 41% to 45%) response rates were observed across the four groups. Time to and duration of cytogenetic response were similar, as was progression-free survival (8% to 11% of patients experienced disease progression or died). Compared with the approved 70-mg twice-daily regimen, dasatinib 100 mg once daily resulted in significantly lower rates of pleural effusion (all grades, 7% v 16%; P = .024) and grade 3 to 4 thrombocytopenia (22% v 37%; P = .004), and fewer patients required dose interruption (51% v 68%), reduction (30% v 55%), or discontinuation (16% v 23%). Conclusion Dasatinib 100 mg once daily retains the efficacy of 70 mg twice daily with less toxicity. Intermittent target inhibition with tyrosine kinase inhibitors may preserve efficacy and reduce adverse events.


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Recently, mild AKI has been considered as a risk factor for mortality in different scenarios. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the risk factors for two distinct definitions of AKI after elective repair of aortic aneurysms. Logistic regression was carried out to identify independent risk factors for AKI ( defined as >= 25% or >= 50% increase in baseline SCr within 48 h after surgery, AKI 25% and AKI 50%, respectively) and for mortality. Of 77 patients studied ( mean age 68 +/- 10, 83% male), 57% developed AKI 25% and 33.7% AKI 50%. There were no differences between AKI and control groups regarding comorbidities and diameter of aneurysms. However, AKI patients needed a supra-renal aortic cross-clamping more frequently and were more severely ill. Overall in-hospital mortality was 27.3%, which was markedly higher in those requiring a supra-renal aortic cross-clamping. The risk factors for AKI 25% were suprarenal aortic cross-clamping ( odds ratio 5.51, 95% CI 1.05-36.12, p = 0.04) and duration of operation for AKI 25% ( OR 6.67, 95% CI 2.23-19.9, p < 0.001). For AKI 50%, in addition to those factors, post-operative use of vasoactive drugs remained as an independent factor ( OR 6.13, 95% CI 1.64-22.8, p = 0.005). The risk factors associated with mortality were need of supra-renal aortic cross-clamping ( OR 9.6, 95% CI 1.37-67.88, p = 0.02), development of AKI 50% ( OR 8.84, 95% CI 1.31-59.39, p = 0.02), baseline GFR lower than 49 mL/min ( OR 17.07, 95% CI 2.00 145.23, p = 0.009), and serum glucose > 118 mg/dL in the post-operative period ( OR 19.99, 95% CI 2.32-172.28, p = 0.006). An increase of at least 50% in baseline SCr is a common event after surgical repair of aortic aneurysms, particularly when a supra-renal aortic cross-clamping is needed. Along with baseline moderate chronic renal failure, AKI is an independent factor contributing to the high mortality found in this scenario.